“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”
–Martin Luther King Jr.
It’s as if the sun moving into Aries this Thursday at 16:57:04 UT is your house mother (who is, of course, Cher or an amazing rendition of her) slapping you across the face shouting “Snap out of it!” Aries isn’t subtle. That was Pisces and that was yesterday. We’ve moved on and we’ve moved on fast. Every year it’s like this. However the past few years have had the added extra kick in the head thanks to Uranus who moved into Aries in March of 2011(yes, as the Fukushima disaster occured). Uranus is a wild card; completely unpredictable, unnerving and unexpected. It is beyond the realm of good and bad. One never really knows the benefit of upheaval when the arc of justice bends at a very lengthy curvature.
This week brings us the beginning of a very interesting season. The new moon in Aries on March 30th, the lunar eclipse on April 15th, the cardinal grand cross during the week of April 21st and the solar eclipse on April 29th are exactly why. But let’s back up a fox trot or two; this dance is intricate.
The sun moving into Aries is the beginning of our astrological solar year. It’s a starting point: the activation, initiation and time for rash action. The spring does not ask permission to come. Sexual longings aren’t polite in their appetites and neither are bears when they wake up to find the bees buzzing and the honey flowing. Aries is unapologetic. It arrives whether you are ready or not. It doesn’t care one way or the other. Mix this with the energy that Uranus brings us and we start to understand a piece of this puzzle. Nothing is that potent on its own, it needs to be activated.
Enter Pluto in Capricorn, making big things small and small things big. Petty tyrants become massive headaches, Putin anyone? We can look back to 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn for a little tutorial on how puny investment bankers get away with completely gutting the finances of this country stealing any hope for the majority of US citizens to experience any kind of economic justice. But America economics has never played fair so who were we kidding, right?
The two big-wigs Uranus and Pluto are forming a long lasting waxing square from 2012-2015. This is a massive era defining time says the stars and the history books. Every time they have made a square, opposition or conjunction things just don’t stay the same. When these players slap down their domino tiles we feel the reverberations. However, April says that even this isn’t enough to really get things cooking.
Enter Jupiter in Cancer, opposing Pluto and Squaring Uranus. Jupiter makes whatever it touches bigger. It energizes what it connects to. An opposition and a square are the two most tense tangos to be in. But even this isn’t enough for the feisty babe, April.
Enter Mars in Libra. Now retrograde (from March 1st-May 19th) is backing up to oppose Uranus and Square both Jupiter and Pluto. Mars defends, cuts, goes to war and does not back down, unless it’s in Libra. Then it isn’t really sure what to do. But for simplicity we’ll leave the signs out of it for now; planets in and of themselves can be enough. However, not eventhis grand cardinal cross is enough, for April.
Enter a new moon in Aries on March 30th that has me making plans to go live in a cave for at least a week. That’s followed by two eclipses (April 15th and April 30th) that will hug the cardinal grand cross like Siberian tiger might hug an antelope. Things are going to get bloody interesting if astrology is at all functional as a predictive tool. However, I’m not big on predictions; free-will is just too powerful. The creative confluence of energies that collide every time a being has a brainwave is beyond comprehension.
I am pretty certain however that this astrology leaves us only a few choices; grow or get eaten alive by our fear. It’s like that childhood song. We’re going on a lion hunt (why the f*ck where we taught a song about hunting lions?!); can’t go under it, can’t go around it have to go through it. It’s our charge here on earth. This life can be so blatantly brutal and seemingly soul crushing. Yet there is a spirit that moves through this whole damned creation that is completely contradictory to that brutality. Strung out on human emotion and spiritual experience, we are crucified by our experience of living in this physical realm. We either fully escape or get catapulted inwards to a place that can only be described as the cross roads of devastation and ecstasy. Beauty lives at the bottom of the whole meshugas. If god is real, She is one hell of a mad mistress.
A cross is of course a mystical symbol; the cross section of spirit and matter. The cross is us. The crucifixion is the experience of being human (but what does a Jewish girl know from crucifixions?). If I’ve read my mysticism correctly, it’s meant to open us to the truth that love is the only real currency in this universe.
This is the most exciting, disturbing, awakening astrology of 2014 as far as I can tell. Use it with as much courage and wisdom as you can muster.
Here’s to loving the whole deal when and where we can,
*Edited by Laurence Joseph Jones