Painting by Chesley Bonestell
Blessings often come wrapped in struggle. Joy is felt more acutely when we have known pain. Freedom means something different after leaving bondage.
We are in the midst of a having just lived through the last Uranus/Pluto square, celebrating the Winter Solstice and new moon in Capricorn, moving towards a full moon in Cancer on January 4th that looks like it is angling to knock our socks off (Crabs get ready but don’t get crabby) and Saturn has just changed signs from Scorpio to Sagittarius.
It’s enough to tip the scales for anything that was teetering on a national, international and personal level. This is not supposed to be a docile, quiet, run of the mill holiday season.
This week’s horoscopes are 2 week horoscopes and go from December 22-January 4th. From the new moon in Capricorn to full moon in Cancer, from point A to point B. It is with this light that we build. It is with this light that something emerges into consciousness. It is with this light that we understand what needs to change externally and what needs healing internally.
With the sun’s light increasing daily in the Northern Hemisphere, and the waxing new moon, energy, support and encouragement are available for our projects, intentions and creations.
I will be back just after the first of the year with an essay on the full moon that will have a few pointers for each sign as to what to pay attention to. Regular weekly horoscopes will commence on January 5th.
Solstice/new moon/new year/holiday blessings!
Like we spoke about in your last horoscope this is no time for you to get off track. A powerful seed of sweet, saucy serendipity was just released in your Tenth House of career via the new moon on December 21st and your astrology shows no signs of slowing down. In fact it only seems to ramp up over the coming weeks.
December 25th is a big day among them and my only advice is say what you mean and mean what you say but if it isn’t helpful, kind and absolutely true, keep it under wraps for a moment. I say this not to shut you up or hold you back but because I don’t think it’s worth it for you to stir extra controversy, trouble that would muddle your already powerful transformation that is taking place quite publicly.
In short, take the highroad. You are highly visible right now so whatever you do make sure it’s what you want to be known for. The way you utilize your power and your reign is too potent right now so make sure that your actions will leave a legacy that makes you smile. Your ability to change the face of your life as seen by the outside world is nothing short of inevitable right now so make sure that to your best ability you steer it in the direction of your choosing.
Come the full moon on January 4th you’ll be digging deeply into a personal, home, family or parental issue, or it will be digging into you. Things come up for healing when we are ready to heal them, or they just come when they are ready to be healed. Family issues are our deepest ones. Tend to them carefully.
The other component to this full moon is that in order to do the “right thing” out in the world we’ve got to be ok with it when we come home. In order to go out and do the big things in the world and be happy doing them we’ve got to be able to stay connected to our inner life as well as our outer success. In order to be a whole human, we’ve got to value our interior world as much as our exterior. Go for balance, not broke.
Unless you are entirely sure that you are up for the challenge, I’d advise staying away from overtly antagonizing conversations. It’s not easy to do, not in this day and age, not in this moment when so much has been teased out, brought to the surface and not at this time when so much is at stake. And while I advise staying away from overly ambitious brawls there is every notion that you should not shy away from telling your truth, I just want you to sidestep any unnecessary pain. I just want you to strategize, utilize and make the most constructive choices given your current astrology.
Not every race is yours to win. Not every battle is worth the fight.
Given your current need to test what it is you have faith in, be it religion, values, knowledge, a higher authority, or just your own limits and boundaries, it’s important to use any verbal conflict, mental mayhem and corruptive conundrums to push your own understanding of what you hold true. Your mind is shape shifting, your personality is being tested. This is a time when you could become unbearably preachy, pulpit pushy and blindly bashing what you are too afraid to understand.
It could be a time when you allow your thoughts, beliefs and faith to be stripped bare, without protection or defense to see if it holds any truth, weight or significance given your current situation.
As we spoke of in your last horoscope it’s time to travel, tip-toe off into the tulips and scamper into the great blue yonder with those that can yodel a great big yes!
These trips and confounding conversations are meant to reconfigure what you believe in. They are meant to show you a new way of existing in the world. They aren’t angling to get you off the hook or to get you out of growth-inducing games.
From new moon to full, from December 21st to January 4th, write your worries, fears, faiths and feelings. From dark moon to light moon, travel, expand, explore and challenge yourself to learn through a new lens. How we see the world is everything. How we see ourselves in it determines how we feel about everything we do.
You just gained a worthy opponent. You just ran smack dab into your greatest ally and your greatest antagonist. You are about to engage in a three year learning curve that contains everything that you need to know about functioning fulling in relationship.
If you take any sentiment with you, let it be this one: If you find yourself focusing on blaming, shaming or wanting to completely destroy another, chances are the problem isn’t all them. Take a long look in the mirror my friends because none of us escapes the pain of being a victim by blaming others.
No one is responsible for your happiness. No one is responsible for your healing. No one is responsible for your dedication to lugging around life-times of pain. No one can release you from your personal suffering. No one but you.
If you can support yourself with these kinds of reminders when you would rather point fingers and scream profanities at those that might very well have earned such declarations, you’ll be off to a good start with the beginning of Saturn’s sojourn through your Seventh House of intimacy and partnership. Your first commitment is to yourself.
The rest of your astrology as far as the next couple of weeks is concerned has to do with developing deals with others, working to improve your financial freedom and your income integrity. This is no time to try and escape difficult conversations when it comes to the dollar bills. This is no time to devalue your work and your worth. This is no time to cheat, lie or steal either. Be clean. Come correct. Look everyone straight in the eye and forget feeling ashamed,
afraid or unworthy of dealing with the details you need to hash out.
If there is no business brewing then this time will be one of clearing out the fearful legacies that you have inherited. it will be a time of confronting loss, losing and loosening the bind that they have on you. Don’t worry so much, we are all going to lose everything eventually. It’s a given. The trick is finding the joy that is present when we live in the face of it. Unmistakable relief is really possible when we can accept that what has been lost was not ours to keep.
Don’t pretend you don’t want it. Don’t apologize for needing it. Don’t mistake having humility for stuffing down unacknowledged hostility. You might be unfamiliar in this territory. You might not believe or know your next steps, but believe me when I tell you that you must take them and you absolutely don’t need to have every detail worked out right now. In fact you cannot. But you can be honest about what you need to do. You can apply yourself diligently come fear and phobias of being successful, productive and efficient. You can root out the false beliefs you have about hard work and working hard.
Whether you are the kind of crab that has been shirking your responsibilities or the kind of clawed creature that has been working yourself to the point of exhaustion without a proper payoff, your entire world view on work is about to get reworked.
Don’t fake it, make it. What is worth doing and what are you just pretending is worth it? Don’t pose for the perfect portrait of yourself in your current employment, work at what you need to so that your employment is perfect for you. You gotta be Boss in the places you feel bossed. No one is going to give you your authority over your daily routines, over your daily grind, over your daily life and our life is only made up of what we do day-to-day. So better start dealing truthful testimonies every morning, noon and night.
With the new moon on December 21st having just seeded potent potentials in your Seventh House of Love and intimacy and the full moon in Cancer on January 4th, you are primed to run into many confounding issues around how you show up in the world, how others perceive you and if you give a fuck or not. Not everyone is going to like what you do. Not everyone is going to approve of your evolving needs and the life lessons that you must engage with. More likely than not some relationships will shake lose and some you will just see differently. This is not a bad thing. This is a growth thing. This is a grown up thing. This is a save yourself first thing. Reclaim all daddy/mommy/brother/sister projections. No one is here to save you save you. Save yourself.
Make an effort to be consistent when it comes to creative projects, lovers, children and your hobbies.
Yes, your hobbies.
Having something to do that allows you to let off steam, switch gears and give into your goofy, giddy and gorgeously gifted ways of playing is akin to getting some major work done. Children are very intensely set on creating worlds of wonder. They mean business when they are able to get down to the fine art of fun. Playing helps us work out deeper issues. Pretending creates a safe space to confront difficult realities. And having a hobby is just plain healthy. We can’t fix everything all at once (apparently it’s against the laws of healing). We must meet and deal with our demons bit by bit and piece by piece.
Get clear on and then get started on manifesting a creative endeavor that you have been dreaming of that you could bring to fruition in the next 3 years. Get your pen and paper and magic wand out. You are about to place a cosmic pizza order and you need to be prepared.
First see yourself with the thing already done. What does it look like, feel like and appear like in your life? Focus mostly on how it feels. This is the place that is the most powerful to manifest from. Keep feeling how it feels to live your life with more purpose, passion and productivity in the areas that would bring you the most joy.
Now work backwards from your goal. What could you get done this year that would be a healthy step towards that goal? Now break up that one goal in to twelve healthy heaps, twelve doable deeds to crush monthly. Now take the easiest, simplest and most basic of all these steps and focus on getting just that one thing done between now and January 20th.
Time to stabilize. Time to root so you can rise. Time to find your feet and feel what it is to commit to your own sense of place in the world.
You don’t have to “fit in” to find home. In fact, the less you try the less likely you are to lie. There can be no untruths when making roots. They simply won’t take to the soil and everything will end up feeling like endless toil.
Trouble, trouble.
Do what you can to give yourself the home and family that you never had but always wanted. Do what you can to create a nurturing environment to come home to, one that feeds your need to explore, expand and learn new things. Develop your library. Set up a great desk space. Clean out your hard drive and get those fancy pens that make you want to write your premature memoir. Sign up for that online course that you keep thinking that you could do on the weekends. Invite wisdom to dinner. Go to bed with the great novelists of our time. Get up with good questions on your mind.
But mostly let these next few years bring you into deeper connection with all that went south when you were a little one. This is your time to remake your mind about what you can and can’t feel and experience in your interior life. This is the time where you get to become the author so that the closing chapters (far off as they may be) have the qualities that you wish to live out and express fully.
I’m still routing for your love life. I’m still wondering what you can risk there. I’m still hoping that you are able to show up with less armor and more amore. And I’m still holding out for a creative breakthrough (even if its via a breakdown). One that disturbs, disrupts and dismantles your former understanding of yourself as artist.
The heavens are encouraging you to work towards a couple of goals.
1)Leave your family members alone. Let them be. Let them learn their own lessons and have their own struggles and find their own way. You can find ways to inadvertently shine a light for them to see by but they need to find their own footing. Otherwise you’re cheating them out of their own life lessons.
2)Feeling your feelings doesn’t make you weak, it makes you emotionally intelligent or it at least gives you the option to become so. Whatever arises between December 21st and January 4th is asking for your attention. Nothing is falling apart that was meant to stay in place. Nothing about your home life, family life or way of being connected to your inner life should be static right now. Trust that what gives way was well on its way to changing before you became conscious of it.
3)Your career is about to get a major boost from the full moon on January 4th. This is no subtle lift. This is something that feels illuminating, invigorating, wild, dangerous and doubt defying. Take calculated risks but don’t gamble on swamp land. Change some facet of the way you do your dealings in terms of communication but back up your databases. Go for what you want by putting in the work that is necessary to put in and by being willing to risk your reputation in service of your truth.
4)Take your mind seriously if you one day want to take your ideas to the bank. Ideas do little good wandering around without a place to call home-they are your currency. Write things down. Make lists. Make up your mind to make an effort to cultivate a more mindful approach to life. You have big ideas. Gigantic ideas. Enormous ideas. Gargantuan ideas. They must be broken into smaller bite sizes in order to become realities. Get used to exercising your abilities to see the possibilities in real, practical, approachable steps.
Whoa. It’s happening. Saturn is leaving Scorpio. I can’t imagine that the Master of Mastery makes any less of a dramatic exit as it does an entrance so if relief is not yet a lived experience, fear not. By now you are hopefully feeling more solid, more formed, more formidable and a little clearer about your direction in life.
At the very least you know what you are able to survive and that fear is not for free-birds that dare to rise from the ashes.
The Saturnian need for self-mastery has been making you work tirelessly on your identity, your direction and the way in which you enter the world. That need is now transferring into the domain of your chart that rules money, property and prosperity.
Time to balance the books.
And get real about the numbers needed to live the life that you wish to. More importantly, it’s time to balance your perceived debts and deficiencies with your talents, resources and raw materials. Refusing to see these things when you look in the mirror will become increasingly painful. Refusing to be self-supporting in the ways you absolutely can do will be too. You don’t need to lean where you are strong. You don’t need to fold where you are sturdy. But you might need to rework how you get your payroll to rock.
This might mean a change in how you get the green. This might mean confronting fears around changing course here. This might just be about finding your way into a new relationship with all of the above.
As your last horoscope outlined, your current astrology has all sorts of things to teach you about what you say and how you say it, what you frame and how you frame it. There’s more to come in this domain so deal lovingly in the conversations that cross your path.
The full moon on January 4th will light up, pour up and blow up some of your more sacred vows so careful what you call the truth. Be open to new adventures but double check that your parachute is prepped. We are still in some potentially rocky astro travel terrain, but don’t let it hold you back. Tread wisely but make sure you make some footprints out there.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Like a sea monster washed up on the shore, you are emerging from the depths of your own subconscious.
Dealing with your subconscious saboteurs has been a wild ride and clarity has been a long time coming. It’s not that everything will be neatly solved, resolved or even evolved during the three years that Saturn will be transiting through your sign (officially beginning on December 23rd). It’s not that everything that you need to do, work on and mature about will all of a sudden become clear. But things will start to become so.
In short, the week of December 22nd especially is one of major transition. An unmistakable move forward. An undeniable grappling with your own authority. You may have to move slowly though, at least at first. I know that this is not a speed that you are comfortable with but remember this is a marathon. You have every reason to take the time to find your own pace with things.
Some of you will wake up one day to find yourself declaring that you are packing up your apartment and moving to a small town up North. Some of you will be struck dumb with the undeniable knowledge that you have completely lost interest with your current job, career track or life long goals. But these aren’t necessarily fast decisions. They are likely to appear so but in reality they have been building within you for years. Some of you will wonder, “Who’s life is this anyway?”
Yours! Yours! Yours!
So treat it as such. Give yourself what you need, allow yourself the things you want and start to build this new journey brick by brick and step by step as you wish it to be. You actually do have a clean slate to work with if you have been doing the work. You are a new you. Or you are in the process of becoming so. Try not to arrive at premature conclusions about what direction to take. Try not to know. Try to un-know. Show up and see what’s available. Show up and see how you feel about it. Show up and you’ll know what the moment needs next.
Well, wow. That was quite a solstice. And, holy moly. A new moon at the beginning of your sign. And, whoa. All the little planets (Mars a couple of weeks back, Venus and Mercury now) rushing through your good goatiness, setting off some astrological fireworks …
One of the biggest themes in your horoscopes is about letting go. This is in part due to the fact that your ruling planet, Saturn, has just slipped into your Twelfth House of teetering on the brink and eventually diving into the abyss. It also has to do with the fact that Pluto, planet that rules the underworld, is in your sign and receiving hella action from many a wandering light.
Pluto demands that we get down to our skivvies. You can’t do an underworld journey dressed to the nines. Fancy bags and bow-ties get left at the gate. So my best advice for you is from the latest new moon (December 21st) to the next full moon (January 4th) you get naked. Strip down. Peel it off. Prepare yourself for the adventure of grappling with the unknown.
You are being activated in some very major ways right now. You are being asked to shed some thick layers. You are being coaxed to come clean about what is ultimately your goal in this unpredictable life. It might feel like it’s personal. It most likely is. Why wouldn’t it be? The universe is personally singling you out so that you are better prepared to deal with life and all its lessons.
Just like it personally singles us all out eventually. Don’t worry, every sign gets its turn at some point. So if this isn’t, in some way, a time marked with a certain amount of chaos and your fair share of life lessons then you may want to check your birth certificate.
You have three very different influences going on in your chart at the moment.
1)There is so much internal tumult, interior angst and psychic releasing going on that you’d be best served to use the latest full moon to dream, sleep and meander as much as possible. I mean, this is some heavy lifting that you are in the midst of and it isn’t about to let up until after the full moon on January 4th. Even then there will be reverberations. This is nothing to fear however, this is something to embrace. If you can use this moment to dump toxic emotions in your dreamtime you’ll have much less to unload in the conscious realms of reality. If you can use your meditations to get in touch with your deeper fears you’ll have less unconscious erupting that seemingly comes from nowhere. If you can use your downtime to bear witness to what gets passed over in your busy-busy, you’ll leave 2014 with a greater self-awareness and quite possibly a greater sense of self-love.
2)There are many things nagging at you to get done. There are energies tugging you forward even though you may feel like falling back asleep. This can be annoying. This can be disturbing. This can be quite enlightening if you let it be. What do you serve? Your compulsive actions or your deeper meditations? Your addictions or your desires? Your need for escape or your need for accomplishment. Is there room for a both/and type of situation when and where it’s applicable?
3)The pressure to understand how you fit into a group, the group or any group of people on the planet will be of increasing importance. A call to organize, strategize and need to learn how to compromise with others is emerging. Who do you align with? Who do you spend time with? Who can you work with, play with, pray with and party with? What floated your boat before may no longer be as buoyant.
I personally give prominence to making sure you get the time you need to let down your hair and roam around commando. If you get in some good down time it’s far easier to conquer the rest of your life and the world for that matter.
You and I have been talking about how to deal with friends, foes and those that we swim in social circles with a lot lately. I want to emphasize the importance of that conversation. We aren’t done with it yet. However at this point you may be feeling a little more trepidation about going out and getting down. You might be a little burnt out on all the “growth opportunities” that have come through others in recent weeks. But they aren’t done with you. Keep at the uncovering process between you and your social circles, there is more to gain by sticking with it than there is by slipping away from it.
I want to also go back to an earlier conversation that we were having about you, your career and any fears you might have of flying high in this domain.
It’s time to work on what you work on. As Saturn, planet of mastery, limits, boundaries, work, work and work is or has just arrived (gets there on December 23rd) in your tenth house of honors, esteem and notoriety. It’s time to give real consideration to what you want to be known for, what you want to accomplish in this domain of your life over the next three years and what you are willing to give up in order to do so.
Yes, give up.
I know that it is much more comfortable for you to have access to all things-not that you will use them or even that you want them all. Just having access is enough. But these times speak about what you are willing to cut out in order to gain clarity.
If you choose a path and stick to it the next three years will be unusually rewarding. People take you seriously when you do. So do you. No matter what you think of your credentials (there are always more to gain) they are what they are. Make the most of what you have and when in doubt rely on lived experience … I know that you have recently gained a boat load.
You are ready for the world. And even if you aren’t, we are ready for what you have to bring to us. It might be awkward at first. It might be hard. It will require your effort and will be easier if you can trust your efforts, trust the work and trust that the world will respond to your sincerity, passion and sense of purpose.