Monday, July 13
Sun in Cancer square Uranus in Aries
This occurred on Sunday night/Monday morning. You can read about its influence here, under Sunday on the #AstroProTips. It’s a disruptive, rocky, inventive incentive to break with the old and begin anew. Something clingy and cautious Cancer tends to understand not at all.
Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces
This is a signature that helps us imagine, dream, design and dive into sources of creative inspiration.
Tuesday, July 14
Sun in Cancer trine Chiron in Pisces
Healing our relationship with identity could likely heal all other modern ailments. We are not commodities. We are not plastic Barbie dolls. We are not bound by the rules of the corporate machine. We are told we are, but we are not. We belong to nature. We are part of the regenerative force of life that is this planet. Put that on a t-shirt and sell it to a hipster.
Moon enters Cancer
Here we go. Today marks the darkest phase of the moon before its monthly renewal on Wednesday evening. And what a new moon this looks to be. Full of intense emotional purging and reconsidering what we want to belong to, Wednesday’s new moon in Cancer looks to give us the means to unravel the stories that have kept us locked in fear, shame and pain.
Venus in Leo square Saturn in Scorpio
The first of three squares between these two in the next couple of months, Venus square Saturn is a tough blow to teetering or tentative relationship agreements. Saturn makes things solid and real, demanding definitive rules and structures. Venus deals with the heart (especially in Leo) of hearts and needs to be adored, loved and in relationship. When the two clash in square formation there is a need to define, redefine, structure or restructure the elements that comprise a union. The heart needs a home.
Wednesday, July 15
Mars and Mercury in Cancer oppose Pluto in Capricorn
Mars and Pluto are not here to play. They don’t have time for your tricks. They don’t have time for your kicks. They came here for one thing and one thing only: power. Where is yours? What do you do with it? How and when are you tempted to manipulate others with it? Do you lead with your emotional wounds when you are trying to connect with others? Do you look for those that are broken to take care of? Do you defend against intimacy by being so tough you trick all tender moments out of their rightful place in your life? We can use this astrology to temper what becomes testy in us and to tease out the underlying sneaky habits we have that tend to erode successful strategies. In other words, don’t let your greed, fear, envy or compulsion cloud your judgment. Stew in private and join the party when you’ve sorted yourself out.
New Moon in Cancer at 6:24 PM PST
I will have a full report for you on this new moon by Tuesday, July 14th.
We’re doing something a little different this month. Instead of just looking at the astrology for the new moon, we’ll look at the astrology for the next lunar cycle. Starting today, you can purchase Emotional Clearing: New Moon in Cancer and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from July 15th – August 14th and it will be available until August 14th. In this call we will do a ritual to help understand and clear the more difficult aspects of our emotional makeup as well as looking at the month ahead. This next lunar cycle contains some of the more impactful astrological points of 2015 and we will outline each of them together. We will detail all the potentially auspicious days to work with as well as ones that could be potentially problematic.
Thursday, July 16
Mercury in Cancer conjunct Mars in Cancer
Don’t say anything if it isn’t necessary, kind or true. Don’t be a jerk. Don’t be a smart-ass. Don’t be that guy. It just isn’t worth it. It just isn’t worth the very distinct possibility of hurt feelings and unforgivable trespasses. If you are in pain, be in pain but don’t be a pain. Sit with your raw emotions and be a grown up. Hold your own hurt.
Moon enters Leo
La Lune’s transition into Leo will help lighten the mood a little, as long as it doesn’t add drama to the deal or demand undue adoration at inappropriate times. She will approach Jupiter on Friday and Venus on Sunday, helping to sweeten the pot and add positive potential to this new moon cycle.
Saturday, July 18
Venus enters Virgo
Venus will station retrograde at zero degrees of Virgo on July 25. This day is significant as Venus is on the degree that she will eventually change direction on from now until then. She re-enters Leo on July 31st. These two weeks spent in Virgo will highlight a portion of the topics that we will need to address, heal and understand over the next three or so months.
Venus in Virgo works. Works harder than it plays. Works harder than anyone else on the team. Works wonders on anything it puts its mind to and wreaks havoc on our self-esteem. You can’t work out every little imperfection. Humans are imperfect on purpose. Practice compassionate awareness of self, be a conscientious observer, be a stickler for striving towards perfection whilst knowing all the while that there is no such thing. Perfect is already here hidden among all the little mistakes and mishaps.
Sunday, July 19
Moon enters Virgo
The moon catches up to Venus and accompanies her momentarily in Virgo. This duo bodes well for studious, detailed, meaningful work. This combination also lends grace and good feelings when we direct our energy towards rituals that cleanse and clear impurities.
Mercury in Cancer square Uranus in Aries
This may lead to minor or major mishaps when dealing with daily tasks or in our communications. When Uranus is involved nothing feels settled but things will always be interesting. See what there is to learn.
Mercury in Cancer trine Chiron in Pisces
Continuing along the learning curve, Mercury contacts the cooling waters of Chiron in Pisces to help soothe any upsets that Uranus may have incurred.
Wednesday’s new moon may give voice to the wrath of generations past. Whether the grievances be from living family, those that you share a home with or the literal or emotional ghosts of your past, one thing becomes crystal clear for you this week: it’s time to unwind an emotional pattern or two that originated long ago.
This is true for all of us this week, as this new moon is a formidable opportunity to do some major emotional clearing, but for you the astrology lands in a specifically tender and potent area of your chart/life. From my point of view you simply cannot keep going at the rate you are traveling at while holding on to this part of your past.
I suggest that you meditate on all that has unwound in you and give extra attention to all the healing that you have done. Seeing our strength bolsters our ability to problem solve. I suggest that you see any potential problems or emotional hiccups that occur as an opportunity to witness yourself approaching it in a new way, in a more conscious way or in a way that deescalates the situation. See yourself pulling the plug, letting your emotions drain, allowing the earth to take what you cannot and should not hold any longer.
Hold yourself longer. Do not take the bait and act out. Do not make more emotional mess when you could instead take a personal time out. Step back. Let the swelling subside. Let your wisdom rule.
We’re doing something a little different this month. Instead of just looking at the astrology for the new moon, we’ll look at the astrology for the next lunar cycle. Starting today, you can purchase Emotional Clearing: New Moon in Cancer and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from July 15th – August 14th and it will be available until August 14th. In this call we will do a ritual to help understand and clear the more difficult aspects of our emotional makeup as well as looking at the month ahead. This next lunar cycle contains some of the more impactful astrological points of 2015 and we will outline each of them together. We will detail all the potentially auspicious days to work with as well as ones that could be potentially problematic.
Wednesday’s new moon has all kinds of things to tell you. Listen. Listen to every battle that rages on in your mind. Listen to every war that wants to be waged through your body. Listen to every embittered internal General that tries to storm the castle.
Listen to the ways in which anger, rage, resentment and fear try to convince you to cling to safer situations. Observe how you might be tied into the patterns or predicaments that your mother/father/sister/brother/cousins have had to conform to, patterns that don’t quite fit your unique existence, patterns that you know you need to outgrow.
Listen to what lies beneath your usual explanations of what he said/she said/they said/you said and why you said it. There is more to the story. It’s not a right or wrong kind of scenario either-it’s a deeper way of understanding your inner dialogue and its origins.
This week forces you to face a reality that you might not want to witness at first but once you engage with it you might find all kinds of untapped potential or forgotten resources of energy that were being obliterated by the denial of a situation. It takes too much energy to lie to ourselves; energy that we need to blossom, bloom and grow into our potential.
We’re doing something a little different this month. Instead of just looking at the astrology for the new moon, we’ll look at the astrology for the next lunar cycle. Starting today, you can purchase Emotional Clearing: New Moon in Cancer and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from July 15th – August 14th and it will be available until August 14th. In this call we will do a ritual to help understand and clear the more difficult aspects of our emotional makeup as well as looking at the month ahead. This next lunar cycle contains some of the more impactful astrological points of 2015 and we will outline each of them together. We will detail all the potentially auspicious days to work with as well as ones that could be potentially problematic.
What are your family stories about money? Does it come with great sacrifice? Does it destroy relationships? Does it not come at all even if one works hard, long and far too much? What attitudes did you grow up with that pertained to scarcity and abundance? How do you feel about you money-making potential now? Do your efforts seem thwarted? Are you happy with the exchange of input and output? Are you able to relate to your financial life without the fear, greed or desperation that you might have grown up with or acquired along the way?
Wednesday’s new moon begins a new growth cycle in your second house of income and property. It’s generally a time to begin a new financial venture. Although I do not advise doing so on Wednesday (or Thursday for that matter-Friday or Saturday are better beginning points), I do advise utilizing the day to uncover old emotional baggage that you may be carrying around about what it means to be financially healthy. Seek out what will bring you emotional well being as it pertains to your attitudes about financial ventures (especially new financial ventures) and see if there isn’t some old family pattern in this part of your life that you can unwind and/or walk with less of.
We’re doing something a little different this month. Instead of just looking at the astrology for the new moon, we’ll look at the astrology for the next lunar cycle. Starting today, you can purchase Emotional Clearing: New Moon in Cancer and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from July 15th – August 14th and it will be available until August 14th. In this call we will do a ritual to help understand and clear the more difficult aspects of our emotional makeup as well as looking at the month ahead. This next lunar cycle contains some of the more impactful astrological points of 2015 and we will outline each of them together. We will detail all the potentially auspicious days to work with as well as ones that could be potentially problematic.
There is no use in running yourself ragged. There is no use in burning up all your gas. There is no use in taking anything personally. There is no use in saying it if it isn’t going to help you feel better, and by better I mean in integrity and in line with what is most important in this moment. Don’t get sidetracked in tiffs or turf wars. Stay focused on ways to constructively use your ambition, your courage and even your rage. It’s a powerful force when directed.
What you could really use Wednesday’s new moon in Cancer for is a mini silent retreat. Use it to meditate on your direction for the year. Use it to listen to your internal dialogue about where you are going and why. Use it to listen to the patterns that your mind moves along. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and fucking forth. Our minds are mostly stuck on a fairly uncreative fear-gear, ranting about all the things it doesn’t have and needs to get.
You are more than all that.
Notice all the ways that you are unwinding from old family patterns, especially in terms of how you regard yourself. We were set up to relate to ourselves depending on how our caregivers related to us. If that is out of joint with how you wish to be in relationship with life now is the time to compost some of that family garbage. It’s also the time to notice just how much has already naturally sloughed off. Noticing how much we have healed always encourages more of the same.
We’re doing something a little different this month. Instead of just looking at the astrology for the new moon, we’ll look at the astrology for the next lunar cycle. Starting today, you can purchase Emotional Clearing: New Moon in Cancer and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from July 15th – August 14th and it will be available until August 14th. In this call we will do a ritual to help understand and clear the more difficult aspects of our emotional makeup as well as looking at the month ahead. This next lunar cycle contains some of the more impactful astrological points of 2015 and we will outline each of them together. We will detail all the potentially auspicious days to work with as well as ones that could be potentially problematic.
Monday and Tuesday find you tinkering with the way something in your life has been tailored. The adjustments move far beyond the beginning of the week but it’s important for you to pay attention to what is asking for your attention, especially in regards to your relationships. Be they friendly, sibling, work-related or romantic, your relationship agreements need to be regarded as sacred and therefore deserving of your attention. Try not to let resentments build up or concerns go unaddressed within yourself, meaning don’t deny how you are feeling and don’t deny the aspects of your life that keep your heart alive.
Wednesday’s new moon is asking you to take the day off. Maybe even the week. But if neither of those options is available to you, settle for the morning, afternoon or evening all to yourself. There is a massive amount of psychic decompressing that needs to occur which is messy, sometimes painful and potentially awkward when done in public. There might be something that feels like a momentary loss that you need to grieve or there might just be some time spent spacing out and feeling all the feelings that have been submerged for what might feel like centuries.
Don’t panic, the swelling will decrease in time. But you can certainly help it along by allowing your emotions their rightful expression.
We’re doing something a little different this month. Instead of just looking at the astrology for the new moon, we’ll look at the astrology for the next lunar cycle. Starting today, you can purchase Emotional Clearing: New Moon in Cancer and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from July 15th – August 14th and it will be available until August 14th. In this call we will do a ritual to help understand and clear the more difficult aspects of our emotional makeup as well as looking at the month ahead. This next lunar cycle contains some of the more impactful astrological points of 2015 and we will outline each of them together. We will detail all the potentially auspicious days to work with as well as ones that could be potentially problematic.
Wednesday’s new moon is a powerful packet of potential passion, aggression and aggravation mixed with a healthy dollop of weepy, wounded and needy. Potentially speaking, that is. It’s also a brilliant opportunity to clear certain emotional issues as they pertain to your connections with others.
This new moon is an emotionally charged concoction that is occurring in your eleventh house of friends, business associates and the hopes and dreams that you were born with and have developed as an adult.
New moons in this part of our chart signal times to forge ahead with group projects and to move on with plans to bring our dreams to life. However, this new moon might be hindered by a raging current of emotional upset that is too strong to withstand. Therefore I advise you to tend to and mend any and all relationship dynamics that have you in a tailspin. I don’t mean making nicey-nice with the bully in the sandbox that stole your sandwich and called you names-let Goddess take care of those fools. No, I mean healing whatever it is in you that thinks it’s OK for others to treat you in any way that feels violating to you.
You have no business letting folks walk all over you. Or even part way over you. Or even one little smidgen over you. Not. At. All.
By Saturday, Venus is in your sign. She’ll station retrograde there. She’ll teach you oodles about relationships in the next three months. If you want to get a head start on the pending curriculum, do yourself a favor and start where it counts: make your relationship to yourself a priority.
We’re doing something a little different this month. Instead of just looking at the astrology for the new moon, we’ll look at the astrology for the next lunar cycle. Starting today, you can purchase Emotional Clearing: New Moon in Cancer and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from July 15th – August 14th and it will be available until August 14th. In this call we will do a ritual to help understand and clear the more difficult aspects of our emotional makeup as well as looking at the month ahead. This next lunar cycle contains some of the more impactful astrological points of 2015 and we will outline each of them together. We will detail all the potentially auspicious days to work with as well as ones that could be potentially problematic.
Your chart is particularly active right now-which means that your life is likely to feel like it’s at a tipping point, breaking point or both. Something is revealed or made real to you about the nature of your hopes, dreams and wishes for your future and how it might contrast or bump up against financial realities.
There is nothing wrong with pacing yourself or prioritizing your experience of the here and now over the there and then. Not only that but I highly recommend little pit stops and mini breaks over the next two weeks so that you might get a chance to spend some time decompressing. There is important information that we can only receive when we stop for long enough to hear it. You would be well-served to take a staycay in bed even if just for a morning or two a week. See what comes up when you allow yourself even the tiniest time to space out.
Wednesday’s new moon occurs in your tenth house of fame and career accomplishments. It’s not the nicest new moon we’ll have this year (in fact it may be the testiest) but it bodes well for paying attention to psychological/emotional patterns that drive your career forward. You can use this new moon to see if you resonate with the intentions you have for your work. We are often driven to “show them” how good we are, how deserving we are or how far we have come-all of which are completely understandable, helpful and even necessary for a time. But this new moon also signals a moment to refresh those intentions so that they are in line with a more vital, healing and exciting life force.
We’re doing something a little different this month. Instead of just looking at the astrology for the new moon, we’ll look at the astrology for the next lunar cycle. Starting today, you can purchase Emotional Clearing: New Moon in Cancer and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from July 15th – August 14th and it will be available until August 14th. In this call we will do a ritual to help understand and clear the more difficult aspects of our emotional makeup as well as looking at the month ahead. This next lunar cycle contains some of the more impactful astrological points of 2015 and we will outline each of them together. We will detail all the potentially auspicious days to work with as well as ones that could be potentially problematic.
Saturn in our sign (which it is for you for the next 2 months) can teach us a tremendous amount about what we fear, what we fear we lack and what we reject because of that fear. I’d like you to study what you are currently rejecting. Look at the nature of it. Look at your history with it. It’s quite healthy to reject what isn’t healthy for us but often times we reject what we most need to sit with. For you, this week has to do with what you are capable of achieving and how you relate to your talent, your potential and your dreams.
Take note this week of where you might tend to stop yourself, impede your own growth or frustrate a possibility instead of just letting it arrive on its own. Notice when you tense up and defend against life instead of trusting the process of it. This is not a suggestion that should encourage chastising yourself though. It’s a self-inquiry to promote self-compassion.
Wednesday’s new moon may expose the mental/emotional patterns that inhibit you from expansion, optimism and growth. While contraction is necessary at times to regulate our life, it must be held in balance with a willingness and an ability to open, trust and expand.
We’re doing something a little different this month. Instead of just looking at the astrology for the new moon, we’ll look at the astrology for the next lunar cycle. Starting today, you can purchase Emotional Clearing: New Moon in Cancer and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from July 15th – August 14th and it will be available until August 14th. In this call we will do a ritual to help understand and clear the more difficult aspects of our emotional makeup as well as looking at the month ahead. This next lunar cycle contains some of the more impactful astrological points of 2015 and we will outline each of them together. We will detail all the potentially auspicious days to work with as well as ones that could be potentially problematic.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
There is now and will be quite a lot of information for you to work with as it pertains to your unconscious beliefs and the conscious beliefs that you hold about what is possible for you, your life and your work in the world. So much information is arising and will continue to unfold over the summer, information that can set you on a successful 12-year career path and a trajectory of unprecedented blooming and building. So much that it’s important to take note of the places that impede you; namely your attitudes about your own personal value and your outlook on life.
In general, but especially right now, you have a pretty fantastic way of looking at the world. Bright eyed and bushy tailed you are easily excitable and ready to roll. What’s necessary now however is to use that uber-enthusiasm in realistic ways. The rubber needs to meet the road so to speak. You can’t get very far if you have yet to address the enemies within (and those that actively wish you harm). What self-sabotaging feelings come up again and again? What difficult internal dynamic do you defend against by being hyper hopeful instead of just seeing something as it is? Sometimes seeing the truth of something, not as we want it but as it really is, is the most positive, life-affirming thing that we can do. We all need ground to stand on, ground to grow hope from.
Wednesday’s new moon helps you to address a long-standing emotional dynamic in regards to how you share your resources, what you have inherited and what old family dynamics you can now let go of in the areas of money, manipulation and power-plays.
We’re doing something a little different this month. Instead of just looking at the astrology for the new moon, we’ll look at the astrology for the next lunar cycle. Starting today, you can purchase Emotional Clearing: New Moon in Cancer and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from July 15th – August 14th and it will be available until August 14th. In this call we will do a ritual to help understand and clear the more difficult aspects of our emotional makeup as well as looking at the month ahead. This next lunar cycle contains some of the more impactful astrological points of 2015 and we will outline each of them together. We will detail all the potentially auspicious days to work with as well as ones that could be potentially problematic.
We live in a global culture that promotes a disposable life. Instant access. One-time usage. Buy the new version before you even understand how to use the one you own. If it didn’t have such hazardous environmental, socio-economic, psychological effects we could chalk this kind of variety up to being fun, entertaining and harmless. But the cost of running through so many things can often have a great effect on how we interact with each other.
The only way to really love someone is to work at understanding them. If we want to understand someone we can’t throw them away at the first sign of relationship malfunction. We have to stick around for a couple of seasons and see them in all the various lights that time provides.
So too with ourselves.
Wednesday’s new moon occurs in your seventh house of intimate partnerships. Normally this would be a time when you’d want to start something good with those that are good to you. However, this new moon looks to stir up some sentiments about the nature of your commitments, the underlying reasons why you have made them and the reasons why you might want to fight for them or let them go.
What you chose to do is obviously up to you: staying, going, repairing, destroying, harming or helping the situation. Just note that while this is a new moon that has the potential to encourage anger and discontent, it can also be a powerful invitation to understand the relationship dynamics you’ve acquired that inhibit intimacy. Whatever you initiate in your relationships at the time of this new moon sets a pattern. Set the relationship patterns that promote the best of you and your partners.
We’re doing something a little different this month. Instead of just looking at the astrology for the new moon, we’ll look at the astrology for the next lunar cycle. Starting today, you can purchase Emotional Clearing: New Moon in Cancer and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from July 15th – August 14th and it will be available until August 14th. In this call we will do a ritual to help understand and clear the more difficult aspects of our emotional makeup as well as looking at the month ahead. This next lunar cycle contains some of the more impactful astrological points of 2015 and we will outline each of them together. We will detail all the potentially auspicious days to work with as well as ones that could be potentially problematic.
There is a tension brewing between a partnership and your career. It could be that the demands of a marriage (literal or of sorts) that you are in is interfering with your own pursuits as a professional or that you reject your own aspirations for fear that they will negatively impact your relationship. But fear not, you may just need to create some better boundaries by way of getting clear about your professional aspirations and your needs in relationship.
This week is trying to help you get clear on what those needs are, witnessing what priority you give them and if you take them seriously enough. In fact, in your career and public role(s) it’s important that you take yourself as seriously as you want others to. Now is the time to build upon all you have accomplished, and you have accomplished a great deal.
Wednesday’s new moon emphasizes the areas of your life where work is of utmost importance, but so too is your health. If you have been neglecting certain aspects of your physical self this may be a time when you get a little feedback from the body about it. Listen to what your machine needs and give to it freely. This is more difficult for some of us depending on our experience of having had our needs met or not. If there are long standing emotional patterns that get in the way of you being caring, compassionate and sweet to yourself, then this new moon would be the time to witness and deconstruct them so that you can give yourself what you need.
We’re doing something a little different this month. Instead of just looking at the astrology for the new moon, we’ll look at the astrology for the next lunar cycle. Starting today, you can purchase Emotional Clearing: New Moon in Cancer and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from July 15th – August 14th and it will be available until August 14th. In this call we will do a ritual to help understand and clear the more difficult aspects of our emotional makeup as well as looking at the month ahead. This next lunar cycle contains some of the more impactful astrological points of 2015 and we will outline each of them together. We will detail all the potentially auspicious days to work with as well as ones that could be potentially problematic.
If you have children, physical or creative, this will be a week where they may test you, push you and bump up against you. This could be a week where it feels like your lovers force you to the point of frustration leaving you fuming and even a little farklempt. This could be a week where tensions reveal themselves between you and co-workers, those that employ you or those that you employ.
Notice emotional patterns that arise with your children, your creative projects, work relationships and those that you love passionately. Also notice any patterns that have you wasting too much time with frivolous fun things and not spending enough time doing reparative, creative things.
The soul needs time to find itself through artistic endeavors.
You don’t have to be an artist. You don’t have to be a musician. You don’t have to be an anything to get lost in the process of creating. All life is creative. During Wednesday’s new moon, make a cake, plant flowers, paint, sculpt, sing out of tune, dance out of step, photograph ants crawling across the sidewalk, or anything else that reflects your feelings, to help balance out the emotional upheavals aforementioned.
We’re doing something a little different this month. Instead of just looking at the astrology for the new moon, we’ll look at the astrology for the next lunar cycle. Starting today, you can purchase Emotional Clearing: New Moon in Cancer and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from July 15th – August 14th and it will be available until August 14th. In this call we will do a ritual to help understand and clear the more difficult aspects of our emotional makeup as well as looking at the month ahead. This next lunar cycle contains some of the more impactful astrological points of 2015 and we will outline each of them together. We will detail all the potentially auspicious days to work with as well as ones that could be potentially problematic.