Monday, May 30th
8:05 PM PT – Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn both at 17+ degrees
Wednesday, June 1st
7:43 PM PT – Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces both at 12+ degrees
Thursday, June 2nd
9:15 AM PT – Venus in Gemini Square Neptune in Pisces both at 12+ degrees
11:38 PM PT – Sun in Gemini opposing Saturn in Sagittarius both at 13+ degrees
Friday, June 3rd
5:47 PM PT – Venus in Gemini opposing Saturn in Sagittarius both at 13+ degrees
Saturday, June 4th
3:57 AM PT – Sun in Gemini square Jupiter in Virgo both at 14+ degrees
5:49 PM PT – Venus in Gemini square Jupiter in Virgo both at 14+ degrees
7:59 PM PT – New moon in Gemini at 14+ degrees
In western astrology, the procession of the zodiac tells the story of the turning of the seasons through the rhythm of the modalities. There are three modalities; cardinal, fixed and mutable. Cardinal signs initiate a new season, fixed signs stabilize the season and mutable signs disperse the energy of the season making way for the season to come. For example, Aries initiates the springtime, Taurus stabilizes the spring and Gemini disperses and lets go of the energy of springtime making way for summer.
Gemini tells stories of being in-between. In between two seasons. In between two perspectives. Gemini thrives at the cross roads of conflicting opinions. Gemini feeds on complexity, diversity and multiplicity. Gemini needs variety, variations and versatility. It needs to be mentally on the move. Conversationally connected, Gemini needs to be communicating along creative lines of cognition. Rigid thinking is this sign’s Kryptonite. So too is committing to something that feels in any way limiting to this sign’s range of movement.
The sun and Venus are both in Gemini this week and they spend it ringing the bells of the mutable grand cross that has been building since the summer of 2015. The sun signifies our personal potential, acting like a spotlight, shining awareness on certain aspects of life. Venus is the planet of relationships, connections, sweetness, erotic energy, beauty and betrayal. A grand cross occurs when there is a least one planet in each of the four mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Our current mutable grand cross is comprised of the sun and Venus and the new moon in Gemini, Saturn in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces.
The sun and Venus, traveling within a beat of each other, will spend the week squaring Neptune. This aspect can confuse personal and relationship boundaries. Rose colored glasses are dangerous devices of deception in this astrological weather. However the sun’s and Venus’s opposition to Saturn can bring boundaries too rigid, too reactive and too limiting. The key here is to balance the much-needed boundaries with the equally needed unconditional love.
Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces have been squaring each other since 2015, and this week the larger themes of liquids and levees, borders and tears, trespassing and belonging get triggered by the sun and Venus. Jupiter in Virgo is added here, squaring the sun and Venus and Saturn while opposing Neptune, magnifying the minutia.
It’s easy to get off agenda in this astrological weather. It’s a whirligig of options. A spinning top of topics. A moving feast of facts and to try and take it all in would leave us bloated and besieged with information.
Amidst all that, the moon is waning to darkness, to be renewed in this turbine of tumult on Saturday, June 4th at 7.59PM PT. This is a highly creative new moon, possibly with too many options to make use of. The key this week is to stay grounded, to take small steps without leaping to any major conclusions. With the winds of change so whipped into a frenzy, it’s best not to get caught out in the open fields when they really get going.
To help you prepare for this new moon and the mutable grand cross, I’ve got personalized readings and ritual suggestions for each sign, ideas for building your altar, and a rundown of the most auspicious days to work with in my new moon course, The Mutable Grand Cross. This course will be available for purchase for one week (until Sunday June 5th).
This week’s new moon horoscopes are written as affirmations specific to this week’s astrology. Please alter them as you need to fit you better. Gemini season reminds us that our words are our bond with the universe and if we want to work some magic in these realms we must speak the words that resonate with us most. Affirm what you most wish to experience and affirm it often.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
Saturday’s new moon signals a time for me to take action on new plans, ideas, conversations, contracts and connections. I can use this new moon to follow up on phone calls, Skype calls, letters, emails, and texts. I can use this new moon to connect to my guides, my agents or my teachers. The theme is creative connection to all that keeps me moving happily through my day.
I pay attention to the insights I get while on the move. To the comments made in passing that help a piece of my puzzle sink into its rightful spot. To a book, a phrase or a thought shared along my journey that keeps me connected to my core. There may be a lot going on for me, life might be busy, but I’m never too busy and nothing is too important to ignore the signals and signs that say hey.
New moons help to make the seeds of my intentions grow so I take time to speak sweetly to what I wish to experience more of in my everyday life. I take time to speak sweetly to those I wish to have around more often. I take time to sweet talk the soul of all that I wish to grow.
*To help you prepare for this new moon and the mutable grand cross, I’ve got personalized readings and ritual suggestions for each sign, ideas for building your altar, and a rundown of the most auspicious days to work with in my new moon course, The Mutable Grand Cross. This course will be available for purchase for one week (until Sunday June 5th).
Saturday’s new moon makes clear my need to keep my finances honest, to keep my spending within my limits and to keep financial plans free from delusions and deceptions. I like pretty things but I’ll keep them in perspective. With this new moon I can work some money magic.
I’ve got the goods.
I’ve got what I need to work with. I am lacking nothing. I’ve got raw materials in abundance. I’ve got diamonds in the ruff for days.
I welcome the discipline it takes to make these materials into my masterpieces. I am grateful for the creative collaborators that keep me honest and expansive. I am humbled by the adventures that they take me on and am made better for the journey.
Love is my true wealth.
I focus on doing more of what I truly love while I work. I do more than just talk about what I’d love to do. I do what I love to do and talk about it after the fact. I don’t waste energy wishing. I spend energy manifesting.
*To help you prepare for this new moon and the mutable grand cross, I’ve got personalized readings and ritual suggestions for each sign, ideas for building your altar, and a rundown of the most auspicious days to work with in my new moon course, The Mutable Grand Cross. This course will be available for purchase for one week (until Sunday June 5th).
I am renewed with this new moon. It is mine to make use of. My birthday gift from Mother. A love story read to me from La Luna. An invitation to re-write the end of the last chapter and the beginning of the next one.
Because my story changes as I evolve. Nothing in life stays the same. No part of my being is stagnant. I am not stuck, even when I feel like I am. What was difficult gets left in the dust when I allow my relationship to it to evolve. I can’t change painful paradigms but I can learn how to protect myself from them and operate outside of them whenever possible.
I have the ability and the right to reset my compass and, on this birthday moon, I choose my true north.
I face the direction that my heart aims me towards. I no longer discount my truth. I tried it once or twice and it wasn’t so dope. In order to be superfly I need to be unafraid to follow my gut. I follow this internal tracking device no matter the light that I have to see by.
This year I promise to love in ways I have yet to. I will risk my pride and pronounce myself willing to learn through my heart as much as my head.
*To help you prepare for this new moon and the mutable grand cross, I’ve got personalized readings and ritual suggestions for each sign, ideas for building your altar, and a rundown of the most auspicious days to work with in my new moon course, The Mutable Grand Cross. This course will be available for purchase for one week (until Sunday June 5th).
I give myself time to dream it. Into being. I know that down time, time out time, time in time, is all time well spent. It helps me to let go of the parts of the past that hold me to a time that is no more.
I allow myself to let go of what steals my time.
I shed the need to spend my time searching for what will hurt me further. Like obsessive thoughts about situations I have no control over. Like wanting to fit into something someone else said that I should. Like wanting love from the loveless. Like wanting blood from the stone-hearted.
Instead I seek to sort myself out.
I seek a deeper relationship to myself, my needs and my guiding lights. I dream myself into healing. I dream myself into a loving energy that wraps itself around my every cell. A loving energy that stays with me when I weep. Because I will again. A loving energy that walks with me when I am afraid. Because I will be again. A loving energy that helps me to sort out my sorrows. Because I will need to again, at some point. I don’t fear what life has to bring. i don’t pretend that everything will always be pain-free. I don’t resist my human experience. I will be wrong. I will be right. I will be strong. I will be broken. I will be beside myself with grief. I will rise up in ecstasy. I will be open to it all. I will be open to a loving energy that refuses to refuse me, even when I do.
*To help you prepare for this new moon and the mutable grand cross, I’ve got personalized readings and ritual suggestions for each sign, ideas for building your altar, and a rundown of the most auspicious days to work with in my new moon course, The Mutable Grand Cross. This course will be available for purchase for one week (until Sunday June 5th).
Friends, community members and those that help me to realize my dreams and hopes are my magic this new moon. No matter the problems that arise with them, no matter the promises spoken between us, they are my gateway to awakening right now.
I take the good with everything else. I need to be in relationship with the relationships that help me move forward. I am not above the work involved. I need the audience that receives my art. I am not above the feedback. I need the collaborations and the beauty that is created through them. I am not operating in isolation.
The difficulty that accompanies any relationship is the payment for the gift of receiving its blessings. As long as it balances itself out I make myself available for the abundance of information, intellectual stimulation and the swapping of information that is coming my way. I make myself available for the lessons that require me to rise to their challenge.
Especially when they help me to extend myself in service to others. Especially when I make it a priority to maintain healthy boundaries. Especially when these lessons help me to learn how to stretch myself. Especially when these lessons remind me that I am not above the messiness of human interactions or the practice of forgiveness as each one of us grows. I trust this process and show up for it.
*To help you prepare for this new moon and the mutable grand cross, I’ve got personalized readings and ritual suggestions for each sign, ideas for building your altar, and a rundown of the most auspicious days to work with in my new moon course, The Mutable Grand Cross. This course will be available for purchase for one week (until Sunday June 5th).
Jobs come and go, but careers are forever. My main career, my #1 job, my ultimate gig is to be as true to myself as I can be no matter the uniform I put on. Sometimes I might feel like I have to hold back certain aspects of my self but, because I am a channel for creative genius, I am open to seeing how I can bring more of myself to everything that I do in the world.
I’ll take the chance.
This new moon is my invitation to start something in my career. Something challenging. Something dreamy. Something that I’ll have to grow into. This new moon is an invitation to take my inner needs seriously. It is an invitation to make my family life and living situation a priority, but it’s also an invitation to take the creative ideas I have about my work in the world as seriously as I can.
I don’t have to help folks feel more comfortable by keeping my passion or my point of view under wraps. I give myself permission to speak. I give myself permission to fight for what is just, fair and owed me or anyone else.
*To help you prepare for this new moon and the mutable grand cross, I’ve got personalized readings and ritual suggestions for each sign, ideas for building your altar, and a rundown of the most auspicious days to work with in my new moon course, The Mutable Grand Cross. This course will be available for purchase for one week (until Sunday June 5th).
I do not succumb to the seduction of reductive thinking. I know that I live in a complex world, filled with complex people living inside of complex systems, systems that impact us all in complex ways.
My long-range plans exist within the same kind of conditions. A myriad of influences can shift what I wish to happen at any moment. The outcome of my conundrums are anybody’s guess. I am not in control of the cosmic currents.
I am in respectful relationship with them.
I can, within this creative chaos, learn how to listen to the frequent signals sent to me. I can learn how to respond to the shifts and changes. I can learn that slowing down isn’t failing. I can learn that picking up the pace doesn’t have to be frantic or flailing. I can remember that when in doubt, I can always practice. Practice patience. Practice listening. Practice learning. Practice witchcraft. Practice which ever practice that’s helpful for my overall growth.
I have a deeply complex mind. It needs to be fed complex carbo-conversations. Ones that feed the engines of my intuition as well as the systems of new thought. I welcome all journeys that help me to reclaim the open roads of belief and experience.
*To help you prepare for this new moon and the mutable grand cross, I’ve got personalized readings and ritual suggestions for each sign, ideas for building your altar, and a rundown of the most auspicious days to work with in my new moon course, The Mutable Grand Cross. This course will be available for purchase for one week (until Sunday June 5th).
I clear all energetic debts that I owe. I don’t shy away from the things that I know I could pay off. I pay them fair and square. Immediately. As soon as I can. I don’t put off being free from the shame of not pulling my weight. I pull my weight. I pay my fair share. I am clear about what I can give and when I can give it.
I don’t dwell on what I didn’t get. I don’t stay stuck in resentment about what I should still get. I don’t try to get fertile soil from futile fields. I move forward seeking to partner with those that can share the work load, the emotional labor and the intellectual grunt work.
Saturday’s new moon initiates me into a new collaboration if I want it. But I start all new partnerships with a clean a slate as possible. I don’t carry over the messes from the past. I have a chance now to be true to my nature while being true to my partners. I respect myself too much to do otherwise. I respect my partners too much to do otherwise. I respect the value of what I receive and what I give too much to do otherwise.
*To help you prepare for this new moon and the mutable grand cross, I’ve got personalized readings and ritual suggestions for each sign, ideas for building your altar, and a rundown of the most auspicious days to work with in my new moon course, The Mutable Grand Cross. This course will be available for purchase for one week (until Sunday June 5th).
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
I see myself clearly. I am not what others make of me. I am not what others expect me to be. I am not what others need me to be. My existence is not contingent upon another’s acceptance of me. I do not exist to make others feel OK about their bad behavior. I was not born to give others medals for their good behavior or to make a big deal out of what they should already be doing.
Because I am capable of being honest with myself, I am honest with everyone else I am in partnership with.
I am not about to try and be something that I am not. Not in any way. Not even a little bit. I learn endless amounts when I commit to seeing myself clearly. I know who I am and if I waver from that knowledge, I pause until I regain it. No matter how the world sees me, I refer to the truth of myself first. No matter what distorted lenses are used to view me, I know my true reflection and that is all that matters.
I offer myself in partnership from this place. Because if I am going to meet you anywhere, I want it to be from the most honest ground I can get to. I respond to my relationship responsibilities with care and consideration. I remain accountable for my trespasses. I pay my debts and keep my commitments clear, honest and straightforward. I am open to the partnerships that meet me. I am open to the partnerships that match me. I am open to the partnerships that raise the stakes and inspire me to grow. I am open to the partnerships that prove themselves as spiritually solid, philosophically potent and enduringly engaging in their opportunities to learn. I am here for the realest deals with others and am all booked up when it comes to anything else.
*To help you prepare for this new moon and the mutable grand cross, I’ve got personalized readings and ritual suggestions for each sign, ideas for building your altar, and a rundown of the most auspicious days to work with in my new moon course, The Mutable Grand Cross. This course will be available for purchase for one week (until Sunday June 5th).
I respect my schedule. I respect my limits and boundaries. I do not go past the point of exhaustion just because someone wants me to. I’m flexible mentally but refuse to override my physical limitations.
Well-rested, I can catch the creativity that wants to help unlock my potential at work. Well-rested, I can show up for what is occurring instead of having my unnecessary physical exhaustion takeover my time. Well-rested, I can propose plans that are well-thought-out and not ill-conceived under stress or duress. Well-rested and well-cared for, I am able to show up and teach what I know, trust what I intuit and take my spiritual journeys to heart.
So much is opening to me now. Through work. Through learning. Through traveling. Through exploring life like I am allowed to. I allow myself to enjoy this. I allow myself new experiences. New horizons to seek out. New aspects of my self to discover. New ways of connecting to friends, old and new. New ways of enjoying the power and the potential of being amidst the folks that feed me in ways I didn’t even know I was hungry for.
*To help you prepare for this new moon and the mutable grand cross, I’ve got personalized readings and ritual suggestions for each sign, ideas for building your altar, and a rundown of the most auspicious days to work with in my new moon course, The Mutable Grand Cross. This course will be available for purchase for one week (until Sunday June 5th).
Creativity is an energy that is without end. An energy with no beginning. An energy that simply exists. It asks no questions about my past. It cares not about my mistakes. It has no judgements about my age, my weight, my class, my background or any of my orientations or expressions.
Creativity is my connection to every other life force on the planet. It is one of the great loves of my life. Whatever I desire to create is its own love affair. It has its own way of being romanced. Its own way of revealing itself. Its own needs and rhythms and desires. I bow to its beauty, its majesty and its power.
I have no judgements of how it expresses itself through me and when I do, I step back and reconsider such a use of my energy. This precious life form is from the dawn of time and it is as much a part of me as anything else.
I am open to being a channel for its gifts. My job right now is to harness its lightening-like energy. I take the visions that I have for creative projects seriously by seeing how to serve them honestly. I take on what I can honestly serve with integrity and devotion.
I view obstacles as an invitation to prove my I creative agility. I can get around anything if I give myself enough time and enough tools to do so.
*To help you prepare for this new moon and the mutable grand cross, I’ve got personalized readings and ritual suggestions for each sign, ideas for building your altar, and a rundown of the most auspicious days to work with in my new moon course, The Mutable Grand Cross. This course will be available for purchase for one week (until Sunday June 5th).
The breadth of my work depends on the depth of my connection to my inner life. I can extend in all directions when I am rooted deep. I am available to my inner needs. I am available to be in relationship with myself. I am willing to see my most foundational needs as something important to pay attention to.
I am committed to not overextending myself. Especially with family. I know that firm boundaries help everyone feel held. I know that demonstrating self-care helps everyone feel their way towards the same. I know that I can love someone with all of my heart and they will still need to find their own way through life. It’s not my job to lead anyone to the truth. It’s not my job to fix family issues. But I can bear witness to them. I can hold space for them. I can offer what I have to help hold them.
I find ways to work creatively inside of the container of my career. Structure here helps me find creative solutions to long-standing frustrations. I work with what I have got. I respect the rules that I know and apply them when I feel stuck. I keep building sturdy structures to lean back on when in doubt.
*To help you prepare for this new moon and the mutable grand cross, I’ve got personalized readings and ritual suggestions for each sign, ideas for building your altar, and a rundown of the most auspicious days to work with in my new moon course, The Mutable Grand Cross. This course will be available for purchase for one week (until Sunday June 5th).