We are bound to each other in ways that are bafflingly delicate and astoundingly sturdy. Holding the keys to one another’s success. Having the capacity to uplift or deny the profound beauty and wonder that we each contain.
We make or break the bonds that foster our unfolding. Sabotage or solidify the connections that can carry us through the difficulties we will surely face. Finding ways to gracefully or ungraciously respond to the challenges that come with all manner of coupling.
We are a part of one another’s greatest joys and most gruesome tragedies. The heroines and heros of each other’s plot lines. The villains and monsters. We go down with the ship of our collective or find ways through the choppy waters by working together.
We cannot un-need each other.
The full moon in Libra arrives on Monday, April 10th at 11:08 PM PT. The first new moon of the spring season in the northern hemisphere, this full moon is called the Grass Moon, Egg Moon or Pink Moon. Passover begins on this moon. Easter falls just after it. Religious themes of moving from a restricted place into the open air of possibility abound. Rebirth. Renewal. Reawakening to collective possibility.
The full moon in Libra sits with Jupiter. Jupiter has been in Libra since September 2016. Jupiter spends roughly one year in each sign which means that Jupiter spends one year, every 12 years, in a certain area of our chart, helping us to expand, open and make good on the opportunities that we are afforded.
This is the first and only full moon in Libra during this Jupiter in Libra transit. This full moon reveals what we have been able to make of Jupiter’s effects on our lives thus far.
A full moon conjunct Jupiter is a blessing. In essence, it is a joyful jaunt through a lunation. An affirmation of all that we have been able to expand into and out of. Revealing the importance of opening up to optimism, outgrowing the old and moving into a greater faith in life’s ability to help us help ourselves. In Libra, this exploration is done in a beautifying style. An amenable approach. A harmonious and justice oriented tone.
Life is in a continual process of balancing and becoming.
But there is more to this full moon than a potentially sweet unfolding. This moon is sitting opposite the sun/Uranus conjunction in Aries and square Pluto in Capricorn. This moon sets off the Jupiter/Uranus/Pluto T-square. This formation challenges the smooth and even-keeled growth that Jupiter in Libra would prefer. This formation asks us to struggle with all that gets in the way of the peace that we proclaim we want to bring about. With the sun and Uranus in the combative sign of Aries opposing this moon, there is little patience for anything, let alone peace treaties. In a square to Pluto in Capricorn, this full moon and Jupiter in Libra must face and deal with the difficult and ugly aspects of growth. Transformation has some very harrowing phases. This full moon will exaggerate all that gets in the way of the balance we need to strike . This full moon illuminates the truth that balance isn’t static.
Balance is a constant state of recalibration.
On Saturday, Venus, the ruler of the full moon, will station direct. Venus swivels around as it sits next to Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Also in a month long square to Saturn, Venus’s message as ruler of this full moon is one of deep release through relentless commitment. Venus’s station direct speaks of attaining the wildest of freedoms through the most rigorous of responsibilities. Venus’s station direct speaks of the kind of redemptive love that awaits us when we are willing to wade through the difficulty that must be faced when dealing with all matters held in the heart.
Full moon blessings,