
Sagittarius Free Daily Horoscope — July 26, 2024

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SAGITTARIUS & SAGITTARIUS RISING Over the next five months, pay attention to what activates you in your creative projects, romantic bonds, or pleasure pursuits. If you find yourself doubting your desires, summon the courage to claim them anyway. Your insecurities are invitations to affirm your unique tastes — even if they challenge societal norms or…

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Sagittarius Free Daily Horoscope — July 25, 2024

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SAGITTARIUS & SAGITTARIUS RISING As Mercury enters Virgo, release your mental grip on your 10-year plan, and focus on the nuts and bolts of your current projects. Before your offerings are ready for the public, they require careful inspection. It’s more glamorous to imagine the gleaming final product, already complete, but legacies are ultimately built…

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Sagittarius Free Daily Horoscope — July 24, 2024

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SAGITTARIUS & SAGITTARIUS RISING It’s time to reorganize your bucket list. Over the next day, there’s added momentum on your side to help you deepen your knowledge of the cosmos and chase what thrills you. But to trigger that magic, you have to make the first move. Whether you’ve been considering signing up for a…

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Sagittarius Free Daily Horoscope — July 23, 2024

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SAGITTARIUS & SAGITTARIUS RISING As you move through a learning quest, your newfound wisdom illuminates the next phase. The process of compiling and organizing your scribbled notes, Post-its, and journals will help you to connect the dots even further. And if you’ve been sitting on a trove of intel that you know will make waves,…

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Sagittarius Free Daily Horoscope — July 22, 2024

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SAGITTARIUS & SAGITTARIUS RISING Welcome to Leo season. For the next few weeks, the Sun is shining its rays on your long-term plans and learning pursuits. Quests, winding roads, and mysteries — be they spiritual, philosophical, or literal — are major sources of inspiration and motivation for you, and this time of year syncs you…

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