*Please note that I only write about the major aspects of the week
Monday, November 9th
Sun in Scorpio trine Chiron in Pisces
Moon enters Scorpio
This is a pretty potent, powerful beginning to the week. With the sun and moon both in Scorpio, the sun making a trine to Chiron creates ample opportunities for deep healing on psychological, spiritual and emotional levels.
The moon is now at its darkest phase, shedding the remainder of its light, nestling into the depths of Scorpio’s regenerative mysteries. Focusing our efforts on releasing instead of attaining will help to clear psychic clutter and clean the slate for the new moon on Wednesday.
Tuesday, November 10th
Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn
Use today to have the conversations that you want to have with those that can help you gain traction with your work, your healing and your harrowing task of being a human. Ask for help. Ask for feedback. Ask deeper questions, ones that will get you deeper answers.
Sun in Scorpio sextile Jupiter in Virgo
Any time the sun and Jupiter come together there can be an emphasis on overdoing, going all out or counting our eggs before they hatch. As long as we keep that under control, this aspect is brilliant. The sun gives life, warmth and light. Jupiter helps to create opportunity, expansion and hope. Go forth with confidence.
Wednesday, November 11th
New Moon in Scorpio at 9:47 AM PST
This new moon is #Awesomesauce. I’ll have a blogpost about it up by Monday night.
*Please join me for this month’s Aligning Your Power and Purpose: The New Moon in Scorpio And the Astrology From November 11th – December 11th. This month’s offering will include personalized recordings for each sign as well as a guided meditation, writing exercises, a ritual to help you clear and prepare for the new moon and a detailed guided journey through the key astrological transits of the upcoming lunar cycle.
Thursday, November 12th
Mercury in Scorpio trine Chiron in Pisces
Healing conversations. Affirmations that do not deny our pain. Remembering that oppression feeds on our willingness to stifle our sorrows, toe the line and forget about our inner life. Today’s astrology wants us to reveal what is real and behold the healing that follows.
Mars ingresses into Libra
Mars in Libra is in its detriment, meaning it functions like a drunk delinquent in the marching band. Mars goes to war, Libra seeks peace. What does a wolf do in Pollyanna clothing? Creates confusing commotion at times. Learns how to be effective yet fair at other times. Finds its messy way through the fields of love and war all the time. Mars’s movement into Libra will bring energy, activity and a little havoc to the part of your chart that contains Libra. It also revives or reviews an issue you had here last summer, when it spent a month retrograde in Libra.
Friday, November 13th
Venus in Libra sextile Saturn in Sagittarius
This is a really nice little splash of stabilization spice for relationships and relating. Since Friday is Venus’s day, this is especially helpful for making relationships a reality.
Mercury in Scorpio sextile Jupiter in Virgo
This is a great aspect to help with long-range plans and ideas that expand our understanding of our place in the world.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know your rising sign, please read it. If you don’t, read your sun sign. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both. Take what works for you, leave the rest. There is no right way to do this, it’s all just a friendly suggestion. If you find inspiration here and you want to share it you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for sharing the work, it means everything to us and we really appreciate it!
What do you want to begin in partnership with another? What business is brewing? What clear steps are there to take that will move you closer towards getting some aspect of your career off the ground, beginning to build a new branch for your business or getting funding for your dream projects and passions?
Wednesday’s new moon is helping you on these practical levels. In fact if fundraising is your thing right now, it’s an important week to get in your submissions and get out your message about it.
If that isn’t what is working you to the bone at the moment then Wednesday’s new moon could be helping you to clear your mind and make a home there. Because the new moon is occurring in the part of your chart that deals with mental anguish, and because this is a new moon with much positivity and possibility, I suggest doing some kind of ritual where you are able to reclaim your mind from all it gets lost in. This new moon, and all of the astrology that surrounds it, packs a potent potion of awakening, healing and remembering who we really are and what really matters.
When we remember those basic, fundamental components of our lives (why we are here and that we have every right to exist as we are), what used to hold power over us gets burned away like the marine layer in the midday sun.
*Please join me for this month’s Aligning Your Power and Purpose: The New Moon in Scorpio And the Astrology From November 11th – December 11th. This month’s offering will include personalized recordings for each sign as well as a guided meditation, writing exercises, a ritual to help you clear and prepare for the new moon and a detailed guided journey through the key astrological transits of the upcoming lunar cycle.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
Remember the last couple of years? The ones where you were struggling to find enough compassion for yourself and for the others that you were sharing yourself with? Remember the painful lessons about how to create, maintain and stay true to your own boundaries?
Well all of that is about to pay off.
Wednesday’s new moon happens in your 7th house of intimate partnerships and potentially long-lasting relationships. It is the best new moon that has occurred in this sector of your chart since 2011. It is a new moon that is free and clear, able to begin something without all the stalling, all the hardships and all the heaviness that has been in this area of your chart for the last few years.
Use Wednesday’s new moon to date, mate, make real a romance, make clear your desire to be in one or renew your love for those you are in important partnerships with. This could also be a potent time for your business relationships so see who wants to make a deal, what you are conjuring up together and what dealing you might do. There is a lot of potential either with others or through them that is happening in your life. You just have to be down to deal with the intensity that comes. Healing conversations, psychological revelations and somatic activations are all part of the game this week. You’ll know that you are onto something good when someone starts to cry, come clean or comes to your door with flowers.
*Please join me for this month’s Aligning Your Power and Purpose: The New Moon in Scorpio And the Astrology From November 11th – December 11th. This month’s offering will include personalized recordings for each sign as well as a guided meditation, writing exercises, a ritual to help you clear and prepare for the new moon and a detailed guided journey through the key astrological transits of the upcoming lunar cycle.
Wednesday’s new moon wants to perform some healing magic and relieve or at least teach you about any health issues or physical ailments you have been experiencing. Harness the healing power of this new moon. Make a conscious decision to have a deeper connection to your most valuable machine, your best friend, your beautiful vehicle: your body.
This would be a wonderful week to connect to healers, teachers, therapists and medicine people of all kinds. Healing roads rarely run in straight lines. This week might help you to remember the mysterious nature of mending, which is rarely about actually fixing the problem. Getting to the root of the issue is always important but so too is getting all we get from the journey itself. This week can help you to trust that process.
This would also be the perfect time to begin some project you know you’ll need to be working on for the next couple of months (at least), to hire some much needed help or to do some kind of ritual around your work life (bosses, employees, schedule, duties) so you can envision and inhabit the way you wish to feel when you are at your desk and doing your business.
*Please join me for this month’s Aligning Your Power and Purpose: The New Moon in Scorpio And the Astrology From November 11th – December 11th. This month’s offering will include personalized recordings for each sign as well as a guided meditation, writing exercises, a ritual to help you clear and prepare for the new moon and a detailed guided journey through the key astrological transits of the upcoming lunar cycle.
The last couple of years helped you to make what you were trying to conceive into something real. The last couple of years also wanted to teach you about how to maintain, sustain and keep growing what you conceived. Sleep comes secondary to raising the reality of our dreams. Fun needs to be had but not at the expense of what we are bringing into being.
Wednesday’s new moon activates the part of your chart where you fall in love, make love, make art, make babies, make a mess and make a life of creative gold. Wednesday’s new moon is occurring in the part of your chart that you just spent the last two and a half years trying to master. Wednesday’s new moon is like, “Look, this is what you created. This is what and whom you got serious about. This is what you were able to bring into form. Now it’s time to take that to the next level, but with a great ease and a great amount of help.”
Whatever you have been hard at work on, be it love or your creations, this new moon wants you to know that you can build on all of that heavy-lifting with a greater amount of ease, meaning whatever you begin this week in terms of love and creativity has a fairy godmother along for the ride.
*Please join me for this month’s Aligning Your Power and Purpose: The New Moon in Scorpio And the Astrology From November 11th – December 11th. This month’s offering will include personalized recordings for each sign as well as a guided meditation, writing exercises, a ritual to help you clear and prepare for the new moon and a detailed guided journey through the key astrological transits of the upcoming lunar cycle.
The last few years may have carried some hard lessons about home and how to make one, about family and how to have one, about finding good ground and how to build upon it. Wednesday’s new moon is the first in years that is free from the heavy hitters that may have been halting your progress in these places. Wednesday’s new moon carries a new tone as it relates to this realm of your life, so much so that I suggest making the most of it.
Rework your home. Clean it out. Clear it of what doesn’t make you feel connected to yourself, to life or to love. Reorganize your book shelves to be color coded, alphabetized or categorized by subject and toss the ones that you know you no longer need to have hanging around. Clean the corners, under the fridge, dust the high shelves, fix the squeaky hinges and repot the plants that have grown too big for their bowls.
Notice how you have grown to fit yours. If you haven’t, spend time this week thinking about how you could grow into your home, how you could initiate contact with family that feels right for you and how you might use Wednesday’s new moon to make a temple out of your space and to reclaim it for your healing, how to create a space that keeps you filled with hope and how to fulfill your most basic and fundamental needs.
*Please join me for this month’s Aligning Your Power and Purpose: The New Moon in Scorpio And the Astrology From November 11th – December 11th. This month’s offering will include personalized recordings for each sign as well as a guided meditation, writing exercises, a ritual to help you clear and prepare for the new moon and a detailed guided journey through the key astrological transits of the upcoming lunar cycle.
The stories of the earth’s peoples are disappeared everyday. Overtop of our histories platitudes and pretty prose are placed. Sentiments fed to us from corporate cocktails that only want to make more mush of our minds. False narratives are necessary to sculpt a story that keeps afloat the status quo.
Unless we take up the serious task of reclaiming our thoughts, our stories and our future visions daily, we run the risk of being swept up in the rivers that want to wash away and erase our details, our definitions and our depth.
Systems of inequity and oppression depend on our belief and our agreement that they know best. To wake up from that fog and push back against all odds is our daily duty, but it’s your specific duty for Wednesday’s new moon.
The new moon in Scorpio is happening in your 3rd house of communication. It’s the perfect time to cleanse your mind and realign with your internal, intellectually shrewd sources of strength. Nothing is more interesting, more captivating, or more uplifting than a sentiment that subverts a life-strangling truism. This new moon has the kind of energy that can kick start your consciousness and awaken your ideas. Ideas that have the ability to go places. Ideas that have their motor running with plenty of gas in the tank. Insightful ideas. Ideas that have sharp teeth and staying power.
*Please join me for this month’s Aligning Your Power and Purpose: The New Moon in Scorpio And the Astrology From November 11th – December 11th. This month’s offering will include personalized recordings for each sign as well as a guided meditation, writing exercises, a ritual to help you clear and prepare for the new moon and a detailed guided journey through the key astrological transits of the upcoming lunar cycle.
Venus, your personal planetary shero, is back in Libra. This makes you more likely to understand your effect on people. This makes people more likely to notice your effect on them. This makes it easier for you to stand out in the crowd and be noticed for what you wish to be noticed for. Put yourself out there, put your charm out there, put your work out there so that you can experience the magic of that this kind of give and take can create.
Wednesday’s new moon blesses and activates your second house of making it rain so devote some time this week to the well-being of your financial plan so that there will be fiscal funtimes in your future. This week’s new moon is cushioned by multiple magical activations of your money making abilities so make sure that you don’t get caught up in thinking that you have to sell your integrity to make your mullah. This kind of astrology can push through what you thought was impossible or too hard to behold. It’s not. Believe in the visions you receive about how to partake in the economic playing field.
With Mars also entering your sign this week, making you more apt to create a little charismatic controversy and giving you some good energy to woe with, you my friend are set up for some sweet success. Make the most of it.
*Please join me for this month’s Aligning Your Power and Purpose: The New Moon in Scorpio And the Astrology From November 11th – December 11th. This month’s offering will include personalized recordings for each sign as well as a guided meditation, writing exercises, a ritual to help you clear and prepare for the new moon and a detailed guided journey through the key astrological transits of the upcoming lunar cycle.
I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU. Because #Wednesday’sNewMoon. Because I know that life is still life and throwing you all kinds of curve balls but this week’s new moon in Scorpio is the best of the bunch and it’s happening for you, with you and all around you. This new moon is the beginning of some much-deserved access to abundance. This new moon is the beginning of seeing what you can and have done with the trials and tribulations of the past few years. This new moon I urge you to do ritual around ease, effortlessness and all parts of your life that are naturally free-flowing.
This week, before, during and after the new moon are also particularly potent times as you become the conduit for much of the astrology to flow through. This week focuses on healing subterranean traumas, but this time somewhat effortlessly. Like when you work on an issue for 30 years and one day you realize it simply doesn’t have the same hold on you that it used to.
This behind the scenes bargaining is important for you to be engaged with. Your inner hecklers and internalized oppressors could be taunting you, dissuading you and confusing the issues but tell yourself that you have it on good faith that this is your time to begin anew with courage, with optimism and with good sense. It’s also the perfect time to keep working away at what you’ve got cooking behind the scenes. This particular mix of energies requires that your success comes from being willing to balance going within and taking action.
Your efforts now will take root and they will rise.
*Please join me for this month’s Aligning Your Power and Purpose: The New Moon in Scorpio And the Astrology From November 11th – December 11th. This month’s offering will include personalized recordings for each sign as well as a guided meditation, writing exercises, a ritual to help you clear and prepare for the new moon and a detailed guided journey through the key astrological transits of the upcoming lunar cycle.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Wednesday’s new moon invites you into a deep meditation. Forgetting one’s inner life, one’s spiritual life, one’s non-physical life can be a downer if not downright depressing. Going within isn’t always easy. That’s why the modern world focuses so heavily on the immediate (and fleeting) gratification of outer success. Wednesday’s new moon wants more for you though. Wednesday’s new moon is tempting you to rely more strongly on your powers of intuition and any modes of connection that keep you spiritually strong and psychically soaring.
This week’s new moon and surrounding astrology also wants to help you out. Look for secret donors, surprise hands that want to help and know that if you need something it is more than likely brewing behind the scenes, possibly in ways that won’t be revealed for a while.
Another reason to work on developing your spiritual life is to help you remember that having faith requires having it in the darkest moments and against your better judgment. Faith isn’t for the flashy. Faith isn’t in need of fame. Faith connects small stitches of courage that eventually meet up to make a quilt that can cover us on the coldest of nights.
Use this new moon to renew your relationship to your spiritual life or to remind yourself that the entirety of life is conspiring in ways that we have very little idea about most times. To put energy into doubt disregards the immensely complex system that we live in and what a disservice we do to ourselves when we indulge in that.
*Please join me for this month’s Aligning Your Power and Purpose: The New Moon in Scorpio And the Astrology From November 11th – December 11th. This month’s offering will include personalized recordings for each sign as well as a guided meditation, writing exercises, a ritual to help you clear and prepare for the new moon and a detailed guided journey through the key astrological transits of the upcoming lunar cycle.
We can shoot each other down with the turn of a phrase. We can affirm each other with an effortless refusal to engage in harmful sentiments. We can retraumatize one another at the drop of a dime. We can change up the situation and dismantle oppressive paradigms with simple statements.
We are powerful players in how our fellows experience the world. We change the game each time we refuse to play the part we don’t want to go along with. We create the world anew each time we illuminate an issue in public.
Via Wednesday’s new moon, you have the extraordinary opportunity to stand with those that share your hopes and visions for a successful future as well as the opportunity to use your power to speak up for some healing that could happen. We are all channels for creative energy to flow through. We affect each other more than we realize most times. We encourage the best of one another sometimes by the smallest actions for better and worse.
Take your role in the collective seriously this week. Start things with the ones who want and are willing to work for the good of the whole. Gather with those that give you strength, that give you constructive feedback and that give you life when you need it most. You have access to strong allies. Work with them and show up for them.
*Please join me for this month’s Aligning Your Power and Purpose: The New Moon in Scorpio And the Astrology From November 11th – December 11th. This month’s offering will include personalized recordings for each sign as well as a guided meditation, writing exercises, a ritual to help you clear and prepare for the new moon and a detailed guided journey through the key astrological transits of the upcoming lunar cycle.
Wednesday’s new moon is such a good situation for your career that I am tempted to tell you to take the day off. Not to lollygag, loaf or play hookie but to get clear and concise about the seeds of intention you wish to plant for this upcoming lunar cycle.
Because you are working with some fertile ground this time around.
Be proud of whatever part of your professional life you have made moves towards mastering. You don’t have to be perfect to be the boss. Many a founder has had to learn on the job. Many a mastermind has had to try and fail and try again. Many a CEO stretched the truth to get the job and then had to learn to swim in order not to sink.
You don’t have to know it all to attempt it, but you probably know a lot more than you think.
This week’s astrology and this Wednesday’s new moon want you to take a leap of faith, to test out how your theories hold up in real time and to treat your dreams like they are indications of what you need to make definitive steps towards. Being bold can only help you now.
*Please join me for this month’s Aligning Your Power and Purpose: The New Moon in Scorpio And the Astrology From November 11th – December 11th. This month’s offering will include personalized recordings for each sign as well as a guided meditation, writing exercises, a ritual to help you clear and prepare for the new moon and a detailed guided journey through the key astrological transits of the upcoming lunar cycle.
Wednesday’s new moon is here to open your horizons and help to set you out on a path of self-exploration and actualization.
While you’ll have to contend with a relationship issue or two, this week is really about gathering good insights and inspirations and sharing them with those you love. This week is about letting others help you. This week is about what you experience and how you come to relate to it and relay it. Ever witnessed an astounding, earth shatteringly beautiful moment befall someone who was blind to the brilliance of it? Don’t be that fool.
Be the fool who follows their heart. Be the fool who forgets the rules. Be the fool who falls in love because fools can. Let go. Give way. Set out for an adventure.
Also submit your piece to get published. Reach out to those that can get your ideas across to large audiences. Get your work to travel further than it can when you keep it to yourself. Wednesday’s new moon has big plans for your bright ideas but you are the only one that can help them get known.
*Please join me for this month’s Aligning Your Power and Purpose: The New Moon in Scorpio And the Astrology From November 11th – December 11th. This month’s offering will include personalized recordings for each sign as well as a guided meditation, writing exercises, a ritual to help you clear and prepare for the new moon and a detailed guided journey through the key astrological transits of the upcoming lunar cycle.