*The new moon in Taurus is a new moon to manifest with. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: The New Moon in Taurus & the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from April 26th – May 25th. This course includes a new moon meditation, altar suggestions, rituals and readings specific to each sign.
May we build altars to all that we love. May we build shrines to the healing that we need. May we build our lives around what we hold to be sacred.
May we not be led astray.
May we build with love as our motivation so that, no matter what, when love ceases to be present, we know we need to course correct. May we build with healing as our intention so that, no matter what, the work that we do offers us, and everyone else, the opportunity to come home to ourselves. May we build with the future in mind, so that we understand every interaction as a seed of potential, inspiring us to grow into ever more authentic expressions of kindness and compassion.
May we remember that if love isn’t central to our movements, not many will be able to stay and not many will want to join. Including ourselves. A lack of love burns us up and out. May we remember that when healing isn’t central to our movements, it’s too easy to recreate the pain that got us here in the first place. May we remember that when what we hold sacred isn’t central to our movements, we end up on escapades of emptiness.
May we learn that our ability to love is the marker of our wealth. May we learn that our healing is holy, necessary and needed if this world is to thrive. May we learn that the most sacred act in life is to find a way to make use of the pain we have lived through.
May we make an unwavering decision to manifest our personal and collective healing. Steadfast and sturdy in our commitment to it. Lovingly and consistently tending to it. Passionately and persistently pursuing it. It is our healing that reveals all that we have to offer. It is our healing that enables us to manifest a life of abundance and love. It is our healing that wakes us up to the incredible suffering around us and asks us how we could care about anything less than helping. It is our personal and collective healing that every issue we face needs. Desperately.
The new moon in Taurus, which is also a super moon, arrived on April 26th, at 5:16 AM PT. The moon loves being in the earthy, fertile fields of Taurus. Astrologically, the moon represents how we live out our soul’s purpose through everyday actions, rhythms and rituals. Each new moon is the marker of a new cycle of creation in our lives. An opportunity to layer our intentions. It takes many moons of effort to bring about change, growth and the healing that we seek.
In Taurus, the moon can build anything. If it has decided something will happen, Taurus won’t give up until it is so. Taurus is stubborn AF. When Taurus applies its stubbornness to a course of action that isn’t in its own best interest, it ends up wasting all that precious effort. But, when that stubbornness is applied to healing, developing and growing the best of what we’ve been given, we have pure gold to build with.
This new moon gives us that kind of gold. Free from harm, untouched by anything astrologically difficult, this new moon sits alone, receiving only a supportive sextile from Neptune, planet of transcendent wisdom and inspired visions. We can visualize ourselves into healing, into our evolution, into action, creating the world of our dreams. Our imagination is one of the most powerful tools that we have for manifesting and this new moon is asking us to access it.
The ruler of this new moon is Venus. Venus is now direct after a 6-week retrograde journey. Venus has moved (just) past its conjunction to Chiron and square to Saturn. These were defining aspects that helped us experience the reality of our healing process. It brought our wounds into form for us to witness, learn from and make conscious. Until our hurt is spelled out for us, many of us have a hard time taking our pain seriously. Saturn and Chiron sought to clarify that for us. With those lessons still fresh, we can use this new moon to consciously dedicate our energy to healing the wounds that keep us disconnected from our agency, our gifts and our efficacy.
Venus, sitting at the last degree of Pisces during the new moon, is enjoying her last moments of exaltation. In Pisces, Venus does extremely well. It is the sign that allows her to most effortlessly connect in compassion and to give generously of the reflective healing powers of relating. Venus is encouraging this new moon to make known its desire to connect. Venus is encouraging this new moon to value our healing above all else. Venus is encouraging this new moon to manifest the best of what we have to give.
If we are going to manifest anything with this new moon, let it be the kind of loving, healing, sacred justice that makes all oppressions obsolete. Now and always.
New moon blessings,