When there is nothing left to say about this world that is tirelessly churning out seasons of reasons to feel despondent, alone, bewildered and beyond hope, sometimes it is enough just to know that you are there. In this climate of violent, intolerant, ignorant acts against humanity, acts that are constantly exposed and still, remarkably, unabashedly unashamed of themselves, you are my touchstone.
You are my everything.
Every time you display your wisdom out loud, I am granted a little piece of my own. Every time you give context to the struggle of being on this path, I find my feet again. Every time you choose your softness, I am made safer.
Thank you for staying human. Thank you for being the weaver. Thank you for spinning the threads from all facets of life: the heartfelt, the inescapable, the systemic, the liminal, the imaginal, into a tapestry of possibility, a shelter for us to gather under. Thank you for showing up to this beautiful mess with your art from the heart. Imperfectly perfect. Fabulously flawed. Woke and still waking.
You are my reason for staying here.
What is our life if it is not lived in the service of others? What is a life if it is lived only for ourselves? What is a life if it isn’t opened up by the frictions and the fruits of living it with others? What is the point of me doing the thing, if you aren’t here to share it with me?
The new moon in Libra on Friday, September 30th at 5:11 PM PT ushers in the next lunar cycle. Each new moon is a chance to begin again. To refresh our browsers. To renew our commitment to ourselves. To empty out, clean out and clear out the psychic grime that we collect on the daily so that we can set our intentions from a place of positivity, clarity and purpose. Each new moon carries with it specific energies to work with, invite in and learn from.
This new moon sits with Jupiter, planet of wisdom, expansion, inclusivity, abundance and generosity. Jupiter expands, exaggerates and grows whatever it touches and does so in the style of the sign that it is transiting through. Jupiter just entered Libra in September for the first time in 12 years. Jupiter will spend the next 12 months developing the themes of Jupiter in its own unique way.
Libra is the sign of balance, harmony, beauty, relationship, justice and peace. Libra is a cardinal sign, an action orientated, social sign that is here to initiate connection. Jupiter and the new moon sitting together in Libra tugs at the sleeve of our higher purpose. Can we be in search of the places where we come together, in deep reverence of our differences? Can we generously give to those that we are in partnership with? Can we rise above the fray of our fear and find some harmony here? Can we embody what love, peace and justice might look like? Can we find ways to open to the abundance of beauty that is life? Can we honor the profoundly spiritual path of being in partnership?
The ruler of this new moon is Venus, planet of love, relationship, beauty and connectivity. Venus is currently in Scorpio, bringing an intensity to the moment and a depth of feeling to our connections. This new moon also makes a square to Mars and Pluto, both transiting Capricorn. Mars and Pluto challenge the peace. They give it a run for its money. They remind us that finding peace isn’t uncomplicated. We can’t see the nuances of a situation without being woken to the pain of the problem.
Peace doesn’t come unless we are willing to loose the comforts that keep us from it. Peace won’t reside in our being until we can give name to what causes us pain. Nothing steals peace like an un-grieved ghost. Nothing keeps peace from our collective experience like the sorrows that we refuse each other. We must make room for each other’s stories.
Jupiter in Libra’s dream is a big one. It is a lofty one. It is one that will require our commitment to both sides of the story.
Harmony won’t enter until we are able to name the harm done to us and the harm we have done to others. Love won’t know us until we come clean about how we have withheld it and how we deserve what was withheld from us. Equality won’t exist until we become accountable for the wreckage that has been left in our wake and until those that stole from us make amends.
Justice won’t live here until we are all free. Until we are all standing in unity, holding no freedom out of balance and no life below or above our own. It’s a lofty goal, but it’s one worth getting to know.
New moon blessings,