Wednesday, April 5th
Mars in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn, both at 19°
Saturn stations retrograde at 27° of Sagittarius
Friday, April 7th
Sun in Aries opposes Jupiter in Libra, both at 18°
Saturday, April 8th
Venus in Pisces square Saturn in Sagittarius, both at 27°
Sun in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn, both at 19°
Sunday, April 9th
Mercury stations retrograde at 4° of Taurus
No thing can save us from ourselves, save ourselves. No amount of notoriety can fill the emptiness that trauma leaves us to contend with. No amount of applause, no matter how thunderous, can make up for a lack of self-appreciation. No amount of beauty, no glamour, no soft lighting can wash out the wounds of the soul.
No one person is coming to save us. We are meant to inspire one another to save ourselves.
The week begins with Venus’s recent retrograde back into the psychic waters of Pisces. For the next month, Venus will swim through the sorrows, the savior complexes, the inspirations, the healing visions, and the feelings that flood our better judgement.
In Pisces, Venus retrograde will square Saturn. Twice. The first square will occur on April 8th, while Venus is still retrograde. The second square will occur on April 21st, after Venus has stationed direct. The second square is meant as a resolution of the first.
Both squares linger, however. Venus stays within an orb of a tight square to Saturn, also retrograde, for all of April.
A square from Venus to Saturn can feel like cold, callous steel against our warm, beating hearts. A square from Venus to Saturn makes clear the boundaries that we must embody in our relationships if we ever want to experience unconditional love for ourselves. A square from Venus to Saturn tells us, in no uncertain terms, that this is a time to slow our roll in regards to relationship issues.
There is no quick fix for the soul’s deepest wounds.
April is a time for deep meditations on the nature of our unions. It is a time to see all the sinkholes that we encounter along the roads of love. It is a time to take our time so that we build the kind of sturdy structures that can hold our hearts up. If we rush this process, we’ll miss the wisdom that this moment wants to impart on us. We’ll miss the opportunity to make long-lasting change. We’ll mistake temporary relief for the initiation we need.
By the week’s end, Mercury will have stationed retrograde. Six days before Venus stations direct. There are many thresholds being crossed at the moment. As Venus comes up from the underworld as morning star, Mercury goes down into it as evening star. Mercury is now in Taurus, the sign ruled by Venus.
Being ruled by a retrograde planet while stationing retrograde is quite a combo.
This is a threshold time. A time where much is lost and much recovered. A time when we realize that every loss is a deeply complex endeavor to find our way through. A time to find the people and places that can witness us, hold us and give us the strength and reflections we need.
If you are suffering through something, find a way to remind yourself that you are not alone in it. Find those that have suffered in a similar way and listen to what they have to say. Find the resolve within you to care for yourself with more tenderness, more sweetness and more softness than you ever knew was possible.
The softest, sweetest, tenderest touches are Venus in Pisces’s greatest strength.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
Aries & Aries Rising
This week keeps you working on both emotional and practical levels. If certain aspects of your work-life feel difficult to contend with, there is good astrological reason for it. If you find it hard to make the kind of progress that you would like to make, given your expertise and your credentials, there is good astrological reason for it. If you find that you are being asked to pause and reconsider an aspect of your career or love life, there is good astrological support for it.
Sometimes being on track means that we need to sit through a moment of doubt, difficulty or disillusionment. Sometimes being on track means that we get the confirmation that something has indeed come to an end. Sometimes being on track means that we get stopped in our tracks.
Don’t equate your process with failure just because it doesn’t have the speed you need to feel validated. Do equate the call to pause with the fact that you are in alignment with life. Do consider that this is the perfect moment to become more mindful of what you need in love, business and the pleasureful pursuit of finding your purpose.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
As Mercury stations retrograde in your sign, you might have reason to reconsider how you are communicating what you are communicating. You may be called to find gentler, kinder ways to relay your sentiments. You may be yearning to make the kinds of connections that reflect to you the meaning of your struggles.
There are many astrological reasons for you to take it slow with friends and community members. There are many astrological reasons for you to find more ways to stop and appreciate the time spent with your people. There are many astrological reasons for you to pause when bumping up against the things that you find difficult to digest with others.
Now is not the time to have every upset understood. Now is not the time to expect to be understood. Now is not the time to have the answers.
Now is the time to observe and develop the emotional muscles needed to hold your reactions to whatever it is that comes your way. Now is the time to be with those that have developed that strength within themselves. Now is the time to wonder if you’d rather be right about something or wise to what is happening on a deeper level. Whatever situations arise, go for the long-term win. Short cuts will only leave you feeling at a loss.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
As Mercury, your ruling planet, stations retrograde, you might find yourself being drawn into deeper introspection. You might find yourself being pulled to observe the aspects of your mind that get you into the most trouble. You might find that when you are willing to be the most observant, you are also the most successful.
Go back to the basics.
Sit with what arises. Notice your preconceived notions. Notice the patterns your mind is preoccupied with. Notice how often you complain about your life and how much you appreciate it. Notice how often you get anxious about not knowing what is next and how often you revel in the mystery.
Leave room for not knowing. Leave room for discovering. Leave room, period.
Your career needs this kind of spacious mindfulness. April will ask you to consider what kind of healing your career needs. It will ask you to do some professional relationship mending. It will ask you how you can tend to the needs of your work more carefully.
How can you be a better partner to your career? How can you be a better ally to your work? How can you be a better guardian to what you produce?
Getting something done is only half the work. The other half is making sure it finds its way in the world. The other half is making sure it has constant encouragement. The other half is making certain that your work gets the upgrades and considerations that it needs if you want it to have the greatest impact. Your work needs your encouragement. It needs your care. It needs to know you won’t give up if and when the going gets a little rough.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
It’s the perfect time to reconsider what you hold to be true. Especially about the things that pain you. Especially about the places where you only know how to be lonely. Especially about the aspects of life that you think will never know healing.
It’s the perfect time to reconsider the power that you give your wounds. Wounds left untreated will stop you. From growing. From gathering steam. From living into your dream. Wounds left untreated will keep you living in a lie. They’ll keep you for themselves. They are greedy. Possessive. Controlling. They do not want you to give them up. They do not want you to know what they are covering up. They do not want you to catch even a whiff of the sweet smell of freedom from them.
But there is life beyond the walls that your wounds erect. It’s your job to find your way to it. It’s your job to find what is in the way of getting to it. It’s your job to investigate all the ways in which you can allow it in.
Right now you are in a moment of maturation. Confrontation. Consideration. A moment that wants you to take your time. To stop the rush. To halt the way you may scramble towards simple solutions. Our wounds are crafty. Their tactics have helped us survive. Healing takes great patience. Healing takes a great willingness to spend our lifetimes in search of a deeper understanding of ourselves and our relationship to the world. Healing will require that you put your whole self into it, but it will always give you back more of yourself than you ever knew was you.
Leo & Leo Rising
How we communicate what we communicate makes all the difference in getting the result we want. And need. Mercury’s upcoming retrograde asks you to review how you bring up what you bring up, especially in regards to those you work with, for and around. There is passion and a great deal of movement available to you in and through your career at the moment. There is reason for you to take the opportunities that come your way and make what you can with them. There is an astrological signature encouraging you to take the appropriate risks at the right moment.
However, this week is also suggesting that you pause before jumping into agreements with others, especially as they apply to your career. This week asks you to observe the collaborations that are available to you. This week wants you to proceed with great caution when you catch yourself wondering if something is a good use of your time and talent.
Listen to your gut. Listen to the no’s that your stomach knows. Listen to the reasons why you might not want to do what is being offered to you. Being hesitant can be all the reason we need to not rush ourselves to make decisions that can wait.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
There is something to work out with another. Get clear on. Get straight about. Get right with. There is a relationship issue that needs defining. Understanding. Owning. There is a kink in the heart that needs to be massaged. Soothed. Softened through your attentive support.
Sometimes our issues just need our deliberate dedication to begin working themselves out.
Whatever you are learning the most about through you partners will continue to take shape over the next month. This is not a process to rush your way through. The more you allow yourself to sink into the lessons you are learning, the more they will agree to hold you in return. The more you reclaim your projections from others, the more you’ll be able to experience the potential for the intimacy between you. The more you are willing to hold yourself accountable, the more you will be able to understand the capacity you have to heal. And the capacity that you have to hold another close.
We don’t do ourselves any favors when we refuse to do our work. We don’t get very far when we spend the better part of our lives pointing fingers at everyone but ourselves. We don’t spend our life’s energy wisely when we don’t take time to cultivate love and respect for ourselves. No matter what relationship issue you are confronting, it is the perfect opportunity for you to develop a deeper awareness of what you need and what you can give to yourself to fill that need.
Libra & Libra Rising
This week brings with it some defining moments for you to contend with. These are days where you get to see the results of your emotional labor. These are days where you get to see the results of the work that your partners have put in. These are days where it will be easy to get embroiled in the things that make your blood boil.
Stick to the boundaries that keep you from putting yourself in situations that leave you singed.
You are what you say yes to so get very clear on what you have the power to say no to. Remember that when your boundaries are repeatedly crossed you’ll have a tendency to feel less in alignment. Vitality is drained. Patience lost. Solutions seeming far from reach. Healing, at best, a far off hope.
When boundaries are in tact, we still have to deal with the most difficult of details but knowing which are ours to tackle saves time, energy and talent from being wasted. Assistance finds its way to us. Help comes from unforeseen sources. People want to be part of the solution and will go out of their way to get us to where we need to be when we are clear about what our work in the world is. And is not.
Don’t worry about what isn’t here. There is no longevity without a solid container to carry our talent forward. Work on the slow and steady building of your structure and know that the rest comes when there is a place for it.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
This month asks how you might deepen your relationship to your creativity. It asks you to commit to the development of its potential. It asks you to consider the ways in which you might rush past the process, missing out on understanding its magnitude.
You are an immensely powerful creator. Constantly setting consequences into action. Constantly contributing to the form which your life takes.
This month asks you to get serious about whatever it is that you call your craft. It asks you to polish up your tools. It asks you to show up to practice. Early and eager.
You are an immensely powerful creator, but without a conscious understanding of how to work with what you have been given, there is little hope for an outcome that feels fruitful.
This month makes clear the importance of working though the communication issues that come up in your relationships. It demands that you take your time so that your partnerships have a chance to fulfill their potential.
You are an immensely powerful creator and therefore part of your job is to know how to slow down so that you can construct the perfect conditions for your creations and the necessary environments so that your relationships can become places of healing and growth.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
We are made of layers. Forgotten coverings of sediment and soil. Geodes. Crystalized thoughts. Composted fears. Tears. Torment. Triumph.
We are made of layers. Textures. Tints. Tones. Reverberations of those that brought us here. New creations that we have yet to realize. Present possibilities that we unfold into.
We are made of layers. This week initiates you into a month long excursion into understanding the importance of them. Into appreciating the nuances of them. Into getting better acquainted with them.
We are made of layers. Our bedrock forms over many years. Supporting mountains of experience. Upholding every structure we construct. Holding every aching bone we lay upon it.
This excavation requires you to be patient while you move through the tectonic layers of your inner life. Your foundation isn’t a slab of concrete. It isn’t something to be taken at face value. It can’t be understood upon arrival. It is something to sift through patiently. Excavations take small brushes and big machines. They take time and care. A desire to know what is there, no matter how long it takes to understand the shape of what is being revealed.
You may be unearthing old feelings. Old dreams. Ancient gems that lie undercover. That call you to them. That ask you to retrieve them from their depths and, in the process of doing so, help you to retrieve aspects of yourself that you had long forgotten and longed for since.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
Astrologically, this week isn’t the tenderest. It isn’t the sweetest. It isn’t the coziest of combinations. So you might want to give yourself and all those in your life a little extra love. You might want to make a point of listening a little more intently. You might want to make sure that you don’t rush past the important parts of your days.
Take your time. It’s yours. It’s sacred. It’s fleeting.
This week’s astrology is asking you to adjust to days that might not let you accomplish your tasks at your own speed. It’s asking you to be patient with the process. It’s asking you to remember that it’s foolish to blame life on planets stationing retrograde, but it’s also foolish to not take heed when they do. Take in the good that you can. Take in the conversations that help you come correct. Take in the advice from others that helps you to snap yourself back to reality. This week is likely to bring you the beginning of a conversation, the likes of which will stretch out over the days of April. Pay attention to the talks that tell you something about yourself. Pay mind to the exchanges that help you to be more mindful. Pay your respects to the folks that help you stay true to yourself by not being afraid to tell you the truth.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Mercury makes its retrograde moves through the deepest part of your chart. Home. Family. Foundations. In search of clues and cues as to what kind of healing might be possible, Mercury stirs something deep within.
Recently there may have been increased activity in this area of your life. Some of it helpful. Some of it unnerving. Moving. Unpacking. Sorting through the things that you need in order to feel at home in your life. Looking over the ways in which you need to advocate for yourself in your home and family. Understanding the power that you can access when you cut ties to the dead weight of your past.
Mercury isn’t the only one in on this exercise of elimination. As the official queen of your 4th house of foundations, Venus also has a comment or two to make this month on matters to do with the Mother of all your issues, whatever that may be. As Venus squares Saturn for most of April you’ll be asked to set some boundaries here.
The current astrological theme is one of pausing and pondering. You may have to apply that to a literal issue that you are working through in your home. You may have to apply that to something more symbolic and indicative of a longer-lasting issue. You may have to apply that to your ongoing evolution with family. Blood or not.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
Nothing is as beautiful as the way we thrive in the face of all we survive. All we have been through, all we have held, and all we have had to let go molds us into the unique form we inhabit.
With Venus’s return to your sign this is a time to contemplate the sweet contours of your shape. This is a time to explore the textures of your beauty that time has created. This is a time to develop a deep appreciation for the outcome of all that you have come from.
This week puts you in direct line to receive the wisdom that lies within the more tender parts of your heart. This week asks you how you can construct time and space for your healing. This week asks you to be considerate about what you need in order to make conscious and consistent steps towards the roles you need to fulfill in the world.
Mercury’s station retrograde will be asking you to review certain daily routines. It might make you wonder if there isn’t a more streamlined way to get through your day. It might offer you insights into the revisions that help you to make more out of the hours of each day.