Monday, April 24th
Mercury (retrograde) in Aries trine Saturn in Sagittarius, both at 27°
Wednesday, April 26th
5:16 AM – New moon at 6° Taurus
Friday, April 28th
Venus enters Aries
Mercury (retrograde) conjunct Uranus at 25° of Aries
The week is a mixture of fire and earth. Grounding and inspiration. Stabilizations and activations. This week asks us to manifest our creative energy. It asks us to channel the week’s illuminating insights into our everyday lives, making use of the gifts the gods give us.
The new moon in Taurus firmly plants itself in a week ablaze with intuition, awakening and instability. The new moon in Taurus occurs in a sweet spot, free from any difficulties, side-eye or sticky situations with other planets. The new moon in Taurus is, therefore, one to work with.
It is sandwiched in between days where Mercury, still retrograde, plays the field. The Messenger begins with a stabilizing trine with Saturn, encouraging us to work creatively within the bounds of the known world. This is one of two trines that Mercury will make with Saturn in the coming weeks. Once retrograde, once direct.
Mercury then moves on to make a conjunction with Uranus, the Revolutionary. Uranus lives beyond the bounds of Saturn. Beyond the bounds of time and space. Beyond the bounds of having any f*cks to give. Mercury and Uranus team up to bring us searingly hot flashes of truth. Truth that cannot be denied. Truth that cannot be contained. Truth that will not be ignored. This is one of two conjunctions made to Uranus over the coming weeks, just as with Saturn, once while Mercury is retrograde and once when it is direct.
However, Mercury is up to much more than its own agenda. What Mercury is really doing is tying together a much bigger structure and bigger aspects of this year: the upcoming Saturn/Uranus trine.
The Saturn/Uranus trine is an astrological configuration that takes place in three parts. The first installment was in December, 2016 and the last will occur in November of 2017. The second trine will officially occur on May 19th, but these two are in a near trine to each other from now until then.
The Saturn/Uranus trine calls for a major overhaul in regards to the structures of our lives. Uranus and Saturn work in very different ways. Uranus shatters the structures of the past while Saturn clings to them. The trine between them suggest that there is to be some assistance merging the meanings of the two planets. If this is so, this week will deliver some of the much needed messages that we must integrate into our lives if we are to successfully invigorate the structures that we have in place with the energy of ingenuity that wants to permeate them.
This Friday, Venus’s day, also sees Venus leaving the waters of her exaltation, Pisces, and moving back into the inferno of Aries, the sign of her detriment. Venus is still trekking through the terrain of her latest retrograde, even though she is now moving direct as a glorious and bright morning star. Venus is helping us to finish up the lessons that we have learned in love and war. Helping us to see what we need to help our hearts heal. Helping us to remember that we too, will rise again, even if this isn’t quite the moment to do so.
*The following horoscopes are written affirmation style to help you to manifest love and healing with the new moon in Taurus. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
Aries & Aries Rising
I roll with the shocks and the shifts in my life. I make gateways out of the cracks. I make opportunities out of the invitations to do things differently. I make a point of counting my blessings no matter how many times I get sidetracked by surprises. I am in a constant state of renewal and this moment makes that more apparent than usual.
I keep my mind focused on building what I can with what I have from the place that I am at.
Wednesday’s new moon makes me wise to my talents, especially those that need my attention. Wednesday’s new moon is my invitation to ground my raw, natural abilities into forms that I can use. Wednesday’s new moon wants me to harness the practical aspects of the gifts that I have been blessed to bring forth into the world.
The greatness of our gifts cannot be actualized until we actually put them to use.
This new moon wants me to understand that it is time to claim my wealth as my own. My wealth is my ability to keep tracking and acting on the opportunities that propel me into inspired action. My wealth is my ability to take care of my container, so that my talents have a place to take root and rise. My wealth is my ability to protect my talents from the poisonous attitudes of the world so that my work may eventually bear the antidotal fruit to such toxicity.
Wednesday’s new moon reminds me that, even though many things in my life are being shaken loose, if I can remain in the eye of the storm, I can make manifest what will help me to build new, more hospitable, more fertile conditions.
*The new moon in Taurus, occurring on April 26th, is a new moon to manifest with. There hasn’t been a moon this open to interpretation in a very long time. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: The New Moon in Taurus & the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from April 26th – May 25th.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
I am allowed to begin anew. I am allowed to grant myself a moment to refresh my life. I am allowed to get still. To move into the fertile depths of the dark. To reemerge with a renewed drive. A new commitment to myself. A new appreciation for all that I am moving towards.
I am allowed to find a new glow.
I use Wednesday’s new moon in Taurus to remind myself that I am on my own side. Part of me is always cheerleading from the sidelines. Part of me is always strategizing to help win the next play. Part of me is always watching out for what is coming next. I never leave myself alone on the field. I am all in.
I use Wednesday’s new moon to give myself a moment. A moment to empty out. A moment to tune out the ways of the world. A moment to tune into the ways in which I wish to move forward. From here. Considering everything that has occurred. Considering everything that I have been asked to handle. Considering everything I am using the moon to call in.
I call in my new moon manifestations with unwavering confidence. With the steadiness of a bull. With the stubbornness of this fixed, earth sign that I have been asked to inhabit. If I have been gifted these traits then I will use them to my advantage.
There is nothing that makes manifest my desires quicker than my clarity and a certainty of purpose. Without hubris. Without arrogance. Without self-aggrandizement. With only the motivation to steady myself so that I may be able to give my life, and everyone in it, all that I am meant to.
*The new moon in Taurus, occurring on April 26th, is a new moon to manifest with. There hasn’t been a moon this open to interpretation in a very long time. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: The New Moon in Taurus & the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from April 26th – May 25th.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
I recommit to my well-being. I reevaluate the efficacy of my self-care strategies. I remember that the quality of my productivity depends on the depth of my relationship to my own needs.
Everything that I create is, in part, created from the internal conditions that I am able to cultivate for myself. The nuances of my creations come from the nuances of my being. I take time to get to know the less obvious aspects of myself. The beauty of my creations comes from the beauty that I am able to witness not just in the world around me, but also in the world within me. I take time to appreciate all that I forget to be grateful for. The intelligence of my creations comes from the intelligence I am able to tap into. I take time to call on the goddesses, to ask for their guidance, to remember to listen to their wild and unpredictable downloads.
This week, I will pay special attention to the folks that deliver me from near-sided thinking. This week, I will pay attention to the folks that can spin a problem around until they find a solution. This week, I will pay attention to the conversations that my community is having so that I might better understand how to bring what I know to what others are working through.
*The new moon in Taurus, occurring on April 26th, is a new moon to manifest with. There hasn’t been a moon this open to interpretation in a very long time. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: The New Moon in Taurus & the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from April 26th – May 25th.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
My dreams for the future anchor me in the present. I line up my actions with them in mind. I envision the strategies that will help me get there. I call up the confidence to connect with those that are actively working towards a future in which my dreams would also flourish.
I co-create with others without dishonoring what it is that I bring to the table. I co-create with others while understanding that I have a tremendous amount to learn which they will undoubtedly help to teach me. I co-create with others from a place of curiosity about what it is that wants to be brought into being.
I use Wednesday’s new moon to keep cultivating the friendships that help me to dream. Wildly. Beyond my misconceptions and misguided expectations. I use Wednesday’s new moon to remind myself that I am part of a collective of people that are just as inspired as I am to create places in the world where we can heal ourselves into future possibilities. I use Wednesday’s new moon to remind myself that I am not alone.
Feeling alone is a trick of my ego. It is a tool of oppression. It is a way to keep me from my power. It is a way to keep me captive. It is a way to stay curled up in the shell of hurt. I am not alone in my pain. I need not be alone in my joy. I use Wednesday’s new moon to remember to make the effort to reach out and establish contact, so that I might smash the false notion that this life is a lonely one.
*The new moon in Taurus, occurring on April 26th, is a new moon to manifest with. There hasn’t been a moon this open to interpretation in a very long time. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: The New Moon in Taurus & the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from April 26th – May 25th.
Leo & Leo Rising
Wednesday’s new moon asks me to build upon my career. It asks me to make it my home. It asks me to claim it as my own.
To whatever degree I have yet to.
I use Wednesday’s new moon to renew my commitment to all I wish to do in the world. I use Wednesday’s new moon to give freely to the dreams that I have for my work in the world. I use Wednesday’s new moon to understand the power of my commitments.
To whatever degree I haven’t been able to fully show up.
The clarity of my purpose calls all manner of opportunity to me. One by one. Single to multiple. Small to large. Minor to major. I keep corralling my faith in this process. I keep tracking the affirmations that I get from my life. I keep feeling the energy in me rise as I get closer to what I am meant to be serving. Like meeting a new love, the more I move towards my purpose, the more exhilarating its possibilities become. The more I make room for it in the present, the more I am able to see how it has been with me all along. The more I open to these signs, the more I am affirmed and fed by them and the more fuel I have to move with them and all they are meant to be.
*The new moon in Taurus, occurring on April 26th, is a new moon to manifest with. There hasn’t been a moon this open to interpretation in a very long time. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: The New Moon in Taurus & the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from April 26th – May 25th.
I use Wednesday’s new moon as an opportunity to ground myself in the ideas, ideals and philosophical traditions that keep me connected to the wisdom that holds me. Gets me. Gathers me. I take this opportunity to recenter myself in the teachings of those that came before me. I take this opportunity to remember that I need not feel like I should start completely from scratch. There are lifetimes upon lifetimes of lived experiences that I can lean on. Build upon. Flourish from.
I use Wednesday’s new moon as a reason to dedicate some time to my own spiritual healing. Because I know that getting far is never as nourishing if I haven’t taken the time to get right with myself first.
I use Wednesday’s new moon to envision my future plans from a place of well-being. With every sense available to me. With every ounce of my imagination. With every bit of my belief. I manifest with my entire being. Bringing myself into the reality I wish to create before I have been able to create it. So that I know it before I have met it. So that I am in love with it before we have ever been introduced. So that I am ready for it way before it makes its way through my door.
*The new moon in Taurus, occurring on April 26th, is a new moon to manifest with. There hasn’t been a moon this open to interpretation in a very long time. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: The New Moon in Taurus & the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from April 26th – May 25th.
Libra & Libra Rising
Intelligent hearts know that no two people need the same thing. Intelligent love knows that we need to be loved into our potential. Intelligent love knows that we will not need the same kind of loving at every stage of our becoming.
Our love needs to be able to grow along with us.
This week leads me and my partners to the breakthroughs that we need. My heart needs encouragement to grow. Content, vigilant, dedicated attention. My heart needs me to remember that when challenges arise, they are often avenues that will deepen my understanding and appreciation of it.
Wednesday’s new moon teaches me how to stabilize. No matter what arises. I remember to tune into myself. I remember to find my ground. I remember to find my center. To find my feeling about the issue, no matter the story attached to it.
Wednesday’s new moon brings with it beautiful possibilities for my collaborations with others. For building with our shared strengths. For addressing and working on our weaknesses. For filling in the gaps of what one doesn’t have with what the other does.
Wednesday’s new moon reminds me to refresh my point of view about how I enter into collaborations. It reminds me to get straight what I have to give. It reminds me to get clear about what I need to work on. It reminds me to stay humble enough to do the work to the best of my ability and to appreciate the effort and the energy that I give to everything I do.
*The new moon in Taurus, occurring on April 26th, is a new moon to manifest with. There hasn’t been a moon this open to interpretation in a very long time. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: The New Moon in Taurus & the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from April 26th – May 25th.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
I am allowed to love. As my heart instructs me to. As I was meant to. As freely as I can.
I am allowed to love again. And again. And again. Until I can feel it. Until I can know it. Until I can understand that I am not separate from it.
I am allowed to love myself through anything and everything I come up against. Through every mistake. Through every misunderstanding. Through every regret and every success.
I am allowed to learn how to love each person in my life. As they wish to be loved. As best as I can. As honestly as I am able to.
I dedicate my energy towards stabilizing the good that is growing in my relationships. I commit myself to learning how I can become a better partner to all that is partnering with me. I call in all relationships that have yet to arrive. I send out multiple messages via the elements. I burn what I wish to release. Wash away the sediment of the past. Bury what needs to be composted. Speak the words of forgiveness that are in my heart. Let the flames of my heart’s love shine bright so that I am easy to find. Shed tears of joy and excitement for the love that is entering my life. Plant the seeds for future meals. Call out to my loves and have faith in their answers back.
*The new moon in Taurus, occurring on April 26th, is a new moon to manifest with. There hasn’t been a moon this open to interpretation in a very long time. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: The New Moon in Taurus & the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from April 26th – May 25th.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Wednesday’s new moon reminds me of the importance of plodding along. It reminds me of the beauty of each brick that I lay. It reminds me of the depth that I develop when I move with the natural rhythms of how my work is working itself out.
No pushing is needed. I trust in the process. It helps me to persist past all obstacles. It helps me to enjoy each phase of it. It reminds me of the importance of being present no matter which stage of the game I am at.
I use Wednesday’s new moon to give life to the work projects I am ready to begin. I remember that abundance comes to me through my ability to show up consistently. To work effectively. To work pleasurably. I take care to build a work environment that cares not only about the work being done, but also about those that are doing the work. Myself included. I take steps to surround myself with beauty. I take moments to help me tap into the effortless bounty of nature. I take seriously my need to enjoy what I do, so that my love for it always shines through.
*The new moon in Taurus, occurring on April 26th, is a new moon to manifest with. There hasn’t been a moon this open to interpretation in a very long time. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: The New Moon in Taurus & the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from April 26th – May 25th.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
Wednesday’s new moon wants me to feel it. Cozy up to it. Revel in the realness of it. Joy is my healer. Pleasure is my therapist. Amusement is my muse.
The inner-revolution that I am currently experiencing is one that needs a whole lot of happy to make it happen. Any amount that I can cultivate and allow myself to fully experience is a win. I do so consciously. I carve out time to explore what brings me bliss. I dedicate time to all things that delight my senses. I work at creating a life filled with wonder.
I am not afraid to feel good. And when I am, I help myself work through it so that I can feel the power of healing my self-denying tendencies. I work through it because I owe myself that much. I work through it so that I can honor the sacrifices my ancestors made to get me here.
I laugh, I love, I live for the benefit of my entire family tree. From my roots to the fruits yet to have ripened.
I use Wednesday’s new moon to feel the pulsating power of my creative energy. I use Wednesday’s new moon to give in to what that force wants to create next. I use Wednesday’s new moon to say yes to the projects that ground me in life-enhancing expressions of joyful healing.
*The new moon in Taurus, occurring on April 26th, is a new moon to manifest with. There hasn’t been a moon this open to interpretation in a very long time. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: The New Moon in Taurus & the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from April 26th – May 25th.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
I use Wednesday’s new moon to get grounded. To feel the power of being connected to what supports me. To feel abundant in the fertility of the earth under me. To feel the power of being present in my life.
I use Wednesday’s new moon to make my home a space that affirms who I am and who I am healing myself into becoming. I build altars to love in every room. I bless every corner with my attention so that no space remains unknown.
I carry my home in my heart so that wherever I am in the world, I am always at home.
I use Wednesday’s new moon to remember the traditions that I come from that help me to feel held. I spend the time and make the effort to recreate these traditions to help myself heal. I change what never felt right for me and keep what helps me to have hope for what I am building in the present.
I allow myself the freedom to think beyond ideas that I have inherited. Sometimes the old ways need a revitalizing spin on them. Sometimes what we have inherited is a misinterpretation of the seed idea it stems from. Sometimes it’s important to go back and clarify what the original intent was so that we can make conscious the traditions we are taking with us and the ones that we are taking the authority to completely do away with.
*The new moon in Taurus, occurring on April 26th, is a new moon to manifest with. There hasn’t been a moon this open to interpretation in a very long time. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: The New Moon in Taurus & the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from April 26th – May 25th.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
My daily rituals keep me right with myself. My daily rituals keep me grounded in my intentions. My daily rituals connect my deepest desires to my lived experience.
My daily rituals get refreshed with Wednesday’s new moon.
I remember to construct my days in ways that help me to lovingly construct my life. I remember to make my healing the focus of my daily movements. I remember to make my emotional, mental and spiritual health central to the ways in which I move through my day.
I try my best to love myself through each one so that each one can feel lovingly lived.
My experience of each day is my daily accomplishment. No matter what goes down, I’m down for the ride. As a way of being on my own side. As a way of learning how to listen to what guides me. As a way of learning how to deconstruct what was harmful and reconstruct ways around it.
I connect the dots of my days to the dreams of my soul. It is here, in my mundane life, where I get to do the holiest work. It is here, in the smallest of actions that, where I get to put to use my big heartedness. It is here, in the simplest of motions, where I get to make use of my entire, complex and creative genius.
*The new moon in Taurus, occurring on April 26th, is a new moon to manifest with. There hasn’t been a moon this open to interpretation in a very long time. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: The New Moon in Taurus & the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from April 26th – May 25th.