We were made imperfectly. Purposefully. Layered inconsistently. We are a compilation of fault lines. Conflicting drives. Love. Hate. Intolerance. Compassion. Compulsion. Temperance. We are every ill and every cure. We are every problem and every solution. We are the destroyers of innocence and the bringers of beauty. We are nightmares and the bringers of the dawn.
We are like this for a reason. We were made to survive the beauty and the beasts of the natural world. Over the past century or so we have largely been taught to separate ourselves from nature. From the bloody mess that is survival. From the interconnectedness of our relationship to the earth itself. From our own animal instincts. We are given gadgets that bring us food delivered in sanitized boxes. Gadgets that replace the arrows our ancestors relied upon to hunt and gather, carve and contour life with. Gone in large part are the many cultural rituals that help us to reenact a healthy expression of the cycle of life.
Saturday’s full moon brings us to the exact midpoint of the recent Mars retrograde. Happening at 2:14 PM PT at 1+ degree of Sagittarius, this full moon is conjunct Mars, the warrior, the spear, the blade. When used for good, Mars serves and protects with courage, honor and valor. When distorted, Mars abuses, maltreats and takes advantage of what is vulnerable. We all have Mars energy. We all have a mars in our charts. We are all effected by Mars in the sky.
If we are running around with scissors, we might as well understand how to hold them.
Mars has been retrograde since April 17th and at this mid-point moment, Mars is being highlighted by the full moon in the very fiery sign of Sagittarius. This is no soft lighting. This full moon aims to illuminate the lessons that we have been learning via Mars retrograde in the area of our chart that contains Sagittarius. The moon is a transmitter of planetary energies to the earth, acting like a go-between and helping us come into contact with the rest of the cosmos. Because both the moon and Mars will be sitting across from the sun, they will both rise, quite dramatically, in the evening sky as the sun sets.
This moon is transmitting Mars for us quite magnificently. It is also transmitting the sign Sagittarius. A fire sign that knows no bounds and holds no grudges. Sagittarius bounds forwards, striding, riding full tilt towards future adventures.
Full moons are powerful moments of fulfillment and Mars is at an important moment of its own retrograde cycle, making this a full moon to take note of in terms of what we are doing with our energy, our desire, our rage, our power and the potent weapons we can be.
Make way for it. Make room for it. Make no excuses for your bad behavior. Own up to it. Try to use your Mars towards something noble. Be your own Heroine. Be your own savior. Come to your own rescue.
The point isn’t to get rid of any part of ourselves,. The point is not to surgically remove our less acceptable qualities, our rougher edges, our Mars. The point is to make Mars conscious. To understand the power that it possesses. To make the choice to work consciously with that power and to direct it to defend and protect our human rights against the forces that wish to devour them.