*Today’s new moon in Gemini is the perfect new moon to learn how to use astrology as a tool for living life in accordance with the universe. I’ve got a new moon meditation, altar suggestions, astrological readings and new moon rituals specific to each sign in New Moon Manifestations: The New Moon in Gemini & the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from May 25th – June 22nd.
We sense it. Pick up on it. Intuit it.
Catch the scent of it riding along the wind. Little inklings that bubble up from the belly. A shift in ground beneath our feet telling us something is unsettled.
Change is on its way.
The new moon (and supermoon) occurs at 4° of Gemini on May 25th at 12:45 PM PT and it signals a time of great movement. Gemini is the restless energy of the wind. Constantly shifting, moving and carrying something from one place to the next. Gemini’s job is to disburse energy. To air out stagnant situations. To curate a diverse index of information.
Gemini hunts for fascinating facts. Dualistic ideas. Opposing points of view. Gemini wants nothing more than to have its mind stretched beyond comprehension.
Gemini teaches us about the duality that is present in all things. It wants to know both sides to each situation. It is both the thief and the merchant. The messenger and the liar. The effervescent youth and the withdrawn hermit. Master of none, Gemini is willing to play out all roles. Gemini reminds us that all of us have a twin self that can either lurk in the shadows or be integrated into our conscious awareness. None of us is without our duality. We might like to drag Geminis for their blatant manifestation of this duality, but we each have every sign within us. Every sign is a different aspect of the human condition.
Be careful who you call out. It might just be yourself.
Gemini’s wisdom lies in its ability to ask the right questions. Creating non-threatening environments where folks will divulge their secrets and regrets, Gemini is the reporter gathering information and dispersing it amongst the masses far and wide.
Gemini knows the power of the word. Even though it has a talent for verbosity, Gemini understands the alchemical process of speaking one’s intent. We can, therefore, use this new moon to speak our hopes and dreams into form, consciously creating through our thoughts, communications and exchanges. As a new moon ritual, spend some time writing down what you are most dedicated to making happen.
Gemini is the Magician, the one who crosses thresholds, moving between worlds. Gemini is the gateway. The two columns that are this sign’s glyph create an opening, a portal for us to walk through. Gemini teaches that information is access. Everything we learn in life is a gateway we move through, never the same once we have. As a way of honoring this new moon, seek the information that can move you through the thresholds that hold the most meaning for you.
Occurring alongside the airy realms of this new moon, however, are astrological aspects that ask us to deal with situations that are laden with lead-filled balloons.
On the same day as the new moon, Venus in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn. This aspect demands that we face the feelings that come up in our intimate relationships. It asks us to mine these dynamics for the gold that they hold. It asks for a healing that can only occur when we are willing to be ruthlessly honest about the fears we have of being betrayed, left or lost. Venus square Pluto puts us into contact with the depths of the difficulties we face when dealing with our hearts, and the hearts of other humans.
Gemini doesn’t do depth though. It does breadth.
This combination might leave us wanting to escape the underworld-like realms of Pluto, searching for the wide-open airy realms in which the new moon takes place. Gemini doesn’t like to be pinned down. This lover needs to know where the escape route is, and it often leaves the love nest before it has a chance to unpack the gifts that come with heartfelt exchanges that take time to get to. The Venus/Pluto square asks us to sit with something for longer than a moment so that we might understand the nature of our connections and what they can tell us about our healing process.
As the new moon moves on from its conjunction to the sun it makes a series of aspects. Among them are a conjunction to Mars and an opposition to Saturn. Picking up on an important theme that is developing over the course of the weekend, the Mars/Saturn opposition is also a heftier commitment than Gemini generally wants to get involved with. We may feel up against the impossible in a part of our lives. We might feel burdened with a beast that feels uncaring of our needs. We may feel an overwhelming urge to push through the difficulties that lie in front of us, proving to ourselves the power of our commitment to our own development and growth. The moon then goes on to sextile Uranus, signaling a breakthrough if we stick with the lessons at hand.
May this new moon remind us that escaping a situation will never solve it. Sometimes we might have to remove ourselves from a relationship, but the effects of it will need to be processed at some point. Let us do this work now, so that we can move forward with more room for the good things in our life to grow. May we use this new moon to ask the right questions, gather as much information about a problem as we can, and may we remember that our words have power and, when used purposefully, the ability to recreate our life and our world as we wish to be.
New moon blessings,