Monday, September 19th
4:53 AM PT – Venus in Libra sextile Mars in Sagittarius both at 25°
Tuesday, September 20th
6:41 PM PT – Mercury Retrograde in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn both at 14°
Wednesday (Mercury’s day), September 21st
10:31 PM PT – Mercury stations direct at 14° Virgo
Thursday, September 22nd
7:22 AM PT – Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere/Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere
Friday (Venus’s Day), September 23rd
1:36 AM PT – Mercury (no longer retrograde) in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn both still at 14°
7:51 AM PT – Venus enters Scorpio
Sunday (the sun’s day), September 25th
11:59 PM PT – Sun conjunct Jupiter, both at 3°
This week, Mercury stations direct.
*Cue collective sigh of relief*
It does so while making several trines over the course of the week to Pluto, also retrograde and also stationing direct (on Monday, September 26th).
Planets that are shifting direction tend to take precedence.
This pairing emphasizes the importance of integrating the gems that were extracted during the excavation process that is Mercury retrograde. Pluto, ruler of the underworld, in a supportive aspect to Mercury, the Messenger that travels to all realms, bodes well for the inner work that we have done. This trine helps us synthesize and make use of the information that we have gathered. The more willing we are to look at the muck of our minds and the misfortunes of our ego’s makeup, the greater our chances of living a life of depth and purpose are. As Mercury becomes a visible morning star this week, we might even feel cautiously triumphant over our recent trials.
But let’s keep the emphasis on cautiously.
As the week comes to a close, Mercury will be in spectacular shape. Now direct and still in its own sign, Mercury is just enough ahead of the sun to mark a moment of prominence. The reemergence of this planet comes with an urgency of action and a powerful perception.
Mercury joins the forward movement of the rest of the traditional planets (Uranus and Neptune are retrograde, but it’s rare that at least one outer planet isn’t) which signals a time of progress for our projects and plans.
The sun’s entrance into the airy realms of Libra on Thursday marks the next change of season – the Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Vernal Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. Just after it enters the sign of harmony, beauty, relationships, balance and equality it will conjunct Jupiter, which entered Libra earlier this month. While a sun/Jupiter conjunction doesn’t usually signal a time of temperament, the sign in which the two collide does. This pairing can help us bounce back from the depth of feeling that abounded last week, thanks to the lunar eclipse in Pisces. Equinoxes are times of equal light and dark. In this moment, balance becomes us.
Venus also changes sign this week, leaving the even-tempered terrain of Libra to delve into the depths of Scorpio. Here, Venus may be at a loss about how to play nice, but she’s in no position to suffer any fools. Scorpio plays for keeps and is in it to win it. Relationships dynamics can be given a run for their money when Venus is in Scorpio due to the intense nature of this sign. Venus wants to join two parts together but Scorpio refuses an easy bonding. Scorpio is by nature suspicious, desiring real relationships over convenient niceties.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
Give thanks for the times that you are able to be vulnerable with another. Feel the good fortune of being able to open up to intimacy, risking your pride and going along for the ride that is relationship. Practice interrupting your habit of defending yourself against connecting with others.
Get to know what you are afraid of being hurt by.
Right now you have the good fortune of getting to expand through your connections with others. Get to know what comes up when you come in contact with them so that you can make the most of this time. Make space for the folks that feel like they are bringing something new into your life. Say yes to the expansion and the openings that test you, that challenge you and that get you to open a little more to yourself. Get down with the folks that keep you in balance, the folks that aren’t afraid to check you, the folks that help you to keep your feet on the ground, but that also lift your spirits higher.
This week’s Mercury station direct might help you to work out a work issue. Anything that has escaped you, misled you or sent you on a wild goose chase should work itself out now. This can help to facilitate a depth of conversation, a therapeutic element to what you are expressing with colleagues or through your work. Look for the conversations that will help you to move forward with what you can at work and leave behind what you can’t.
For some of you this week helps you to tie up a loose end in regards to a romantic situation. So much can go awry at the intersection of our heart and someone else’s. So much can be misunderstood when we are trying to communicate a need or, worse, a necessity. So much can get funky when we have to deal with the feelings that arise in the face of rejection, connection or anything in between. Notice any love notes that come to you this week and what old hurts are healed almost spontaneously. Sometimes, by the time the messages we have longed for for so long arrive, we’ve already moved onto new lessons, realizing that we’re over the old ones.
Don’t be afraid to be over it.
Mercury’s station direct might also bring you some information that helps you to deepen your existing romantic connections, come clean about your needs or get clarity on the situations that you are currently in.
Creative projects will tend to get a reboot. Make time to refuel through the modalities that give you the most energy. Pay attention to the creative processes that help you feel a sense of renewal and regeneration.
By Friday, Venus enters your 7th house of intimate relationships. This should help you to attract those that you need to learn from, move on to the relationship lessons that are next on your curriculum and give you a chance to see life from another’s point of view.
And beyond all the love lessons, this week also spells out a kind of victory for you at work. What you are developing there now shines brightly for the next few weeks at least, so keep some of your energy for the good stuff growing there.
This week might bring big loves into your life. This week might bring big lessons about the creative energy you have to work with and what you can make happen with it. This week will remind you about the importance of learning how to value this energy and aspect of yourself.
Valuing what we have activates its potential. It creates an abundance of it. Our talents tend to feed off of self-validation. Like a little child wanting to please their parent, our talents want us to take notice. When your creativity screams out, “Look, mom!”, take notice.
It would be good for you to also take notice of the sorting, sifting and working out that you have done with family members and home situations. What lessons have you learned through your interactions with parents, old childhood stories or simulations of them? Take note of any information that this week brings that helps you to make peace with a family member or understand a family dynamic on a deeper level.
Whatever softens our heart usually opens our eyes and ears to see and hear as we haven’t before. Be willing to be softened so that you can listen to what has been passing you by until now.
This week brings to a close a review process that you have been undergoing. It might have been about a shift in pace regarding your work life, a difficulty getting your mind and your momentum to catch up to each other, a review of your sometimes-overly-critical communication style or the relationships between you and actual or symbolic sisters and brothers.
Now it’s time to start integrating what you have learned and helping yourself to put the lessons into action. What do you want to communicate? What do you want to correct, sort out or weed out in terms of your communication style? What have you learned about the nature of how you communicate when you get triggered, tripped up or tripped out? Any of these psychological gems that you have mined over the past 3 weeks are ones to place in your crown.
Be the kind of queen that rocks the rocks that were hard won and well deserved.
The rest of the week places an emphasis on developing yourself through your home-life, family ties and anything that helps you feel grounded and connected to your base. What do you need in order to help yourself feel more connected to your life? What kind of expansion is taking place here for you? Is there a way in which you are opening up to a new idea of home, family or location? Sometimes we realize how much we actually have when we finally give up wanting what what we think it should be.
Some piece of information about your finances is revealed to you this week, helping you to be in a better position to invest, spend and/or save what you can. Know what you have to work with. Know what it will take to create what you want to create right now. Know the importance that rests on your ability to identify what you are good at and what you are not. Seek the knowledge of those that know how to do what you don’t, especially in regards to your finances, your work, your livelihood and the longevity of your career.
Pay attention to the belief systems that get in the way of you being able to energetically fund yourself. We all need to figure out the self-doubting tapes that play on repeat in our mind so that we can press pause for long enough to let other thoughts come in. Preferably helpful, nonsense-resistant thoughts.
This week gives you both the ability to press pause and the ability tap into a generous intelligence that I hope you will continue to cultivate.
Your messages ring loud and clear and whatever sentiment you want to shell out travels far and wide. Send yourself messages of hope, inspiration and encouragement. Take time to take neighbors in and to have leisurely conversations with the folks you bump into during your day. There is great fortune to be found in simply being present to the way your day plays out.
Notice the subtle things that you have learned about your nature over this last bit of summer. What do you feel you no longer need to carry around with you? What story about your past can be put to rest? What healing have you been able to experience because of your lack of defensiveness? What have you been able to accept responsibility for and in doing so let go of?
Healing is a mysterious endeavor. Sometimes it’s the most difficult things that help us to experience our capacity for love. Sometimes it takes decades to get the chance to make it up to each other. Sometimes it takes us by surprise how easy it can be to move on from what we have held for so long.
Let yourself move on.
No one is asking you to pay penance for the things you have made an effort to correct. At some point we just have to trust the process of forgiveness and seek ways to walk upright knowing we have done right.
This week wants you to take that kind of forward thinking into your financial situation as well. There are some pretty good ideas you can download right now in regards to the balanced ways you can expand your financial situation. Take note of any newfound confidence you have in your ability to create abundance and do what you can to help it build momentum.
It’s time. You are ready. Be willing.
Be willing to become the person you need to know is in the world. Be willing to become the person that you needed when you were little. Be willing to become the person you didn’t know you could allow yourself to grow into.
Grow yourself that big.
Want that much for yourself. Work at it by keeping yourself in balance. Work at it by doing the things that won’t make you famous but will make you feel good. Work at it by keeping yourself in check. When faced with a difficult decision, ask yourself what your Higher Self would do, and then do that. Make decisions from the mindset that you have everything you’ll ever need to live a spiritually fulfilling life.
Listening to the world will lead us on all kinds of quests that can’t quell our hunger for love. Each of us is saddled with an existential loneliness. It is the human condition. Each of us is left to choose what we will try to fill that emptiness with. We can spend a lot of time chasing all kinds of tropes in hopes of receiving testimonials that we think will help us feel more whole.
But they don’t and they won’t.
In the end the only thing to really chase is the experience of becoming ourselves. Without shame. Without fear of what we’ll find. This year chase what means the most to you and you’ll experience an expansion of your life and a growth in all your roles that is lasting.
Venus slips into your waters this week. This signals a time for you that is especially revealing in terms of your needs in love and relationship. Venus in our sign helps us to remember the importance of pleasure and the need for connection. Venus helps us to be reacquainted with our relationship issues, problems, potentials and paradoxes. Venus helps us to remember the inherent importance of being tuned into what our creative energy wants to do and how it wants to do it.
We need to be committed to helping our creative energy run wild as it wishes to in order to make any headway with it. Creativity needs encouragement but it also needs freedom to express itself without being too limited by our need to be accepted.
Especially when dealing with Scorpio energy. Yours isn’t a sign that tends towards the meek or mild. Wishing you were more palatable is forfeiting the power of the urgent energy that runs through you.
Ride with it, respectfully.
Mercury’s station direct might help a conversation with a friend or community member happen. If there has been a miscommunication or a situation between you and another, this week might encourage the truth to come out or help the whole picture to be revealed.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
It’s go time. The mysterious setbacks, miscommunications or misunderstandings in your career get worked out. Hashed out. Revealed. Released. You get to move on. Move forward. Move through the things that have kept you stuck or roaming around the same issue. You get to re-emerge in your field, in your work life and in your career as victorious.
What has the end of summer taught you about your ability to move through difficulty in your career? What lessons can you take with you about how to listen to what your work needs and respond accordingly? What lessons can you take with you about how to keep digging for the information that you require, no matter how buried it lies? What lessons can you take forward in regards to your ability to follow what your intuition tells you to do next?
Hold on to what you have learned throughout these past few weeks in terms of the public role you are here to fulfill, because this week helps you to see the most important connections you need to make and the most important community partnerships you need to create. There is a lot of luck available through your social life right now. Make sure that you show up for its gifts.
When our work calls on us, tugs at us and seeks to be chased by us, it ceases to be anything like work.
We could call it a compulsion. We could call it a gift from the gods. We could call it our life’s quest. One thing is for sure, we are are lucky to call it anything at all. We are lucky to be given the smarts enough to respond to it. We are lucky to be given the knowledge of its existence.
Lucky because once we know it, we can choose it. Everyday. All day. The choice to go after our life’s calling is also a choice to leave behind what we aren’t passionate about. Growth requires discernment, balance and compromise. Sustainable growth requires us to choose one thing over another. Greed won’t get us anywhere but overwhelmed.
With all the expansion occurring in the realm of your career, you’ll need to know what you want to say yes to and what you need to say no to. Mercury’s station direct this week might give you the spiritual insight required. It might give you the foresight needed to take the necessary actions. It signals a movement forward after long weeks of introspection. Take this opportunity to gather your ideas and visions to put in motion with the new moon on September 30th.
Trust your dreams and your big plans. Have faith in your foresight and your insight. Seek out the teachers and the knowledge that you yearn to learn. Travel to mental, spiritual and intellectual destinations that call you.
Have the humility to double check your research but know this isn’t the time to stay mired in the details. Keep your high hopes balanced with your timelines, but don’t second guess your enthusiasm. Don’t hold back from traveling into the unknown.
Go with gusto.
This week’s Mercury station direct will help you to unwind a riddle in regards to any collaborations you have been seeking. Folks might become more ready to work with you, know what they are able to contribute or tell you honestly what they don’t want to be a part of. No matter the answer, clarity is always Queen. Having clarity will help you set off on more timely adventures. Having clarity will help you to set off on more interesting endeavors. Having clarity helps you move forward, and that is what this week signals.
Take a look back on what the late summer has taught you in terms of trusting yourself and the process of being in partnership. Take note of the details that reveal themselves, the discussions that develop and the explorations that you have allowed yourself to indulge in.
As Mercury stations direct in your 7th house of intimate partnerships, take a look at the journey you have recently been on. How deep did you allow yourself to go? In that depth, what did you come to know? How do you feel you have been able to help yourself and your relationships grow during this time? Thank the powers that be for these priceless pearls of wisdom and your partners for their patience and their willingness to go on the adventure with you.
Take what you have learned and apply it to the ways in which you share your energy, your enthusiasm and your resources. Your ruling planet, Jupiter, has just begun a year long journey through your 8th house of sharing what you have and learning how to do so with respect to your side and everyone else’s. The equation has to be able to balance itself out in order to be worth your time and energy. Over the next two weeks, place an importance emphasis on letting go of what you used to think was valuable but is no longer useful for your growth and make room for making more of what is.