The new moon in Virgo occurs on September 19th, 2017 at 10:30 PM PT. To learn more about this new moon and how it will impact your sign, join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18.
The work that is yours to do will will always be true to you. It wants no one but you. For as long as patience can wait, it will pine for you.
Your work will never forget you. Never move from your side. Never not be right where you left it.
Its importance only grows when you try to put it aside.
Becoming harder, heavier, and more dense the longer it is avoided. When neglected, your work becomes an anchor, fastening you to a situation you wish to God you could get away from. A situation you wish to Goddess that you could outgrow.
The work that is yours to do is inescapable. Able to outlive your resistance to it. Able to outlive your protest of it. Able to outlive your every dismissal of it.
There is no denying it.
On Tuesday, September 19th, at 10:30 PM PT, the new moon in Virgo ushers us into a new lunar cycle. With the sun, moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars all in Virgo, this new moon is one that emphasizes this discerning earth sign’s energy.
Virgo knows work. Hard, unending edits to the labour it puts in, Virgo never ceases to try and perfect. It is driven. By a need to contribute something of value. Something of use. Something that works. Efficiently. Effectively. Skillfully.
This new moon sits in direct opposition to Chiron, the healer, the teacher, the wounded one. Chiron brings up the wounds that we need to work on. Chiron teaches us the healing traditions that address all aspects of human suffering. Chiron’s story reminds us of the sacred nature of our mortality. Of our vulnerability. Of the gift of being human.
Because we have such an incredibly short amount of time in this body and on this earth, we are given the gift of urgency. To not do our work is to forfeit our ticket to life. To living it. To enjoying it. To sharing it. To miss out on the opportunities to do the work of healing is to miss out on the greatest gift life can give us.
The expansion of our soul comes through the depths we are willing to experience in the material world.
The ruler of the new moon is Mercury. At the time of the new moon, Mercury is in direct opposition to Neptune. The planet of dreams. Visions. Symbols. Sirens. Seas. Mists. Fog. Confusion. Neptune makes it easy to get swept off course. Easy to convince ourselves that we can do something later. Easy to deny that time is always running out. Easy to convince ourselves that we need to get it right before we give it a try.
We get caught in canyons of anxiety thinking that we have to know where we are going before we’ve even had a chance to survey our surroundings.
We get caught up in webs of confusion when we think we have to have it all figured out before we’ve given ourself permission to learn it. In our own time. In our own way.
We get it twisted when we put getting attention higher on our list of accomplishments than the cultivation of our awareness. When we place awards before our growth. When we are trying to get placed on a pedestal before we have ventured into the depth of our soul.
The real work of our lives is to try. When we aren’t sure. When we are scared. When our doubts seem like they will overwhelm our senses. Our work is to give ourselves the permission to grow through trial and error.
In the end, doing our work, facing our hardest lessons, and working with our pain and fear, becomes our greatest achievement. Our greatest source of strength. Our greatest go-to for the inspiration we need to face all of life’s lessons.
New moon blessings,