*Please note that I only write about the major aspects of the week
Thursday, October 22nd
Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn
This week conversations, communications and information of all kinds get a cosmic kick in the head as Mercury, the messenger, moves through the remnants of the Uranus/Pluto square. From Thursday to Sunday there is an opportunity for all of us to deal with what most challenges us intellectually and interpersonally.
Internet fights are all well and good, but what happens when we take away the screen and have to actually face interaction with one another, state our truth and make our case? How well can we listen? How well can we steer clear of being manipulated and manipulating to make our point?
Also, if we all engaged in structured, healing conversations with a trained professional/elder the world would be a much better place. Consider today your galactic invitation to do so.
Friday, October 23rd
Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn
Mars in Virgo opposite Chiron in Pisces
Sun enters Scorpio
Venus gets a major boost from Pluto and we might consider how much weight we give to the power of being loving in all of our affairs. Pluto is a force from deep down. Pluto is the power of resources barely tapped by most of us, but belonging to us all. Venus, the planet of relationships and connection taps into this root, but it’s up to us what we do with it and what we make of it.
Notice what is at work in your relationships, especially as pertains to their power dynamics. This is a helpful aspect for being in touch with those that are powerful, but it’s also helpful for remembering that dominance plays no role in real intimacy.
Mars moves into an opposition with Chiron today asking us if we are able to make our movements meaningful and connected to our healing.
The sun moves into Scorpio which, in the Northern Hemisphere, moves us one step closer to the festivals that remind us of the very thin veil that separates life from death and that entering this darker part of the year can be a mysterious and healing experience.
Saturday, October 24th
Mercury leaves shadow phase
Mercury has now officially left all retrograde shenanigans behind.
Go forward Young Bloods.
Sunday, October 25th
Venus conjunct Jupiter in Virgo
Mercury in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries
Justice is what love looks like in public – Dr. Cornel West
This is the third Venus/Jupiter conjunction since early July. Because it is happening in Virgo (the sign of Venus’s fall and Jupiter’s detriment) these two might not have all the hullabaloo they did in July (when they were in Leo). However it’s still a Venus/Jupiter conjuction. And given the fact that these two are making this conjunction in the part of your chart that contains Virgo means that this is the only way that they’ll ever be able to do this.
So we’ll take it, be grateful for it and give thanks.
The area of your chart that contains Virgo is thus getting a thoughtful, considerate, inspired injection of hard-working love and luck. Jupiter brings abundance and Venus makes connections of the heart. These two are making magic and it’s visible in the pre-dawn sky. Get up early and be inspired by astrology in the making.
Mercury’s movements today stir some controversy. This is the bookend to Thursday’s astrology. The combination of Mercury making contact with Uranus and Pluto today together with Venus and Jupiter coming together speaks volumes of the importance of being able to be lovingly critical, considerately objective and to be able to stand for love, especially when it means that doing so upsets the status quo.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know your rising sign, please read it. If you don’t, just read your sun sign. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please feel free to read both. There is something valuable in reading both your sun and rising sign in my opinion. Some people will find that one resonates more than the other consistently.
Take what works for you, leave the rest. There is no right way to do this, it’s all just a friendly suggestion. If you find inspiration here and you want to share it you must quote it and link it to this post and website. We also love donations. Thank you for your support and for sharing the work, we really appreciate it!
Bring healthy cupcakes to the office. Give everyone at work a compliment. Spend quality time with others that you spend your days with. Ask them questions. Get interested in those that are with you. Put your focus on the ones that you do your work with and on the work itself.
Get interested in what you are developing as it relates to your employment.
What details inspire you to dig deeper? What part of what you are working on do you want to develop? What about what you are working on is developing you? You have, for the next couple of weeks, an uncanny ability to get done what needs doing.
But it’s more than just working at what you have to. Make a plan so that you have some time and energy to work on what you want to.
Notice also the subtle internal murmurs of disbelief at being able to do the things that you feel most passionate about. If they are there, challenge them by actively making time to enjoy what you are doing and developing a relationship with it.
See yourself as someone who does what makes them happy and what makes the world a better place, because that is what a responsible, grown person does.
Love generously. Love how you wish to be loved when you are your most broken. Love like your life depends on it and like you just realized the meaning and the secret of life: that we are supposed to learn love here.
It’s such an illusive state to attain at times. Until it hits you over the head and becomes the only thing worth doing. The only thing worth getting out of bed for. The only thing worth surviving life for.
Love like you mean it this week.
Hunt it. Search for it inside of yourself. Stop and ask your heart as often as you can how you might be more kind to it, what it might need and how you could best be its lover.
Know that your capacity to love is your gold, worth more than any other attribute you could have been given, that you could develop or that you could stumble upon.
Love like it’s the key and the cornerstone to all other aspects of your life, to all other avenues of success, to all other future feelings of a life well lived.
Love is a revolution. Love is the solution. Love is a resolution. Make it.
Heal your history. Mend the cracks. Stop reliving the past. We can’t get it right by recreating it.
We must move on.
But if we want to move on we must be willing to forgive. Ourselves. Our families. Our stories. Whatever paradigms you had to fit into as a child can no longer hold the reality of who you are becoming.
For some this will be on very obvious levels. For others this will be so subtle, so nuanced and so easy to pretend it isn’t the truth that you could miss it altogether.
This week wants you to want better for your internal life. This week wants you to experience exquisite connection as it concerns your inner experience. This week wants you to feel at home no matter where you are.
Make yourself comfortable.
Pause to remember the conversations you have had lately. Look at your call history. Notice the sentiments in your inbox. Check the mailbox.
There’s some big news coming your way.
The word might come by way of strangers, siblings, neighbors, letter-carrying owls or lovers. Anyone who comes bearing messages that make you stop and reconsider, reconstruct or reconfigure your inner worldview will be a part of this process.
Perhaps some has already come. Perhaps they’ve been piling up. Time to open up. Time to see the love that’s written you a letter.
Insecurity makes poor intellectuals of us all. It’s near impossible to think critically when we are desperate. It’s tremendously difficult to dream our way to a new world when all we can think about is how hungry we are. It’s easy to mistake kindness for criticism when we see through the eyes of scarcity.
This week wants to give you new glasses. This week wants you to remember how to hear the truth. This week wants fill you with encouragement, real, honest, sincere encouragement. This week wants to remind you how to keep expanding your message especially as it pertains to spreading love, encouragement and well-thought-out truths.
My question to you is, how well do you receive the message? How much do you resist love no matter how it persists? Do you defend against sweetness? Never forget that conversation is a form of activism and what you allow in is as much a revolutionary act as what you speak up for.
Most of us are never introduced to the unique gift that we bring into the world with us when we arrive. Most of us are not told to hold onto it no matter what we might face. Most of us are not taught to polish this prize every chance we get. Most of us never come to really know our true gold.
We lose sight of its hue when faced with the bewildering lights of the world. We lose its signal when we are forced to push it underground. We lose its knowledge when we disconnect from it as our main resource.
You are being asked to reconnect with your original source of wealth this week.
You might have ample opportunities to make money. You might have an uncanny increase in your resources. You might have work that refuses to pay you anything but top dollar. All of this is great, groovy gravy but the real question is, can you remember the gift you came in with and see it as your true source of wealth whether or not its brought in 2 cents or 2 bizillion dollars?
Pretty things will grant us momentary pleasure but they will never take the place of what we yearn for most.
We long for it. We cry for it. We say we will go to any lengths for it.
We can’t have a relationship with an inanimate object. We know this, but if we really truly believed it to be true, we would have a revolution of epic proportions on our hands.
People > products.
This week holds some pretty powerful astrology for you. This week unlocks another level of your potential. This week teaches you something about the nature of abundance, how to hold it and what to do with it.
I encourage you to think about what might be important for you as it pertains to your personal growth and progress because it’s a big theme for you at the moment and for the rest of the year. I encourage you to think about ways in which you can expand your capacity to connect.
What makes you feel most successful? What do you value? What do you put first when you get up every morning? What would make you feel the most proud to be known for?
Put your attention on what matters most this week and I promise you that it will expand a thousand fold. Just make sure that you grow what really gets you going.
It looks like you still have something to clarify. Use your words. Be on purpose. Don’t be afraid of being on point, stirring the pot or demanding to be heard on topics that you feel most passionate about.
Dealing well with conflict is one of the most powerful things that we can learn to do. It’s also one of the most generous things that we can offer the world. Diplomatically dealing with difference not only teaches tolerance, it shows us how justice might be possible, something we desperately need to see on repeat right now.
Loving ourselves through the ins and outs of learning about how to deal with conflict is a radical act. Thinking our way through a difficult conversation is too. It means that fear can’t win. Ignorance drowns in a sea of critical engagement with a difficult topic.
Don’t be afraid to demonstrate loving yourself through things that you may struggle with. Don’t be afraid to extend that same kind of patience to others. Don’t be afraid to be the one who loves humanity enough to challenge it to be better.
Start planning for your birthday party. I hereby order you to begin the festivities. The sun enters your 1st house this Friday and, besides a few astrological bumps (that aren’t entirely insignificant), this weekend rolls out like a Disco Diva’s dream.
You’ve got reason to celebrate.
Whatever is going on in your social circles, whatever is coming to you through your colleagues, your allies and your patrons is cause to celebrate. Whatever work you have been doing with others looks like it’s ready to be given to the public.
And it looks like they like it.
Celebrate. Not because you have won. Not because you can rest on your laurels. Not because you attained anything specific, but because it’s an important part of being human and enjoying your life. Take the time to celebrate what you have, what you have created thus far and what you are working towards because it will help you open up and feel connected to others and that in turn will help generate more.
So have a (birthday) party. Hand out goody-bags. Bake everyone a cake. Top off their glasses with good cheer. Not one ounce of it will be wasted.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Another world is possible.
Another way of relating to each other, another way of relating to the planet, another way of living in this world is possible. Love, peace, equality and justice for all are possible.
We must have the strength of vision to imagine a new world. We must use our determination to focus on what a kinder, gentler and more loving life might look like, feel like and be like. We must have the diligence then to keep developing that vision in our mind’s eye. To refine it. To critique it. To keep pushing it forward, encouraging it to reveal itself. We must grow our hearts, every chamber, every ventricle, to hold this vision.
Nothing will last if it is not done for love.
You hold a unique position right now where you can articulate what about the world makes no sense. What needs to be destroyed. What meaning we might make out of the devastation we encounter. You hold a position within your community, amongst your peers as someone who might create a little commotion but who can also inspire others to action because of your capacity to bring folks together.
Anger is important. It fuels us. It wakes us up. It points to our potential. It can clarify a great deal. But love is the only thing that we can have a daily diet of, the only thing that can sustain a life, the only thing that will enact real, long-lasting change.
Make love your reason for doing what you do. It will clarify why you fight the battles you do and make them worth the effort.
Ideas are living things. Dogmas are dead. Concepts can recreate themselves. Concretized laws forget the true nature of what it takes to be alive.
We need to know that we are allowed to grow. We need to know that our ideas are allowed to evolve along with us. The ways in which we think shape the ways we relate to everything else and all of that is meant to transform as we do.
Goddess forbid we stay the same because we refuse to think differently.
Your mind, your way of seeing life, your way of placing yourself in the world is being softened. Perhaps subtly, but still I wonder if a wave of compassion hasn’t come over you. I wonder if a yearning to see the meaning, to understand the reasons, to figure out some piece of this profound puzzle that we are all in is brewing in you. I wonder if you haven’t been, or soon will be, overcome with the sensation that not only are we all in this together but that we are also all collectively creating this right now. And if that is so, do you want to change your mind about the outcome?
Consider whom you would like to connect to, what you might be expecting from the connection and what you can give to it. Be clean about your reasons for wanting to join forces. Don’t be a messy mess of confused drives and motives. Know what you are asking for, why you are asking for it and what you plan to give in return.
Sometimes when we go after what we want, sometimes when we put our all into our projects, sometimes when we are moved to strike we simultaneously get caught in our own psychological complexes that want to keep us from the very thing that we were meant to do.
Love is the only way out of this maze.
It is exceedingly important for you to be aware of the ways in which you might stop yourself from succeeding, the ways in which you might be confusing one relationship for another or the ways in which you might be living out your past in the present.
If you have a history of giving your energy and resources to situations that aren’t reciprocal, this week I want to challenge you to move towards healing that, to stand for what you know you need and to give it to yourself. This week holds the potential for healing some of the deepest psychological wounds you harbor. Not by magic but by working on it. Not by chance but by making an effort to become conscious of the fact that you are allowed to change. You are allowed to heal. You are allowed to put yourself back together.
You are coming together in the best ways possible. Join forces with others from this place of regeneration, renewal and reawakened responsibility to live your life as you know you need to.
This week your relationships continue to get a major boost. It’s not uncomplicated. It’s not without work. It’s not without a thoughtful attention to whom the players are and what baggage they might come with.
These possibilities are a plethora of learning predicaments.
But that is the point. It’s not about what someone else does or doesn’t do as much as it is about what you do with it. It isn’t so much about how they are showing up, but how you are meeting them. It isn’t so much about what it will turn into as it is about its unfolding.
Make your vocabulary a panacea of healing phrases.
You may startle others (especially at work). You may ask folks to wake up. You may insist that they no longer stay slumbering. You can love someone and still be critical of their actions. We can hold each other accountable and still be loving.
You may not be able to find a way to always see eye to eye, but the most important thing for you to remember is that it is the very nature of engaging with others that brings the most fortune to your shores.
This is no time to hide. Not from conflict and definitely not from love or the possibility of it.