Monday, July 17th
Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces, both at 14°
Mars in Cancer square Uranus in Aries, both at 28°
Tuesday, July 18th
Venus in Gemini trine Jupiter in Libra, both at 15°
Wednesday, July 19th
Mercury in Leo trine Saturn in Sagittarius, both at 22°
Thursday, July 20th
Mars enters Leo
Sun in Cancer square Uranus in Aries, both at 28°
Saturday, July 22nd
Sun enters Leo
Sunday, July 23rd
2:46 AM PT – New moon at 0° of Leo
This week opens up on clashing notes. One fantastical, one rebellious.
On Monday, Venus squares Neptune. Creating a mist of confusion that infiltrates the air, both planets tend to want things to be ideal, romantic and receptive. However, together they can tend to create situations that exacerbate our willingness to override reality and venture headlong into our delusions about love and relationship. The thudding heart is hypnotic, and under its influence we can tend to get lost in the pools of a lover’s eyes. This combination can dissipate our energy, making it hard to get anywhere concrete, making staying afloat a great goal for the day. Use the energy for healing, meditation and creative visualizations.
Mars squares Uranus later on Monday. The concoction is a strange brew with notes of bitterness and bursts of eccentric flavor. Together, Mars and Uranus tend to send upsetting shock waves into the atmosphere. Accidents, upheavals and eccentricities abound. Expecting the unexpected is one thing, but as the sun will also square Uranus on Thursday, we should expect the exceptionally unruly. Sometimes we need that kind of wake up call to understand it’s our turn to get up, show up and not give up. Waking up is not a one-time event. Waking up is a practice. Waking up is a commitment that continues for a lifetime.
This week asks us to renew our membership.
Tuesday and Wednesday bring with them a mid-week reprieve. With Venus in Gemini lining up to trine Jupiter in Libra, we get to experience some of the best luck available, astrologically-speaking. That doesn’t mean that everything works out magically. It means that there is an opening, a window of opportunity for us to sneak through if we choose to. But that window is open amidst a roaring chaos that can keep us from being able to concentrate long enough to cash in on it. Pay attention to the invitations to maximize the good and give yourself options to optimize your opportunities.
On Wednesday, Mercury’s day, the Messenger makes a trine to Saturn, encouraging us to be critical in ways that help us to build sound theories and send out straightforward messages about our future intentions.
But from Thursday to Sunday things heat back up. Mars’s move into Leo is, in part, a precursor to the rest of the summer’s astrology. With not one, but two new moons in Leo, the second of which is a total solar eclipse, the rest of the summer is drama-driven. With an emphasis on the expressive aspect of life, the next two new moons are encouraging us to understand where and when performing our identities is healing and where and when it is inhibiting our growth.
12 hours after Mars has moved into Leo, the sun in the last degrees of Cancer, squares Uranus. If you have any planets or points at the later degrees (26°-29°) of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, you’ll be feeling the increasing uneasiness and itch to reinvent, restructure, rebel against or reorient a part of your life.
On Saturday night, the sun moves into Leo and a couple of hours later, so too does the moon, opening us up to a new lunar cycle. The new moon in Leo initiates us into eclipse season (there is a partial lunar eclipse in Aquarius on August 7th). Sitting with Mars, it promises us a lively new cycle that will illuminate the tricks and temperaments of testy egos as well as test our courage to rise to the occasion of becoming ourselves, in full expressive glory.
*This week’s horoscopes are written affirmation-style, they are suggestions of what you might want to bring in for the new moon and lunar cycle. Please shift the language as you need to. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work, in any form, you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
Aries & Aries Rising
Like a weed breaking through the concrete. Like an unstoppable emotion erupting. Breakthroughs are my birthright, so I let them take flight.
I let myself evolve. Without needing to control my growth. Without trying to force an outcome. Without pushing for a specific result. Breakthroughs require that one part of me pushes up against another.
I exist as both the problem and the solution.
My job is to find ways to accept my current self and my emerging self. My job is to take the friction of both existing within me and use it as fuel for my life. My job is to remember that I am in a constant process of recreation.
My growth is not governed by the cycles that others have existed within.
Sunday’s new moon opens up a wellspring of creative energy. One that supplies an elixir that leaves me invigorated. One that might get me overheated. One that gets to the heart of intimate interplays. Love lessons. Romantic tensions. Heartfelt instructions for me to follow about the nature of my desires.
I channel the revolutionary energy that moves through me so that I can utilize it for both creative and romantic experiences, helping me to open up to new ways of loving and being in love with what I am working on.
*This week’s new moon in Leo initiates us into eclipse season. For help understanding what this means for you personally, please join me for Eclipse Season Part 1: The New Moon in Leo & The Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, in which you’ll receive detailed astrological information & rituals that are specific to your sign, a guided meditation for this new moon and altar suggestions.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
I claim my home. I claim my body. I claim my space. I allow myself to exist. I call myself into this moment. This body. This place. Tenderly. Forcefully. Decidedly.
I do not leave myself hanging. Floating. Floundering around.
I build home out of each act of self-love I commit. I build home each time I stick to the boundaries that I have set for myself. I build home each time I address myself with kindness.
I make a practice out of speaking to myself in ways that remind me of the power that I do have. I make a practice out of speaking to myself in ways that remind me that I always find the solutions that I seek. I make a practice out of speaking to myself in ways that evoke my agency no matter the environment I am in.
I cast spells of self-actualization. So that I am not asleep to my own potential. So that I am not afraid of my own power. So that I am reminded of the promise that is deep within me, the promise to awaken through my efforts, through my work and through the connections that encourage me to heal.
*This week’s new moon in Leo initiates us into eclipse season. For help understanding what this means for you personally, please join me for Eclipse Season Part 1: The New Moon in Leo & The Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, in which you’ll receive detailed astrological information & rituals that are specific to your sign, a guided meditation for this new moon and altar suggestions.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
I remember that no matter what the issue is, it is not worth diminishing my self-worth over. Everything that comes up does so to help me heal the relationship that I have with myself. Everything comes up to help me strengthen my commitment to my healing. Everything that I learn while dealing with what comes up becomes an asset for me to use.
This week wants me to understand that the conflicts I experience can actually help to reveal the blessings that are in my life. This week offers me a four-leaf clover, so I remember to look for the assistance inside what might feel aggravating. This week offers me an incredible gift if I have the good sense to receive it.
I take time to enjoy my life.
Sunday’s new moon sets up a month of increased activity in my daily life. It sets up a time where my energy is best used tending to the ins and outs of my days. It sets up a time where my determination to get things done is maximized. So too are the difficulties that need to get dealt with. As challenges present themselves in both my schedule and my communications, I know not to take them personally. I know to take them as blessings in disguise. The quicker I get to the root of a problem, the quicker I can work towards its solution. The more clearly I can communicate my needs, the more likely I am to get them met. The more honest I am about what I want and where I am headed, the more immediately that future can enter the present moment.
*This week’s new moon in Leo initiates us into eclipse season. For help understanding what this means for you personally, please join me for Eclipse Season Part 1: The New Moon in Leo & The Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, in which you’ll receive detailed astrological information & rituals that are specific to your sign, a guided meditation for this new moon and altar suggestions.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
I defy expectation. I defy the order that I am expected to follow. I prioritize what is important to me, and do it next.
I remind myself that self-expression is an integral part of my toolkit. My assets. My resources. My self-worth is bound, wrapped around, interwoven with the ways in which I am able to take what has trespassed me and turn it into currency.
It’s not about having things work out for me. It’s about picking up what I have access to and working with it until I understand its use and its usefulness. It’s not about being OK with what has occurred, it’s about being unwilling to lie to myself about what it has meant to me, how it has disappointed me, held me back, and made me seek the healing I need. It’s not about hoping something will happen, it’s about making sure that my part gets done so that I am constantly creating opportunities.
I use Sunday’s new moon to give my creativity a chance. I use it to renew my resources. I use it to give myself the encouragement that I didn’t get, but needed the most. Now that I am grown, I give myself permission to cultivate the conditions that I thrive in.
*This week’s new moon in Leo initiates us into eclipse season. For help understanding what this means for you personally, please join me for Eclipse Season Part 1: The New Moon in Leo & The Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, in which you’ll receive detailed astrological information & rituals that are specific to your sign, a guided meditation for this new moon and altar suggestions.
Leo & Leo Rising
I count up the years. The months. The days. The hours. The minutes. The amount of life that I have spent worrying about how to fit in. Wondering how I could be less. Wondering how I could be more.
I count up all the ways in which I have devalued myself. My gifts. Their expression. I count up all the ways in which I have wanted to disconnect myself from my difficulties. My burdens. My baggage.
I count to become more conscious of my habits, so that I am aware of the ways in which I am relating to my life.
These moments of doubt, discouragement or distress are not moments wasted, however, so I don’t waste my time feeling bad about what has past.
These moments are valuable lessons to remember. They are experiences that can help me to understand myself. They are reminders of how easy it is to slip into a state of lack. Of want. Of thinking that I need to be anything other than who I am.
Sunday’s new moon is inviting me to refresh my relationship to myself. To refresh my awareness of how I work. To refresh my understanding of what makes me tick. Sunday’s new moon is inviting me to interact with the many aspects of myself, so that no part of me feels banished. So no part of me feels that it is wrong. So that no part of me feels wronged. Sunday’s new moon is encouraging me to understand each layer of my personality as important to my overall composition. So that my experience, my interactions and my relationship with each moment of my life counts.
*This week’s new moon in Leo initiates us into eclipse season. For help understanding what this means for you personally, please join me for Eclipse Season Part 1: The New Moon in Leo & The Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, in which you’ll receive detailed astrological information & rituals that are specific to your sign, a guided meditation for this new moon and altar suggestions.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
I seek to understand what makes me feel flimsy. Floppy. Misshapen. I seek to understand what goes on behind the scenes for me. When I get twisted. Turned around. Tied up. I seek to understand what has been made unavailable to me. What has gone out of order. What I have let get out of line.
I seek to understand my misunderstandings. So I can reclaim myself. So I can teach myself how to rebuild new frames of reference for myself. So I can remember the importance of my interior life. Everything that goes on inside of me is in direct correlation with all that occurs outside of me. I’m not responsible for every event that takes place, far from it, but I am responsible for understanding how I relate to it. How I store its impact. How I put it into context. How it creates the context that I exist inside of.
I use Sunday’s new moon to refrain from judging my process. I use Sunday’s new moon to suspend my assumptions about what is happening and why. I use Sunday’s new moon to commit to being with the process of unraveling the mysteries that are unfolding in front of me. There’s more to me than meets the eye, so I know that there is more to the events of my life than I can see at first glance. I’ll keep watching, observing and integrating the lessons that I am getting.
*This week’s new moon in Leo initiates us into eclipse season. For help understanding what this means for you personally, please join me for Eclipse Season Part 1: The New Moon in Leo & The Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, in which you’ll receive detailed astrological information & rituals that are specific to your sign, a guided meditation for this new moon and altar suggestions.
Libra & Libra Rising
I use Sunday’s new moon to remember that I don’t owe anyone anything. Not my healing. Not my happiness. Not my redemption story. I was not put here to be a source of entertainment or inspiration for anyone. I am more than the story that I’ve lived.
Life is too complicated for me to be any one thing for any one person. I don’t have the answer for anyone else. We are all the answer. Each of us holding an important piece of the puzzle.
I use Sunday’s new moon to remember that I am allowed to be human. Flawed. Floundering. Finding beauty in the most unlikely of places. Meaning in the mess. Healing when I haven’t any hope left.
I am allowed my own dreams. Different from those that I am supposed to dream. Outside of the walls that separate me from wilder ways of being. Away from the gazes that cut me down to a size I’ve never been. Will never be. Refuse to confine myself to.
I use Sunday’s new moon to remember to challenge myself to go further. Not beyond my reach, but beyond my fear. Beyond the mental limitations that I’ve gotten used to. Beyond the excuses that I’ve let become an authority on my abilities.
*This week’s new moon in Leo initiates us into eclipse season. For help understanding what this means for you personally, please join me for Eclipse Season Part 1: The New Moon in Leo & The Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, in which you’ll receive detailed astrological information & rituals that are specific to your sign, a guided meditation for this new moon and altar suggestions.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
I am learning how to lead. I am learning how to help myself find ways forward. I am learning how to develop the courage necessary to take the opportunities that come my way. Sunday’s new moon reminds me about the power that I have in my career. It reminds me about the ways in which I am situated in the world. It reminds me about the influence that I have over the way things work out for me.
I can’t control the events of my work, but I can set myself up so that when opportunities roll my way, I am already moving at their pace.
I use Sunday’s new moon to get going. I set in motion the projects that challenge me to grow in the ways I need to. That might be about helping myself delegate. Deescalate. Differentiate myself from my projects. Being professional is challenging to codependency issues. I exist outside of my work. My work exists outside of me. Being professional means learning how to separate my personal needs from the needs of my profession. This kind of sentiment gets hard to stick to when I’m triggered, but it will save my whole situation in the end. The next six weeks plan to initiate me into a whole new level of professionalism, so I suit up, show up and help myself grow up through the experiences.
*This week’s new moon in Leo initiates us into eclipse season. For help understanding what this means for you personally, please join me for Eclipse Season Part 1: The New Moon in Leo & The Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, in which you’ll receive detailed astrological information & rituals that are specific to your sign, a guided meditation for this new moon and altar suggestions.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
I use Sunday’s new moon to get clear about my motives. To make sure that my arrows are pointed in the direction of my target. To make sure that I am taking actions that support my beliefs.
I aim to be an effective leader. Leading by example. Leading by refusing to compromise my integrity. Leading expeditions that require a rigorous honesty from myself and anyone else on the journey with me.
I remind myself of the help I have along the way. Especially this week. A myriad of miracles occur when I remember how interconnected my life already is. I am already in contact with what can assistance me in my journey. I affirm that by helping others when and where I can.
I practice giving what I most need.
I remind myself that while some of my collaborations may be going through their own rocky adjustments and upheavals, I am learning how to fly despite the turbulence. Skies aren’t always clear, so I refuse to take cloud patterns personally. I soar at my own risk. I seek out the flocks that have mastered the art of weathering these kinds of storms so that I can learn from their flight patterns. I travel the path laid out before me, knowing that it is the perfect spiritual experience for me at this moment. I am willing to brave the roads less traveled, remembering the soulfulness that I will discover at the heart of my journey.
*This week’s new moon in Leo initiates us into eclipse season. For help understanding what this means for you personally, please join me for Eclipse Season Part 1: The New Moon in Leo & The Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, in which you’ll receive detailed astrological information & rituals that are specific to your sign, a guided meditation for this new moon and altar suggestions.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
No matter what my partners are going through I stay centered. I remind myself not to get too swept up in another person’s storm. I remember that I can’t be of much use to anyone else if I don’t learn how to return to myself.
Again, and again, and again.
Sunday’s new moon initiates me into a month-long cycle of understanding the ways in which I can join forces with others. My collaborations are cauldrons of creative possibilities at the moment. There is extra energy and action here. This gives me all the more reason to excavate and understand the issues that come up for me when I do so.
We’ve all got issues when it comes to sharing.
I repay the debts that are within my reach. Make right any wrongs that I can. Clear the bills that I have let pile up. Emotionally. Energetically. Financially. I do this as a way of staying true to my word, but also so that I feel lighter, more free and more able to show up as an equal in all my partnerships.
I spend time taking care of business, tending to the simpler tasks on my list, the daily chores that bring me joy once completed. Tending to my physical reality helps to sort out my emotional one. When overwhelmed I complete the easiest task on my list.
*This week’s new moon in Leo initiates us into eclipse season. For help understanding what this means for you personally, please join me for Eclipse Season Part 1: The New Moon in Leo & The Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, in which you’ll receive detailed astrological information & rituals that are specific to your sign, a guided meditation for this new moon and altar suggestions.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
I pay special attention to what I am learning through my partners. I pay special attention to what those closest to me are going through. I pay special attention to the ways in which I am able to be clear, fair and forthright when asking for what I need.
And when I am not.
Situations might spring up that show me exactly what lights my fire. What gets me hot under the collar. Bothered. Riled up. Self-righteous. No matter how silly the situation, if I get angry about what someone has said or done, I know that it’s probably because I feel threatened. Scared. Concerned about my situation.
Sunday’s new moon sets up more than a month of situations that will help me to learn about my reactions to those that push my buttons. Those that push me to push myself. Those that help me to find my courage and inspire me to outgrow my fears. Through facing what is difficult and through finding joy when and where I can. This week I dedicate time to exploring all aspects of what happiness means to me in this moment. It doesn’t have to be pretty, perfect or polished to get me to nirvana. It just needs to be real, raw and honest.
*This week’s new moon in Leo initiates us into eclipse season. For help understanding what this means for you personally, please join me for Eclipse Season Part 1: The New Moon in Leo & The Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, in which you’ll receive detailed astrological information & rituals that are specific to your sign, a guided meditation for this new moon and altar suggestions.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
Feeling rooted helps me to feel a sense of purpose. This week brings me the people, family and friends that help me to stay connected to my purpose. Good feelings help to reset my system. Good feelings help me to feel ready to tackle what isn’t always easy. Good feelings help me to remember that I also need a good challenge every once in while.
Sunday’s new moon wants me to remember how to be boss. I initiate the routines that whip me into shape. I recommit to completing the tasks that keep me on course. I reaffirm the fact that no one is coming to do my work for me, save me. So I’m here to save myself.
Little by little.
My mental health will thank me for it. My calendar will thank me for it. My future self will thank me for it. The emphasis on this part of my life isn’t going away anytime soon so the more upkeep I keep up with, the more downtime I’ll get to enjoy. And the more I’ll enjoy it.
*This week’s new moon in Leo initiates us into eclipse season. For help understanding what this means for you personally, please join me for Eclipse Season Part 1: The New Moon in Leo & The Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, in which you’ll receive detailed astrological information & rituals that are specific to your sign, a guided meditation for this new moon and altar suggestions.