Below you’ll find the most significant aspects of the week outlined. I don’t include every single day, or every single aspect, just the ones that stand out the most to me for the week. This week’s intro is long but you can skip and scroll down to find your horoscope.
Tuesday, July 21
Sun in Cancer trine Saturn in Scorpio
As the sun ends its stay in Cancer, it makes a helpful, stabilizing, productive trine to Saturn. This aspect may grant us a momentary gift of integration and the awareness of what structures assist our overarching growth. Like the hidden sculpture within the block of marble, what we have been working on might start to come to a point of synthesis and reveal itself with greater ease. Those with a birthday today are assisted with this kind of grace all year long.
Wednesday, July 22
Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Scorpio
Another helpful aspect in terms of manifesting, this trine between Mercury and Saturn can help us bring our ideas into form and lend structure to what we communicate. Speak the things you wish to bring into the world and keep quite about what you do not.
Sun enters Leo
When the sun changes signs it moves into another place or house of our astrological chart. Each time it does so it’s kind of like a light gets turned on in that house and because of the illumination there is a certain amount of attention that gets drawn there immediately. The house in your chart that contains Leo will become a hotbed of activity over the next month. You’d be wise to take a look at your chart and see for yourself what house this activates for you (astro.com is a free chart calculation service that I highly recommend).
Thursday, July 23
Mercury enters Leo
Sun conjunct Mercury at 12:23 pm PST
Mercury traveling close to the sun weakens the planet, but when it goes cazimi, or enters the heart of the sun via conjunction to it, there can be a moment of clarity or an energizing effect that can reveal truths, keys or illuminate what we must communicate. If you have some clarity ask for the things you need the most.
Saturday, July 25
Venus (conjunct fixed star Regulus) stations retrograde at 0 Virgo 46’23” at 2:29 AM PST
This is the biggest event of the week by far. It’s also one of the biggest events of the summer and even of 2015. Venus will be retrograde from July 25th to September 6th 2015.
Within our lifetimes (thus far) Venus has gone retrograde between the signs of Virgo and Leo once every 8 years. Therefore you can look to see what of significance happened in your life 8 years ago to get a feel for what this retrograde cycle could be about.
Venus deals with issues of love, connectivity, art, pleasure, pleasing, what we value, how we feel about what we value, creating culture, erotic energy, Goddess, anyone who identifies as a woman and all things to do with relationships. When Planets slow down to station retrograde, they tend to have a powerful effect on our lives (especially given the topics they govern).
This Venus retrograde begins in Virgo. Venus in Virgo is said to be in its fall; it is said to not “work as well,” meaning that all this Venus wants to do is work. That’s not what the goddess of love and hanky-panky usually likes to do though. Therefore this Venus station retrograde could have us working over time.
I suggest utilizing the energy of Venus in Virgo stationing retrograde by doing intentional ritual (Virgo loves a good structured, devotional practice) that is focused on purifying, cleansing or cleaning (Virgo wants it tidy) out old baggage from past loves. That could be emotional messiness, physical objects that are cluttering up your energetic space or habitual patterns that cause romantic casualties.
The other point to note in this situation is that Venus is stationing retrograde on the fixed star Regulus. Regulus is known for it regal effect and its rock-star-like qualities. It amplifies this particular retrograde cycle and marks its importance in our lives.
For extra astro points take note of the houses in which Venus will travel through during the retrograde period (look for the houses that contain Virgo and Leo) and note their significance.
For extra, extra astro points take a look to see what houses Venus rules in your chart (those that contain Taurus and Libra) to get another layer of how this retrograde will be significant for you/what areas of life it will impact.
Mars in Cancer square Uranus in Aries
Normally this alone would be a stand out aspect for the week as it tends to create chaos, kerfuffle and likes to throw wrenches of all shapes and sizes into our plans. What this might do is lend an extra zing or disturbance to Venus stationing retrograde, removing the option to ignore what is going on. Mars square Uranus grabs our attention and can swallow our compassion in a flash. Keep your wits about you.
Mercury in Leo sextile North Node in Libra
By the evening there is a little aid from Mercury making a sextile to the North node and helping us to make sense of some of the events of the day.
Sunday, July 26
Mars in Cancer trine Chiron in Pisces
This aspect promotes healing activities. It takes place at 1:06 AM PST so many of us will sleep through it. Notice what comes up in your dreams, especially in relation to water motifs and healing themes.
Uranus in Aries stations retrograde at 20 Aries 30’10”
This also happens in the wee morning hours and will effect those with planets or points from 19-21 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn the most. Uranus station retrograde may reveal shocking or illuminating truths. Yesterday Mars squared Uranus so we know that the entry point of this retrograde cycle is not a smooth one, but it is one that can awaken in us the courage to act and resist being lulled into a passive coma by corrupt congregations.
In the wee hours of Saturday, July 25th, Venus in Virgo will station retrograde in your sixth house of work, service, health issues and the day’s daily deeds that sometimes leave you feeling like Cinderella (does this ish ever end?).
This retrograde will definitely have an effect on how you relate to and what you feel about this aspect of your life but will also begin a journey of deep inquiry into the heart of how you feel about your most committed partnerships as well as your relationship to what you do and how you make money.
All of this collides with a yearning to revolutionize your life in some way, but at this stage of the game we are not talking about rebelling without a cause. You have a cause that is rooted in a personal and transpersonal need for growth and freedom. Do what you need to do to break with the traditions that do not serve your independence or interdependence.
Please join me for a summer-long guide through Venus retrograde, Love or Let Go: Venus Retrograde (July 25th – September 6th), that will include:
- A video presentation at the beginning of the cycle, detailing astrological information, how Venus retrograde will effect each sign, writing exercises, and a clearing ritual (sent to you by end of day on Thursday July 23rd)
- Bi-weekly emails guiding you through the process of this Venus retrograde with writing prompts, inspirational guideposts, and reflections
- A video presentation as Venus wraps up its retrograde cycle (early September) that will include a closing ritual and Q&A
If you want help clearing, healing and realigning yourself for a more authentic experience with love and creative energy, this summer guide is for you. If you are healing from a difficult break-up, working through relationship issues or actively preparing yourself for a loving relationship this summer guide is for you. If you are developing your relationship to your creativity, authenticity and art, this summer guide is for you. If you are interested in how Venus retrograde works and just want to learn more about how this one will effect you specifically, this summer guide is for you.
Your ruling planet, Venus, is currently in Virgo. In the wee hours of Saturday, July 25th, she will station retrograde, digging her spotless stiletto heel into your fifth house of love, sex, joy, pleasure, children and all of your creative endeavors.
When this little ball of wonder starts to slow down to a halt and change directions, it has a tremendous power to affect our lives. This is not a matter of “good” or “bad.” This is a matter of impact and this Venus retrograde is an impactful one. For you this is especially significant as it pertains to your self direction, your body, your health, your sense of vitality and your feelings of being sexually potent, erotically effective, energetically charged and in connection to the healing power of life’s unending creative process.
We are children of the earth and the earth is a potent force of regeneration. However, we don’t always feel connected to its well-spring. That is usually because we are seeking some sort of false or inorganic image to fit ourselves into. My suggestion to you is to break out of every mold that our society’s propaganda tells you to fit into. Your secret to success at this moment is to devote yourself to clearing out old ideals and false idols as they pertain to love and being alluring. Instead, spend time recreating yourself in your own image. This will help you with matters of the heart and matters of your art.
Please join me for a summer-long guide through Venus retrograde, Love or Let Go: Venus Retrograde (July 25th – September 6th), that will include:
- A video presentation at the beginning of the cycle, detailing astrological information, how Venus retrograde will effect each sign, writing exercises, and a clearing ritual (sent to you by end of day on Thursday July 23rd)
- Bi-weekly emails guiding you through the process of this Venus retrograde with writing prompts, inspirational guideposts, and reflections
- A video presentation as Venus wraps up its retrograde cycle (early September) that will include a closing ritual and Q&A
If you want help clearing, healing and realigning yourself for a more authentic experience with love and creative energy, this summer guide is for you. If you are healing from a difficult break-up, working through relationship issues or actively preparing yourself for a loving relationship this summer guide is for you. If you are developing your relationship to your creativity, authenticity and art, this summer guide is for you. If you are interested in how Venus retrograde works and just want to learn more about how this one will effect you specifically, this summer guide is for you.
On Saturday, July 25th, Venus will station retrograde in your fourth house of home, foundation and inner life. This could render you grounded, or at least wanting to be. There is a need to clear out, clean out or reorganize some part of your home or family life. Do it. Spring-cleaning is helpful no matter what the season.
The clearing and cleansing will most likely also occur on a personal level as it pertains to your inherited family issues. They have a tendency to be tenacious. They are nuanced, they are complex, they are the basis for all we fight against, all we seek out and for all we feel inadequate about. Often the root of our ambition, these core issues spur us on to seek out our destiny.
Much like trying to decipher a great piece of art or to understand a powerful dream, the issues that we are given to work through in childhood or the ones that are passed down from our family, can rarely be taken at face value. What we come to believe about ourselves through our family’s difficulties is usually a lie or a misunderstanding of the truth. Like a dream, psychological issues and family dynamics are often symbolic and ultimately not personal even though we have come to believe that they are.
This Venus retrograde cycle begins its journey at a part of your chart that is hyper personal and yet what healing some of the issues here will reveal to you is that they are the very opposite. Most likely, what ever occurred back then, was not at all your fault. See if you can forgive yourself for what isn’t yours to claim responsibility for anyway.
Please join me for a summer-long guide through Venus retrograde, Love or Let Go: Venus Retrograde (July 25th – September 6th), that will include:
- A video presentation at the beginning of the cycle, detailing astrological information, how Venus retrograde will effect each sign, writing exercises, and a clearing ritual (sent to you by end of day on Thursday July 23rd)
- Bi-weekly emails guiding you through the process of this Venus retrograde with writing prompts, inspirational guideposts, and reflections
- A video presentation as Venus wraps up its retrograde cycle (early September) that will include a closing ritual and Q&A
If you want help clearing, healing and realigning yourself for a more authentic experience with love and creative energy, this summer guide is for you. If you are healing from a difficult break-up, working through relationship issues or actively preparing yourself for a loving relationship this summer guide is for you. If you are developing your relationship to your creativity, authenticity and art, this summer guide is for you. If you are interested in how Venus retrograde works and just want to learn more about how this one will effect you specifically, this summer guide is for you.
Venus governs the parts of your chart that deal with home, family roots and foundational well-being as well as community, groups of friends and your overall hopes and wishes for the future.
In the wee hours of Saturday July 25th Venus will station retrograde, calling into question these aspects of your life. Perhaps you are wondering about where to settle, live or unpack your bags. Perhaps you are in a process of discovering new aspects of your long-term goals and dreams for the future. Perhaps these two situations are colliding. Is there anything that needs to shift about your foundation so that it helps your dreams unfold?
Venus will station retrograde in your third house of daily deeds, communication and the swapping of information throughout your day. Do what you can to heal any unhelpful thought patterns that you have about what you have to do from one day to the next. Do what you can to investigate different, cleaner, more efficient ways of doing things. Do what you can to streamline your daily activities so that you have more room to engage with your creative pursuits and indulge your very human need for pleasurable activities.
Please join me for a summer-long guide through Venus retrograde, Love or Let Go: Venus Retrograde (July 25th – September 6th), that will include:
- A video presentation at the beginning of the cycle, detailing astrological information, how Venus retrograde will effect each sign, writing exercises, and a clearing ritual (sent to you by end of day on Thursday July 23rd)
- Bi-weekly emails guiding you through the process of this Venus retrograde with writing prompts, inspirational guideposts, and reflections
- A video presentation as Venus wraps up its retrograde cycle (early September) that will include a closing ritual and Q&A
If you want help clearing, healing and realigning yourself for a more authentic experience with love and creative energy, this summer guide is for you. If you are healing from a difficult break-up, working through relationship issues or actively preparing yourself for a loving relationship this summer guide is for you. If you are developing your relationship to your creativity, authenticity and art, this summer guide is for you. If you are interested in how Venus retrograde works and just want to learn more about how this one will effect you specifically, this summer guide is for you.
Though it will spend most of its time in Leo, Venus will station retrograde in Virgo this Saturday, July 25th in your second house of income, property, possessions and self-worth.
Venus, the planet that governs your career, communications and daily activities, will have you reorganizing your priorities in these areas and will invite you to parse out the aspects of your work that feed you and feel sustainable from what does not. If there’s any clearing out or cleaning up that you need to do in regards to these topics, this week would be a powerful time to engage in such rituals.
You might consider how to become more effective at what you do or learn a new skill that would help you be so. You might consider a new attitude when it comes to what you do or a new way to do it altogether. This summer is one that will uphold what works in your life and reveal what will not stand the pressures of reality and time.
This week the sun and Mercury will enter Leo and join forces on Thursday, July 23rd. This could offer you some clarity as it pertains to the direction that you are setting off on. As your birthday dawns you’ll start to see the formidable task that you have ahead of you: to use all that you have learned in the past year to reveal more of yourself than you possibly ever have. Let all that you have learned center you, and this grounded confidence will naturally ripple out its effects to your work, career and aspirations in the world.
Please join me for a summer-long guide through Venus retrograde, Love or Let Go: Venus Retrograde (July 25th – September 6th), that will include:
- A video presentation at the beginning of the cycle, detailing astrological information, how Venus retrograde will effect each sign, writing exercises, and a clearing ritual (sent to you by end of day on Thursday July 23rd)
- Bi-weekly emails guiding you through the process of this Venus retrograde with writing prompts, inspirational guideposts, and reflections
- A video presentation as Venus wraps up its retrograde cycle (early September) that will include a closing ritual and Q&A
If you want help clearing, healing and realigning yourself for a more authentic experience with love and creative energy, this summer guide is for you. If you are healing from a difficult break-up, working through relationship issues or actively preparing yourself for a loving relationship this summer guide is for you. If you are developing your relationship to your creativity, authenticity and art, this summer guide is for you. If you are interested in how Venus retrograde works and just want to learn more about how this one will effect you specifically, this summer guide is for you.
Venus in Virgo starts its retrograde in your sign this Saturday, July 25th. It’s pretty big deal. Like a once-in-8-years kind of a big deal.
Think back to 2007. What stands out as the most significant part of that year? Especially of that summer? What stands out as emotionally significant? Did something happen that shifted your values or the way you felt about yourself or your role in the world? Was there a directional shift and if so, where has it landed you? Eight years from now, where do you wish to be and what would you need to do now in order to put yourself on that path?
Your sign is known for its unyielding efforts and its dedication to working on something until it gets it right. Whatever skill has captivated your brilliant, bright mind, a mind that is constantly digesting and assimilating information, often becomes a point of obsession. Venus in your sign may highlight the aspects of that mentality that can get in your way and trip you up. Your burden to bear is that you never quite regard yourself as being enough. This week, and the next two carry with them remarkable opportunities for you to learn a new level of appreciation for yourself. Not because you did the job well or got the answers right but because you are worthy of valuing regardless of what you are able to fix or produce.
Think of the beginning of this Venus retrograde as the ultimate invitation to love yourself for nothing more than being a perfectly flawed, messy human. Whatever you wish to do, become or accomplish will be gads more interesting, satisfying and successful if you take a moment to refresh your commitment to supporting and accepting who you are and what you do.
Please join me for a summer-long guide through Venus retrograde, Love or Let Go: Venus Retrograde (July 25th – September 6th), that will include:
- A video presentation at the beginning of the cycle, detailing astrological information, how Venus retrograde will effect each sign, writing exercises, and a clearing ritual (sent to you by end of day on Thursday July 23rd)
- Bi-weekly emails guiding you through the process of this Venus retrograde with writing prompts, inspirational guideposts, and reflections
- A video presentation as Venus wraps up its retrograde cycle (early September) that will include a closing ritual and Q&A
If you want help clearing, healing and realigning yourself for a more authentic experience with love and creative energy, this summer guide is for you. If you are healing from a difficult break-up, working through relationship issues or actively preparing yourself for a loving relationship this summer guide is for you. If you are developing your relationship to your creativity, authenticity and art, this summer guide is for you. If you are interested in how Venus retrograde works and just want to learn more about how this one will effect you specifically, this summer guide is for you.
On Saturday, July 25th, your ruling planet, Venus, will station retrograde in your twelfth house of all things hidden. What this can signify is an opportunity to uncover and contend with any self-sabotaging aspects of your psyche that have gotten out of hand.
I don’t need to tell you (although I will remind you now) that uncovering such information is a psychological goldmine. When we understand the ways in which we might undermine our own happiness, every demon that we face pails in comparison. Self-knowledge is our greatest power and right now Venus aims to get you in touch with the parts of yourself that might want to fix what isn’t broken, the parts of yourself that cannot leave well enough alone, the part of yourself that will unwind what needs to stay firmly united.
Because Venus is your ruling planet, she bears special significance in revealing your strengths, revealing life directions to stay on course with and being connected to the things that will assist your life’s development. Venus stationing retrograde in your twelfth house can reveal the monsters in your closet but it can also alert you to important, practical behind the scenes work that you need to tend to. Working out the former will help immensely with the latter.
Please join me for a summer-long guide through Venus retrograde, Love or Let Go: Venus Retrograde (July 25th – September 6th), that will include:
- A video presentation at the beginning of the cycle, detailing astrological information, how Venus retrograde will effect each sign, writing exercises, and a clearing ritual (sent to you by end of day on Thursday July 23rd)
- Bi-weekly emails guiding you through the process of this Venus retrograde with writing prompts, inspirational guideposts, and reflections
- A video presentation as Venus wraps up its retrograde cycle (early September) that will include a closing ritual and Q&A
If you want help clearing, healing and realigning yourself for a more authentic experience with love and creative energy, this summer guide is for you. If you are healing from a difficult break-up, working through relationship issues or actively preparing yourself for a loving relationship this summer guide is for you. If you are developing your relationship to your creativity, authenticity and art, this summer guide is for you. If you are interested in how Venus retrograde works and just want to learn more about how this one will effect you specifically, this summer guide is for you.
While you focus your energy on understanding what to keep and what to let go of in terms of your career and life direction, this week’s Venus retrograde pulls focus on the reasons why you might work, worry and work again to accomplish all you wish to.
Hopes, dreams and wishes for a future Utopia will do that.
Venus’s initial about face may have you working out kinks with and criticisms from friends, colleagues and community members but it’s also testing to see if you need any help reworking the framework that you build your life within. It’s imperative that we know what we are working towards so that we can stop to see if what we are working on lines up with what we aspire to grow into and even eventually beyond. It’s also important that we have an understanding of the kind of work that is involved in such an endeavor. With Saturn back in your sign you are much more likely to be able to accept the work that is on your plate or you’re practiced enough at it now that it doesn’t feel like such a burden.
An inventive idea or even a kind of spiritual insight could very well be in store for you this week via an exciting or disturbing event. Remember to stay open to seeing life as you had not planned to. The big picture of our lives is always unfolding and the worst thing we can do is forget that our plans are just good comedy for the gods.
Please join me for a summer-long guide through Venus retrograde, Love or Let Go: Venus Retrograde (July 25th – September 6th), that will include:
- A video presentation at the beginning of the cycle, detailing astrological information, how Venus retrograde will effect each sign, writing exercises, and a clearing ritual (sent to you by end of day on Thursday July 23rd)
- Bi-weekly emails guiding you through the process of this Venus retrograde with writing prompts, inspirational guideposts, and reflections
- A video presentation as Venus wraps up its retrograde cycle (early September) that will include a closing ritual and Q&A
If you want help clearing, healing and realigning yourself for a more authentic experience with love and creative energy, this summer guide is for you. If you are healing from a difficult break-up, working through relationship issues or actively preparing yourself for a loving relationship this summer guide is for you. If you are developing your relationship to your creativity, authenticity and art, this summer guide is for you. If you are interested in how Venus retrograde works and just want to learn more about how this one will effect you specifically, this summer guide is for you.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Venus in Virgo starts its next retrograde cycle in your tenth house of career and public life.
It’s time to dust off your power suit and polish up your briefcase. It’s time to reorganize, rework and reconnect with those that are able to help you help your career path unfold.
You might just look at what you’d like to accomplish over the next couple of months but one thing is for sure-this is no time to shy away from what you want to be known for, what you wish to leave behind in this world and who you wish to impact.
Keep in mind while you are constructing anew or reconstructing what you have already built in your professional life, one of the most significant elements to centralize is that it be spiritually sustaining. You have to pay the bills like everyone else but at this point in your life the most important thing for you to do is stay as close to the things that bring out your best qualities instead of trying to fit into what anyone else feels you should be or do.
If it’s inauthentic it won’t work in the long run anyway.
Please join me for a summer-long guide through Venus retrograde, Love or Let Go: Venus Retrograde (July 25th – September 6th), that will include:
- A video presentation at the beginning of the cycle, detailing astrological information, how Venus retrograde will effect each sign, writing exercises, and a clearing ritual (sent to you by end of day on Thursday July 23rd)
- Bi-weekly emails guiding you through the process of this Venus retrograde with writing prompts, inspirational guideposts, and reflections
- A video presentation as Venus wraps up its retrograde cycle (early September) that will include a closing ritual and Q&A
If you want help clearing, healing and realigning yourself for a more authentic experience with love and creative energy, this summer guide is for you. If you are healing from a difficult break-up, working through relationship issues or actively preparing yourself for a loving relationship this summer guide is for you. If you are developing your relationship to your creativity, authenticity and art, this summer guide is for you. If you are interested in how Venus retrograde works and just want to learn more about how this one will effect you specifically, this summer guide is for you.
Venus stations retrograde on Saturday, July 25th in your ninth house of philosophy and overarching belief systems. The ninth house also deals with travel and all aspects of life that broaden our understanding of the human condition. Spirituality, if we can use the over-used term, is especially found in this realm of our charts. This can extend to religion but for most of us this term refers to a yearning for meaning and our experience of it.
While most of the people on the planet seems to be content traveling long distances to take selfies in front of ancient burial grounds, holy sites, temples, churches and all places of worship, I beg of you to be after something more than just another greedy grab and gobble of an “experience”.
Venus stationing retrograde in this area of your chart can remind you of your need for what is real and what cannot be contrived. Stay with the stripped down, back-to-basics, real-because-it’s-difficult-and-that’s-ok kind of experiences. Stay with what is actually happening and notice how it affects you. Stay also with the dream images and stay with the feelings that come to you in the morning upon awakening a little longer than you normally would. The ninth house governs dreaming and all the information, healing and prophetic, that comes to us from that complex place. Spiritual experiences do not aim to give us what we want, they aim to wake us up. The more you can welcome in the awakening the more you will get out of this first installment of Venus retrograde.
Please join me for a summer-long guide through Venus retrograde, Love or Let Go: Venus Retrograde (July 25th – September 6th), that will include:
- A video presentation at the beginning of the cycle, detailing astrological information, how Venus retrograde will effect each sign, writing exercises, and a clearing ritual (sent to you by end of day on Thursday July 23rd)
- Bi-weekly emails guiding you through the process of this Venus retrograde with writing prompts, inspirational guideposts, and reflections
- A video presentation as Venus wraps up its retrograde cycle (early September) that will include a closing ritual and Q&A
If you want help clearing, healing and realigning yourself for a more authentic experience with love and creative energy, this summer guide is for you. If you are healing from a difficult break-up, working through relationship issues or actively preparing yourself for a loving relationship this summer guide is for you. If you are developing your relationship to your creativity, authenticity and art, this summer guide is for you. If you are interested in how Venus retrograde works and just want to learn more about how this one will effect you specifically, this summer guide is for you.
Venus in Virgo starts its retrograde in your eighth house on Saturday, July 25th. The eight house governs some of the more complex and considerably difficult areas of life. It holds our psychological complexes, the areas of life that we have a hard time sorting out psychologically as well as the reality that there are things that we must let go of.
It’s also a place in the chart where we exchange, share and combine our energy, assets and resources with others. It can be a place of great intimacy, exchange and negotiation between you and partners of all kinds.
Venus is here to teach you about how you feel about your side of the deals that you are in.
Your sense of the partnerships that you are in and that you are entering is what you should be paying attention to for the next few weeks. Follow the clues that come from your gut. Do not stay in situations that you cannot digest. Upset stomachs speak volumes. Strip the situations down to their essential details and see if they still look good when they are bare boned.
This summer will gift you with volumes of information on intimacy, relationships and concrete commitments-the kind that last no matter the storm. By the end of it you will have a completely renewed sense of what to have faith in, where your strengths lie in partnerships and where you are the most in need of continuing education. Be kind to yourself in the process.
Please join me for a summer-long guide through Venus retrograde, Love or Let Go: Venus Retrograde (July 25th – September 6th), that will include:
- A video presentation at the beginning of the cycle, detailing astrological information, how Venus retrograde will effect each sign, writing exercises, and a clearing ritual (sent to you by end of day on Thursday July 23rd)
- Bi-weekly emails guiding you through the process of this Venus retrograde with writing prompts, inspirational guideposts, and reflections
- A video presentation as Venus wraps up its retrograde cycle (early September) that will include a closing ritual and Q&A
If you want help clearing, healing and realigning yourself for a more authentic experience with love and creative energy, this summer guide is for you. If you are healing from a difficult break-up, working through relationship issues or actively preparing yourself for a loving relationship this summer guide is for you. If you are developing your relationship to your creativity, authenticity and art, this summer guide is for you. If you are interested in how Venus retrograde works and just want to learn more about how this one will effect you specifically, this summer guide is for you.
On Saturday July 25th, Venus, the planet that governs love and relationships, will station retrograde in your seventh house of partnerships, marriage and joining forces in all forms.
There is a major theme here that governs the next couple of weeks: what relationships feel reciprocally sustainable and which do not? Who you connect to, how you connect to them and what intention you connect with will all be a major theme to the first phase of this retrograde cycle.
Reviewing your feelings about the partnerships that you are in is a natural part of this process. Having intense feelings arise is a natural part of experiencing this transit. Sifting through, sorting out and getting clear on old relationship dynamics that plague you in any way is another way these weeks could unfold for you. It’s a time that would be wasted otherwise.
It would be wasted not only because that’s what is being called for at the moment, but also because that is the area of your life that is about to undergo tremendous expansion. Do not fear this current clearing out, reorganization or purification that is occurring. Certain relationships will naturally shift form for you now but please know that this is in part because there are new ones on the way. Don’t make any large, sweeping, dramatic proclamations; just take note, with great faith, that everything in this domain of your life is naturally sorting itself out as it should.
Please join me for a summer-long guide through Venus retrograde, Love or Let Go: Venus Retrograde (July 25th – September 6th), that will include:
- A video presentation at the beginning of the cycle, detailing astrological information, how Venus retrograde will effect each sign, writing exercises, and a clearing ritual (sent to you by end of day on Thursday July 23rd)
- Bi-weekly emails guiding you through the process of this Venus retrograde with writing prompts, inspirational guideposts, and reflections
- A video presentation as Venus wraps up its retrograde cycle (early September) that will include a closing ritual and Q&A
If you want help clearing, healing and realigning yourself for a more authentic experience with love and creative energy, this summer guide is for you. If you are healing from a difficult break-up, working through relationship issues or actively preparing yourself for a loving relationship this summer guide is for you. If you are developing your relationship to your creativity, authenticity and art, this summer guide is for you. If you are interested in how Venus retrograde works and just want to learn more about how this one will effect you specifically, this summer guide is for you.