Weekly Astro Pro Tip:
Read the New Moon On The Edge Of Aquarius: The Thing About Love post for pro tips and/or join me for this months new moon tele-class Calling Love In .
Aries & Aries Rising
Tag, you’re it and you’re it for a hot second. Your current astrology is no child’s play however. This is a Game of Thrones type situation. This is molten lava and fiery dragons. This ish is for warrior queens, so gather your celestial teams and get your huddle on.
You need a game plan.
Now, I’m getting a little ahead of myself, for sure, as most of the real ruckus transpires between March 4th and April 4th but why don’t we use the gift that is Wednesday’s new moon and get a head start on it. The new moon technically occurs in your Eleventh House of friends, community and associates but both the sun and moon swiftly enter your Twelfth House of what we hold secret or what is held secret from us.
You have two distinct situations on your hands. One is that you desperately need to deal with some parts of your life that are much more behind the scenes than all up on the scene. Tend to your fears, your sorrows and any great undoing that is being done to you right now.
And. But. Also. Also Also. Your ruling planet, Mars, is moving back into your sign on Friday. That’s like having a set of sweet wheels with a full tank of gas, a new do and a week off. You’re ready to rumble. You also have Venus, goddess of love and connectivity riding shotgun with the devious devil, Mars. You are potent, you are purdy, and you are on the prowl. This dynamic duo will make a full conjunction over the weekend so make the most of it by engaging in playful, spontaneous, healing activities Aries style. Paintball, contact dance, flash mobs, parkour or body prints are just a few ideas.
Join me for this month’s tele-class where we will explore the themes of love and relationship and tap into the potential of this new moon. This one hour class will include a lecture on the current astrology, myth, mediation, writing and visualizations. Whether you are in a relationship, happy being single or looking to manifest a new partnership this will be a helpful class in uncovering the obstacles we all have to living a more loving, fulfilled life. This class will be emailed to you on Monday February 16th (pm) as a recording to listen to at your leisure.
Make way for Wednesday and the second new moon of the year to crack open the potentials of your career/dream job/life purpose. This new moon slips into the helpfully healing waters of Pisces and your Eleventh House of friends, allies and comrades mere seconds after it’s arrival. I encourage you to see how the two depend on each other. Who in your social circles can help you? What friends, helpmates and potential partners would be mutually helped by your asking a favor of them?
Often we feel like we are asking the world of people when really we are opening up an opportunity for them to connect to and support us and for us to receive their help and support. In doing so we become vulnerable but we also become fortified by the allegiances we create. We need each other and we need to be needed by one another.
Of course we need to be smart about who we ask because you and I both know that you can’t get milk from a hardware store. We must also be respectful and appropriate in our ask and let dry wells have time to replenish. Being mindful of our expectations and focusing on being grateful of the fact that we have friends and allies to reach out to helps hugely.
And if we really want to get all we can from the situation we can make it our mission to be of service to all that we can be. Because asking for help and being of service are two ways we can actively crack open our egos and experience connection. Being of service means we wait for others to ask for our help or offer it once and then back off. Being open to help means that we let other people know that we don’t have it altogether, we don’t have everything we need and we know that interconnectedness leads to a sustainable power.
When we only take part in one of the two we don’t really get the benefits we seek.
On another level the next few weeks bring up many of your subterranean psychological issues that aren’t necessarily appropriate to share so get a good therapist/healer/helper and dedicate some time to deep sea diving. That and/or you have hella amounts of behind the scenes activity to do in the next month in terms of your work and romantic relationships. Hop to it, you don’t want to be caught in the up coming astrologic storms without your duties tended to.
Join me for this month’s tele-class where we will explore the themes of love and relationship and tap into the potential of this new moon. This one hour class will include a lecture on the current astrology, myth, mediation, writing and visualizations. Whether you are in a relationship, happy being single or looking to manifest a new partnership this will be a helpful class in uncovering the obstacles we all have to living a more loving, fulfilled life. This class will be emailed to you on Monday February 16th (pm) as a recording to listen to at your leisure.
The second new moon in a row to activate your Ninth House of long distance travel and psychic dream healing is being unleashed this Wednesday. It will rapidly roll into your Tenth House of career seconds later. This tells us that you have a lot of energy available to help move your current projects forward especially since that minx Mercury is also moving direct once again.
The new moon isn’t an isolated event in your career domain. There’s been more than one beguiling muse traipsing through this terrain. Hopefully this has been helpful for you. Hopefully you have felt cared for in this realm. Hopefully you have begun to see that you do have allies and alternative ways of dealing with the stress of being a working person.
And if you are only ever stressed when it comes to your work then you just might be in the wrong line of business.
Sometimes gifts come in the form of knowing what we don’t want. Sometimes gifts come in the form of realizing that we have to stand by what we do have to offer. Sometimes gifts are the hardest thing to recognize as valuable, worthy and righteous. Sometimes the greatest gift that we can give ourselves is simply recognizing what we have and giving it all we’ve got.
Join me for this month’s tele-class where we will explore the themes of love and relationship and tap into the potential of this new moon. This one hour class will include a lecture on the current astrology, myth, mediation, writing and visualizations. Whether you are in a relationship, happy being single or looking to manifest a new partnership this will be a helpful class in uncovering the obstacles we all have to living a more loving, fulfilled life. This class will be emailed to you on Monday February 16th (pm) as a recording to listen to at your leisure.
This Wednesday’s new moon is the second in a row in your Eighth House of dealing with your demons. However it quickly (like seconds later) slips into your Ninth House of journeying into the great unknown. Travel, read, roam, reignite your love of all things mystical and get a breath of fresh air. You’ll need the perspective a momentary meander can grant you.
This spring an excessive amount of action will go down in your Tenth House of career. But you don’t have to wait for the ground to thaw before you will see the effects-the festivities begin this week with the arrival and the passionate conjunction of Mars and Venus in your place of honors, recognition and awards.
While a large part of your process is still about collecting and putting together information, traveling, and moving about in a variety of ways, you’re also going to start feeling the pressure to take all you’ve learned, all you have been experimenting with, all you have been giving life to and give it to the rest of us.
But you need a plan. My advice is to be an active agent in your own success. Set this one up. Have a considerable amount of work done by the beginning of March. Consolidate what you’ve been learning.
The reason why I am stressing this is because March and the beginning of April contain the kind of astrology that tends to amp up what we have. It tends to shake us lose of what was keeping us constrained. The more we help the process before the actual astrology happens, the more impactful (in helpful ways) the actual astrology can be. Don’t live at the whim of the gods, live in partnership with them.
Join me for this month’s tele-class where we will explore the themes of love and relationship and tap into the potential of this new moon. This one hour class will include a lecture on the current astrology, myth, mediation, writing and visualizations. Whether you are in a relationship, happy being single or looking to manifest a new partnership this will be a helpful class in uncovering the obstacles we all have to living a more loving, fulfilled life. This class will be emailed to you on Monday February 16th (pm) as a recording to listen to at your leisure.
Leo & Leo Rising
The second new moon in a row will shake a tail feather in your Seventh House of intimate partnerships this Wednesday. You’ve had a lot of action in this domain of your life astrologically speaking which means that whatever has gone down between you and a loved one (or not so loved as the case may be) is exactly what you needed for this chapter of your unfolding.
Chapter 2 is telling a different tale however. Perhaps now that you know where you stand emotionally, psychologically and spiritually within the context of your partnerships, this next month may challenge you to deal with the psychological realities of it. Releasing what you no longer are obligated to carry need not be so painful. Truth doesn’t have to be wrapped up in sentiment. Sometimes all we have to do is make a decision and take the risk attached to it so that we understand what we are made of. Sometimes we just need to give ourselves our dignity back by believing in our capacities.
Chapter 3 is telling tales of great new adventures and a springtime that is singing the praises of wide open spaces. Sign up for a new class. Take up a new sport. Get yourself out in the world in some way that will help you feel refreshed and renewed. There is more to your life than relationship drama/issues/concerns. Get a hobby that reminds you that having fun is just as important as getting work done.
Join me for this month’s tele-class where we will explore the themes of love and relationship and tap into the potential of this new moon. This one hour class will include a lecture on the current astrology, myth, mediation, writing and visualizations. Whether you are in a relationship, happy being single or looking to manifest a new partnership this will be a helpful class in uncovering the obstacles we all have to living a more loving, fulfilled life. This class will be emailed to you on Monday February 16th (pm) as a recording to listen to at your leisure.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
There is a theme developing in your chart that looks like it manifests as a fundamental tension between your significant others/love interests/business partnerships and your family/home/inner life. Wednesday’s new moon technically happens in your Sixth House of work and service (finishing up an intensified time of reviewing what you want in this domain of your life) but rapidly moves into your Seventh House of one-to-one heart happenings.
A couple of things:
It’s OK to love someone your family doesn’t approve of. Love is love and knows no law or bounds.
It’s OK to be challenged by the ones we are in close proximity to. Love teases out everything from the best to the worst within us.
It’s OK to reroot for the ones that we love as long as we are sure that this is what is true for us.
In fact getting down to the truth of what you need, what your family needs, what your lovers need and where those things intersect – and don’t – will be a priority for the majority of 2015. So try not to get it all done now. Try not to finish the lesson before it’s assigned. Try not to miss the wealth of information that only going step by step will allow. You’re in a process of understanding what you need on the deepest levels of your life. You are building a sturdy foundation. Anyone who naturally fits into your new designs will be able to roll with your rock. Everyone else will quickly make less and less sense in your life.
Join me for this month’s tele-class where we will explore the themes of love and relationship and tap into the potential of this new moon. This one hour class will include a lecture on the current astrology, myth, mediation, writing and visualizations. Whether you are in a relationship, happy being single or looking to manifest a new partnership this will be a helpful class in uncovering the obstacles we all have to living a more loving, fulfilled life. This class will be emailed to you on Monday February 16th (pm) as a recording to listen to at your leisure.
Libra & Libra Rising
Wednesday’s new moon occurs in your Fifth house of being a professional flirt but quickly moves into your Sixth house of flirting with being professionally humble. There could be an adjustment or two that the week asks you to make in regards to how you move about and structure your time. There could be a growth inhibiting factor that you have come crashing into but fearing your framework is not the answer to your problems. A little time management can go a long way. Every energy in our lives needs to be respected, the way we spend each allotment of our day is no different.
What I am speaking to is a temporary adjustment that if done well will help you with many more coming your way this year. There is a fundamental shift in the way you are handling both your communications and you daily activities and its ongoing theme points to its importance.
The other piece to the week and the next month or so is that there is a major influx of energy into your Seventh House of partnerships. Romantic partnerships especially, but anyone you have a contract with is applicable to this astrology. What we know is that you’re about to go through another round of purging unnecessary partners, but before that you might be interested in entertaining a few new folks. This kind of astrology is good for revitalization of erotic energy but it’s a slippery slope towards finding yourself in a hotbed of heartache and/or headache.
The urge to merge here will have a tendency to be rushed and rapid but just keep in mind that any false formations are bound to be exposed tout de suite. Weigh the consequences before you get caught in the cross fire.
Join me for this month’s tele-class where we will explore the themes of love and relationship and tap into the potential of this new moon. This one hour class will include a lecture on the current astrology, myth, mediation, writing and visualizations. Whether you are in a relationship, happy being single or looking to manifest a new partnership this will be a helpful class in uncovering the obstacles we all have to living a more loving, fulfilled life. This class will be emailed to you on Monday February 16th (pm) as a recording to listen to at your leisure.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
While the second of two new moons is putting the finishing touches on the steep learning curve you’ve been in via your commitments to and your connections with members of your family, your home environment and your need for grounding, it quickly slips into the more romantic and playful domain of your chart: The Fifth House.
It’s not that you haven’t had your fair share of action here in recent weeks. It’s not that there hasn’t been an influx of healing heart medicine that has come your way since the new year. It’s just that this next week holds another focal point that you need before you can go any further with your current love interests, your children and/or your creative projects.
There’s a financial confinement or restructuring that you are undertaking that has a lot to do with this. It might be that you want to do a project and you financially need to see how that could be possible. It might be that a current lover/project/child is inhibiting you from making the financial gains you need.
Or it might just be that this week is yet another opportunity to get behind, beside and underneath your creative talents, dreams and desires. With your ruling planet, Mars, back in its other sign of authority, Aries, in your Sixth House of health issues and hard labor we know that you have some work cut out for you. Tending to the most menial of tasks right now can only aid your financial situation and therefore your creative one.
Join me for this month’s tele-class where we will explore the themes of love and relationship and tap into the potential of this new moon. This one hour class will include a lecture on the current astrology, myth, mediation, writing and visualizations. Whether you are in a relationship, happy being single or looking to manifest a new partnership this will be a helpful class in uncovering the obstacles we all have to living a more loving, fulfilled life. This class will be emailed to you on Monday February 16th (pm) as a recording to listen to at your leisure.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
The second new moon of the year is opening in your Third House of communications, urging you to move forward with the contracts and verbal agreements that you may have been putting off due to Mercury’s recent retrograde. Now that it has stationed direct you may as well use Wednesday’s new moon to move on some things.
And movement is a plenty in your life right now. The spring is springing early as Mars and Venus cuddle in a corner of your chart that is designated for passion, romance, love affairs and creative compulsions. You are full to the brim with the ability to light some fires and move some mountains of self doubt and self-imposed limitations. The time to believe in your creative capacities is now.
Like right now.
Especially because you might be receiving some push back from family members or those you live with. Especially because those that knew you way back when might be a little less comfortable about the who you are currently becoming. Especially because it’s time for you to become the boss and tell everyone else to go worry about themselves.
You’re best bet is to see any tension as a long-term situation, one that can’t get fixed in one fell swoop. So don’t try. Just keep building yourself from the inside out.
Join me for this month’s tele-class where we will explore the themes of love and relationship and tap into the potential of this new moon. This one hour class will include a lecture on the current astrology, myth, mediation, writing and visualizations. Whether you are in a relationship, happy being single or looking to manifest a new partnership this will be a helpful class in uncovering the obstacles we all have to living a more loving, fulfilled life. This class will be emailed to you on Monday February 16th (pm) as a recording to listen to at your leisure.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
The second new moon in Aquarius in a row sets off your second house of finance and (inner) resources, helping you to make the most of what you have. Then the moon slips into your Third House of communication and daily moments mere seconds after its renewal. This sets up a week or so that has (or should have) you carefully weighing what you have to say and when it’s best to say it.
Not that you don’t know your own limits and boundaries when it comes to communicating but we may want to add and extra layer of communicating kindly.
Especially due to the fact that there’s a lot of action on the home front that is anything but soothing or serene. While it may be creatively inspiring and helpful for redecorating and getting all those annoying projects done, ultimately there is bound to be either a revitalization or a complete overhaul in your home/ family/ foundational life. This looks like an intense spring for you, one that’s a little more internal than external. One that’s a little more emotionally turbulent and one that looks like it’s threatening to shake you at your base and down to your core. Funny thing is that when our core is strong, being shook about a little isn’t such a big deal. You now get to see what kind of emotional six-pack you’ve got.
Join me for this month’s tele-class where we will explore the themes of love and relationship and tap into the potential of this new moon. This one hour class will include a lecture on the current astrology, myth, mediation, writing and visualizations. Whether you are in a relationship, happy being single or looking to manifest a new partnership this will be a helpful class in uncovering the obstacles we all have to living a more loving, fulfilled life. This class will be emailed to you on Monday February 16th (pm) as a recording to listen to at your leisure.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Authentic. Be it. Drink it. Produce from it. Create it. There’s no reason to waste not one but two new moons in your sign in one month. That’s what Wednesday’s dark diva wants from you. Authenticity. Why wait until the end of life to remember how free we were as children? Why put off being ourselves when it’s really the only thing we were put here to do?
The next few weeks are going to demand that you speak from this kind of conviction. The next month and a bit are going to ask you to communicate from your deepest and dearest desires. The spring is yearning for your input and your output and the astrology is literally taunting you to engage with the more raw and rugged aspects of yourself.
You are bound to make an impact if you aren’t afraid of upsetting the status quo. That impact is bound to be more sustainable when you aren’t just showing off and being contrarian for no good reason.
Be a rebel with a cause. Be a badass with a heart of gold. Be a storyteller with a penchant for embellishing the truth with more truth. Be willing to tell us how it is and in that you’ll expose your greatest asset: yourself. If you allow your passion for what you do to rise to the surface you’ll have no problem moving through the inertia that has held you back. Until now.
Join me for this month’s tele-class where we will explore the themes of love and relationship and tap into the potential of this new moon. This one hour class will include a lecture on the current astrology, myth, mediation, writing and visualizations. Whether you are in a relationship, happy being single or looking to manifest a new partnership this will be a helpful class in uncovering the obstacles we all have to living a more loving, fulfilled life. This class will be emailed to you on Monday February 16th (pm) as a recording to listen to at your leisure.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
Your sign is a hotbed of activity right now and I am sure that you are feeling the effects of such accelerated growth. This is in part due to the fact that the first of two eclipses this spring will be in your sign. It’s also because you’ve had a bevy of beauties (Venus, Mars, Psyche, Eros) rush through your terrain recently opening you up to greater creative inspiration and (ahem) all other kinds of inspired activities.
Happy birthday to you.
Now that the sun has just moved back into your sign with a new moon in tow you can use this week to start your projects. Now that the sun is in your sign (from Wednesday on) you’ll be able to amplify your presence in the world. This can tend to come at the cost of your freedom, or so it seems. But part of your anthem right now is freedom isn’t free. You might be more aware of the cost of yours but you’ll also be keenly aware of your appreciation of it.
Bearing that in mind, it’s time to start putting some of your more lofty dreams to the test. Taking all that creative juice that just stirred your pot and pouring it into some solid containers is your best bet to feeling like you can build on your dreams. Also, it’s time to make some coin.
Putting the work in now will help you make use of the upcoming eclipse in your sign on March 20th. We never know what eclipses will bring – never – but we can prepare for them by setting up projects and hoping that the accelerated growth of eclipses helps them move along.
The last time there were eclipses in Pisces was 2006/07. Think back to those years, what was changing and shifting for you? What was dawning in your consciousness? You have another two year period of eclipses in your sign every six moths. Prepare to have your lid flipped and your world rocked. Prepare to have somethings abruptly end while others spontaneously begin. Prepare to be put on the spot and lit up like a Christmas tree. Prepare for some attention and intensification. But mostly, prepare to be taken seriously.
Join me for this month’s tele-class where we will explore the themes of love and relationship and tap into the potential of this new moon. This one hour class will include a lecture on the current astrology, myth, mediation, writing and visualizations. Whether you are in a relationship, happy being single or looking to manifest a new partnership this will be a helpful class in uncovering the obstacles we all have to living a more loving, fulfilled life. This class will be emailed to you on Monday February 16th (pm) as a recording to listen to at your leisure.