Your horoscopes for September 2019 are published with a companion Cosmic Playlistthat I curate in collaboration with Spotify. September 2019 offers us astrology to work with. Innovative, grounded, and productive, September sorts us out so that we can get to the most important projects on our to-do list.
In addition to your Cosmic Playlists, if you’d like to go more in-depth with this month’s astrology, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Full Moon in Pisces, and the Astrology from August 30-September 27. In it you’ll recieve a reading, journaling questions, altar suggestions, and guided meditations that will help you get organized so you can optimize the month ahead.
If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read and listen to both horoscopes and playlists! Take what works for you, leave the rest.
Aries & Aries Rising
September wants you to win at work. Outsmart the part of yourself that feels like there isn’t enough for everyone by being the source of what you feel you need more. Tapping into your competitive nature and putting it to use for your greater good is a surefire way to outwit any patterns of self-pitying. When you feel a lack of appreciation, give yourself rewards for a job well done, a raise for being the boss of your own life, and a chance to do what you are best at. Allowing yourself the time, access, and opportunity to work on your dream projects is one of the best gifts you can offer yourself in September.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
September sends you back to the drawing board. This month has you fixated on solving creative problems, deconstructing the obstacles that allow your light to shine, and upping the anti on the bets you place on your ability to outdo your creative best. This is the time to challenge yourself with the jobs, projects, and processes that you know you want but might be afraid to go after. Keep joy as your main aim. Place the pursuit of meaningful experiences as your focus. Move towards the communities that hold a similar vision as you and make sure to keep connected with the folks that have both the courage and the stamina to get there.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
September helps you to declutter your interior world. The more you can organize your home, and self, the more work you’ll be able to accomplish. This month might bring you charged conversations with family members, or bring up issues that remind you why it’s good to honor but not depend on any one person, place, or situation for your sense of self-worth and grounding. We were all meant to go past the limitations of our past, parents, and caregivers, but in order to do so, we need to understand how we might be too afraid to. If this month unearths how you are different, know that it is also unearthing a secret strength to rely on.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
September has you on the move. Unexpected social gatherings, conversations that stir something in you, and a need to be assertive arises. Arguments aren’t always fun, but navigating your way through conflict-with conscious awareness- is a necessary and much-needed skill to develop in life. September helps you define your ideas, refine your ways of expressing them, and asks you to apply your energy towards getting your point across in the most effective of ways. Get your pen to paper, fingers on the keyboard, or voice to the mic. Get your ideas into form, your mind in check, and your days disciplined. This is a month you can get a lot done when you remember to respect the hours you have to work with and the ones you have to play with.
Leo & Leo Rising
September pays so send your invoices in on time. It’s a month that helps you build better structures for money to flow to you. The more you develop yourself as a professional, with bountiful and well-placed boundaries, the more work and its well-suited rewards flow towards you. Over the past couple of years, you’ve learned a lot about this on the job. This month, you have the chance to anchor these lessons in your work-life with greater confidence, competence, and imagination. This helps you to raise your stakes and your fees where applicable. Your work needs you to know its worth and fight for its right to be in the world.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
Happy rebirth. Happy regeneration. Happy renewal. This is your year to move with what is ready and willing to move with you. Don’t waste time hesitating about whether or not you deserve to win, just focus on having your wins work for everyone involved. This month gives you extra energy to work with, extra intensity to channel, and extra heat to harness. Get cooking. If you refuse this gift, squash it, or fear it too much, backfires abound. You need to get going but you don’t need to do so perfectly. Prepare yourself for learning on the go and you’ll go far.
Libra & Libra Rising
As your sign well knows, everything has an opposite, balancing point to it. The balancing point to beginning a new and exciting birthday year is a thoughtful meditation on how you lived your last one. The first couple of weeks of September drive this message home, helping you to get an incredible amount of work done behind the scenes. What you accomplish in private has the ability to pivot your next year towards realizing your potency more deeply. By mid-September, you are given exactly what you need to make things work for you. There are significant challenges come late month, but none that can hinder you long-term. Remember that.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
September sees you partying with a purpose. If those that you are hanging around with feel out of touch, out of sync, or a little off base given the issues and ideas that are driving your life, a little clearing of your social networks is in order. This is a month to understand the difference between conflict and growing pains with others that are healthy and necessary, and what relationship dynamics that are a waste of time to try and repair. Not all friendships are built to last, but the ones that are can go through many stages of growth while keeping mutual respect as your most important and collective cornerstone.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
September wants to help you get a heap of work done, but not hastily. This month wants you to do whatever you do, really, really well. There are many opportunities for things to fall through the cracks, get misunderstood, or get accidentally left out altogether. The more ritually detailed you can be about your professional pursuits, the more of your potential you get to realize. There will be some aspects of your career that you’ll need to serve and take care of with great diligence, and other things that you’ll have to let be for a moment, let go of completely or sit through the confusion with. Knowing the difference will help you shine on the job and beyond.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
September wants you to wander, roam, and allow yourself moments to star-gaze. Laying on your bed and studying your ceiling may provide the kind of mini-breaks you need, but something more substantial will be calling you to come find it. There’s a deep desire to win a race, speak your mind, or state your case, but choose wisely. There’s no need to win every argument, and if you tried you’d most likely miss your opportunity to win at the ones most important to you. Fight for what you believe in, spend your energy clarifying your point, and give what you’ve got to the ideals you hold dear. The more focused you are with your energy, the more clarity, and ability to drive home the message you have.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
While the full moon mid-month reminds you that your real value add is always going to be about your ability to have compassion, imagine a better world, and harness the incredible resource that is your imagination, the rest of the month has you understand something important about the nature of your collaborations. What others have to offer you is something you have no power over, but also something that you can’t deny is important to your process. Getting things realized is a collective affair. The tensions that come up for you are all about the difference between what is delusional to hope for and what is a dream worth fighting for.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
Whether your partners are working over-time, or your intimacy issues are a little more aggravated than usual, September brings focus to the quality of the relationships that are most important to you. What you need from others changes over time, but if the relationship doesn’t change with you, chances are you’ll feel a little frustrated. Letting issues surface is an essential aspect of growth. Giving everyone involved space, extra attention, or a chance to tell you what they need when they need it is an art that you’ll be perfecting. It’s back to school for all of us, but your relationship issues might need a little extra tutoring.