Please join me for A Workshop for the New moon in Virgo to receive a reading for your sign explaining the significance of the new moon in Virgo, the full moon in Aries, Venus’s upcoming retrograde, and the astrology of the lunar cycle from September 9th – October 7th. This course will also provide you with rituals and guided meditations for both the new and full moon.
Living life is a messy endeavor. A human one. An imperfect one. One that reveals our gifts through our struggles, our truth through our misunderstandings, and our purpose through our pain.
One that is made so much more painful when we are in a constant state of self-critique.
Mistakes are one of life’s great teaching tools. Through them we get to see where we have work to do, room to grow, and lessons to learn. Misjudgments humble us. Knock us off our high-horses. Grounded, we get in touch with something deeper. The feelings that our personalities want to reject. Disassociate from. Deny.
What lies below the surface of our personalities might be daunting to deal with. Unbearable sometimes to unpack, Seemingly impossible to make peace with. But doing so is the only way to develop a sustainable kind of growth throughout our lives. Being aware of our inner lives is what connects us to others. It’s what makes deep and satisfying connections with others possible. It’s what taps us into the transformational power of compassion, for ourselves and everyone else.
When we understand the inner workings of our more problematic personality traits, we can not only develop the strength to be accountable for them, but we are also better able to recognize the same struggle in others. When we work on being conscious of our own arrogance, impatience, and self-importance, we are more able to hold that part of ourselves, reducing the harm we might otherwise inflict upon the world.
The personality can only get us so far when disconnected from the depth that our soul craves.
The new moon in Virgo arrives on Sunday, September 9th at 11:01 AM PT. Virgo dissects. Digests. Makes use of every tool at its disposal.
Virgo looks within, cleaning, clearing, and sorting out the useful from the extraneous. The nutrients from the waste. Virgo is interested in how things work, not how they appear. Virgo uncovers the flaws so that we might be more efficient. It weeds out what clogs the system. It identifies the toxins in our streams.
Virgo has been made famous for its obsession with perfection, but that is just a distortion worsened by capitalist, consumerist, colonialist nonsense. Virgo distorted tears the self apart for all the ways in which it doesn’t live up to an impossible standard of success. This kind of Virgo energy needs to be redirected towards systems that work with great intelligence.
Virgo at peace with itself is dedicated to worshiping at the altars of the natural world.
Virgo needs to invest in technologies that cleanse. Rituals that help us work out our issues. Practices that purify the thought process. Techniques that bring the body back into its natural alignment so that it can heal itself.
Virgo knows that with the right medicine, so many of our ailments cease to be such a thorn in our side.
After the drama of Eclipse Season, the new moon in Virgo wants to help us find the remedies to our current conditions. It’s asking us to realign, readjustment, and reorganize our energetic output so that our systems can best support us.
Sitting in opposition to Neptune in Pisces, the new moon warns us not to get too carried away with illusions that this world doles out daily and encourages us to instead tap into the wealth of options our imagination affords us. Virgo knows hard work, but Pisces knows the power of a dream. The balance of the two is a tremendous asset to have on our side as we manifest with this lunar cycle.
This new moon is also sextiling Jupiter in Scorpio, and trining Pluto in Capricorn, two incredibly supportive aspects.
Jupiter in Scorpio imbues the new moon with a depth and breadth of opportunity. Jupiter expands, blesses, and magnifies the efforts that we make during the beginning of this lunar cycle. This is an aspect that encourages whatever we work on to blossom as the light of the moon increases.
Pluto in Capricorn help us connect to sources of influential power, both within ourselves and the world, that give the efforts that we make around the new moon assistance. Here, Pluto helps us to magnetize attention towards our efforts, optimizing their impact, and manifesting tangible opportunities for us to take advantage of over the course of this lunar cycle.
All of this astrology is only made useful when we work with it. The planets might reflect moments that provoke us or bestow blessings upon us, but they don’t lift the heavy weights of our burdens from us. Developing our consciousness requires a constant commitment, a deep and abiding sense of humor about our process, an acceptance of our flaws as well as an understanding of how imperative they are for our growth and development.
May this new moon encourage us all to love our flaws a little more and criticize ourselves a little less so that we can redirect that energy towards what is useful, regenerative, and supportive of our long-term growth.
New moon blessings,