Your horoscopes for May 2019 are published with a companion Cosmic Playlist that I curate in collaboration with Spotify. May is home to a New Moon in Taurus and Full Moon in Scorpio.
If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work, you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work. We really appreciate it and you!
Aries & Aries Rising
Aries, May reworks your ideas of abundance.
May wants you to rework your relationship to money so that you might begin to embody a more liberated kind of bounty. Whatever misconceptions you’ve been given about wealth need to be interrupted. Interrogated. Dismissed if they devalue your inherent worth.
This month may see you change jobs or the way you do business, but the most important thing to practice is self-investment. No matter what changes externally, internally you are always worth the effort, the money, and the time it takes to evolve.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
Taurus, May wants you to break-up with your self-doubt; it’s boring. It’s a lie. It’s something that you can decide, repeatedly, not to give energy to. Keeping your commitment to it will make life that much more cumbersome.
Self-doubt is a pattern that keeps you from your potential, but it’s also one you can break. Give up. Sacrifice daily. The planets are aligning in ways that uphold your personal freedom, not at the cost of being a decent human, but in ways that help you to express yourself honestly. Getting honest about what keeps you in place gets your whole life going.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
Gemini, free the ghosts in your closet this May. There are years that let you know that enough is enough, 2019 is one of them. To be held hostage by our fears and doubts does us no good, and something deep within you is awakening to this truth.
May isn’t the beginning of this understanding, but it’s a definitive exclamation point on it. Refuse to keep ghosts in the closet or secrets between your teeth so that you can reclaim the life energy that you had to use to do so. As a precursor to Gemini Season, do a thorough investigation of all you refuse to carry into the next year with you.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
Cancer, May wants you to party with a purpose. May reminds you that you aren’t better or worse than anyone else. Seeing yourself as an equal, not always in skill, but certainly in humanity, sets your potential free. Feeling inferior to others is along the same spectrum as feeling superior to them, neither is true or helpful and both has you off balance.
Starting where you are while knowing that you have the right to learn, grow, and give of what you’ve got, will help you to find the communities, partnerships, and allies that you best align with. Doing so will set you on paths of mutual blazeability.
Leo & Leo Rising
Leo, May sees you making big career moves. May wants you to refrain from setting limitations on your professional trajectory. None of us have any idea of our impact in the world, but yours is particularly startling at the moment.
Don’t be surprised if everyone is coming to you for your input. You have a livewire of creative energy running through your professional life and the more you can direct its unconventional and incredibly astute wisdom towards the projects you feel most passionate about, the more noise can be made for them. Some discord is necessary but make sure to end your sessions a harmony.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
Virgo, May says, “You can go your own way.”
May’s skies see you seeking out new destinations. If your horizons have recently shifted, know that it is par for the course. You aren’t supposed to stay the same and as you change so does your destination and therefore your route.
This might feel like you are stepping into the unknown, but every day we all do, it’s just that right now the unpredictability of your situation is pronounced. Use it to your advantage. What can you risk? What can you suspend your disbelief about? What are you free to try that formerly felt too scary to consider?
Libra & Libra Rising
Libra, this May, build with those that know beauty.
May wants you to find the right fit. If it’s too tight, too roomy, or too precious to hold your potency, move on. There’s so much to be gained from the collaborations that can identify and celebrate your je ne sais quoi. You’re being encouraged to work with those that know how to innovate what’s gone stale, switch up what is in need of relief, and work towards your collective, creative freedom.
Whatever emotions come up as a result are part of this cosmic cleaning. The point is to let feelings roll through you, not dictate what you are or are not capable of making happen.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Scorpio, Soulmates stimulate great growth. The people that get the greatest reaction from you have been put on your path for a reason. It doesn’t mean that you need to stay in their vicinity for long, but it does mean that for this brief moment, the revelations that you receive through them are worth of every bit of energy that they demand.
Whether these matches feel soulfully sweet or seriously ill-fitting, show up for all the ways in which they teach you how to be a better partner to yourself. May is the continuation of a recent overhaul to all your relationships. What you need from others is evolving.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Sagittarius, this May, your work changes for the better.
What you bring to the table might not be recognizable to everyone’s palate, but don’t let other people’s tastes get in the way of what you are serving up. Your ability to bring new, and very necessary, innovations into your work life, institutions, and profession, in general, will make a lasting mark.
Make sure it’s the one you know will make the most important impact. Don’t shy away from what you really want to bring into form. Birthing anything requires that the container we do it through be shattered in some way. Don’t worry, it’s just a breakthrough. -Chani Nicholas
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
Capricorn, this May, color outside the lines.
It’s not worth the energy to try and replicate what others have created at the expense of what you want to. You aren’t them and they don’t have what you’ve got in excess. The magic lies within your ability to reinvent the wheels that don’t turn for you. If it isn’t moving, flip it, switch it out, or subtract it all together.
You are being asked to create what can only come through you. Generic won’t cut it at the moment. Generosity is necessary when we need to take risks. Focus on what you can give, not what you need to do to please others.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Aquarius, this May, it’s impossible to know how to change, or what to change, if we don’t allow the truth to change us. What May makes clear is that you’ve always known the reality of your past, of your history, and of your relationship to your roots, but now it’s impossible to ignore it.
What you yearn for, what you crave to create for yourself, and what you know you need to build structurally for your future, comes into sharp focus. Let the details teach you what to pay attention to and what to stop obsessing over. Let your heart be a little lighter with each truth you tell on yourself.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
Pisces: Say what you mean and mean what you say.
May wants you to get clear in your communications. Sending mixed messages isn’t malicious, but it can be lazy. Stating your needs without hesitation is necessary, but not necessarily your strong suit. Challenge yourself to push past your fears of upsetting others, people pleasing is a plague you need to recover from.
You aren’t responsible for other people’s feelings, but you are responsible for making sure you aren’t keeping them in the dark about your own. The more honest you are the more honest joy you’ll experience.