
Cancer Free Daily Horoscope — July 26, 2024

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CANCER & CANCER RISING Over the next five months, pay special attention to your growth edges — particularly those related to your career, greater calling, or public roles. If sensitivity surges around your ambitions, it’s to pinpoint where you’re ready to heal. Take note of any experiences or beliefs that trigger your angst, then interrogate…

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Cancer Free Daily Horoscope — July 25, 2024

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Cancer glyph

CANCER & CANCER RISING As Mercury enters Virgo, radically simplify the information you consume. In the era of 24/7 breaking news alerts and limitless cat videos, it’s easy to get swamped by pixels. But too much data can clog your thinking and overcomplicate your life. Filter junk emails out of your inbox, set time limits…

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Cancer Free Daily Horoscope — July 24, 2024

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Cancer glyph

CANCER & CANCER RISING Map out the money moves you’re ready to make. Over the next day, there’s added momentum on your side regarding your financial projects. So open yourself up to an influx of abundance. Whether you’re getting ready to launch a new business, revamp your wealth altar, or picket for economic justice, draw…

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Cancer Free Daily Horoscope — July 23, 2024

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Cancer glyph

CANCER & CANCER RISING Journal about how your financial instincts have shifted in the past day or so. The cosmos has been sprinkling clues about how you can transform your wealth-building initiatives. Whether you’re feathering your nest egg, saving for a mortgage, or opening a joint bank account with your spouse or business partner, make…

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Cancer Free Daily Horoscope — July 22, 2024

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CANCER & CANCER RISING Welcome to Leo season. For the next few weeks, the Sun is shining its rays on your resources. You can think of this time as a not-so-subtle nudge to focus on your assets and talents and to pursue the opportunities and decisions that energize and motivate you. So be bold. Make…

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