*Please join me for this month’s new moon course, Breaking Ground: The New Moon in Aries and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from March 26th- April 25th, for sign-specific rituals, a new moon meditation and guidance on how to harness the potential of this next lunar cycle.
Love transforms us. Reveals our potential. Reveres what is inherent, even if unrealized, within us. It forms us in its image. Fortifies us with its strength. Instills within us the honorable duty to carry its message forward.
Without love we end up fighting against what we naturally are. Turning ourselves against what we are meant to become. Stumbling down roads difficult. Treacherous. Brutal. Without love our soul is left with a weakened immune system. One that has a hard time fighting off the propaganda that implores us to become distorted versions of self. Without the vaccination of love we are vulnerable to the diseases of the mind that would have us contorting our truth to fit into all manner of unholy vessels. Unaware of what it feels like to be loved for exactly whom and what we are, we confuse the love we crave for the trinkets that the world tells us to crave.
Money. Fame. Power.
Without love, we want without understanding why. We hunt. We gather. We get. And get. And get. But we are left empty with these soulless symbols. These fleeting moments that sparkle then fade. These mirages of the machine.
In the end all that we seek, all that we strive for, all that we are hungry for, can only be satiated by love.
Monday’s new moon in Aries occurs 2 days after Venus (now retrograde) made its inferior conjunction to the sun. This marks the moment that Venus, and her famously potent powers of magnetization, are closest to us. Sandwiched between the sun and the earth, Venus is now invisible.
But she is very tangible.
Extracting from us the feelings of lovelessness, extracting from us the aspects of self that most need to be loved, extracting from our hearts the poisons that embitter us, Venus’s inferior conjunction to the sun is a process of purification. Regeneration. Renewal. Rebirth. We might see this as the new moon phase of Venus’s cycle.
Monday’s new moon in Aries is the first of the season, the first new moon of the astrological new year. It breaks the seal of spring. Breaks ground with new shoots of life unapologetically emerging from the dormant earth. Breaks open our consciousness to the possibility of new growth within us. Breaks through the slumber of what has been dormant within us.
This new moon makes clear the sentiment that we can begin again. No matter the love that we were given or the love that was withheld, this new moon calls on us all to have the courage to seek and receive the love that we crave.
Aries is a sign that helps us embody the fierceness of fire. The magnificent glow of its flame. The undeniable magnitude of its boldness. Venus and the moon in this sign might not be known for the tenderest of touches, but this combination has an unrestrained ability to declare its love, come what may. Venus wants to be likable, connected, and conciliatory, but in Aries it is much more apt to go its own way and make its mark on the hearts that resonate with its courageous self-assertion and can keep the fires of desire burning for eternity.
However, Venus and the moon in this fire sign can become too impatient to process feelings. Too impulsive to let relationships find their own way through conflicts. Too impetuous to foster trust. Not only with each other, but also with ourselves. Aries is highly skilled at emerging, but not so comfortable sustaining.
The current ruler of the new moon and Venus is Mars. Mars is in Taurus, sign of stability, symbol of solidity, siren of sublime steadfastness. Mars is in Venus’s sign, Venus in Mars’s. This swapping of signs and this new moon is encouraging us to rally the courage to fight for our heart’s desires while developing the staying power to wade through the challenge of doing so.
New moon blessings,