*Please note that I only write about the major aspects of the week.
Tuesday, October 6th
Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn
This week, the sun moves through the now fading Uranus/Pluto square. An obsessive quality can seize this day. Desires, drives and deep, unconscious reservoirs of rage can lead us into temptation. Do we point the finger at others or do we focus on the fact that all we have control over is our reactions. Where do you source your power from? Is it a steady source or does it rely on external factors that will one day decompose?
Mercury retrograde in Libra sextile Saturn in Sagittarius
This is a mild influence that can help to steady some communication efforts. Take your angst and write about it or have a constructive conversation.
Wednesday, October 7th
Mars in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces
Things get weird here. Like a drunk driver, Mars has a hard time seeing where it’s going when it hits the foggy, loopy and illogical routes that Neptune maps out.
Go slow. Go within. Go without the expectation of getting anywhere.
Thursday, October 8th
Venus and the Moon enter Virgo
This aspect is important because Venus is changing signs, but it also means that she is leaving her retrograde shadow. This may tie up the loose ends of what you started this summer, especially as it pertains to relationships and any healing that you have undertaken. But it might not. Life isn’t always so neat and tidy. What we can know for sure is that Venus is going to be entering new territory over the next couple of days and that is worth paying attention to. It also adds an emphasis on the part of your chart that contains Virgo.
The moon is crossing Venus’s retrograde threshold with her which is cute. Good friends make for good travels and these two make for a greater chance of connectivity and togetherness.
But their ruler, Mercury, though…
Friday, October 9th
Mercury conjunct North Node in Libra and stations direct at 7:57 AM PDT
This is a fascinating astrological combination as Mercury stations direct on the north node of the moon. The north node is an eclipse point. Its direction is ascensional. It can tell us what we are reaching for, striving towards, grasping at, hungry for and what we might need to push ourselves into because of it being new or difficult for us.
When Mercury stations direct communications might get wobbly, work in a different way or go dark for a moment. Perhaps if we weren’t convinced that time worked in a linear way, or that life was supposed to be a logical series of steps forward, we might be more interested in these events and less fearful. It’s not a day that should be used to make straightforward plays (but given Wednesday’s ways, neither is this week) but it is a day that could be used for meaningful meditations on balance, becoming and being in the in-between.
Venus in Virgo square Saturn in Sagittarius
My antidote to this aspect is an anthem. It goes like this, “I have a lot to work on. I have a lot to dissect in regards to structural oppression, how it affects me and how I unconsciously carry it out. I hereby promise to do that work and while I do that work I promise to be kind to myself because fear, shame and blame won’t help me understand the things about myself that get in the way of my personal evolution or our collective freedom. This is what structural inequity depends on, the stifling of inquiry. My job is to carefully, consciously, compassionately inquire about why things are the way they are and if I want to conspire with that consciousness or if I would prefer to critique it, challenge it and work towards changing it. I listen to those that have gone before me while using my own ability to analyze data and see where I want to stand.”
Sunday, October 11th
Jupiter in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn
What works? Focus there. What helps you feel a sense of expansion and depth? Work with those principles. What moves you into a greater sense of personal power and helps you to create expansive, interconnected, structural power? See who else wants to collectively support these practices.
This is a powerful aspect. Jupiter makes things bigger, Pluto makes them deeper. Jupiter is jovial. Pluto is intense. The two are both in earth signs, the element that makes life really real. Pouring our intensity into the containers that can handle our depth and breadth will help us to create epic monuments to what we find philosophically meaningful not to mention materially magnificent.
Sun in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries
This is the bookend to Tuesday’s transit. The sun took a week to string together the Uranus/Pluto square but it got the job done. This day is likely to be home to unnerving needless interruptions, upheavals and destabilizing jolts of energy all of which are necessary when one is trying to wake up, but not when one is just trying to go about one’s day.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know your rising sign, please read it. If you don’t, read your sun sign. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both. Take what works for you, leave the rest. You know yourself and your life best. There is no right way to read your horoscope, it’s all just a friendly suggestion. If you find inspiration here and you want to share it you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for sharing the work, we really appreciate it!
I’m not exactly sure what all the fuss is about but I am sure that they have good reason to be acting the way they are. You’re partners might have a week of it. They might reveal another side of their story, one you haven’t bargained for, one you have to make room for, one you’ll get to know them better for. True intimacy starts when we are able to see others in their full spectrum of light, their limitless forms and their many manifestations.
You might feel some of the strain that they do. You could benefit from being patient when it comes to the loved ones that are the most important to you. They might need your mindfulness to help them through their mess.
You’ll also need the same consideration for yourself when it comes to your drive and your decisions. Especially pertaining to your work. Especially pertaining to your health and your energy. If you are lagging this week, it won’t last. If you are confused it will come to pass. If you feel like you’d rather call in “sick” than show up to work, then you know you’ve got a situation on your hands that you’ll need to remedy, but also remember that it could be momentary blues that have you a different hue.
Make your desk a meditation station. Make your work a practice in consciousness. Make yourself abundantly available to the imps of your imagination when it comes to your daily grind.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month- the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology- will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
A lot of this month will have you asking what it is that you desire and why. Great healing can happen when we allow our fantasies to enter consciously into our experience.
A lot of good can come from allowing ourselves to wander off into the outskirts of our imagination as long as we know that we are doing so. As long as we allow ourselves freedom within the larger context of responsibility. As long as we remember that we’ll have to come back to solid ground at some point. As long as we remember the way back. As long as the cost is worth the ride.
There might be tricky issues to work out with lovers and romantic interests. There might be a slight of hand situation that you need to keep your eye on. There might be a situation that seems too good to be true, but if it leaves you bluer than blue, it is.
Stay steady on your creative course, but if you get knocked off remember that getting back on it develops your inner strength and your willingness to learn. There really is no wrong way to go, there’s only the question of how much energy you intend to spend on things you already know.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month- the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology- will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
What confused you as a child? What about your parents’ relationship was dumbfounding? What about your relationship to them was also so? What current relationships recreate those original experiences of loss, uncertainty or perplexing predicaments?
This week might help you to cut through this kind of internal chaos but you’ll have to enter into it to do so. Becoming conscious that you are caught in a storm of your own creation, or one that brews only in you, is your ticket to learning how to get through it.
All we need is love, sure, but in order to get to it all we need is a willingness to become conscious. Because staying inside of our dysfunction helps us to stay shut down. Because refusing to challenge our fear engenders a sense of complacency. Because denying our deepest feelings makes us feel uneasy in our own skin and, given the fact that is the only place we have to be, it turns out to be the worst thing we can do.
Admit how you feel. Admit when you feel nervous. Admit when you feel fear. Admit when you feel uncertain. Just admit it to yourself. Make it your practice. Express it when it’s appropriate. Make art that allows for it to exist. Make it important. Make it conscious.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month- the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology- will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
Getting down to the truth takes a while. There are levels. We can’t reach too deep if we aren’t ready. Whatever we are prepared to observe about ourselves gets revealed to us. Whatever we are not ready to see sits just out of reach with all the patience in the world.
This week wants you to put some effort into understanding your core motivations. Not the “I want to do well in the world and be a good person” kind of platitude. No, we are talking more along the lines of “When I walk into the world I notice that there are still feelings and thoughts of being inadequate, ugly, unsure, alone and unsafe and I don’t really know what to do with it all.” These feelings may be far out of reach for the most part but are the feelings that drive us. They drive us into compulsive behavior. They drive us into our addictions. They drive us into our dis-ease.
These thoughts, feelings and experiences are not wrong. They are just information. They are an old mode of being. They are a reality you thought that you existed in. But you don’t. But they get big, seem real and carry a current that is difficult to get out of.
If you don’t have some kind of daily practice, you might want to reignite one that worked for you in the past or begin a new one so that you might start to take these old thoughts and see them for what they are: old ways to suffer no matter what your success.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month- the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology- will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
With an increased energy in the financial sector of your chart, this week might make you want to blow a pile of dough (don’t) or present you with a situation that’s a little suspect (keep up your questioning).
This week might also have you feeling confused about your capabilities. If so, I urge you to remember this: You are no more if you have more, you are no less when you have less, you are not what you own, not at all. If there are ways in which you can shake up your thinking about this, then this would be the week to do so.
There are multiple things happening in the money sector of your chart and I want you to make the most of them. Many of you have just begun a new venture, begun to learn a new skill that will help to advance you in your career or finally begun to invest in yourself so that you’ll be able to lead a more fulfilling professional life. There is no better time to work with your potential in this area of your life.
For now make it your practice to understand what stands in your way internally when it comes to your earning potential. If you are in the process of learning how to use your resources wisely, how to apply your talents and secret skills, then it’s important to remember that there is a learning curve to work with. One that requires patience, planning and reprogramming. Stick with what you are working on. Don’t get discouraged or allow yourself to be defeated by an inner saboteur. It’s good to know what our weaknesses are. That way we can watch out for them.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month- the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology- will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
Don’t allow yourself to be pulled in by the hurricane-like effect of anyone else’s confusion. If intimate others are finding it hard to locate the reality of your relationship with them all you need do is be clear on your concept of the union.
And clarification doesn’t need to be deep if you don’t take it there and it’s better not to this week. What might be interesting to pay attention to though is understanding the ways in which you are no longer willing to be f*cked with. It might be one of those weeks that teaches you that compassion is a condition that needs to be applied to yourself as well as others.
If you are feeling frustrated by a situation, remove yourself for long enough to get clarity about it. This Friday your ruling planet, Mercury, stations direct. This can often reveal an important piece of information, provide a revelation or give us access to an understanding that previously alluded us.
In other words, shift happens.
Keep working on your end of the deal. Keep communicating what you are clear on and don’t be afraid to wait to speak up until you are.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month- the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology- will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
What if you didn’t have to show up as any one thing this week? What if you didn’t have to be the best professional blah-de-blah or the #1 so-n-so? What if you simply showed up as the best version of yourself each day of this week?
You can resume being the best at whatever you like once the week is up. You can pick up the heft and the self-judgment, the shame and the constraint later if you’ve missed it. You can put back on the weight of the world if you feel like you might suffer more without it, but just for this week, just for the next 7-10 days I highly recommend that you take each day as a gift that opens up to you each morning and says, “Hey good-lookin’, I like what you are up to today.”
Go about your business, focusing on the things that need your attention, but allow yourself to do them in the state that you are in. And in that state constantly, kindly and quietly remind yourself that who you are, in that moment, is exactly enough of whom you need to be.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month- the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology- will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
If there are events this week that lead to a strange unraveling of half-baked fears or feelings that are hard to place, don’t be alarmed. You might need to spend time sorting through what is real, what is imagined and what is just part of your healing process.
Don’t mistake your difficulties for something in you that is damaged. Nothing about us or within us is beyond repair if we welcome the work it takes to mend. Nothing in us is permanently damaged or irredeemable if we are willing to take responsibility. In fact nothing about us is permanent at all when we scale back and take a bigger look.
Roll with that sentiment this week. Take both your micro and your macro reality into consideration. If any person, group event or social situation leaves you at a loss remember that through it you can learn about what is necessary to stand up to and what is just a waste of your energy.
Fighting ghosts can be highly disappointing. However, engaging with them is often a means of understanding what longing lingers in us and how to help that longing find its way back into form.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month- the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology- will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
It looks like you’d like to break new ground with those that are ready and willing to do so with you. It looks like you have the capacity to get clear on what you are able to create in concert with those that are ready to play. It looks like there’s a party to be enjoyed and you are the host with the most.
Just make it meaningful. Just make sure that what you are reaching for is connected to a larger vision. Just make sure that whatever your endeavor is it inspires you and therefore can inspire those that you need along for the ride. Just make sure you have multiple strategies to battle unforeseen obstacles. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket no matter how much room you think there is.
This week has the power to reveal powerful turning points in your career. This week has the kind of combinations that can make your head spin and your calendar fill up. This week has the kind of astrology that can confuse your compass if you don’t insist on remembering why you are doing what you are doing and what makes it so important to you. Don’t let anyone steal your vision by demeaning it. Don’t give anyone else the power to dismantle your hard work because you think that they are more powerful than you. Don’t take no for an answer even if you run up against the word a thousand times.
In the long run you’ve got far too much to gain. Don’t let anything make you lose your momentum or question your most sincere directions.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month- the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology- will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
This is an interesting week for your career. This is an interesting week for your general direction. This is an interesting week for seeing how your words can impact your professional imprint. Listen to the impact that your ideas have on both your colleagues and your clients alike. Embrace your intellect, your ideas and your intelligence. They are unique to you. You don’t have to know the things that others do. You don’t have to be good at getting the answers to the questions asked. You don’t have to be up on anyone else’s curriculum as long as you are clear on yours and have it to add to the conversation.
Notice how open you are to constructive criticism. Notice how willing you are to work with the ideas of others. Notice what information comes to you around Friday that helps you to clarify some aspect of your career or that pushes you to do so for yourself. You might have to push through some kind of misunderstanding about your life. You might have to fight a feeling of not being up to the task. You might have to make do with dealing with an insecurity or two.
But beneath any misgiving about yourself is the truth that what you actually are is probably much closer to what you wish you were. Look to your career-life and what inspires you there for clues as to what you are capable of.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month- the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology- will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
Listen to the whispers this week. Tune in to what is normally easy to pass by, ignore or dismiss. Work with the tools that can help you make sense of your life and the direction it is taking. Consult your oracles. Consult your teachers. Consult whatever wisdom sources you have access to.
This week has all kinds of interesting insights in store for you, but they are easy to pass up if you aren’t paying attention.
Pay attention. Especially if you are in the company of those that can give you life lesson gold. Especially if you come into contact with some kind of knowledge, practice or professional that wants to give you a helping hand or advice. Especially if you are in the market for ways to help your message get out to those that can give it a broader reach.
But mostly pay attention to the information that makes its way to you during any spiritual practice you might engage in. Anything that helps you feel reflective, anything that helps to steady your mind, anything that helps you come into a space where you might be more able to hear the voice of intuition will be an especially powerful practice for you right now.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month- the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology- will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.
If you use this week as a mirror, if you use this week as a partner to process with, if you use this week as a means of trying to see an honest reflection of yourself it will help you and your relationships with others immensely.
You can become a source of uncertainty and confusion for others when you aren’t actively pursuing your own truth.
Don’t be evasive if you want to experience intimacy. Work on being as clear as you consciously can. Be willing to be busted for your transgressions and to maintain your boundary when others transgress yours. Equality comes at the cost of our humility. If we want to be connected to others in any kind of real, balanced way we also have to be connected to and be conscious of the parts of ourselves that want to get out the easy way and escape the issues that make us the most uncomfortable.
It might be good to embrace discomfort this week. It might be good to get familiar with what challenges you to an internal dual. It might be good to understand what fears you could benefit from confronting. It might be a good to practice to think of ways in which you can outsmart the parts of your psychology that keep you locked in any paradigm that stifles your growth.
*Please join me for Bringing Back Balance: A Guide to the New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 12th-November 11th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month- the new moon in Libra, the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo as well as other aspects of this astrology- will impact your life, as well as information on which days out of the month are the most auspicious to work with.