*Please note that I only write about the major aspects of the week
Wednesday, September 30th
Mercury retrograde makes its inferior conjunction to the sun at 7:38 AM PDT
This is the only major aspect of the week (cue the Hallelujah Chorus). We are collectively coming down off of the wild ride of Sunday’s lunar eclipse and need the week to integrate all that we’ve experienced and learned. Mercury will help with this.
Mercury, the fleet-footed, mischief-making messenger, is currently retrograde. During its retrograde cycle it makes an inferior conjunction to the sun, marking the mid-point of its journey into the depths of the underworld. At this point, Mercury is closest to the earth and, perhaps then, more accessible to us. In its inferior conjunction to the sun, Mercury is also known as being cazimi, or “in the heart of” the sun. Perhaps then, our ability to glean insight, make meaning of or pay attention to important information is heightened.
This is a potent time to ask for the knowledge that you need, the knowledge that will lead you in the right direction and the knowledge that will help you get to the heart of the matter.
It’s also a powerful time to meditate on any issue that concerns you. It’s a powerful time to ask for help with something. It’s a powerful time to remember that thinking your way through a problem won’t always get you to a solution, but showing up to tackle it and being open to what works, will.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know your rising sign, please read it. If you don’t, read your sun sign. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both. Take what works for you, leave the rest. There is no right way to do this, it’s all just a friendly suggestion, in the end only you know what is best for you. If you find inspiration here and you want to share it you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for sharing the work, we really appreciate it!
After an activating eclipse in your sign, the likes of which will not be seen for sometime, you might need a moment. Integration is good. Digestion is necessary. Letting sediment settle is super-duper important.
Glean the meaning from these moments. So often we rush through them. On to the next thing. On to conquer more. On to win. On to some distant finish line that is merely a mirage. Instead of gallivanting off, stop to consider what the biggest thing is that has transpired for you lately. What has moved you? What has been removed from you? What has bubbled up to the surface of your life and consciousness and captivated you? What messages have you received about the direction of the next couple of months (or years) and have you taken these indications to heart? Have you paused to consider how to implement them so that they’ll have a chance to take shape for serious?
This week offers you an interesting insight into the nature of your nurturing abilities. It offers you some insight into your most intimate partnerships. It offers you a rare glimpse into the needs of your beaus and babes. It might offer you a chance to love another facet of them. It might offer you a chance to learn about how to work thorough the intricacies of loving, creating and conspiring with another. It will offer you a whole lot if you offer yourself back in return. Ask your beloveds questions. Ask your partners for what you need. Ask to know the nature of your relationship and to see how it does or does not help you to move deeper into your purpose and your power.
Work through it. Work with it. Work at it. Work around whatever slows you down. Start with what is easy. Start with what you want to work on. Start with what excites you and move steadily onwards from there.
This week can offer you more than a momentary breakthrough with whatever you are consumed with. This week can offer you insight that can last a lifetime. But you’ll have to show up to make it count. What have you been struggling with? What project, what piece of your puzzle, what aspect of your health has been illusive, annoying or aggravating for you? What part of your career has been bothersome, laborious or just not quite as simple as it might seem from the outside?
Find your way into whatever aspect seems troubling. Again do what’s easy first. Do what you know and use that energy to help you tackle what you don’t. Approach it from multiple angles.
It’s your effort that counts. And your willingness to listen to those that you work with, those you work for and those who work for you. Listen for their suggestions, additions, subtractions and solutions of all kinds.
Everything you need is there for you. It’s your job to be available for it.
Your ruling planet, Mercury, is undergoing an important transit this week. Mercury will be infused with the light of the sun, revealing its glory, guts and goodness like an honest overhaul of an online dating profile.
This is a process of amelioration, like giving away the clothes that never made you feel cute, like letting your natural state of beauty shine, like loving yourself as is.
This is a process of being open to the ins and outs of your love life, your lover’s life, and your creative life. Build an altar to your inner artist. Offer it food. Offer it paints, pictures, flowers and poetry. Offer your inner artist whatever it asks for and then sit and listen patiently for any wisdom it wants to depart and any suggestions it wants to share. Make sure to let it know that this is a date.
Woo your muse. Woo your mate. Woo your sense of wonder and welcome playfulness into your week. Especially if you are learning how to cure heartbreak. Especially if you are working on excavating ample resources of reason to get out of bed in the morning. Especially if you are wondering how best to use the reverberations of this eclipse season. Especially if you are working on ways to incorporate play into your everyday.
Nothing will solve your heartbreak, your soul-ache or take your pain away. Nothing save getting to the source of the sore. What happens far too often in life is that when we have a malady we look for a solution to its symptom. Instead of dealing with the cause of the condition directly we chase phantom feelings and end up spent. We go to the ends of the earth, build cases of blame against innocent victims, retreat from life’s lessons, refuse to grow, refuse to let go and refuse the only things that can cure our cray.
Go to the source.
This week offers you medicine that goes deep. It allows you to get to the root of an issue and to the heart of the matter. But you’ve got to be brave. You’ve got to outsmart your complexes, because once you are caught in them, the hardest thing to do is to name them.
Complexes rise up in disguise. They trick us into thinking an illusion is the stone cold truth. They wrap themselves around us, smothering our logic. They paralyze our problem-solving skills. And they are the only way into the truth of what we have to sort through. Our complexes hold a tremendous amount of energy and if we can dismantle them, then they become less of a threat and a great source of self-knowledge.
Use this week’s astrology to get to the core of a childhood wound, or psychological situation that is both holding you back and holding a great amount of your energy hostage. Meditate on the true nature and source of anything that arises and watch just how quickly you can get to healing and then onto living.
Use all conversations as a place of worship. Make everyone you speak to your priestess of posterity. You are setting speech patterns. You are creating mental pathways. You are communicating what you want to create. You are expressing what you most need to bring into consciousness.
Listen to yourself.
Listen to what sentiments are rattling around your brain chambers like hungry, homeless ghosts. Let your thoughts land. What is happening under the hood? What ideas are driving you? What beliefs are bringing you to your present predicament?
This week gives you ample logic to decode your dramas, to break them down, to show them who is boss and to get to the heart of the mental chatter. *Spoiler Alert* When you can’t get a grip, it’s just fear talking. When you can’t seem to find a way, it’s just an old addiction to insecurity. When following your dreams seems too daunting, it’s just an easy way out.
Rise to the occasion. Name your fears. Name your doubts. Name the game. Because when you do you win more than you bargained for. You win the right to define your dreams and bring them into form.
You are in good standing this week to make major strides towards financial freedom. Whatever that last sentence means to you, I would make a run towards it. It might mean actual dollars. It might mean divesting from capitalist connotations of “the good life” because let’s face it, our little ball of beauty (aka planet earth) simply can’t stand any more “production”. In fact if all we did from here on out was use what we have already made and find interesting, inventive ways to re-use, repurpose and renew it, we’d still have too much stuff.
What can you streamline? What can you redesign? What can you re-imagine as a possibility for how you make money and what you do with it? There is a really interesting and ingenious solution to your situation that wants to make its way to you this week so listen for it. Be available to it. Think outside the boring box of the “I need to make more in order to make it” mentality.
What if what you had was enough? What if what you had (brains, talent, courage, confidence) was exactly what you needed at this moment and the only thing to do was to figure out how to utilize it to the best of your ability? What if there was another equation that added what you had with what the world needed and it came out with a win/win?
I foresee you solving such an equation.
Identity is a complex and precarious tube to squeeze oneself into. It’s painful to try and push ourselves into a thing we are supposed to be, into a container that is easily recognizable by those that value neat and tidy stackable boxes.
Society’s fascination with anything that doesn’t fit is proof in and of itself.
It’s not our job to make sure everyone around us is pleased with who we are and yet we must be conscious of the fact that our safety often hangs on our ability to shape-shift into what is readily recognizable.
But we still have the right to know ourselves beyond these borders. Self-knowledge can never be taken from us. Resting our gaze on our restless, shifting, evolving identity is our duty to ourselves.
This is a personal process that no one else gets to dictate. You don’t need speed to be authentic. You don’t need to be vocal about your variations. You aren’t any less evolved, any less “transformed,” or any less spiritually savvy if you aren’t always able to “be yourself” in a recognizable way to the rest of the world.
The only thing that matters here is that you understand yourself and that you don’t owe anyone an explanation of who you are or how you identify. The only that matters is that you respect your multiple manifestations. The only thing that matters is that you make space for yourself, even if it’s only within your most private moments.
There is power in being both visible and invisible. Keep the good stuff for yourself, share it when you can, hide it when you need to.
Hiding out happens. It’s helpful. It’s hopeful. Being able to slip out the back door and be done with it, even if it’s only temporary, is your prerogative. Things grow in hiding. In the womb. In the shell. In the dark rooms. Magic makes itself here. When we can block out the world, even for a moment, we can get a lot of clarity. We can get a lot done. We can get a heaping help of healing.
Let the dark heal you.
Pay attention to the insights that find you. The ones that bump up against you in the night. The ones that linger with you come morning. The ones that swim around your periphery. Pay attention to your shifting attitudes about what it is you have lost. Pay attention to insights about your inner life. Pay attention to your ability to see something new in the old stories and to lose interest in the ones that no longer hold lessons for you.
Before your next birthday you might take these moments, these days, this waning light to investigate what is most meaningful to you at this point. Which direction would you like to take your life in? Which way is the wind blowing? Which way can you set your sails so that you’ll have the most assistance getting going? Which road is opening to you? Which route feels right?
Keep paying attention so that when your rebirth happens it’s on purpose.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Your hopes. Your Dreams. Your crew. Your backers. Your supporters. Our collective future. Your role in it.
Who can you reach out to this week that is in line with your vision? Who is around you that is willing to conspire with you? Who is close enough to you to keep you in line while supporting your ideals? Who will push you to be better? Who will keep the flame alive with you when your energy wanes? Who is in for the long haul and ready to roll with you now?
Send your emails. Make your calls. Get clear on your requests. Ask those in the know for their knowledge, for their experience, for their stories, for their gold. Learn of their dreams. Learn where yours and theirs intersect. Go into social circles with a great curiosity. Go through your rolodex with intuition. Who you reach out to doesn’t have to make logical sense, just personal sense.
You’re leading. You’re leading yourself. Eventually you’ll be leading your pack, or taking a bigger role in doing so. You’re learning to recognize, realize, reorganize and own your skills, talents and temperament. You are in an apprenticeship that forces you to learn and demonstrate your developing dexterity.
This week simply asks you to state your developing plans to your prospective collaborators and long standing allies. That way it’s harder to back out.
Feel free to find a new way to work. Know that this horoscope is your official invitation to reorganize the way you think about what you do, how it can be done and the way you want to do it. You’ll still climb the mountain. You’ll still get to the top. You’ll still feel like you’ve accomplished a great deal. You’ll still have stories to tell and a hunger for future adventures to quell.
But I would pay special attention to the communications that you have this week at work, with colleges and clients alike. I encourage you to pay special attention to what is pushing at you, what wants to be dealt with, what wants to be brought to light and into your career. It might be a desire that gets stimulated. It might be another layer of your professional identity that gets revealed to you or to the world. It might be a natural evolution of what is ready for the bright lights of your public life.
Or it might be a quiet unfolding. A simple process of knowing. Trust this. And trust it some more. Only you know what you need from your work. Only you know what you have to give to it. Only you can hear what it wants from you and only you can respond accordingly.
Be the top of your class. The best student in the room. The one eager to answer but even more willing to learn. Be unafraid of having this knowledge adjust your GPS. Your direction might sway slightly. You might get a cue to veer left. Be curious about your course. Be unafraid of your undertaking.
Look at the laws that you abide by. Do they protect you? Make sure they do and if they don’t feel no way about breaking them. Look at the books that you bury your head into. Are you in them? If not, rewrite yourself into their pages (not their margins). Make sure that you are the keynote speaker at your own reception. Make sure that you are on a path that feels like it perpetually pushes you to redefine your truth instead of trusting others to tell you what it should be. Make sure that you are on a path that gives you room to roam while still leading you to a place that you would like to call home.
Notice what you have faith in. Can you rely on it? Do you forget about it? Can you remember to trust in the power of it? Meditate on it this week. Ask to build your relationship with it. Ask to know it. Ask to grow with it in mind.
Listen for your answers. They will come. Wait for your cues and take them too. There is a lot to learn this week about how you partner with others, what you give, what you get and the clarity that you need in order to do it all and stay with what feels comfortable for you.
Because so many relationship options are open to you at this point. So too are so many healing opportunities, especially as they pertain to mental pain.
Take time this week to meditate on the sources of your sorrow without fascination, just a desire for sincere assessment. Notice what you wish to push away upon first contact, what thoughts drag you down, lower your energy and leave you feeling lack. When you have a sure grasp of it, a good sense of it, a steady handle of it, take a long look at it. Gaze at the nature of it. Get to the heart of it. Get behind its get-up and get down to its core. Here you will find something much smaller and much more tangible than a blanket of bad feeling. Here you will find a source of pain that needs healing and the tools to do such dealings.