Weekly Astro Pro Tips
Tuesday 14 April 2015
Moon enters Pisces
This is a dreamy, creative, poetic moon that is shedding its light to be renewed on Saturda when it conjuncts the sun. Honor it by making an interpretive dance out of your dreams, a thesis out of your fantasies and a mockery out of “reality”.
Mercury enters Taurus
Mercury goes retrograde again from May 19th-June 11th exclusively in Gemini. This last hurrah of Mercury in Taurus is our time to get it done. Whatever we can get done. Whatever plans we can make, trips we can book, contracts we need to sign are best to be worked out in the next couple of weeks.
Wednesday 15 April 2015
Venus in Gemini opposes Saturn in Sagittarius
A great transit for those willing to say what they do and do what they say. A perfect time to make the commitments that you honestly, truthfully, totally are wanting to make. Conversely this is a lousy time to lie, cheat and steal, unless of course you like getting called out for your indiscretions. This combination may have us feeling like it’s hard to fit in, like our needs aren’t understood or like our feelings don’t matter. Not true unless you say so. Don’t worry about what society says is the way to go in terms of relationships and connecting with others. Just concern yourself with being honest, transparent and clear about your process.
Thursday 16 April 2015
Moon enters Aries
The moon is now rapidly shedding its light. This is a great time to focus on releasing and letting go. Dark moons can be a little unnerving for control freaks. Dark moons can be anxiety producing for aggressively positive types. Dark moons can be completely magical for those that welcome each stage of the cycle. This is a moon that wants us to be courageous, fearless and to completely accept the regenerative healing process of letting go and releasing. What can you shed? Hint: envy, greed and gluttony are a good start.
Friday 17 April 2015
Pluto in Capricorn stations retrograde
Small but mighty Pluto digs its heels in and refuses to budge another inch forward. Pluto will be retrograde until September 24th so this is a long-term affair. On the days it stations retrograde it’s helpful to look at how we manage our own power, how others around us are handling their power and who (internally and externally) is trying to gain more power. We can resort to being greedy little fear mongers at a moment’s notice unless we are completely willing to make a burlesque show out of our greatest achievement, a caricature out of our beloved image and be the butt of the cosmic joke that we live in.
Pluto is powerful, but what good is power when there is no play?
Saturday 18 April 2015
Mars in Taurus squares Jupiter in Leo
More. More. More. Appetites abound and so do strapping, lusty and robust plans. Use this energy to fuel your new moon intentions.
New Moon in Aries (2:56PM EDT)
There will be a new moon post up by Tuesday, March 14th. In short it’s about courage and co-creation. If you want to make the most of this event and need a little guidance please join me for The Courage to Create: New Moon in Aries Intention Setting. I will lead us through an intention setting process to help overcome the fear that can sometimes block us from accessing the courage we need to live happy, productive, meaningful lives.
Moon enters Taurus (5:32PM EDT)
This is a perfect moon to build with. Once we’ve cleared the path, corralled our courage and declared our intention(s), the just barely new moon moves into Taurus giving us ample energy to stay the course and steady our intention with real, concrete efforts.
Sunday 19 April 2015
Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces
Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces
Both of these are influences that can confuse, create or concoct great tales of triumph and misfortune and have us in a tailspin tout de suite. Stay away from sneaky, slimy and duplicitous. Just refuse to fall for fake. Instead of wasting time with those that aren’t forthright and fabulous, stay home and paint your nails every shade of the ocean you can find. Dedicate your Sunday to being true to your creative muses and use any romantic drama as fuel for heart mending mayhem.
Only we know what we need courage to do. Only we know the places in which we curl up and hide. Only we know the significance of each of our strides.
Sometimes fighting is easy. For some exerting force is second nature. Battling dragons can be nothing more than a day at the office.
But sometimes just getting out of bed is cliff jumping. Sometimes showing up to the battle with no weapons is our biggest act of bravery. Sometimes the most revolutionary thing that we can do is to simply stand and face each moment as if it meant everything. As if how we showed up was the entirety of our work here on earth. As if arriving at each moment of our life was the most liberating experience we could possibly have.
Saturday’s new moon in Aries is like a beginning to your lunar year. It breaks the seal on your birthday. Now you can begin to build with the waxing light of your new moon.
Aries is here to take action. Aries is here to break out in front of the heard in the great race of life. Aries is here to demonstrate courage through every action it takes.
But how we act and what we act on is the question. This new moon calls on our ability to engage with life enthusiastically. It calls on our ability to engage with life’s inventive energy. This new moon asks you how you would like to demonstrate your valor and in what area you wish to be victorious.
*If you want to make the most of this Saturday’s new moon and need a little guidance please join me for The Courage to Create: New Moon in Aries Intention Setting. I will lead us through an intention setting process to help overcome the fear that can sometimes block us from accessing the courage we need to live happy, productive, meaningful lives.
There may be needs that arise from deep within you this week. Ones that seem to make no sense. Ones that make no real announcement. Ones that seem to waft around you like vapor, pungent but hard to get a hold of.
Some of our needs are like secrets that can only be alluded to. Some of our needs may not need to ever be brought into the light of day but private fantasies are important for our fulfillment.
Having an inner life, a secret life, as long as it causes no harm to anyone, is essential for long-term piece of mind. Listening to what murmurs to us just beneath the surface of our consciousness – in liminal spaces – can bring to us healing messages. Paying attention to what is present in that delicious space between sleep and consciousness can give you some major clues as to the nature of what is being done to you right now.
Most times in life we are pushing, working, striving and climbing to get ‘er done. But your current astrology suggest letting the doing be done through you.
Saturday’s new moon occurs in a domain of your chart that is private, out of sight and not always fully understood by the rational mind. Try to revel in the mystery of how things come to be in your life. Work away at what you can behind the scenes. Let go of controlling how it goes and instead tune into how life is working through you and for you. This requires the courage to let go in full trust that once you do your part, the rest is taken care of.
*If you want to make the most of this Saturday’s new moon and need a little guidance please join me for The Courage to Create: New Moon in Aries Intention Setting. I will lead us through an intention setting process to help overcome the fear that can sometimes block us from accessing the courage we need to live happy, productive, meaningful lives.
If there is something that you want to start with a group, start it now.
Boldly. Triumphantly. Courageously. Confidently.
There is no need to be bashful about your beauty or to hide your skills from the rest of us. There is no need to be tenuous about your need for a team either. We need you and you need us.
Use Saturday’s new moon to put out your newsletters, announce your campaign, or to send out your party invites. Send the call out. Gather your groups. Feel the strength of numbers.
But also listen to what goes on internally for you when you do. What do you need courage to do when you are standing in a room full of folks? Do others appear mostly as adversaries to your subconscious? Do they appear as threats? Do others seem to welcome you? Receive you? Accept you as one of their own? If you observe yourself in a group of others what do you see? What do you fear? What do you enjoy? What do you notice? If you had the courage to, how would you act in your social sphere?
You are up against a limit, a boundary, a no or a yes in a relationship. You might be up against an authority figure, an elder, or someone who appears to have the upper hand. They don’t, but it’s important that you come clean with your intentions and it’s equally important that you listen to the intentions of others. Believe what people tell you and act accordingly.
How you represent yourself to your peers and to your public is important now. Being authentic in a crowd is an act of great faith. Being true down to your bones is an act of great resiliency. Being unthwarted by the daunting task of delivering yourself from insincere identities is a worthy pursuit for this new moon.
*If you want to make the most of this Saturday’s new moon and need a little guidance please join me for The Courage to Create: New Moon in Aries Intention Setting. I will lead us through an intention setting process to help overcome the fear that can sometimes block us from accessing the courage we need to live happy, productive, meaningful lives.
Really, really, really not giving a second thought to what others think of you or your work is almost incompressible to someone whose entire makeup is geared towards the caring of others..
Of course you want us to like your creations! Of course you want us to tell you how beautiful your babies are. Of course you have the very human need for love and acceptance but you can’t get caught in the praise right now, or lack there of. It can fuck with your innovative and courageously creative projects.
Don’t worry. We will love them Or we’ll leave them. But remember you aren’t doing this for us anyway.
You are doing this for your bloodline, you are do this to lay down your baseline, you are doing this to establish yourself as someone who is ready to take risks, as someone who is ready to break out of the box, as someone who is willing to go first come flop or fantastic fortune.
Be governed this week by what you want to be known for. Make decisions that leave you feeling dignified. Do what needs to be done so that you will have a reputation that you can be proud of.
Saturday’s new moon occurs in your Tenth House. Your most public house. Your career house. Your house of honors and prestige. Yes you can use this new moon to start a professional project but in reality you are your most valuable professional commodity. Your actions, your deeds, your intentions are what need to come into alignment. Everything else, every other success, every other form follows your intention. Set that first, set it courageously and then see what follows.
*If you want to make the most of this Saturday’s new moon and need a little guidance please join me for The Courage to Create: New Moon in Aries Intention Setting. I will lead us through an intention setting process to help overcome the fear that can sometimes block us from accessing the courage we need to live happy, productive, meaningful lives.
Saturday’s new moon unfolds in your house of travel, education and the study of topics that can lead you far out into the distance, beyond your everyday assertions of what life is about. This new moon can act like a reset of your philosophical understanding of life. What gives our lives meaning helps to anchor the rest of our work. Our sense of what is important deepens, shifts and matures as we grow. Allowing change in this area of your life isn’t you being fickle. It’s you being a human.
And why not value the fact that we are human? Flawed, fragile maniacal humans. We make a mess of things. We make meaning out of things. We make amends for the dumb things we did. Accountability breeds integrity and that is what this week’s astrology is after.
For you the accountability occurs in the realm of how you’ve handled your success, how you’ve treated your colleagues and how you handle your good fortune. If you are squandering it you might just be in line for a size 12 boot in your bottom. The universe has some ass-kicking up its sleeve this week. Own your tremendous talents and do what you know you need to with them.
Saturday’s new moon is daring you to take a new look at something. It’s daring you to study the things that might just set you free. It’s taunting you to declare publicly and stand up morally to the things that you believe in the most. Use your gifts for the greater good and don’t shy away from making a commitment to your on-going learning.
*If you want to make the most of this Saturday’s new moon and need a little guidance please join me for The Courage to Create: New Moon in Aries Intention Setting. I will lead us through an intention setting process to help overcome the fear that can sometimes block us from accessing the courage we need to live happy, productive, meaningful lives.
You might meet a financial limit this week, a threshold that you cannot cross, a pinch in the old pocket. It’s important to respect your financial boundaries at the moment especially when it comes to joint projects and other people’s resources.
There might also be a philosophical boundary that you meet. A situation that demands your patience. There might be a professional boundary that you meet. Something that demands your maturity. There might also be a deepening of your understanding about who you are becoming in the world and who you are meant to be. Something much like publicly accepting responsibility.
Saturday’s new moon occurs in the part of your chart that has to do with what you get from others: money, joint projects and inheritances. If there is some project that you are wanting to start in collaboration with another, this is a new moon to initiate such an endeavor.
This part of our chart also acts as the compost heap of our lives. Letting go is hard to do but necessary if you want to create fertile soil for future growth. If you know that there is something you need to give up or even to loosen your tight grip from, then this new moon would be the time to pray your ass off for help in doing just that.
*If you want to make the most of this Saturday’s new moon and need a little guidance please join me for The Courage to Create: New Moon in Aries Intention Setting. I will lead us through an intention setting process to help overcome the fear that can sometimes block us from accessing the courage we need to live happy, productive, meaningful lives.
Truth. Talk it. Walk it. Don’t skirt around it. It’s time for you to lead, teach and tell it like it is. Don’t fear anything but living out of integrity. Truth may be complex and multifaceted but that doesn’t mean you need to lie. In fact if you do you will be caught, if by no one else than by yourself, and you don’t need to go to bed with a cluttered conscience. It looks like your bed is too full for such nonsense right now anyhow.
Saturday’s new moon falls in your Seventh House of committed partnerships. Considering the considerably volatile astrology that has been occurring in this domain of your chart recently it looks like you know who is who, and who you ready to get into bed with.
Business partnerships. Love relationships. Commitments of all kinds. Start them. If they are right for you. And the only way to know that is if you are able to be as raw and real with yourself as you can be. Otherwise the partnerships have no place to stand for longer than the facade can last.
Learn to sit with uncomfortable, complex, paradoxes. Learn how to not immediately try to make it better. Learn how to let others have their own reactions and responses. That is what being in a relationship is all about anyways: seeing another’s struggle and valuing their journey enough to let them have it; believing in their ability to find their way; being a support without trying to be their source of happiness.
Making honest, sincere commitments takes a lot of self reflection but it gives a lot more than it takes.
*If you want to make the most of this Saturday’s new moon and need a little guidance please join me for The Courage to Create: New Moon in Aries Intention Setting. I will lead us through an intention setting process to help overcome the fear that can sometimes block us from accessing the courage we need to live happy, productive, meaningful lives.
It’s a very good time to teach others how you’d like to be treated. It’s a very good time to use your powers of persuasion to demonstrate what you need. Verbal demands are important at times but your actions speak volumes right now. Demanding respect from others demands that you respect yourself. Force doesn’t always work so well when other living beings are involved.
Unless it’s life or death you are better off outsmarting opponents through leading by example. Especially because you are poised for praise and recognition right now. Whether you are ready for it or not, your close up is ready for you. You don’t want to be caught snarling. You don’t want to be caught in a petty brawl. You don’t want to be seen working purely for your own means.
You have a formidable amount of building power available to you right now. It has to do with making ambitious, long range plans for your prosperity. You have a new moon occurring in a part of your chart that begs you to be on your game when it comes to health concerns and your daily life cycles. You can use Saturday’s new moon to restart a health regime, clean out your juicer or anything else that is going to help you make the most of the bigger opportunities that are in front of you now.
*If you want to make the most of this Saturday’s new moon and need a little guidance please join me for The Courage to Create: New Moon in Aries Intention Setting. I will lead us through an intention setting process to help overcome the fear that can sometimes block us from accessing the courage we need to live happy, productive, meaningful lives.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
You’ve had ample time in the concocting of it. You have had ample energy to experiment with its many forms. You’ve had enough fire under your tuchas for enough weeks in a row to get you to hop to it.
This Saturday’s new moon is demanding that you do so. You have been learning to redefine your fortune. You have been learning just how valuable your creative currency is. You have been learning just how important a place it holds in your life and in the grand scheme of things. You have been seeing that it truly is the center of your center and that to respect it is to engage with it. Courageously. Victoriously. Without apology. Make this new moon your road dog and get down to delivering your creative ingenuity to the rest of us.
The week also holds a special lesson in commitment for you. There is every reason for you to join forces with another but not if there are doubts about their intentions, or yours. If you are entering into partnerships you want them to be clean of confusion and far from any fantasies or delusions. This goes for romance. This goes for finance. This goes for your benefactors. This goes for your all those that work with you, for you and beside you. Make fair agreements based on mutual respect and honest admiration, meaning that if you don’t trust them don’t lie to yourself about it. Do what you need to do but don’t pretend that you aren’t doing what you are doing with those that you are doing it to.
*If you want to make the most of this Saturday’s new moon and need a little guidance please join me for The Courage to Create: New Moon in Aries Intention Setting. I will lead us through an intention setting process to help overcome the fear that can sometimes block us from accessing the courage we need to live happy, productive, meaningful lives.
Fallen face down in the mud? Might as well make the most of the exfoliating experience. Making facials out of big falls and bigger fails is all part of making the most of this life. Something (Pluto stationing retrograde in Capricorn with a soon to come trine from Mars and Mercury) is demanding that you get to know your dirty places instead of pretending that you are peachy clean. Getting real and raw might not always be so good for business but this week there is an unexpected bout of being compelled towards honesty.
So don’t get caught with your hand in the cookie jar.
But if you do you might as well own up to your scoundrel ways while you enjoy the sweet biscuit of your burglary. Nothing is more tiresome than a liar. And besides the point is that you don’t need to steal the good stuff any longer. The cookies are yours for the savoring and the sharing. Once you know that you’ll have a whole new experience of being good to yourself. Getting what you need doesn’t have to be at the cost of another. It doesn’t have to be at the cost of your self-respect and it doesn’t have to be in secret.
Which brings us to Saturday’s new moon. It happens in your Fourth House of home, family and the foundational basis of your life. If you think you have to trick others into loving you it doesn’t matter how many candles you light or gods you pray to; you’ll never feel like you are worth what is coming to you. Use this new moon to clear out space at the base of your life. Make a conscious effort to bravely claim land for your life to be built on, reminding yourself all the while that this is yours and no one else’s.
*If you want to make the most of this Saturday’s new moon and need a little guidance please join me for The Courage to Create: New Moon in Aries Intention Setting. I will lead us through an intention setting process to help overcome the fear that can sometimes block us from accessing the courage we need to live happy, productive, meaningful lives.
Children need parenting. Our outer self-expression needs our inner encouragement. Thoughts need an observer if they are to be anything more than meaningless memes. Relationships need our attention, love and care if we want to give them a chance. Telling those that we appreciate, that we appreciate them, is a great gift to strengthen the relationship.
This week match your ingenuity with your generosity. Match your curiosity with your consideration. Match your willingness to mingle with your integrity. Match your opponents with an equal amount of generative ambition. It’s no use being the best if no one wants to play with you.
Saturday’s new moon is bursting the seams of your Third House of communication wide open. It is the perfect time to get contracts concrete and speeches nice and neat but not tidy. Let your creativity come through everything that you say. Keep up with your more experimental ideas and make sure that you are relaying them to those that can help you the most. Because they do want to help you.
You’ll look more attractive if you can give up worrying about fitting in though. You’ll be more on your game if you can remember that your job is to courageously communicate your ideas whether or not you are the only one who understands them.
Just do so with great gobs of charm and bucket loads of brazen beauty.
*If you want to make the most of this Saturday’s new moon and need a little guidance please join me for The Courage to Create: New Moon in Aries Intention Setting. I will lead us through an intention setting process to help overcome the fear that can sometimes block us from accessing the courage we need to live happy, productive, meaningful lives.
Saturday’s new moon occurs in your second house of the cash you earn and how you earn it. What I am hoping is through our many talks regarding this area of your life that you have begun to take your financial well-being seriously. Not because money is the answer (it isn’t) but because there is something important that you are learning about the material realm right now.
It has to do with your courage. It has to do with your willingness to reinvent your financial situation, the way you make money or the way you think about your ability to.
It has to do with the way you take risks in this area of your life. Do you risk it all? Do you take risks at all? Do you dare to do what you most want to do regardless of if there is money attached or not? Did you answer the questions from your horoscope last week? They might help you get clear on some aspects of your financial life that you’d like to be more in charge of. We can’t control everything, actually we can’t control anything, but we can attempt to be in a conscious, creative and courageous relationship with everything. Each new moon is an opportunity to do so by setting our intentions with a great deal of clarity. Each new moon is a moment of magic because we get to remember our part in the unfolding of our life through engaging with our intention. Each new moon is a blessing because it reminds us of our ability to subtly, powerfully make our lives on purpose.
Now go magic some money magnificence.
*If you want to make the most of this Saturday’s new moon and need a little guidance please join me for The Courage to Create: New Moon in Aries Intention Setting. I will lead us through an intention setting process to help overcome the fear that can sometimes block us from accessing the courage we need to live happy, productive, meaningful lives.