*Please note that I only write about the major aspects of the week
Tuesday, September 1st
Sun in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces
The sun is currently in Virgo. Virgo is concerned, pedantic even, about details, specifics and the tangible realm of life, one’s work and the real real (that’s what you get when you play with an earth sign).
Pisces is interested in the unreal, the unseen, far off, far out, and far fetched. It manifests the kind of imagination that we need in order to find solutions to our situation. Neptune in Pisces heightens our idealism, our sensitivity and our out of this world influences. But Neptune also likes to make a muck and has a reputation for being unrealistic.
When two planets oppose each other from the Virgo/Pisces polarity, it can manufacture the kind of situation that gets us confused about the details and worried about the big picture.
Best to stick to doing things that help soothe anxiety today. Keep yourself grounded in inspiration by tending to the details of what you can do. Not what you wish you could do.
Venus conjunct Mars in Leo
Venus and Mars together are hot, heated and provocative. Venus has reappeared in the sky as a morning star, feisty, reborn, and full of life. Merging with Mars is difficult for any planet as Mars is the sword. Mars cuts. Mars makes bold moves. Venus connects, builds bonds, desires harmony and seeks relationship. These two coming together can feel passionate, but it can quickly become a Lion fight of epic proportions.
The sun is the ruler of these two planets at the moment (because the sun rules Leo) and because the Sun is in an opposition to Neptune these catfights might become a messy misunderstanding right quick. Or worse, end in loss. Keep your claws in. Sit this one out.
Saturday, September 5th
Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn
Sun trine Pluto is a supportive power. In a trine aspect, Pluto offers a reserve of strength that the sun can access and an ability to go deeply into the details with ease and success.
Sunday, September 6th
Venus stations direct at 14+ degrees of Leo
This is a big day for Venus issues. Our concerns about connecting, our fears of failing in relationships, our desires to be seen, heard, held and cherished, all of the work that we have done on ourselves and all of the work we have done in and around intimacy may reappear.
This is a powerful day for witnessing what arises. Think of it as going back to the origins of your story around connection and separation. It may be a day that holds a key that helps you to understand better what has taken place this summer and this lifetime. This might be a day when something is revealed, sorted out, or somehow suddenly make sense.
Because the sun rules Venus in Leo and the sun is just separating from a trine to Pluto in Capricorn, we can bet that this day can be used for some meaningful excavation. Healing and intimacy come only if we are willing to do the psychological work necessary to experience depth and connection through our contact with our self and others.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know your rising sign, please read it. If you don’t, read your sun sign. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both. Take what works for you, leave the rest. There is no right way to do this. It’s all just a friendly suggestion. If you find inspiration here and you want to share it you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for sharing the work, it means everything!
Are you ready to give up the fantasy? The fantasy that somehow your lead will turn to gold all by itself? The fantasy that the one you chase after will finally turn towards you and put an end to the shenanigans? The fantasy that you aren’t worthy of the acceptance, love or praise that you crave? The fantasy that you aren’t capable of bringing forth the creations that you feel so connected to but have yet been able to birth?
Yes. You are ready.
Venus rules your second house of money and your seventh house of intimate partnerships. This week Venus (currently retrograde) is connecting with your ruling planet, Mars. Venus will then station direct. This is all taking place in your fifth house of pleasure, love and life-sustaining activities.
You may have spent part of the summer reevaluating the status of your closest relationships again, through the ratio of pleasure and pain. You may have spent the summer realizing that part of your passion can actually bring you dollars and it makes sense for you to pursue these avenues. You may have spent this summer realizing how important it is to your sense of well-being and overall health to take time out to enjoy yourself.
This week brings all of those ideas to your attention and demands that you not look away from any truth you find here. Venus stationing direct, especially after it has conjunct Mars, brings an acute revealing of one’s emotional history especially as it pertains to love, sex and intimacy. If this week brings a passionate collision between you and another I would not be surprised, but I also wouldn’t be too quick to assume that it means something that it doesn’t.
Taurus has a natural affinity for the home, family, building foundations and a natural ability to foster a sense of connection among the clan.
This can make any conflict, disparity or discrepancy here difficult for you to deal with. We all know the stereotype of bulls being stubborn and domineering. We could say that because the sun rules the fourth house of family, home, foundations and parents that you could possibly be extra immovable in these areas of life. If that resonates then this week is hoping to help you change your tune.
You could be one of those bulls that has outgrown their need to dominate and instead focuses on finding peaceful solutions and the quickest way to calm. If so, then this week could challenge your equilibrium.
You could also be one of those bulls that vacillates between the extremes. With some parts of family life you are easy-breezy and with others you just can’t stop yourself from “helping” people out.
Whichever the dynamic, your ruling planet, Venus, is making out with Mars this week in a possible chaos-inducing kiss in your fourth house. Venus is also stationing direct there. These are two big events happening in the corner of your chart that you wish to be coziest in.
My suggestion is to a) work on remembering how to let other people deal and not to try to deal for them; b) remember that while some people want you to feel sorry for them because they don’t yet know another way to have a relationship, enabling them as a victim is lethal to both your relationship with them and to their relationship with themselves; and c) having the courage to step out of our assigned role as family counselor/caretaker/stabilizer to analyze the dynamics that go on is a perfect way to celebrate this week’s most powerful transits.
With consciousness about who is playing which role, you’ll be able to make sure you aren’t being played or asking anyone else to play an unfair game.
Your sun (ego, identity, divine mind, spiritual reason for incarnating) rules your third house of communication, siblings and local travel. This makes you wildly moveable. Anything that impedes the movement of your physical or mental life is an obstacle to outwit.
This week, Venus (maker of love magic) is meeting Mars (maker of mayhem) in your third house as well as stationing direct there. This is a big deal for all of your communications. This is a big deal for your relationships with your siblings, friends that feel like siblings and relatives. This could be a deal-breaker for some kind of negotiation that you have been in.
It’s also a time of understanding what you’d like to experience in your daily life. It’s a time of questioning what you’d like to experience in your communications. It’s a time to consider just how well versed you are at dealing with confrontational conversations as well as dealing with the emotions that rise up when you have them.
Because Venus rules your fifth house of children, love affairs and pleasure as well as your twelfth house of hidden things, losses and sorrows this might come up around issues pertaining to how you deal with your feelings about your children. It might reveal itself in how you deal with loss. It might reveal to you the areas where you still fear to tread both in your own mind and in your conversations. But I would say that you are being given an extra ounce of courage this week. Yes, it could arise as conflict, but it might just be the push that you need to say the things that you need to say.
While this week once again pulls focus on your finances, how you make them, what you do with them and how you might want to shift that equation, this has much more to do with your identity than it does with just your dollars and cents.
Part of what this summer has wanted to reveal for you is how your solar energy, your vital energy and your radiant energy want to be expressed in your career, work life and financially supportive endeavors. This is about you letting yourself be radiantly, unapologetically you in your pursuit of professionalism and how you work with property and concepts around ownership. No matter your philosophy on the matter, this latest Venus retrograde has wanted you to see the connections between how you deal with the physical realm of finances and how you deal with your sense of stability, home and foundation.
You see, Venus rules your fourth house of home, family, parents and foundation. Venus also rules your eleventh house of friends, community and hopes for the future. Considering all of these themes this could manifest in a number of scenarios around where to live, if you should buy, share, rent or squat, issues about your parents and situations that cause you to reconsider what it is you are dreaming of and wanting to build with others.
These factors might not become crystal clear this week but I think that you will gain major insight into them. Be especially conscious of any information that you uncover about family dynamics and how you might get played by them.
If you look different, it’s no wonder. If you feel different, no kidding. If you are ready for something different, that would be no surprise either. This has been quite a summer for you, astrologically speaking. And while it’s not over yet, this week is a kind of finish line that we will all cross, you most obviously so. There will be the inevitable and slow decline of the heartbeat after the race. There will be the cheers, the jeers and the awards still yet to be handed out, but this week sums up the status of events well-played.
The sun is your ruling planet and governs your first house of self. That is why you and all the other Leo lions are so damn good at showing us the ins and outs of self-expression and enthusiasm and are masters of attention-grabbing antics. Not because you are self-obsessed gluttons (those belong to every sign and come under many different stars) but because the sheer joy of being is something that you so adorably articulate. Some of you do it in the style of the grump, some in silly, cute, subtle symposiums and some in a glam-bam-thank-you-ma’am kind of way. Whatever your mode, it’s usually uniquely and utterly undeniable.
This summer’s Venus retrograde has been all over you. This week Venus meets up with Mars in your sign, making you flex your fabulous and be on fleet with your flawless. Mars is aggressive and showily so in your sign and when it merges with Venus, the planet that rules your tenth house of career and third house of communication, we know that it’s time for you to strike a pose and make a move towards what you want.
Don’t be a scaredy cat.
Venus will also station direct this week helping you with career choices, aspirations and clarity in your communications. The coast isn’t totally clear but making a resolution at this point is your best bet.
The sun in our astrological chart represents the divine mind, our spirit’s reason for incarnating and our vital, life-force energy. The sun rules Leo and the house that Leo falls in. For you your sun (identity) rules your twelfth house. The twelfth house is a mysterious place because it’s the region of our chart where unknown, unseen and behind the scenes activity takes place. It’s also a place of loss and illness, which is a part of the reason perhaps why your clan is so adept at healing through holistic methods. The fact that your sun governs the twelfth house might also speak to the fact that a lot happens internally for you.
Venus, the planet of love and connection has been retrograde in your twelfth house for the better half of this summer. Venus has spent an unusually long time in the back rooms of your chart. This may have afforded you the opportunity to do some sightseeing into parts of your relationship life that are rarely visited. It may have offered you opportunities to heal some old fears about love and loss. It may have also had you facing the fact that not all relationships are built to last and there are as many reasons why people leave as there are people.
Venus rules your second house of income and your ninth house of travel, teaching and philosophies. This summer may have had you adjusting due to a new job situation, a changing financial situation or revising an old way of bringing in coin. It may have also been forcing you to reevaluate what you hold to be true, what you hold dear philosophically and what you seek when you search.
This week these issues, some or all of them, get turned up a notch, perhaps bringing some clarity, truth, or a moment of blinding obviousness. Perhaps they just become completely unavoidable. Perhaps all of this and then some.
Libra & Libra Rising
Venus is your #LadyBoss. She reigns supreme. Her hands are on the steering wheel of your life. Everything must be run past her first. She calls the shots. She wants to be paid in fangirls, babes and besties.
She’s been retrograde since July 25th and she’ll station direct on September 6th. She gets like that every 18 months or so. In her retrograde state she is likely to cause a little controversy. She may kick up some fuss. She gets demanding and even downright devious at times. She’s spent most of her retrograde in your eleventh house of friends.
Your sun (identity, energy) rules the eleventh house of social situations, adding extra emphasis on your relationship building skills.
If this summer has been a reevaluation of your friendships, social life and even your future hopes and dreams, it would be no surprise. It could also be a reorientation of the direction you are taking as Venus rules your first house of self. It could have also been a reworking of financial partnerships and any other partnerships that you share assets in (energy, love and skills are all assets), because Venus also rules your eighth house of shared resources.
This week Venus will conjunct Mars and station direct. Both are big energetic events or shifts. As Venus and Mars come together they spark, ignite, conceive and create some chaos. When Venus stations direct, the day it occurs and the day or two before and after can serve as moments of clarity and insight into your relationship dynamics, deepest fears and wishes for intimacy and closeness. Again this is all happening in the place in your chart that governs friends, social groups and future plans, hopes and dreams.
The best way to use astrology is to see how it all plays out for you. All we can say for sure is that when Venus has a major moment it will most likely coincide with an important event in your life. This week she has two, take extra notes on what occurs.
This week your ruling planet, Mars, meets up with the mysterious and magnetic Venus, currently in her retrograde regalia.
Venus rules your seventh house of intimate relationships and your twelfth house of hidden things. Venus has been retrograde since July 25th, majorly affecting these areas of your life.
When Venus and Mars make a conjunction/are sitting together, the combination speaks to an intense relationship dynamic for you personally. That’s because Mars rules your first house of self, and Venus your seventh house of relationship. When they come together there is a possibility for connection, contact and creation.
Remember that this week and be on the lookout for curbing any possible mayhem and also making the most of mutually beneficial partnering possibilities.
Venus and Mars are currently in your tenth house of career and reputation. They are heating up this area of your life. If there is a relationship connected to your career that is intense, interesting, intriguing and inspiring, this week looks like it will activate its potential. If you meet someone through work or if you get noticed because of the work that you do, I would not be surprised.
Venus is also stationing direct this week. It’s a big move for Venus. It’s a big moment for your relationships (especially professional ones). It’s a magnificent moment to clarify any concerns or to witness any realities that you not have wanted to see or deal with up until now. It may be a time to make peace with your relationship to your profession, the world at large and your reputation in general. If you were to say that at this point you no longer had any fucks to give about what was the “respectable” thing to do, I would in turn give you a standing ovation.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Any good guru will tell you to go away. No spiritual advisor worth their salt will want to engender dependency. No teacher that is true to their profession would want a student with them for life.
We all have to fly the coop someday. We all must outgrow even our most trusted advisors. We all need to stand on our philosophical feet.
This summer’s Venus retrograde has given you ample reason to try and see things your way. It’s given you many opportunities to seek your own set of standards when it comes to truth and telling it. It’s given you all the reason and then some to find your own connection to what is meaningful. No middle person, no in-between, no priestess, holy woman, priest, preacher or rabbi can walk your path for you. Sooner or later we must find our own way there, no matter where we are and no matter what is in our way.
This week could not be pressuring you more stand your ground and give them what you’ve got. Especially as it relates to your version of the way things should be. You see, your sun, your identity, your sense of vitality rules your ninth house of travel, both physical and philosophical. This means that in order for you to feel alive we need you to be able to locate a meaningful direction to move towards. This week is all about it. Don’t doubt it.
Venus rules your sixth house of employment and your eleventh house of those that you know that can bring you good fortune. What I suggest is that you allow yourself the philosophical room to imagine that you can create good fortune through your connections and that those blessings can easily and effortlessly flow towards all you work towards and all you work for.
By this weekend what becomes clear is your strength. By this weekend what becomes clear is your ability to work at a difficult situation and see it through to its inevitable and appropriate end. By this weekend what becomes clear is that while that might be easy to do in some situations, it is still somewhat difficult in others.
Good thing you’ve got a great work ethic. And that you’re a resilient goat that keeps on climbing.
It would be a grand idea for you to lay out some lofty goals. It’s the perfect time to see what some possible strategies might be. It’s a safe bet that a bunch of those won’t be the right way to go but that at least one of them will be.
It’s also the perfect time to get real about feelings of rejection, jealousy and deeply rooted rage. Venus, who has been retrograde for the better part of the summer, isn’t through throwing a temper tantrum in your eighth house of shared resources and all deeper psychological impulses that erupt when we need to share what we would rather label as “MINE”. This week Venus is meeting up there with Mars (mistress of mayhem) as well as stationing direct. Since Venus rules your tenth house of career and fifth house of love and pleasure, I’m going to guess that all of these themes are interwoven.
How can you do your thing while still maintaining a positive and interconnected relationship dynamic? What might you need to separate out in order to pursue your dream job or creative career? What is opening up for you through another that would allow you to pursue something that you want and is that hard to accept because it isn’t won totally of your own accord?
Keep watching how you interact in these domains this week. All the information that you need about how to come out with your dignity intact and your options open will arrive if you stay alert and willing to work with them.
If you look back at the past six weeks, what would you say that you learned about being in intimate relationships? What would you say you learned about your needs in them? What would you say you learned about your partners, their needs, tendencies and their quirks?
If you look back at the past six weeks what would you say you learned about your relationship to yourself? How have you learned to appreciate your own needs, tendencies and quirks? What have you learned about what keeps you (especially in your partnerships) feeling alive, vital and energized? How have your philosophies about what you want in a relationship developed? Have you been able to be more honest and therefore more clear about your base-line/non negotiable necessities especially as it pertains to romance?
Venus wants your clarity. She’s spent six weeks retrograding all over your seventh house of intimate partnerships and she’s tired. She needs you to take the reigns. She’s saddling up to Mars and the two of them together are going to be like two hockey-moms on game night. They are a rowdy bunch but they are here to kick you into high-gear. What do you want to ask of another? What do you need? What could help you move forward with a big plan that could open you up or help you to stabilize what you are working on? And of course, as Venus stations direct on Sunday, September 6th, the real question is what do you want from current or potential loves that it’s time to ask for?
Connection is where it’s at for you in general. You are able to merge with the greatest tragedies and the coolest kids. This week and the next few up that ability to near ridiculous amounts. Not only has your ruling planet, Jupiter, sauntered into your seventh house of intimate relationships, but so has the sun and Juno, the goddess of committed partnerships.
This week might bring you into direct contact with a longing you thought that you had long lost. It may not be romantic in nature, but it is surely about a commitment that can facilitate long-lasting connection. The shape your partnerships take becomes increasingly important to your sense of well-being and success.
You are a giver. You are happy to be of service. But you must be in service to the right thing and to the right ones, otherwise you’ll find a fast route to self-destruction. You are a dreamer, as in one who is able to connect with creative realms and relay the vision, but you must work towards something that has the ability to hold you, not just serve everyone else without a care for your own needs.
This week Venus, the planet that rules connection and relating is colliding with Mars, the planet that teaches us how to say no, in your sixth house of service, employment and your physical health. When these two come together there is an opportunity to ignite something in a positive way but it has to be in a direction that feels life-affirming for you. Otherwise it’s not worth the ride. This week is about seeing yourself as an important piece of the puzzle, seeing your work as valid and worthy of praise and making sure that how you serve the causes you feel akin to doesn’t take all your precious energy leaving you too tired for yourself.