*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month- the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology- will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
I need you. Against my better judgment. Against all odds. Against the winds of my mind that want to carry me away so I can live out my fantasy of being an island in need of no one. Against my inner tyrant who believes it is a “rugged individual” that can do everything on its own. Against rejecting my need for you. Against every survival tactic I have up my sleeve.
I like having you around.
You balance me. My thoughts are made more complete with your addition to them. Your brilliance sparks whatever similar currents move through me. You inspire me. You are a vessel of victorious vitality and I revel in your righteousness.
We are better together. I am more with you than I ever was or would be alone.
We are stronger united. We tend to be taken down more easily when we stand only for ourselves. And besides, that shit is boring.
You complete me. The sentiment is trite, it’s tired, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t true. I try to stay away from you, try to block you out, figure you out, take you out of my experience because caring about you causes me untold amounts of pain and suffering.
But even the suffering you can ignite contains some sentiment that I need to learn from. It contains something I need to face. It contains some central truth that can set me free. Because blaming you won’t fix me. Because projecting everything on to you never makes me feel better.
Even though in the depth of my defensiveness I want my suffering to be your fault. I want it to be your fault because then maybe you can fix it. My pain. My loneliness. My heartbreak.
But you can’t.
Only I can. But you help me get there. You help me by reminding me of what I still need to work on. You remind me of the places where I still need to grow. You remind me of all the ins that I still try to get out of. And for that, I fucking love you.
If you do your work and I do mine then somewhere along the line we might achieve some kind of balance. Some kind of perspective. Some kind of justice. We might be able to right some wrongs. We might build a place where we both belong.
Because we both belong here, together. Said every Libra always.
Libra is a sign that initiates relationship. This Monday, October 12th at 5:06 PM PDT, the moon will renew itself and begin a new lunar cycle in Libra.
Libra wants to make life beautiful, pleasing and harmonious. Libra is sweet, likable and refined in its tastes. Whatever Libra touches becomes somehow more appealing.
Libra aims to please. Libra aims to connect with you whether you want to or not. Libra leads with charm, is ceaselessly charismatic and can turn any opportunity into a meet and greet. If you are alive, a Libra nearby would like to say hi.
Libra’s symbol is the scales of justice. Libra aims for equanimity. Libra has to sometimes go to extremes to find the peace. Constantly weighing options, situations and possibilities, Libra can become paralyzed when faced with a decision. Which will be the right way to go?
Libra wants equality and is tortured by injustice. Libra will go to any length to remedy such inequity. If Libra has something it is pained at the thought of others going without the same.
Libra wants balance and this is the perfect season and perfect new moon to reflect on the imbalances in our lives, especially the ones that surface in our relationships.
This new moon is directly opposing Uranus and squaring Pluto. Uranus has a tendency to throw a wrench in the works, spark revolt and make a smooth road potholed. Uranus couldn’t care less about your balance.
Pluto wants to soil Libra’s immaculate ensemble. Pluto brings the light, airy, beautifying personality of Libra face-to-face with the raw and unrefined psychological nature of life.
But Libra is no wilting wallflower. Libra puts forth a flawless face but, like any pop princess, Libra has the strength of a thousand untamed tigers raging within it. It just presents as pretty. Never underestimate pretty.
Venus, the ruler of this new moon, is now out of her shadow. She is now in Virgo, the sign of her fall. She works harder in this sign. She suffers from the disease of the mind that tells her she isn’t ready yet, that she needs to do more, be more, produce more. She feels inadequate as she is and has a hard time simply enjoying herself as is. This new moon is your invitation to relate in ways that have you equally in the picture. None of us are any more or any less than anyone else.
Easy to say, hard to remember.
By the time of the new moon, Mercury will be direct. This time is less about review and reworking material and much more about activating all that we have gathered from those gorgeous trips.
The combination of energies surrounding this new moon signifies an opportunity to activate, in a very dramatic way perhaps, the potential of the astrological house that Libra falls in for each one of us*. This new moon can be used to plant seeds as it pertains to a specific area of our life, but I would pay attention to breaking old habits that have held you back in the past. Pay attention to old beliefs about being in relationship to a certain area of your life. What do you feel is available for you here? What do you feel you deserve? Understanding this can only be done by making conscious the pain that has been pushed into our unconscious.
New moon blessings,
*You can find out where 19 degrees of Libra (the degree of this new moon) falls in your astrological chart on astro.com or any other astrological app that you might have access to.