Monday, August 10th
Moon enters Cancer
Monday is the moon’s day and the moon is at home in the feeling, nurturing water sign of Cancer. La Lune makes a sweet sextile to Mercury in Virgo today at 3:10 PM PDT. With both planets in their own signs, this afternoon’s healing currents bode well for heartfelt communications that engender emotional bonds.
Tuesday, August 11th
Jupiter enters Virgo
With a year long stay in the mutable earth sign known for its diligence, hard work, willingness and desire to be detailed, thorough and thoughtful, Jupiter, the queen of expansion, has a specific and thorough job ahead. Jupiter can have a hard time going full tilt in Virgo, the sign of its detriment, but the combination makes for an interesting pairing.
How can we be thorough and expansive? How can we be abundant and discriminatory? How can we be expansively detailed or exuberantly specific?
Jupiter expands or increases whatever it comes into contact with. In Virgo we’ll all have to watch out for making mountains out of molehills and making work where there should be rest. Jupiter here can magnify our neurosis, emphasize our compulsions and overdo our obsessions with facts, figures and fine points.
But Jupiter is still, well, Jupiter and this transit will bring the most opportunity for work and growth to those that have planets (especially if you have sun, moon or the ruler of your ascendant) and/or points (Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli) in Virgo. Knowing when Jupiter will make a conjunction with these points will also be very helpful as those are the times that will be helpful for you to take a (well-calculated) leap of faith and act as you know you need to.
Wednesday, August 12th
Moon enters Leo
In preparation for the new moon, La Lune enters the darkest phase of her cycle. This is a day to help yourself release, undo and unwind. Take your bra off and loosen your girdle.
We are preparing for the new moon, and what a new moon it is…
Thursday, August 13th
Mercury in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces
Things can get fishy, wishy-washy and loopy. This is a day to make sure that you understand what you are agreeing to while waiting to agree to anything until at least tomorrow. Neptune makes things difficult to see, hard to understand and can act like a game of smoke and mirrors. However, confusions can reveal deeper truths. Getting tricked exposes what our weakness and what our fantasies are. Knowing how we get tripped up helps us to spot it in the future.
Sun in Leo trine Uranus in Aries
This is an exciting, invigorating aspect that can bring in some new, inventive idea, opportunity or situation. Out of the blue opportunities can arrive. Just make sure you read about Mercury opposing Neptune before you act.
Mars in Leo sextile Mean Node in Libra
Act in ways that will help others, not just feed your ego’s appetite for more. Direct yourself towards actions that demonstrate a concern for all. Get hungry for the experiences that help you to reveal the truth of your actions. Blind ambition leads us to empty gains.
Friday, August 14th
New Moon in Leo
A full post about the new moon will be up by Tuesday, August 11th.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
Saturday, August 15th
Sun conjunct Venus in Leo
This marks the heart of the retrograde cycle, the mid-point and the depths of our learning. Mythically speaking this is when Venus enters the heart of the sun, the inner chambers of the golden, royal light. She is in a weakened state here but receives the radiant infusion of the sun. She is reborn. This is akin to the new moon of the Venus cycle, the beginning of her next journey. If you would like to know more about this you can join the Venus retrograde call or the New moon in Leo call as both have different but pertinent information about this transit and what it might mean for you personally.
Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn
Mercury is at home in Virgo, in its investigative power. A sextile to Pluto helps with the depth of this investigation and lends a power or fuel to the day. This day really is about a core experience. Mercury’s sextile to Pluto helps us to integrate the information for our own transformation.
Aries & Aries Rising
This week aims to leave you stripped bare, armor removed, love revealed. The unknown chambers of your heart and the mysteries they contain make themselves known. What you thought was for pleasure may well lead you into a deeper understanding of what makes your life worth living. What was a flight of fancy or a simple fling might become your greatest teacher. What was simply entertaining sits you down and schools you.
Vulnerability awakens us to our purpose. Playing into a victim role derails us from the duties that lay awaiting our skillful touch. Remember that all romantic relationship situations (disagreements included) are your keys to self awareness. Even heartbreak becomes a sacred well to draw from.
Take the wreckage and make a monument out of it. Refuse no part of yourself, your story or the wisdom that you have won from it. You yourself, in all your messy magnificence, are your greatest work of art. Trying to escape that gift is like having a teenage temper tantrum. Giving Creation the middle finger does nothing, save receiving sentiments that reflect that back to us. Being unfaithful to our selves, to our lovers, and to our lives does damage to our self-image and therefore to our own creative capacity. Be honest, forthright and free from harmful actions in all of your love relationships, especially with yourself.
Friday’s new moon aims to render you defenseless to your passions, aims to open you to your creative gifts, aims to reveal to you the beauty of your children (creative offspring or the flesh and bone kind) and asks you what you’d like to do with all of this? With Jupiter’s ingress into Virgo and your sixth house of what keeps your machine well-oiled, it’s time to put your exuberance to work and focus on how your daily activities can assist your lifetime achievements.
This new moon begs you to act from the most honest place you can. It asks you to see any discord in love as a doorway to self-awareness. It asks you to put to use the sometimes chaotic, erotic energy you are channeling so that what you create ignites more of what you wish to be bringing into your year and into this world.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
Virgin didn’t always mean chaste. Virgin Goddesses were goddesses that belonged unto themselves. They may have had lovers a’plenty, but they used their energy for self-regeneration, not for relating.
It’s an aspect of life that those of us that identify as women aren’t too accustomed to being told is beneficial. Belonging to ourselves is not something that is encouraged or deemed a suitable life-goal to strive for. Single? Without children? How dare we.
We’re questioned when we don’t want what the status quo deems respectable, judged if we have different desires, and ridiculed if we possess alternative ways of utilizing our creative, erotic energy. It can get tiresome having to answer the questions of the curious, and why should we? It isn’t anyone’s business what we do with our life energy, how we feel about procreation or partnering.
Jupiter is entering Virgo (the Virgin) and your fifth house of love, sex and children. All aspects of these parts of your life are bound to get a boost, even if you already have wee ones and lovers galore (in which case this may be a time when you realize you need some major organizational overhauls in these areas). But before you run out and buy new bed sheets, I am going to suggest that your first relationship is always to yourself and that any other person who comes into your life, opening up your understanding of pleasure principals and joyful acts of eros, is an extension of your relationship to yourself, not a substitute for it.
Friday’s new moon emphasizes the need to mark your own territory, claim your space and begin the home improvement projects that you have been dying to do. Include all things that help you feel grounded, solid, sorted out and in deep, connected partnership with your essential needs and core issues.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
It’s time to think about the base of your life, your foundations, your core needs and your dream scenario to come home to. Jupiter has just arrived. Spending the next year in your fourth house of home, family and foundations, Jupiter seeks to expand our understanding of what is possible.
Fantasize about what your ultimate situation to come home to is: who greets you when you open the door? In your heart what do you hope for when you reach for your keys? When you crawl into bed at night, what or who snuggles you up?
Simpler still, and for those of you that have your foundations in order, what simpler aspects of home could bring you happiness and display a grand gesture of generosity to yourself? What kind of pillows, blankets and towels do you need in order to feel like a Queen/King? Go buy them for yourself. You’ll be happier (or just better rested) and because of that you’ll be more efficient, you’ll have more to give.
Your home needs to feel abundant. Your fridge needs filling with nutrient rich comfort food. Your closets need reorganizing and your family heirlooms need dusting off and possibly clearing out.
Make room for you. Make your home into the one you always wanted as a child but never had or make it a testament to the one you had and adored. Fill it with whatever helps you feel abundant, but be specific. Clear out before you bring in. Clean your surroundings in preparation for what is to come.
Make your inner life a priority. No compromises. No matter what.
Friday’s new moon is the perfect time for you to meditate on what you most want to begin in terms of communications of all kinds. It is the perfect time to set your intention for the month. This includes signing contracts and making verbal commitments. There may be a new beginning for you here in regards to a written project or some other content that you need to come up with.
On a psychological level this new moon carries with it relationship situations where you may need to express yourself. Be honest. Beware of wanting to be too nice. This week may push you to the point of being unable to lie any longer. A good thing, no doubt.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
Friday’s new moon encourages you to review the ways in which you are building your business and to make sure that it is in line with what the rest of you can handle. Your body needs to hold up to your high hopes. Your mind needs to be able to run at the speed of your dreams. Whatever you seed now in terms of your business and your money making modalities, make sure that it makes your heart hum a tune of gratitude. No need to start things you don’t intend to finish.
This week may break you down in ways that help you realize what you need to ask for in exchange for your energy. Money isn’t everything, but your time is and there needs to be a balance between the two. Don’t wait until you break. Ask for what you need in advance of actually needing it.
With Jupiter’s ingress into Virgo and your third house of communication you will have no shortage of things to say, words to write or little nuggets of truth to dole out. Take this role seriously (but refuse to take yourself so). You may very well find yourself becoming a source of inspiration for those that need it.
Jupiter makes more of whatever it touches. You’ll have ample opportunity to make the most of your thoughts and your insights but make sure that you consider your sources. Make sure to understand the framework from which your information flows, make fact-checking and fine-tuning your take on things a priority because your opportunities to be heard are about to become magnified and will magnetize more of the same.
Speak what you wish to make more of. Explore what mentally turns you on. Notice what ignites your brain cells and gets your mental motors running.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
Leo & Leo Rising
I encourage you, with this Friday’s new moon in your sign and Venus’s conjunction to the sun on Saturday, to let the gripping constraints of having a public image loosen. We all know that we are more than we appear to others, more even than we appear to ourselves, but we also constantly forget that fact.
You may have recently been stripped of something or some things. Perhaps a relationship, your status or a structure that you used to cling to. Whatever has been removed or whatever situation has occurred that has left you a little less armored, a little less protected or in a less than dominant position is exactly what you need at the moment.
What usually gets you past the guards doesn’t work right now. Charm falls flat and flirting fails. Only honesty gets you through the gates. Only a desire to be gilded in the truth gets you the gold.
This is your new moon. This is your annual restart. This is your chance to come clean and realign yourself with what you most want to channel this year. And if you do so diligently, you’ll be rewarded.
This week, Jupiter ingresses into Virgo and into your second house of money, property and how you manage it all. Jupiter is a big help in terms of getting your goods in the marketplace and helping them fly off the shelves. But why not sell what is authentic and in alignment with your beliefs? That way there is no need for persuasion and all your efforts can go into creating what you are the most proud of.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
Well, well Virgo. The astro-headlines are all ablaze, singing your praise, promising great gobs of success and a swelling of opportunities. Everything is going to come up roses now as it’s your turn to take a 12-month spin with the planet that expands, supports, assists and magnifies whatever it touches.
In your sign for one year, Jupiter will magnify whatever is already present as well as bring in a bountiful array of “growth opportunities”. Not all easy, not at all simple, Jupiter in Virgo tends to expand the details, facts and figures of our lives. It exaggerates the flaws (good gods!) and grants us the opportunity to glimpse our potential. But potential is only a promise. Hard work and an appreciation for being specific about what we’d like to achieve is paramount to making the most of this time. Good thing you aren’t a stranger to the grindstone.
What can become apparent at this time is just how useful all of your Virgo qualities are, and are not. Curb your anxieties by focusing on the details you can tend to in the moment. Jupiter does help us plan for the future, but the future is only achieved by living out each moment, one at a time.
Friday’s new moon falls in your twelfth house of hidden affairs. This can bode well for beginning the part of your projects that need to remain secret for now. But the twelfth house also speaks of sorrows, afflictions and all things that impede our growth. I have been advocating the healing and releasing of such things in your life over the last couple of weeks and this week is no different.
But, Jupiter.
The cool thing with having a benefactor on our side is that we are better able to give up what no longer helps us. Jupiter is yours and it begs the question: If you had the love, the money, the fame, the fortune, the family, and the foundations of your dreams, what would you easily walk away from? Knowing that, is it worth holding onto the things that hold you back?
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
Libra & Libra Rising
Being an air sign affords you a great many gifts of the gab. Being a sign whose symbol is the scales, you have a great desire to bring balance, harmony and justice to the world. Being a cardinal sign, your job is to initiate the thing that your element is talented at, in your case that means relationships.
All of this relating, balancing, harmonizing and initiating partnerships makes life dependent on others to a large extent. Quite often Libras get whipped up in a frenzy over what appear to be insignificant decisions for fear of tipping the scales and having everything out of whack.
These fears may seem unfounded, ridiculous and even outrageous to anyone who isn’t in your shoes. But they don’t know. Having the weight of everyone else’s happiness on your shoulders is no small task.
Friday’s new moon emphasizes your tendencies to get out of whack due to the needs of others but it also presents you with solutions to the problem. Getting to the heart of what you fear and why is the most powerful thing that you could start this month. What is the worst thing that could happen if you upset some one or some group by saying yes, no or stating your truth? Does their opinion of you mean more than your own? Do you downplay your needs in order to be accepted by the group?
There may be projects with friends and colleagues that are ripe for the starting, which by all means you should do, but not without considering how you factor into the equation. Jupiter’s year long transit through Virgo and your twelfth house should lend you an antidote to being ruled by your fears, namely the courage to face them, learn from them and overcome any paralyzing effects that they may have previously had.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Friday brings us all our annual new moon in Leo. It just so happens to grace your tenth house of career, notoriety and, one might even say, life purpose. This is the time to be thinking about what new aspects of your career you wish to be starting and which you wish to restart, especially as it relates to your identity in this arena.
You are not who you were 2 years ago or even 2 months ago. Hitting the refresh button and allowing ourselves to grow beyond what we have been known for up until now is a healthy practice. Consider this your official invitation to do so.
There has been a tremendous amount of enthusiastic action in this domain of your chart, quite a lot of rah-rah-ing and hoopla-ing. Enthusiasm can be fun and is a necessary component to encouraging growth (even for the skeptic at heart) but it doesn’t mean much without the concerted efforts which you have proven yourself capable of. Take pride in what has come to pass because of the effort you have put in.
Your ruling planet, Mars, has also entered this domain of your chart, encouraging you to start your engine and move into the world with less fear and a willingness to demonstrate your courageous heart and your strength of character.
Jupiter ingresses into your eleventh house of friends and groups this week as well, encouraging you to thoughtfully align your efforts with those that seek the same world as you do. This might be the time to start envisioning yourself in your utopian future scenario. Who are you with? What are you doing? How do you work together and what about it feels energizing?
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
It’s time to tailor the vision. Specify your desired outcome. Plan in detail. Tend to the many aspects of the dream career you are creating. Don’t get discouraged by the sheer amount of work that lies ahead of you. There is a lot, but you have the help you need to get it done.
Because, Jupiter.
Once every 12 years Jupiter, your ruling planet, rolls through your tenth house of career, reputation and public life. This, my friend, is that year. Jupiter brings with it rewards untold, growth, expansion and abundance. In Virgo this abundance can be in the form of information, details and the nitty-gritty jobs that must get done. This is no time to shy away from your aspirations. This is a time to build upon them. This is no time to play up problems. This is a time to find specific solutions. This is no time to pretend that you aren’t ready for the work that is unfolding in front of you. This is a time to say, “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”
Friday’s new moon brings you into the heart of a philosophical question and begs you to begin projects that connect you to a broad spectrum of folks that share a similar worldview as you. This alignment is important as it reminds you that you are not alone in your cause but rather you are supported by others who share your ideals. Those that challenge you or create conflicts can tease out your truth and so they should be treated with as much respect as successful partnerships.
You are getting down to the essential truth of what you need in order to have a fulfilling life, the things that make you feel successful and, above all else, happy. Bring all of those lessons into your career life and you’ll be happy you made the efforts that you have.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
A possible new moon affirmation for you: Let love heal my mind and any mental afflictions that I suffer from. I ask for this not as a way of escaping reality, but as a way of raising my consciousness. Let my mind be elevated by remembering that love is the answer to its confusion.
Let me remember that my relationships are the vehicles for this healing and give me the wisdom to choose being open to the truth that they reveal over being defensive in the face of my wounds.
I am not here to be perfect, but I can learn more about being humble in my healing process. I need not be ashamed of past mistakes or feel guilty for what I wasn’t capable of doing, but I can be grateful for all I can see in retrospect and apply that wisdom to the present. My mind can heal and will heal more rapidly when I remember that I can’t think my way out of heartbreak, feelings of betrayal or misconceptions about who I am.
Growth happens when I question my beliefs and test their ability to hold water, hold my heart and hold the entirety of my life. If my beliefs aren’t as complex as my experience or affirming of my identity then aren’t they just adding to my despair? Strong tenants stand the test of time and can encompass the paradox of my life while holding me accountable in a loving and affirmative way.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Shared efforts, collaborations and contributions that you have made and are making get a boost over the next year. All of the work that you have done to establish real connections, intimate partnerships and meaningful exchanges of all kinds is about to start paying off. Being thorough about what you want to put into said arrangements is key to the overall success of your endeavors. This is all thanks to Jupiter’s ingress into Virgo and your eighth house of shared resources, which don’t stop at the material level. The energy, love, listening and advising that you offer now are all a part of how you are sharing your talents and should be considered as some of your greatest assets.
But in order to see our contribution we must first value our selves and see ourselves as separate from all of our partners. Your sign isn’t known for its ability to blur the lines, but you are a human after all and none of us is saved from an occasional (or lifelong) case of devaluing ourselves.
This Friday’s new moon is asking you to get to the heart of this or some other relationship dynamic. The new moon occurs in your seventh house of intimate partnerships and is technically the time to seek out and develop the ones that have a chance of being long-lasting. This is still true for you but because Venus’s retrograde is mixed into this particular new moon’s affairs it looks like you need to be extra aware of all of the agreements you are making with others and if they are as good for you as they are for them. There has been a tremendous opening, many affirmations of success and quite a few tests in this area of your life over the past year. This week asks you to take all that you have learned about being open with others and build on those lessons in the most honest way possible.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
With your ruling planet, Jupiter, ingressing into Virgo and your seventh house, there are all kinds of details to pay attention to in regards to your intimate and long-lasting partnerships. Paying attention to the finer points is not exactly how you usually flow, but it’s an important skill to develop over the coming months.
For those of you that have been swimming solo, the next 12 months are likely to bring in schools of interesting fishes, but discretion is advised. The more specific you are about the qualities that you wish to have in a partner, the more able you are to recognize them as they float on by, catch up and make cute conversation.
For those of you not in the market for romance, Jupiter’s travels through your seventh house can open up all kinds of business partnership potential. Who would you want to join forces with if you could and which partnerships would be mutually beneficial? Increasing our wealth through said partners is always a possibility when Jupiter rolls through this place in our chart, but more important than what we can get out of a relationship is what we can bring to it. Remembering the golden rule of giving what you most wish to receive applies here and is amplified by Jupiter’s presence. Give what you have an abundance of and know that it is enough. Give to those that you wish to partner with but give without expectation and refrain from giving what you don’t have in excess. Give to experience the healing benefits associated with generosity.
Friday’s new moon is a powerful one for your business, work and employment opportunities. Getting down to the bottom of your relationship issues as they pertain to this part of your life will be an important aspect of making this new moon into a successful new start. Who you want to partner with in love and in business should never be done out of desperation, a sense of lack or a feeling of being less than. You need to see yourself as equal to your partners before you take action with them, or pause until you do.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.