When: March 13th, 2025, at 11:54 pm PT
What: Lunar South Node eclipse in Virgo
Takeaway: This eclipse highlights the communication patterns, everyday habits, health regimens, and perfectionist tendencies that are ready for a reset. Our tips for navigating the system refresh? Connecting with small pleasures, limiting your screen time, and bolstering compassionate inner dialogue.
Details, details, details
The lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 13th ushers in another eclipse season of plot twists, shake-ups, beginnings, and endings. Though this eclipse story began on September 17th, 2024, with the lunar eclipse in Pisces — the first of seven eclipses to take place on the Virgo/Pisces axis — this is the first South Node eclipse in Virgo to occur since September of 2008.
One thing to note with this particular eclipse is that Virgo’s ruling planet, Mercury, stations retrograde the day after. In other words: Things may get messier than usual. By all means, keep living your life, but if things feel unclear, resist the urge to push through or rush forward. This eclipse will unveil more questions than answers, so your best move is to pause and parse whatever gets dredged up.
Embrace practical magic
This moment instigates a re-evaluation of the routines and wellness practices that will bring more practical magic into our days — as well as the less-than-helpful habits that are ready for the compost heap. That’s thanks to Virgo’s penchant for purifying (and organizing) emotional, physical, and intellectual processes.
Because this eclipse occurs near the South Node, anything that’s no longer working at an optimal level will get released or recycled. This shedding creates space for you to build systems that are smarter, more sustainable, and more nourishing. Still, it will be important to discern what needs fixing and what is better left alone.
Inner critic, be gone
A friendly reminder: Virgo’s desire for perfection can tip over into hypercriticality, so this eclipse could also spotlight where your inner editor has gotten carried away. If you notice your desire for hoped-for outcomes becoming too rigid or a tendency to micromanage yourself away from the spontaneous potential of the present moment, assess where you can loosen the reins — at least a little. When we quiet our minds, we carve out a channel for solutions to flood into, even when we least expect them.
2008, remember her?
South Node eclipses often stir up pieces of the past for us to sift through. Since this is the first South Node eclipse to occur in Virgo since 2008, you may find yourself sorting through memories, routines, or narratives from that year.
Whether you dust off your tincture-making kit or rummage through old cookbooks, emails, or journals for intel, all blasts from the past offer opportunities to revisit bygone stories and find closure.
If this moment unearths imbalances in your self-sufficiency, organization, or everyday systems, take it as proof that it’s time to recalibrate your regimens to honor your present needs. Send love to the version of yourself from 17 years ago. Take stock of just how much you’ve grown (and shed) since then. And honor all that you’ve cultivated. Though your fine-tuning will continue, you’ve come a long way — and that’s worth celebrating.
Ready, set, release
The days surrounding this lunar eclipse are an opportunity to center self-care rituals and nervous system regulation. Allowing the waves of feeling to move through you, without trying to rationalize them, is medicine. You can make mental notes or audio memos as insights drop, but know that there’s no need to act on your revelations just yet. Your only job is to create as cozy a cocoon as possible. Epsom salt baths, essential oils, freewriting, or a good cry can do wonders during this time of release.
11 ways to support yourself during the lunar eclipse in Virgo
- Expect the unexpected. Schedule breathing room in your calendar as a buffer against unforeseeable events.
- Refrain from making big decisions or launching major initiatives from March 13th to March 29th (aka eclipse season). Eclipse energy is volatile, so it’s best to start projects after the turbulence has passed.
- Create a list of your wellness rituals, organization systems, daily routines, and health regimens. Then journal about any snags in the practical details. Think: Is there anything derailing your momentum?
- Take stock of the time and energy you devote to others. If there’s an imbalance, pinpoint the emotionally draining initiatives that you could let go of, delegate, or transform. If fixing other people’s problems is a distraction from tackling your own, there’s no time like eclipse season to disrupt this pattern.
- Assess your relationship to self-criticism, perfectionism, and self-analysis. Notice where your inner critic stops you in your tracks. Then practice replacing prickly inner scripts with compassion.
- Clean and purify your living space. Virgo is connected to cleansing, so this will prove especially cathartic. As you sweep, scrub, or polish, focus your intention on inviting in new beginnings and fresh potential.
- Rest abundantly. Snoozing notifications, taking a warm shower, or cozying up with a grounding meditation can help you unwind.
- Embrace the little things that soothe your system. Whether it’s a cup of mugwort tea, a simple affirmation, or an extra-long cuddle with your pet, prioritize the things that anchor you.
- Welcome the sudden changes, dice rolls, and surprises that arise. Take note of what’s ending and what’s beginning. The people and opportunities that exit and enter your life clue you in to the new stories unfurling.
- Listen to the Astrology of the Week Ahead podcast, as well as Your Reading in the “This Week” section of the CHANI app.
- Work through any emotions that this eclipse brings up by utilizing the guided meditation, journal prompts, and ritual in the “This Week” section of the CHANI app.
Looking for more intel? Read your daily horoscope:
Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra
Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Then download the CHANI app on iOS or Android for additional horoscopes, meditations, affirmations, readings for the current Moon phase and sign, and more.