Read your Guide to the Week of December 13th: a usable and concise toolkit for the week’s upcoming astrology.
Themes ? … Not my first rodeo, star power, abundant social butterflying, Full Moon feels, structural analysis, deep desires, heart-thumping vulnerability, shadow work, into the void
What’s happening ? …
- December 13th:
- Mars enters Sagittarius at 1:53 am PT
- Mercury enters Capricorn at 9:52 am PT
- December 18th:
- Full Moon in Gemini at 8:36 pm PT
- December 19th:
- Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn at 2:36 am PT
What you’ll need ? … Adventure backpack (with snacks), compass, notepad, awe, hope, emo playlist, kleenex, your raw self
How to make the most of this week ? … This week brings a Full Moon without the drama of eclipse season. Lean into the moon bath. Luna’s trine to Jupiter taps a current of abundance that will carry us through the inkiest depths of Venus’ retrograde. Consider what you’re ready to release at the gates. Underworld explorers have to pack light.
Tarot card of the week ? … The Lovers corresponds to the sign Gemini, where this Full Moon is taking place. This card represents the choices (and cuts) we have to make to align our soul with our deepest values. The Lovers themselves meet garmentless. As Venus descends into Hades, we too have something to disrobe.
Affirmation of the week ? … I tend to the ways my relationships are undergoing both endings and beginnings. To wonder what I really want within my unions is to care for them deeply.
What to read and listen to ? … Your horoscope for Venus in Capricorn, and (from December 13th) your horoscopes for Mars in Sagittarius and Mercury in Capricorn; your reading and Guided Meditation for the week.
How this Full Moon in Gemini is impacting you ? …
Aries & Aries rising: This Full Moon, you could sell a bicycle to a fish. Beneath the wheeling and dealing, however, what are you really trying to convince yourself of? Perhaps you’re in the bargaining stage at the threshold of Hades. Putting language to the desires that no longer serve will help you wiggle out of any chafing layers.
Taurus & Taurus rising: As the Moon ripens, your prepper instincts kick in. Perhaps you sense the intensity of Venus’ descent ahead. Whether it’s a weighted blanket, or back episodes of The Antique Roadshow, marshal your security blankets, knowing that you might have to sacrifice a creature comfort or two before going underground. Find shelter within.
Gemini & Gemini Rising: As the Moon blooms, you feel the sails of your self billowing to fullness too. After eclipses buffeting the helm of your ship, now you can bask in the more personal orientation of your life’s direction. Venus retrograde will help you confront any lingering sea monsters in the form of emotional or material debts. Trust your inner currents.
Cancer & Cancer Rising: As the Full Moon ripens, you drink in Luna’s beams from the oasis of your bed. The tonic of naps is old hat by now. However, on the threshold of Venus’ retrograde this rest feels even more crucial. Transmissions from the collective unconscious might rush your mind while it’s in “airplane mode.” Unsung moments are often the richest.
Leo & Leo Rising: As the Moon swells in Gemini, your dreams are given a boost. Conversation sparkles with your cohort and nothing feels too big a lift with a little help from your friends. Try to bottle the social cheer of this moment. Remember the pockets of light strewn within your networks when Venus calls to go cave-diving.
Virgo & Virgo Rising: After the recent light show (and blackouts) in your career sector, this Full Moon arrives with sweet relief. Finally, you can sink into the abundance without worrying about where you stored the emergency tealights. Let Luna’s luminescence flood your professional world and celebrate how far you’ve come.
Libra & Libra Rising: Over the past 18 months, your wisdom pursuits have been subject to the occasional power outage. With this particular series of eclipses now behind us, Saturday’s Full Moon illuminates a spiritual scaffold that is soulfully aligned. Meanwhile, Venus spelunks the most private depths of your chart, helping you trace your root system.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising: This Full Moon reminds you of the persistence of light and your capacity to begin again. Eclipses have brought a few dark nights, but Luna’s glow helps you perceive the growth edges of your grief. Confiding in a trusted friend or practicing automatic writing could help you dislodge the more stubborn thorns.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius rising: The Full Moon drops its mirror ball in the house of “the Other,” tugging your focus to relationships and commitments. When Venus goes retrograde, it tunnels into your primal sense of safety and security. There’s something you need to release here, but like any retrograde, there’s also a treasure for you to retrieve.
Capricorn & Capricorn rising: As the Full Moon floods your chart’s forge, you might be sinking into the solace of a hard day’s (and night’s) work. Burning the midnight oil is sometimes inevitable, but just make sure you’re not hustling to avoid a more personal descent. Luna reminds you that though this inner work feels raw, time is your offering and your ally.
Aquarius & Aquarius rising: As the Moon ripens in your garden of earthly delights, your only brief is to bask in its beams. Luna’s fullness has a way of reminding us that happiness is a thing of flow and absorption. Venus retrograde will demand that you let go of any lingering shame around sinking into the pleasure of naps too. The Snooze button awaits.
Pisces & Pisces rising: As the Moon tends to the cisterns of your domestic environs, a moment of gratitude is in order. This anchorage of ancestral arts, stories, and lullabies pours a steady light over the threshold of Venus’ retrograde. Enjoy this moment of renewal with your ancestors. You might see them rustling in the shadows thrown by your altar candles.