Monday, September 12th
11:59 AM PT – Mercury in Virgo square Mars in Sagittarius, both at 20°
4:40 PM PT- Mercury conjunct the sun at 20° Virgo
Tuesday, September 13th
1:39 PM PT – Mars in Sagittarius square Sun in Virgo, both at 20°
Friday, September 16th
12:05 PM PT – Lunar Eclipse at 24° of Pisces
Saturday, September 17th
0:04 AM PT – Mars in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries, both at 23°
Sunday, September 18th
1:06 AM PT – Venus in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries both at 23°
This week begins on an edgy note. Mercury and the sun are both making squares to Mars over the course of two days as Mercury makes its inferior conjunction to the sun.
The inferior conjunction is the heart of the Mercury retrograde cycle. At this juncture, Mercury’s retrograde is 1/2 way done. Mercury is sandwiched in-between the sun and the earth like a new moon. This is the part of its cycle when it is closest to us and it is considered the beginning of Mercury’s next cycle.
The inferior conjunction, a somewhat critical point in Mercury’s cycle, square Mars might tease some unease to the surface. A piece of information might arise that incites feelings of defensiveness, hostility or aggression. Our ability to communicate might be challenged.
Stay above the fray. There’s more to this week than a mere Mercury retrograde square Mars. This is also a week that contains a full moon/lunar eclipse in Pisces. This is a week full of emotional high-tides and temptations to run away with our emotions.
The lunar eclipse is also square Mars, making this lunation one that feels a little testy, a little emotional, a little raw, like it digs a little close to the wound.
This lunar eclipse is conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Chiron is half-human, half-animal. Chiron reminds us of the importance of this bridge. When humans forsake the earth and our connection to it, when we care more about extracting the oil within it, than the care of it, we are burning the bridge that connects us to our livelihood. Chiron in Pisces, a water sign, teaches us much about the importance of water, water rights and our relationship to the waters of the earth and the internal waters of our being. No emotionally healthy culture would ever forsake future generations their right to live on a thriving, healthy planet.
Chiron also reminds us of the nature of psychological wounds. They are painful to process but ultimately when we make a life-long commitment to doing so they become our greatest teachers. Understanding the nature of our wounds is the gateway to understanding the nature of the obstacles before us. The remedy is always held within the walls of our wounds. These psychological hotspots eventually become our gateway to great compassion and a greater understanding of human suffering, including our own suffering. They can, when properly, patiently and purposefully addressed, become a great resource for our lives and our ability to find love, no matter the lack of it in our pasts.
This eclipse sits with the south node. The south node is a point that some astrologies relate to the past, some to the psychic energy held in the unconscious, some to the downward pull of energy or a place of loss or difficulty. Whatever our belief, the south node is a place of letting go on some level. Since eclipses are portals of beginnings and endings as well as points of activation in our lives, look to see the house in your chart that it is happening in and how these themes have been developing over the last 6 months, as there was a new moon/solar eclipse in this part of your chart on March 8th, 2016.
The end of the week brings Mars into a trine with Uranus and Venus in opposition to it. These are perhaps less significant transits although they are unstable, exciting, revolutionary and a little volatile due to the nature of Uranus. Mars and Uranus can bring us important and active breakthroughs, but a Venus opposition to Uranus can bring emotional/interpersonal upsets. Again, this is an eclipse week full of emotionally charged intersections. Be wise to the game by giving yourself what you need when you need it.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
The quest for meaning is in vein if we are unwilling to give up the things that get in the way of us living a meaningful life. Friday’s eclipse punctuates this point. It asks for some soul-searching and deep healing. It asks for you to set aside some time to recoup your energy. It asks for rest and temporary withdrawal. It asks you to tune in to the psychic scars that may be in need of your attention so that you can come to understand the energy that gets bound up in them. Whatever pain is left unattended in our hearts has the tendency to turn into hostility, aggression, depression and self-sabotaging tendencies.
What do you tend to get bitter over? How do you feel life has forsaken you? What do you feel punished for? Unforgiven for? Unfairly treated over?
We can’t always do anything about the things that cause us suffering. Life isn’t that easy. Our human existence isn’t based on being given a fair chance. However we can always tend to our wounds and in that tending we can develop a great depth of soul.
Right now, and for the next year, you have Jupiter roaming through the most important relationships in your life. This will help you to expand into new areas of your heart and all your committed connections. This full moon might highlight the healing side of things, but remember that the deeper your healing process, the higher your ability to soar in love and life.
*Last Friday, Jupiter entered Libra. For an in depth look at Jupiter, Jupiter’s role in your personal birth chart as well as how to best use the influence of Jupiter’s year-long transit through Libra in your life please join me for Beauty, Balance & Bounty: Jupiter Enters Libra.
Friday’s lunar eclipse highlights the friendships that are in need, the relationship issues that might be a little emotionally sensitive and the healing that has occurred and keeps occurring between you and your community.
How have you become a resource of healing for folks? What have you learned about becoming a better friend, a better ally and a better patron to the group projects and people you wish to be of service to? What do you see coming to fruition in this way? What do you notice about your role in the group?
This full moon might bring up some issues around what the group’s/friend’s needs are and what yours are. It might bring up some feelings about where you belong and how to make that happen, but it might also bring you to a point of understanding something about the nature of your hopes, dreams and desires for the future. Since this is an eclipse, there might be a shift in focus for you in this area of your life. Not to say that all of a sudden you want something different for your life than you ever did, but that you are able to see that something that you have wanted isn’t exactly the best thing for you. Some dreams are worth keeping and some are worth composting to be reused as nutrients for new growth.
*Last Friday, Jupiter entered Libra. For an in depth look at Jupiter, Jupiter’s role in your personal birth chart as well as how to best use the influence of Jupiter’s year-long transit through Libra in your life please join me for Beauty, Balance & Bounty: Jupiter Enters Libra.
Friday’s full moon/lunar eclipse sheds an interesting light on all you have been able to achieve this past 6 months. Eclipses tend to bring changes. They tend to turn up the volume and increase the energy in a certain area of our lives. This lunar eclipse focuses on your public life, your career and your reputation.
Are you being seen for your hard work? Are you being witnessed for the passion that you pour into your projects? Are you placing yourself in the paths of others that do the work that you wish to? Do you recognize your own contributions?
There is an emotionally charged energy to this full moon. It might make you feel more sensitive to the situations surrounding your work. It might make you more prone to understanding what you wish to shift here. It might make you more aware of the healing that occurs through the work that you do. Knowing how our wounds inform our work and how our work addresses our wounds, gives us a clarity and a sense of purpose in all that we do.
*Last Friday, Jupiter entered Libra. For an in depth look at Jupiter, Jupiter’s role in your personal birth chart as well as how to best use the influence of Jupiter’s year-long transit through Libra in your life please join me for Beauty, Balance & Bounty: Jupiter Enters Libra.
This year wants you to be putting your ideas out into the world. This Friday’s eclipse wants to highlight the teaching, the traveling, the seeking and the journeying that you have been doing. It might help you publish a few things. It might help you see the importance of moving past your comfort zone in order to heal some hurt. It might help you surpass a limit, find your spirit of adventure or help you heal a philosophical wound.
Take a look at the guidelines, the rules, the laws and code of ethics you live by. Which ones help you challenge yourself to grow? Which ones coddle or condone the behaviors that you’d rather not claim as your own? Which ones keep you too small to take on new tasks? Which of your philosophies keep you suffering in resentment or bitterness?
Healing occurs when we allow our pain to arrive. In the foreground. Upfront. When we refuse to hide from it and refuse to be ruled by it, we have a chance to see it for what it is – just another part of our journey.
This eclipse is also pointing to the plans that you have for the future. The big dreams and visions that you are moving towards. It might highlight the actual work necessary in order to make that all happen. Some things are better left a dream given what it takes to bring them to reality, and some dreams are better in reality than we ever could have ever dreamed. Your work right now is to figure out what you want to leave in the imaginal realm and what you’d like to bring into the physical one.
*Last Friday, Jupiter entered Libra. For an in depth look at Jupiter, Jupiter’s role in your personal birth chart as well as how to best use the influence of Jupiter’s year-long transit through Libra in your life please join me for Beauty, Balance & Bounty: Jupiter Enters Libra.
Friday’s eclipse helps you to explore your financial options. It might bring about an opportunity to invest what you have into something important for your overall life goals. It might bring about an opportunity to help you value your partnerships and their potential. It might bring about an opportunity to heal a relationship issue that is related to the sharing and the merging of your resources, energy and talent.
Because our world rewards those that have and punishes those that do not, any time in our life that we have gone without can produce a certain amount of shame, frustration, discomfort and even a necessary disassociation. This eclipse season has focused on your financials, and because eclipses are activating and poignant in nature, this moment might be one that wants to help you heal old feelings around your worth so that you feel free to grow your resources in a sustainable and supportive situation.
Understanding the ways in which you have historically related to scarcity and discerning which investments are good matches for you and which ones aren’t, can help you make the more important financial decisions that you need to right now. Don’t make financial plans out of fear or out of revenge; make them from a place of confidence in your own abilities and a clarity of conscience whilst all the while keeping an eye on the emotional issues that tend to trip you up in such situations.
*Last Friday, Jupiter entered Libra. For an in depth look at Jupiter, Jupiter’s role in your personal birth chart as well as how to best use the influence of Jupiter’s year-long transit through Libra in your life please join me for Beauty, Balance & Bounty: Jupiter Enters Libra.
Growth comes in waves. This past year, you surfed a big one. Notice how you have energetically filled yourself out. Notice any new opportunities that have come your way. Notice what you did with them and how folks responded to them.
Every time we expand, we push up against the boundaries of everything else in our life. When we get bigger, when we decide to go deeper, when we push past former limits and boundaries, everything else in our life either needs to grow with us or becomes something that we have to find a new way of relating to.
Growth isn’t always easy.
We often need time to adjust to it. The folks that we are closest to do too. Friday’s full moon punctuates the growth of your most important partnerships. How well folks support you in hard times is just as important as how well they support you through the good. Do your intimate others want you to be happy no matter what that might mean for them? Do they want you to fulfill your dreams or does it scare them if you get too close to doing so? How much room are you given? How much room do you give yourself?
This eclipse will most likely be an opportunity for big breakthroughs in your relationships. It will most likely bring you a reminder of how far you’ve come in your healing process around love and relationships. It will most likely be a reminder of the importance of developing your relationship with yourself as much as you develop your relationship with those you are closest to.
*Last Friday, Jupiter entered Libra. For an in depth look at Jupiter, Jupiter’s role in your personal birth chart as well as how to best use the influence of Jupiter’s year-long transit through Libra in your life please join me for Beauty, Balance & Bounty: Jupiter Enters Libra.
In some ways, right now is one of the best astrological set ups that you can have. You have the two most beneficial planets, Venus (for a short time) and Jupiter (for the next year) in your sign. These two act like a powerhouse of positive expansion and growth.
But this is no magic trick.
You have to be willing to put in the work to make things happen. Learning how to expand with the growth opportunities that are arriving requires a dedication to balance and compromise. The gift of these two planets being with you now is that they can help you to see your potential and manifest it.
This Friday’s eclipse highlights your health, work projects and daily grind. What you need to do every day in order to make the big picture a pretty and potent one in the end is what this full moon is helping you to grapple with. Pay attention to the healing that your body might be in need of. Make sure that you tend to your physical needs without judgement or too much hesitation.
The full moon also highlights the achievements that you have made in this area of your life and the importance of showing up for your work and responsibilities. What have you learned about yourself through developing your relationship to your work? What have you changed about the nature of how you conduct your business? What do you feel is changing or needs to change here? What do you feel compelled to create through your work? Pay special attention to the dreams, visions and intuitions that you have in regards to your work projects. This could be an especially potent time for getting downloads about what you need to be developing in your work so stay tuned into the information that is arriving.
*Last Friday, Jupiter entered Libra. For an in depth look at Jupiter, Jupiter’s role in your personal birth chart as well as how to best use the influence of Jupiter’s year-long transit through Libra in your life please join me for Beauty, Balance & Bounty: Jupiter Enters Libra.
Who broke your heart? Who opened you up? Who left their mark on you? What stirs your passion? What do you do when you feel vulnerable? What do you make with the messy heart you have been given?
What have you created over the last 6 months? What have you learned about love? What do you know about what your heart longs for? Who has recently taught you the most about how to heal your hurt? Who has taught you the most about how to love through your doubt? What have you learned about the healing that your body is in need of in order to be able to connect to others physically, emotionally and spiritually?
Thursday’s full moon finds its way into the part of your chart that deals with your passion projects, love affairs, creative ambitions and your self-expression. Its light might reveal the intensity of a love affair and the choices that are demanded of you. It might speak to the ways in which your creative projects are teaching you about the nature of your current healing path. It might speak to the importance of understanding the reproductive process that occurs within you, both physically and creatively. It’s an extra-sensitive situation that can open you up to channels of untold creative inspiration. It might make obvious the kind of relationship you need to build with those that can receive the things that you create. We all need an audience for our life’s act. Be willing to be vulnerable enough to risk putting your creations out into the world. Support yourself in both the healing and the revealing process needed to create your life as its own work of art.
*Last Friday, Jupiter entered Libra. For an in depth look at Jupiter, Jupiter’s role in your personal birth chart as well as how to best use the influence of Jupiter’s year-long transit through Libra in your life please join me for Beauty, Balance & Bounty: Jupiter Enters Libra.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Notice how much you have healed your relationship to home, family, parents, roots and foundation. Notice the efforts that you have made to make yourself a place that you can call home. Notice your need this weekend for a little rest and time spent enjoying your space.
What did you learn about being in relationship to your inner life as a child? Did you have role models? Did you know anyone who had a deep and unwavering connection to themselves? Can you spot that in the folks that you are with now? Can you identify the ways in which you are developing this deeper connection to yourself and the value of that connection?
Notice what gets in the way of you honoring this connection. Notice what deters you from following your intuition about things. Notice how the pain of your past informs your work in the present and even your visions for the future. Be curious about your reasons for doing the work that you do. What gets healed within you when you do it?
With so much going on in your social life right now, with so much coming to you through others and so much action in your career life and your role in the world, this week’s lunar eclipse reminds you of the importance of having a solid home base to reconnect to and a constant connection to your inner life as a way to stay on track and on point with all you do in the world.
*Last Friday, Jupiter entered Libra. For an in depth look at Jupiter, Jupiter’s role in your personal birth chart as well as how to best use the influence of Jupiter’s year-long transit through Libra in your life please join me for Beauty, Balance & Bounty: Jupiter Enters Libra.
This Friday’s eclipse pulls focus on your immediate environment. Your daily travel. Your weekly plans. Your routes to work. Your conversations with the mail person. Your relationship to your daily rituals and the healing that you can find within them.
What you do on the daily either deepens your connection to your life or distances you from it. Use this eclipse to cleanse yourself of any daily habits that erode the quality of your connection to what you find most important. Use this eclipse to deepen your commitment to the daily rituals that help you heal a little bit at a time. Take the time to have conversations with others. Don’t be too busy to connect. Practice listening deeply. Practice sharing honestly. Practice being a witness to your daily life. Notice what shows up for you when you show up for it.
This full moon might bring an important message to you. A piece of news you have been waiting for. An opening. It might signify the finishing of a piece of writing or a project that involves getting your message out into the world. Is there something from 6 months ago that is coming back around ready for completion, closure or a crescendo? Take note of the progress that you have made with all your communication projects.
If you want a simple way to honor this full moon, you might want to consider what you find to be the most sacred place in your neighborhood. Maybe it’s the library, the park, the temple, the coffee shop or the art store. Find time to venture there. Bring a gift, for the person, the space or the land that you receive support from. Bring a heartfelt offering. Bring yourself out on a little mindful adventure. Partake in the rituals that you find the most healing and nurturing in an everyday kind of way.
*Last Friday, Jupiter entered Libra. For an in depth look at Jupiter, Jupiter’s role in your personal birth chart as well as how to best use the influence of Jupiter’s year-long transit through Libra in your life please join me for Beauty, Balance & Bounty: Jupiter Enters Libra.
It might feel like a secret code that you can’t crack, a message written in invisible ink or a riddle whose answer keeps escaping you. It might feel like you can’t quite get to the bottom of this barrel, like you keep floating around unable to get to something that you can grab hold of.
If it feels like something about your finances, your ability to call in the cash or your hard work and efforts go unnoticed by the money gods, don’t worry. It’s just a lunar eclipse in your 2nd house of resources, livelihood and assets.
You might be in the process of letting go of a behavior or belief that keeps you tethered to a rather large wound around your worth. That kind of work takes time. So rather than decide that your bank account equals your worth as a human, consider the nature of the lessons that you are learning right now. Consider the healing that is happening around your oldest stories of being successful. Consider what you couldn’t do in this area of your life 6 months ago, but what you are able to do now.
For some of you, this eclipse will close down some financial plans while opening up others. Notice the ebb and flow here and try not to get too attached to any one situation. This is an emotional high-tide eclipse, but our financial life often needs more intuition and logic than sentimentality. See your work projects through the eyes of the future possibility that they have and then work backwards to the present moment to determine what the most appropriate steps to take are.
*Last Friday, Jupiter entered Libra. For an in depth look at Jupiter, Jupiter’s role in your personal birth chart as well as how to best use the influence of Jupiter’s year-long transit through Libra in your life please join me for Beauty, Balance & Bounty: Jupiter Enters Libra.
This Friday’s eclipse is in your sign. It’s highlighting all the efforts that you have made to grow, expand and open up to life’s opportunities in the past 6 months.
It’s not the first eclipse in your sign this year (there was one on March 8th), nor is it the last one in your sign (there will be another in February 2017). But it is an important one. One that highlights the kind of healing track you have been on in the last 6 months and will continue upon in the next 6. This healing occurs around the area of your identity. Who you have become. What you thought you would be at this point. How you manage the discrepancies and how you can celebrate the triumphs.
The fact that you have come this far is, no doubt, a miracle.
Looking back on what you have come through, over the arc of your life, is a testament to your dedication to growth and renewal. This full moon is an opportunity to appreciate all that you have come through and all that you have healed. And all that you are learning about the healing that you need now.
Especially in regards to your relationships.
September is a month that is ripe with growth opportunities for you through those that you are in relationship with. Whomever you are with will likely be opening you up to opportunities for growth. Pay special attention to the quality of your connections. How you relate to the relationship issues that arise is the most important part of your process right now. Relationships aren’t here to give us what we want, but they have an uncanny ability to give us what we need.
*Last Friday, Jupiter entered Libra. For an in depth look at Jupiter, Jupiter’s role in your personal birth chart as well as how to best use the influence of Jupiter’s year-long transit through Libra in your life please join me for Beauty, Balance & Bounty: Jupiter Enters Libra.