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*Please note that I only write about the major aspects of the week
Monday, October 12th
New Moon in Libra
For a full break down please see New Moon in Libra: I Need You
Tuesday, October 13th
Mercury in Libra sextile Saturn in Sagittarius
Deja vous, right? Yes. This also happened last Tuesday.
That’s the nature of retrogrades. They tend to loop back around to similar terrain. Mercury just stationed direct, but it will take a minute for it to get to new ground. Therefore this aspect is quite useful as a means of re-stabilizing certain ideas, conversations and constructive communications.
We can always try shutting up and contemplating what would be the most important thing to say, saying it and then being done.
Friday, October 16th
Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn
Mars, the planet that can cause kerfuffle but also help us to take action, is getting some pretty interesting attention this week.
Kind of like when the kid that always acts out does something worthy of positive praise, Mars is likely to help us activate some of our potential this week.
Today it makes a helpful aspect to Pluto, the planet that brings us into contact with our power and the energy that our psyche contains. If we can channel this combination we can get a tremendous amount accomplished. If we are conscious of it, we might learn a lot about how we want to use our power or how we are used by our lust for it.
Tomorrow Mars saddles up to the most exuberant planet around, Jupiter. The two of these aspects happening within a day of each other can be cause for some serious ground being covered over the next week. I’ll have a lot to say about how this pertains to each rising sign this in this month’s new moon call.
Saturday, October 17th
Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces AND Mars conjunct Jupiter in Virgo
This is a strange mix. Mars is still pretty drunk on the power it received from Pluto yesterday and now it’s about to get majorly assisted by the great, gifted Jupiter. This jump-starts the part of your chart that contains Virgo.
But Neptune though.
When Venus opposes Neptune we might lose sight of our confidence, our reality or our ability to stay connected to the work we have accomplished. Neptune has a tendency to erode, cause confusion and create illusions. Best to use this signature creatively. Best to use our ambition towards a common good. Best to use our imagination to conceive of a world where there is equality for all and justice is the norm.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know your rising sign, please read it. If you don’t, read your sun sign. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both. Take what works for you, leave the rest. There is no right way to do this, it’s all just a friendly suggestion. Only you know what is best for you. If you find inspiration here and you want to share it you must quote it and link it to this post and website. You can also make a donation, share the work or participate in a class. Every little bit helps. Thank you for your support, we really appreciate it!
I’m particularly interested in what kind of relationship dynamic you would like to experience. Monday’s new moon has all kinds of kick ass in store for you and in order to get ahead of the game you’ll need to consider this question.
Relationships are supposed to pull up every little nuance of neurosis we’ve ever harbored. All the little ticks and troubles that bump around in our unconscious are made real by those we dare to deal with.
So, then, the next question for you is what kind of relationship dynamic would you like to experience with your intimacy issues? They most likely won’t go away. They most likely won’t ever leave altogether and for good. They most likely have a tremendous amount to teach you. Get connected to what they have to offer. Welcome them in so that you can benefit from becoming conscious of them.
We can be the smartest, quickest whipper-snapper that ever was and still we will be, at some point, halted, heeded and haunted by what we fear the most. And generally what we fear the most is being vulnerable. And allowing someone to love us. And then loving them in return. It just leaves us open to all kinds of threats.
But also all kinds of treats. Like love.
So if you are single and wanting to cultivate love relationship(s), clear out old clutter. Clear past relationship rubble. Delete the texts. Give away the shirt you still have of theirs. Let that shit go. If you are in a loving relationship use Monday’s new moon to have a heart to heart with your love about where you see the partnership going, what you are grateful for and what you both promise to work on. If you are in a relationship that is rocky, use this new moon to reignite your commitment to helping yourself through the choppy waters (i.e. call your therapist).
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology – will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
Start it. Begin the new project. Initiate new work relationships. Send follow up emails to those in the know that can help you grow. Be on your game.
Whistle while you work. Playfully produce. Take breaks. Do your due diligence differently. Love while you labor. Love what you are in labor with.
Monday’s new moon occurs in the part of your chart that has been under construction lately (you can thank Mercury’s recent, but now completed, retrograde for that). It’s time to give your employment situation a reboot. It’s also time to get your health regiment rocking. It’s time to set the record straight about your abilities to gather your talents and hurdle yourself towards utilizing them.
I also want to add a word of caution when it comes to dealing with any confusion around lovers. Make sure that you are seeing others clearly. Which means if you know yourself to get emotionally intoxicated, what until you sober up to make a real assessment about another. This week may have you a little Drunk In Love.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology – will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
Monday’s new moon wants you to refresh your relationship to your creativity. Most of us, when asked, say that we aren’t creative. Most of us conflate being creative with being professional artists. The two are not necessarily related. The mere experience of being human is a creative one.
Living life is creative. Preparing food is creative. Getting dressed is creative. Having a conversation is creative. Anytime anyone says that they are not creative, they are usually reciting a statement made about them.
When, in our youth, we are told that how we want to present, how we express ourselves or how we naturally are isn’t acceptable, we store that information somewhere. We confuse other people’s fear for our inadequacy. We mistake gatekeepers for guardians. We don’t know how to analyze for ourselves why someone might not want us to joyfully express all that we are.
And then we carry that with us. And then we believe that we aren’t allowed to express that part of us. And then we trudge down the road of trying (but never happily succeeding) at “fitting in”.
Stop dead in those tracks.
Use this new moon to re-affirm your way of being a work of art. Bedazzle your booty. Become your own Queen. Hail your inner Heroine. Gather the gifts of your inner generator and celebrate your situation.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology – will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
Below is an example of an affirmation that you might want to use for Monday’s new moon. I suggest tailoring the affirmation to you. Get the gist and then make it yours. You can do what you like with it: recite is silently to yourself all day, make it into an interpretive dance, paint it, collage it, sing it, write it down in a journal a million times or more until you feel it has landed somewhere fertile and promising.
Write to clear. Write to cleanse. Write to right yourself where your thoughts have led you wrong. Everyday we are given another opportunity to do life as we know we can. Every new moon we have the opportunity to set ourselves on a path that affirms our existence.
Affirm yourself.
New Moon Affirmation:
May I be open to new ways of looking at old wounds. Especially as they relate to my childhood, my home, my family and my efforts to recreate a loving space that holds me, nourishes me and where I feel I belong. I am allowed to feel like I belong. I am allowed to have a place to call home. I feel at home here. I am my home now.
May I be willing to approach my familiar fretting ways with a curiosity that helps me to consider why I might be in a particular pickle.
May I be conscious enough to realize that when I am trapped in an old fear, wrapped in its panic and at its whim that I am powerless over it. I have been besieged and I have forgotten to ask for help.
May I remember that I can ask for help.
I can ask for help from a power greater than myself. Nature can heal me. Meditating can heal me. Lighting a candle and saying “thank you” can heal me and so can saying “Please help me with this, I am not sure how to do it on my own. I need help carrying this. I cannot do it alone.”
I have a choice to react as I always have or I have the choice to get curious. Why this feeling? Why this reaction? Why this thought? What have I metaphorically stepped on and is there another way to dance with this demon? I know there is another way. A way that is kinder, gentler and simpler.
May I remember it now.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology – will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
Monday’s new moon might have you thinking about new ways to express what has been on your mind. It might have you wondering how best to articulate yourself. It might have you considering new ways to get your message across.
Welcome any restlessness.
It’s not human to be happy all the time. We need to get pushed up against edges. We need to realize when it’s time to step up our game and get to expressing what really matters.
Start a diary. Start a blog. Renew your old one. Submit that piece you’ve been working on. Try communicating through a new medium. Try telling the truth about what you would like to begin.
But first you might want to consider a communication cleanse. If you feel over-stimulated, stretched or like you’ve been too involved with too many modes of expression, take a little breather. It’s good to go dark with the moon so that we might reemerge with some energy when it does.
Take a silent retreat on Monday, in whatever way you can. Listen for what you would like to communicate. When it comes to you, write it down. When it comes through you, be ready to catch it.
This week also brings with it opportunities for financial gains. Believing in your abilities to make gold out of your good efforts is important at the moment because there is still a ridiculous amount of energy brewing in this part of your chart.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology – will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
Monday’s new moon occurs in your second house of money and how you make it. My suggestion for you is to make a game plan for what you would like to be doing in that area of your life. This is your time to plant seeds that will grow into something real.
You might want to open up a bank account and name it after whatever you would like more money for (the holiday fund, the education fund, the new business fund, the fund for fun), you might want to sit down and write or re-write your business plan or consider how you want to recommit to developing your financial life. Do you respect what you have? Do you believe that you deserve what you receive? Do you use it to re-create your world, making it into something that you feel proud of, resonant with and healed by?
What would you like to develop in the next year in this domain of your life? What are the historic issues that you have had with this area of life? How has capitalism contributed to your feelings of worthlessness and apathy? Do you have healthy images and impressions of your relationship to the physical world? If not, I would look for ways to restore it. Sometimes this involves going on a media diet, removing images that do not affirm our values and removing narratives that do not acknowledge our creative contributions so that we can navigate our way through the systems that seek to make us feel devalued.
This is our time to create the world as we want it, as we need it to be. You have the energy to do so right now. Run with it.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology – will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
“Social media promises us a world where we will never be lonely,” said bell hooks at a recent talk she gave at The New School. It’s such an alluring promise. One that ceaselessly provides convincing proof. One that never fails to, at some point, numb the fear of being alone.
We live in a whirlwind of information. A ceaseless wheel of never-ending instant gratification. A world so sparkly, so new and so sure of its own relevance that its hard to argue with it at times. It’s done so much, changed so much, improved, revealed and pushed forth so much.
And yet, there is a threat that we will loose the ability to unplug. There is the very real concern that we might be unable and unaware of the value of not only being alone, but understanding the value of solitude.
I encourage you to take Monday’s new moon in Libra, the only new moon in your sign this year, as an invitation to reignite your relationship to yourself. I suggest that you turn off your devices and get quiet. I suggest that from this quiet place that you create a self-portrait using any medium you prefer as long as in the end you have a vision of your self as only you know yourself to be. I suggest that you include your flaws, your fabulous, your hopes, your dreams and your desires for your coming year. I suggest that you allow your entire self to have space in this portrait. I suggest that you give your entire self space this year because by the looks of it, this new moon would like you to reinvent your relationship to you.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology – will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
Give love to the projects that you have been wanting to work on. Help give life to what you are working on behind the scenes. Use Monday’s new moon to stoke the embers of your secret fires.
What would you most desire to create for your upcoming birthday year? Make a secret altar to it. Don’t let anyone see it, or if they do, refuse to listen to their critiques of it. In fact do not let anyone speak on it. Not because they won’t have some good points or reflections for you, but because this is not the time for it. This is not the stage of growth where you need input. This is not the time to shine too bright a light on this particular topic.
This is a time of letting something silently unfold while encouraging its growth.
The time to edit is down the road. Right now you can use the energy of the new moon as the precursor to your next year. What can you clear out? What can you release? What can you unwind from? What should you be in the darkroom developing?
Also keep an eye on your social life. The area of your chart that brings opportunities through friends, groups and associations is also working overtime for you. This looks like a lucky week in those regards. This looks like a time of fortunate occasions. This looks like a time of burgeoning opportunities. Be ready to run with them by being willing to work at them.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology – will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Take some time on Monday. Carve it out.
Open up your rolodex. Make a list of those that you have been in contact with over the past few weeks, those that you have dropped hints to, those that you have outrightly asked favors of, those that you still haven’t worked the courage up to connect with.
Make a plan to connect with them.
Remind those that you wish to work with that you are alive, that you are thriving and that you would be a fantastic person to partner with.
Then make yourself available for social events this week, especially ones that will help you move out into the world in different ways than you normally do. See friends. Have fun. Bring your business cards.
Monday’s new moon is creating potential in the part of your chart that has to do with other people helping you, friends and finding peers to party with. But more than that, Monday’s new moon is occurring in a part of your chart that has to do with your dreams, your hopes, your aspirations for the future and the folks that will help get you there. Which is exactly why I urge you to take a moment out to begin this lunar cycle. In order to envision a utopia we must fist unplug from the dystopia. Free your imagination so that you can make powerful plans for a true democracy.
The concoction is begging you to keep your eye on the ball with the major players in your career life. This will require that you keep your self-worth in check. You don’t have to fit into every group, you don’t have to measure yourself against them, you don’t have to diminish your accomplishments but it would be grand if you could shine while you are in their orb.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology – will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
When we roll with changes they often have the ability to work in our favor. When we are living a life that allows for creativity we are often down with a little disruption. When we are working our edge we are more apt to take advantage of inventive strategies that appear out of nowhere.
This Monday’s new moon is occurring in your 10th house of career and it is packing powerful potential to shake up something in this part of your life.
Go with it.
Why stick to the known? Why do it as you always have? Why play it safe when you can play for something much cooler. Something like autonomy. Something like the freedom to do you. Something like having the chutzpah to do your career in the way that you know in your heart of hearts it wants, no, needs to be done.
You’ve got the ability to get it done, you just might need the reminder that you have the freedom to do it as you know it should be done.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology – will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
I suggest using Monday’s new moon to recommit to any spiritual practices that keep you connected to the truth that you are allowed to enjoy your life. I encourage you to make sure that you branch out and experience new lands, new ideas, new worlds, new philosophical understandings of what could be in store for you.
Pay attention to your dreams. Pay attention to your tealeaves. Pay attention to what your teachers tell you. Pay attention to what you feel guided to do.
Especially if that seems like its a little abnormal. Especially if its urging you to venture off the beaten track. Especially if it might cause you a little discomfort.
This new moon wants to set you out on a journey, a pilgrimage, a quest. This new moon wants you to plant seeds that will eventually take you out into the world. Seeds that will spread your message far and wide. Seeds that can carry the energy needed to inspire ceaseless generations to do the same.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology – will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
What can you share? What can you let go of? What can you give to others? What is being given to you?
Monday’s new moon could be used as an epic purging ritual.
Monday’s new moon could be used to do a ritual around the business partnerships you would like to create.
Monday’s new moon could be your opportunity to do some deeper psychological digging in regards to what you fear and why. If you come up against relationship dynamics that demand your attention make a list of all you fear about them. What do you stand to lose? To gain? What old wounds arise when you are confronted in this way?
Make sure to make an equally long list about what you bring to the table. What do you come bearing? What gifts have you been given and do you let that get overshadowed? What talents do you bring to the partnerships that you are proposing or that are proposing to you? What would be your dream deal?
Write it out. Write it down. Work it out and watch it find its way. Trust how your relationships unfold. Trust in the process of getting to know others. Trust in your ability to know when to create partnerships that will give you goodness.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology – will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.