Astrology of the Week
Monday, November 13th
Venus conjunct Jupiter at 7° of Scorpio
Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces, both at 11°
Thursday, November 16th
Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces, both at 11°
Friday, November 17th
Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Mars in Libra, both at 16°
Saturday, November 18th
3:42 AM PT – New moon at 26° of Scorpio
Sunday, November 19th
Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn, both at 17°
Manifesting anything requires that, along with hard work and dedication, we become willing to move through the extremely uncomfortable feelings that are sure to arise along our journey. Feelings about our worthiness. Our ability to do the work. The validity of the thing we are trying to bring into being.
This week, Venus and Jupiter come together in Scorpio. The two together bring an incredible abundance. Excess. Opulence. Healing through joyful unions.
Sometimes hangovers.
Whatever shape this transit takes, it will be bring something abundant in emotional intensity. Having both benefics (planets that bring good things into our lives) coming together in the sign of a malefic (planets that challenge us, sometimes too much) encouraged us to honor the paradoxes of life. We might indulge desires we often deny. We might feel a mix of exhilaration alongside unrelenting grief in regards to all that is coming to light in our lives and in our world. We might find ways to begin a healing process around something that has been too tender to touch, until now.
With this kind of astrology, something positive is gleaned out of situations that have caused harm. Slowly.
It’s common to want to take immediate action to remedy a hurt. But what gets revealed under this kind of astrology should be unpacked with an incredible thoughtfulness and respect for the intricate complexities brought up by each instance of abuse, betrayal and harm that gets revealed.
Otherwise, we’ll just end up recreating the problems of the present moment.
Saturday’s new moon offers us the opportunity to enter into a new lunar cycle with a greater awareness of what we need to heal. What emotions we need to pay attention to. What secrets need airing out. What energy it has taken to keep them buried.
It’s time to free up our energy.
The power that is available to us when we allow the truth to surface is unmatched by anything given by the outside world. This new moon is reminding us of the presence of that power. Our access to our own power. The importance of refusing any narrative that would keep us from that power.
It takes a tremendous courage to stand up for the truth. A tremendous determination and belief in one’s own truth to challenge abusive institutions. A tremendous heart to hold the heartbreak that resurfaces with each and every admission of pain from ourselves and our community.
*Your weekly horoscopes are written affirmation style to be used for the new moon. Please change them as you need to so that they resonate with you. Please experiment with speaking them aloud repeatedly or writing them out and placing them where you can see them for the week of the new moon. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
Deep wells of replenishment open up for me when I am willing to work through my intimacy issues.
Crying is simply my system resetting itself.
I remind myself of this when I have a backlog of emotions to sort through. When I find that once again I have convinced myself that staying stagnant would be easier than staying current with my therapist, self-care, or spiritual practices. When my relationships are undergoing intensive transformations, I need to put more attention on my own needs.
Feeling witnessed helps me to trust my process.
I am here for a reason. I am in this place, at this time, for a purpose. I feel what I feel because it is what needs to come to consciousness. Needless destruction too easily occurs when I refuse to reflect on my own behaviors. Reconstruction can occur when I come to a situation with a little extra emotional integration.
Saturday’s new moon is an opportunity to realign myself with what I might have otherwise pushed aside. It encourages me to cross the rivers that run deepest in me and promises me gold on the other side of the healing experiences I encounter. Treasures of affirming partnerships. Riches emphasized by recognizing the relationships that are right for me. Gifts magnified by the affirming collaborations I call in.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign and for rituals and meditations to guide you, join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from November 18th – December 16th.
How gifted is my heart. How sound its longings. How solid its rhythm. How magnificent its wisdom.
I work on opening my awareness to all my heart can teach me. I seek to witness the world through its awareness. I remember that my relationships are always teaching me about how to do this. I remember that every cold wall I run into within myself is something I need to understand more intimately. I give thanks for every human who has ever helped me to scale one. Defrost one. Bear witness to one crumbling within me.
To be loved is to be given the greatest gift. The gift of being human. Held despite the issues I’ve yet to heal. Extended dignity despite all that I have withheld from others. Granted respect no matter how many I have trespassed.
I celebrate Saturday’s new moon by acknowledging all of the gorgeous, complex, challenging, wholly transformative love that is in my life. I reset my commitment to calling in more of it and healing what stands in the way of it.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign and for rituals and meditations to guide you, join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from November 18th – December 16th.
Saturday’s new moon helps me to refresh my relationship to my work habits. What I do habitually has power. What I do repeatedly has a cumulative impact. I make the moments of my day count by considering the mundane aspects of my life portals of power to enter through.
My work will thank me for it. My resources will be made more abundant because of it. My ability to digest and make use of difficulties will be all the more impactful with it.
I use this new moon to make a list of what I need to prioritize in my work. I use this new moon to think about seeds for future projects I want to create. I use this new moon to make a conscious imprint of what I want to grow myself into. Professionally. Proactively. Productively.
There is incredible power in showing up early and over-prepared. Incredible power in making the decision to move in a certain direction. Incredible power in claiming that I am dedicated to something long before I know if it will work. I use this new moon to claim the power of my intention and direct it to the professional aspirations awakening in me.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign and for rituals and meditations to guide you, join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from November 18th – December 16th.
I take time every morning to feel the creative energy that emanates from me. Every morning I place my awareness on the creative power that is mine to make use of. Every morning I remind myself that it is up to me to choose to tune into this force.
I am in creative partnership with my days. That is my power. When I don’t feel like I am co-creating my days, I have forfeited that power and projected it onto the world around me.
I reclaim my attention to this process so that I am in full possession of my impact on my life.
I imbue all of my creations with heartfelt hope that they might be healing. Useful. Helpful for the world in someway. I imbue all of my creations with trust. Trust in the process. Trust in the ways in which it wants to reveal itself. Trust in the feelings that come up in response to it.
I remember that I might still need to learn how to trust. I remember that there may have been times where I needed help and didn’t get it. I remember that there are things I didn’t learn about trust. When I lose my faith I need to help myself find it again. I need to show that aspect of myself love. To give that aspect of myself what it needs. To be a shoulder for that part of me to cry on. To teach myself how to trust. To learn how to be trustworthy.
Consoling my upset is always worth the time it takes. It always reconnects me to my agency. It always helps me to find a way to remember the immensity of life and all its possibilities. It always brings me back into connection with the infinite beauty that is my creativity power and its many possibilities.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign and for rituals and meditations to guide you, join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from November 18th – December 16th.
I restore myself by connecting to the hidden sources of power available to me. The sources that are ever present within me. The sources I need to remind myself to access.
The foundations that I come from are solid. Because I am made of earth. Mineral. Bone. I anchor into the ancient knowledge I am made from. Sometimes I need to drill through what has hardened around it. My own resistance to it. Refusal of it. But nothing can stop it from existing. Nothing deters it from residing within me. Nothing diminishes its beauty, strength or abundance.
No time. No distance. No fuckery forbids me from this.
I know that I must constantly reclaim what is mine. I know that I have to constantly reframe the way I think about the issues that I am up against. I know that I have to constantly encourage myself to move towards solution. The human brain circles around problems it has no control over. So I help my mind find creative ways to strategize instead of worrying myself silly over what I cannot control. I will not obsess over fixing what will forever remain broken. I help myself purge the thoughts that keep me feeling disenfranchised and replace them with the idea that it is completely possible, and is actually plausible, that I am connected to a source of intelligence that can solve even the severest of problems. I tap into it and trust that it is making its way through my thinking.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign and for rituals and meditations to guide you, join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from November 18th – December 16th.
I take hold of the power granted to me every day. I acknowledge the importance of my rituals. The ones that help me access my agency. Setting me up for the opportunity I am presented with each time the sun rises. Kicking my ass into gear so that I remember all that I have to work with. So that I remember not to feel sorry for myself for too long. So that I remember that I have made it this far and I will not stop for fear or loathing of any situation.
I make it a point to move my imagination past the limitations of my own personality. I make room for possibility. I communicate the unstoppable, palpable, poignancy of love to myself each day. As a way to cleanse my spirit. As a way to refresh my senses. As a way to remember all the goodness that moves through me.
Love is the strongest energy available to me, so I constantly direct my awareness there.
I give thanks for the opportunity I have to heal my mind. I give thanks for the opportunity I have to tune my thoughts towards what is affirming my ability to create change. I give thanks for Saturday’s new moon as it is yet another reminder to ask myself what I need in this moment. Whatever I yearn for, whatever needs are needing me to meet them, I use this new moon to make sure I offer myself just that.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign and for rituals and meditations to guide you, join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from November 18th – December 16th.
Nothing can keep me from my worth. Save my misunderstanding of it, nothing can keep me from my value. Save the fact that I am still healing the obstacles that I have to it, nothing can keep me from tapping into the power of my talents.
My goddess-given assets do not expire. They cannot be diminished. They never leave. They love me always. Await me eternally. Betray me never.
What I have access to is transformational. What I do with this power is my choice, each and every day. What I choose to believe about my worthiness and my worth determines how consciously I can direct it in my work and in the world.
The more I believe I have an impact, the more I witness it. The more I witness it, the more I believe in it. I am here for this kind of positive feedback loop. I am here for this kind of progress. I am here to experience the capacity of the gifts that I was born with and to use them to the fullest extent possible.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign and for rituals and meditations to guide you, join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from November 18th – December 16th.
I refuse to refuse my strength. My power. My choice in the matter. Every single decision that I make has energy behind it. Catapulting my life in one direction or another. As much as is possible, I take hold of the steering wheel. Veering myself towards my agency, making sure I remember the impact of my yes’s and my no’s. Remembering that what I choose to do each morning sets me up for the day. Remembering that what I do each evening prepares me to make better decisions come dawn.
I do not sleep on my potential.
I remind myself that each and every thing that is happening in my life is happening because it must. Because that is the order of things. Because that is what is and so I choose to accept that it is happening. So that I can choose how I will respond to it with as much of my being as possible. I choose what I will make of the events of my life. I choose what these occurrences will mean for my growth.
As the year unfolds I know that much is already opening up for me. Opportunities are already occurring for me. Much growth is already choosing me. I choose it back. I choose to respond to it with as much consideration as I can. No matter how much it is demanding me to stretch myself. Open myself. Challenge myself. I choose it. And as I do, more clarity comes as to how I can accept my life and its possibilities all the more.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign and for rituals and meditations to guide you, join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from November 18th – December 16th.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
My messy has purpose. I’m not meant to have it all together. Chaos has its own wisdom. Its own depth. Its own reasons for being. I work intuitively with it. Knowing which aspects to pay attention to. Which static to ignore. Which phantoms to let pass by me.
Intuition is my birthright. It isn’t a special talent, it is merely a human one. One that is available for me to make use of. A power at my disposal. A confirmation of my ability to pick up on information before it’s reached the material realm.
I know that some things are ending. Some things are coming to a close. Some things are fading into the distance. I know that whatever is receding is creating the space for something else with a more resonant beginning. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have feelings about it. It doesn’t mean that I’m cold-hearted about it. It doesn’t mean that It’s easy.
But I accept it.
Because that is what I do with mess. I accept what has happened so I can have a thoughtful response to it. So that I can reach into the heart of it, connecting with any intelligence it might possess. So that I can help bring about whatever change is needed from a place of awareness and agency.
Saturday’s new moon connects me to my inner knowing. My inner magic. My ability to transform frustration into energy to use for my healing. Because difficult situations simply teach me about a new way to use my incredible powers of perception.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign and for rituals and meditations to guide you, join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from November 18th – December 16th.
I am connected to a vast network of intelligent, compassionate, creative co-conspirators that are always giving me incredible resources to draw from, work with and be inspired by. As capitalism crumbles and all of its abuses of power are exposed, I look to those that are beside me creating powerful work. Shaping the future. Shifting the narrative. Sourcing strength from struggle and the sweetness of affirming selfhood.
I don’t need the permission of a hierarchy to know my worth. I need only my own dedication to sourcing the intelligence within and around me. I need only to connect to the talent surrounding me. I need only to believe that we are the hope, the answer, and the way forward.
I call on my courage to take the next step in my professional life. I call on my ability to be honest about any power struggles I have encountered there. I call on my integrity to deal with them honestly and swiftly. I remember that connecting to my own sources of power and creativity always realigns me so that I can access the answers that I need.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign and for rituals and meditations to guide you, join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from November 18th – December 16th.
Saturday’s new moon brings professional gifts for me to open. Enjoy. Share with my team. Saturday’s new moon brings gifts that grow even greater abundance with a little dedicated attention from me. Saturday’s new moon reminds me that unless I create sturdy structures within myself, the abundance that visits me won’t end up doing much of anything.
I know abundance comes and goes.
My ability to make use of each portion of it is more important than how much of it crosses my path. My ability to work through my fears of failure and success help to determine what I do with the opportunities that arrive. My ability to move through the difficult emotions that arise as I dig deeper into my work is the marker of a successful professional situation.
I love myself enough to heal what gets in the way of my growth.
My ability to honor my work helps my work honor all those it touches. I honor the effort it takes to create something worth the attention I wish it to receive. I honor the time it takes, the cycles I need to rotate through and the seasons that must come and go in order to create something that is lasting.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign and for rituals and meditations to guide you, join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from November 18th – December 16th.
The beliefs that I focus on either bring me into alignment with my power or further from it. I deepen my relationship with those beliefs that challenge me to do right by myself and my world each day. They are my access point to a broader perspective. My access point to many a journey. My access point to a more extensive array of answers.
I keep myself open to opportunities that challenge the way I see the world. Move my thinking towards wider vistas. Diverse terrain. I encourage myself to search for clues I might otherwise be too lazy to get to. Seek out those whose thinking helps me understand a problem from another angle. Set out on journeys that are sure to challenge what I think I know for sure.
Saturday’s new moon encourages me to deepen my relationship with what I have faith in. To reset my commitment to the practices that keep me on the path I wish to be on. Thinking thoughts that help me move towards answers instead of dwelling only in the difficulties. I remember to honor the stories, thoughts and ideas that want to find their way into the world through me. I call on the courage I need to articulate my truth. I call on the courage I need to face the challenges along my path. I call on the courage I need to love myself through whatever it is that comes my way.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign and for rituals and meditations to guide you, join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from November 18th – December 16th.