*Please note that I only write about the major aspects of the week Monday 21 September 2015
Wednesday, September 23rd
Venus in Leo trine Uranus in Aries
The most helpful, stimulating and exciting transit of the week. Specifically, Venus trine Uranus will give a significant creative boost to the area in our chart that contains Leo. Generally this kind of transit is helpful for taking risks in both creative projects and romantic affairs.
Autumnal Equinox/Sun enters Libra
The beginning of a new season. Here in the Northern Hemisphere this shift marks a movement within. Mystery. Darkness. This is only the beginning. The sun may still be warming but we can feel in our bones that there is a shift occurring, signaling a movement inwards.
Sun in Libra sextile Saturn in Sagittarius
This is a sweet and stabilizing influence that can help to ground us and steady our activity to a nice, productive pace.
Thursday, September 24th
Sun in Libra conjunct North Node
A foreshadowing of this Sunday’s eclipse. The nodes (south and north) are places where eclipses happen. During an eclipse, the light goes out, gets obscured or glows with a different hue. Light is life. Darkness is mystery. Light creates an environment where some of us feel more comfortable and at ease. Darkness can hide or mask opponents, monsters and all kinds of dangers, powers and potentials. In the dark, we need to rely on different talents than we do in the light. We need to rely on other senses. We need to tune into a different kind of wisdom. This week is asking us to all do so.
Mercury Retrograde in Libra square Pluto
There are squares galore this week. Mercury makes an important one to Pluto today and later in the week Mars squares Saturn. And then there is an eclipse. This isn’t astrology to be ignored. Mercury retrograde square Pluto helps us to understand subterranean motives. It can help to expose us to the underbelly of our unconscious. It can give us the fuel needed to understand our own drives, how to use our power and what happens when we don’t use it so well.
If necessary, go to therapy today.
Friday, September 25th
Mars enters Virgo
Mars is the ruler of this week’s eclipse in Aries. It’s significant that it changes sign just before the eclipse, giving the entire event an underlying theme of you better werk. Mars’s ingress into Virgo is also triggering memories of Venus’s station retrograde earlier this summer (July 25th) as this was the degree that she stationed retrograde on. This could produce a Freaky Friday double take or flashback to themes from late July.
Mars entering Virgo brings energy and drive to the part of our chart that contains this sign. There was just an eclipse in Virgo. Jupiter just moved into Virgo. The north node will soon be there too. Virgos of all kinds, you are getting particularly connected with a tremendous amount of energy that will stir an avalanche of activity. Do what you do best: prepare for all possibilities to the best of your ability. Because, tomorrow.
Pluto in Capricorn stations direct
Whenever a planet “changes direction,” especially on the week of an eclipse, it generally signals a shift and a change of movement in our lives. Pluto deals with power, resources and wealth that lies within. Pluto drives deep into the heart of the matter. It is extreme. It’s domineering. It’s not to be underestimated. Go to the source of your own power, directly, and in doing so you’ll inspire others to do the same.
Saturday, September 26th
Mars in Virgo square Saturn in Sagittarius
When these two get together it’s like a Battle of the Bads. When they get together via a square we can be sure that there will be strife in a certain part of our lives. This will work out worse for some folks than others but for all of us, beware of picking battles just because you can. No one wins these wars. Study conflict. Study your response to it. Be open to pausing, feeling and going deeper. Don’t take action if it’s fueled by fear. This could be an especially difficult moment for Virgo and Sagittarius. Thank gods it’s only a moment.
Sunday, September 27th
Full Moon (7:50 PM)/Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries
This is a powerhouse of an eclipse. It’s in Aries. It’s bold. It’s a breakthrough. It’s about you. Full post available by Thursday, September 24th.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read for inspiration. If you know your rising sign, please read it. If you don’t, read your sun sign. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both. Take what works for you, leave the rest. There is no right way to do this, it’s all just a friendly suggestion. If you find inspiration here and you want to share it you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for sharing the work, we greatly appreciate it!
Aries & Aries Rising
Devotion. Focus. Investment. Courage. Ingenuity. Creativity. With a lunar eclipse in your sign this Sunday these topics can quickly become major themes of great importance.
What are you devoted to right now? Is it time to pull focus and channel your energy into a certain aspect of your development? Are you investing in yourself? Do you see yourself as a wealth of raw energy that you are shaping into something? Are you dedicated to following what emerges out of your life? Are you consciously cultivating the courage to be able to do so?
Being able to blindly charge ahead can be a helpful and important tactic, but this week’s astrology calls for that kind of energy mixed with a sturdy plan that you can follow for the next couple of years. Are you willing to push your creative limits, test out new theories, invent, originate and leave the outdated in the compost heap?
We don’t need a new you. You don’t need to not be who you are. All that needs to happen is for you to willingly engage with the process of becoming more of who you are and less of what you never really were. We don’t have to reject our pasts. We don’t have to divorce ourselves from suffering. We don’t have to cut ties and run away from our humanity in order to be pretty and shiny enough to fit into the fold, but we do have to be willing to walk away from the situations, the relationships, and the partners that refuse to let us unfold. We have to be brave enough to stick it out with those who have what it takes to take the journey with us.
And then we have to be wise enough to know the difference.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
It’s good to know what lurks beneath the surface. It’s also good not to get overly fascinated with our own anguish.
It’s good to remember that we don’t know how our lives are conspiring to help us. It’s also good to have a plan for the worst case scenario.
This week may pull up some of your less known psychological material, especially as it pertains to possessiveness, FOMO and feeling unsure of how to match, combine and share your energy with another. This week might test your ability to work our issues around asserting yourself responsibly with those you work with. This week might have you yearning for some alone time.
Take it.
The best possible use of this astrology lies somewhere between locking yourself away to focus on and devote yourself to a project and taking a mini retreat and devoting yourself to whatever you feel you need the most.
Like understanding your reactions to those that get your back up.
People will be all kinds of disgraceful. They will upset us for reasons we feel are obvious and apparent, but quite often there is a deeper level to our upset. A key to unlocking some pain of the past. A connection to some wound we never had the permission to address. A part of our history that has been dispossessed.
Our greatest source of energy and power is often intertwined with our greatest suffering, sorrow and sadness. This week, thanks to Sunday’s eclipse, can help you to untie a psychic knot or two, unleashing long stored energy and potential. But you’ll have to do the untying yourself.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
Your ruling planet, Mercury, is retrograde. It’s making a mighty square to Pluto in Capricorn this week. It’s a David and Goliath type of moment. You’ll have to rely on your quick wit and fast feet. You’ll have to remember all kinds of tales about how to outsmart the bully, the demon, and the giant and put them to use. You’ll have to forgo head-on fighting tactics and find a loophole in the system that you can climb through.
But don’t let yourself off the hook. Deal with your feelings. Deal with the conflict. Just don’t get caught up in some dramatic deal or epic battle that derails all your plans.
Especially if it involves a collaboration with another. Sorting through relationship dynamics isn’t always simple and once we feel attacked or threatened they become exponentially more complicated. Get as simple as you can. Stay with your feelings. Stand back from finger pointing and blame.
This Sunday’s eclipse is occurring in your 11th house of friends, groups and how you collaborate and work with the crowd. It’s a wild week, full of topsy-turvy twists and turns and that’s all besides the eclipse. My suggestion for you is to spend it doing something with friends or community that focuses your energies towards a common good. This could be ritual. This could be organizing. This could be protesting. This could be dancing. It matters only that the event or activity is in line with your vision for what can be, what the potential of the group could be and what the possibility of people harnessing their power and investing in each other is to be.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
It’s not like your career channels haven’t been blown wide open in recent years. It’s not like you have been asleep on the job. It’s not like you haven’t had to have the hustle of a thousand players at any given moment. It’s not like it’s been quiet around here.
But this eclipse though.
Sunday’s lunar eclipse in Aries is full power pedal to the metal magic. It might be a bit much to digest all in one go, so chew slow. It might pull up every childhood issue that has ever impeded you from being able to believe in your dreams, so be prepared. It’s possibly destabilizing your deal and making you feel less than secure at the moment, so pack an extra blankie. It might also be teaching you how to focus your energy so that you get a tremendous amount of breakthroughs broken down. Wear your helmet and your knee pads.
It’s rearranging you at your base (and we all know how you like to scuttle home) and it’s creating extreme situations in your career that aim to bring you into the blinding light (your shell won’t shield you from this). You might feel a little more publicly exposed than you would volunteer to be. You might feel a little more pressure then you’d like to. You might feel like you can eat 20x the amount of ice cream that you can normally down.
Just chill.
This will settle down, but if you use it correctly, this eclipse can also propel you forward in ways that feel exciting and aligned with your creative aspirations. And that can last a lifetime.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.
Leo & Leo Rising
The beginning of the week starts out with a bang. Creatively you are connected to a surge of brilliance, a streak of genius, and a large amount of socially unacceptable energy.
Society has a hard time knowing what to do with ingenuity.
Especially if you are a brown kid in America that is a science genius and you go to school with a clock that you made. But I digress.
But not really. How we see the world doesn’t matter if the world sees us as a threat. All the self-help affirmations won’t make xenophobia disappear. The real work is to look critically at where we are, where we stand, how to best deconstruct what is inhumane both externally and internally and then to divest our energy from it.
This Sunday’s eclipse is highlighting what you believe in, what you are devoted to and how you might go about seeking the truth. Do so courageously and don’t let anyone else’s ignorance dissuade you from knowing the real real of your own resourcefulness.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
This week could remind you of or act as a part two to something that happened in mid-late July. This week could also be handing you ample amounts of hot-tempered house mates, family members in a pickle and inner raging infants to deal with.
You might find yourself needing to go a different route then your parents. You might find yourself up against issues your ancestors couldn’t work out. You might find that you are left holding the bag of hot mess that was passed down to you from generations long gone.
Have an exorcism.
You don’t need to hold onto to anything that isn’t yours and you have every right to go in the direction of your heart. Responsibly, that is. Especially as it pertains to your finances and those resources that you share with significant others. Sunday’s eclipse demands the truth about how you feel about who you are sharing resources with. The deals, if not fair, won’t last or help to bring about your best. Make sure that you are focusing on what is mutually beneficial.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.
Libra & Libra Rising
Do your relationships potentiate you? Do your partners bring out your best? Do you bring out theirs? Do opportunities multiply by the sheer fact of you being in the same room? Do you inspire the best in one another? Do you grow each other? Do you deepen one another?
Being lit up by someone isn’t just about wanting to ravage or be ravaged by them. Beyond physical intimacy, what kind of creative potency does the mixture make up? Beyond romantic partnerships, which of your business partnerships or potential ones have the promise of helping you and them break new ground?
This Sunday’s lunar eclipse isn’t slow. It isn’t meek, weak or feeble. It rushes in like a ram and refuses to stop. It might break things, shake things or take folks out of the running completely. It might test the fabric of your relationships (both personal and business) and it might reveal what a given relationship is and is not capable of. Your job is to believe the information that you receive. Your job is to believe people when they tell you who they are. Your job is to take the information and honestly ask yourself if this is a match made with your needs in mind as well as theirs.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Maybe it’s a situation between your money and your friends. Maybe it’s a situation where you feel like you owe someone something. Maybe it’s a set up so that you have a conflict between your ability to get somewhere and your need to do so for your work, but this week there’s an issue and it needs your problem solving prowess. And let me stress the prowess part. You might feel pinned down or backed into a corner in a social situation. You might need to be on alert or even on the defense, but that doesn’t mean that you need to be defensive. Seek ways to demonstrate dignity, grace and wisdom no matter what the situation.
There is also an issue with your health that you might need to focus on. Sunday’s lunar eclipse lands in your 6th house of any issues that might pertain to your body, issues that might impede you from participating fully, issues that might be asking for your attention because they’ve got something to tell you.
Don’t let the messages fall flat. Listen up.
Devote some time this weekend to giving yourself what you need. Put some of your hard earned cash into treating your body to the things it deserves. Go to the temple and get your healing on.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
If you’ve felt edgy, antsy, angst-y, flat or freaked out the past week or so, it’s all par for the course. What has been mostly hidden from view, and possibly from you, has just come to the fore. This could be related to your ways of dealing with inner demons. This could be your unconscious desires that are becoming conscious. This could be a latent need to get your life together that just woke up and bit you in the ass.
Whatever the situation, the solution is to bring it into form. Write your fears down (so you can see what little water they are capable of holding). Write your dreams down (so you can be inspired by them). Mold your daily life, step by step, day by day into one that you feel proud of calling your own.
And it’s ok to be daunted by the task. Just do what you can when you can.
Saturn just landed in your sign and will be there for the next two years. In some ways you might feel slowed down, but you could also see it as being grown up. In some ways you might feel the burden of rebirthing yourself, but you could also see it as the privilege of a lifetime. In some ways you might feel ready to take on a responsibility so large you later look in the mirror with a side eye that can only say, REALLY?
But you need a challenge right now, so you might as well pick the one you’d most like to meet.
Your decisions matter. Your movements have a purpose. Everything you wish to accomplish really just boils down to acknowledging, understanding and upholding your unique ways of moving through the world.
There will be ups and downs to this mission. Bumps, twists, turns, potholes and pit stops. Road blocks. But road blocks can also be guideposts. We can either believe that what doesn’t work out isn’t supposed to or that life sucks and the world is against us.
This Sunday’s eclipse highlights your impressive creativity, your stunning ingenuity and your formidable ways of finding solutions to even the gnarliest of conflicts, so don’t fear the fight. You’ve got too much swagger on your side to lose this tryst.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
No amount of braun, no stockpile of missiles, no cavalcade of army tanks or infantry of armed soldiers are a fair match for the battles that are waged in our unconscious. We fear outsiders, intruders, invaders and enemies. We fear what ifs, what will be and even what could never be. We build walls to keep out the unwanted. We get big dogs with big barks to scare away the needy. We heed sirens, we feed greed, we fret and fight and cry, when will it end?
But rarely are we brave enough to journey within and deal with what really ails us without in turn getting overly possessed with a fascination for our suffering.
You are charged with an interesting and especially important mission at the moment. You are being asked to be a bridge between worlds, the inner and outer. You’re being asked to straddle the active journey, paying attention to where you are going and the inner journey that is ignited because of it.
What I suggest you pay extra attention to this week are the overly aggressive responses you might have to what appears as a threat. What rallies your troops? What sounds your alarm? What bombs get set off and what meaning do you end up making of it all?
Be open to understanding who you perceive as your enemies, not by putting yourself in harms way, but by being investigative and interested in what you fear and why. Sunday’s eclipse is happening in your 4th house of foundations, your history, your parents, your home, and your inner life. This eclipse calls for courage, but also for inventive strategies that will help you outsmart your most ancient, imbedded and clever opponents.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Make this week be one for the books. There is enough pre-game angst floating about this week to fuel your screenplay, novel or zine. There is enough energy buzzing, thanks to Sunday’s eclipse, in your house of communications to have you filling a thousand diaries. Write them. Check out what you are thinking. Get a grip on what thoughts are dominating your days right now. If there are mental habits that back up not so helpful behaviors you can bet that you’ll keep on doing them.
Notice what you would like to stop doing. Interview that behavior. It will become less significant, less dominant, less overwhelming if you are willing to pursue the truth of it long-term.
When we challenge any structure of power, internally or externally, when we challenge any institution, pedagogy or propaganda, we dismantle it a little at a time. I highly suggest dipping into some divination this week. Read tea leaves, tarot cards, cloud formations and animal footprints. Take in what you are being given. Read your world. There are signs there. Signs of life. Signs of possibility. Signs that are important to take note of.
This week wants to give you a psychic chisel to help you chip away at the tapes that no longer need playing. Stop letting them play you.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
The Aries eclipse is challenging you to take what you are passionate about and make courageous strides towards it. It’s also supporting you to break out of old paradigms and believe that you can support yourself with it.
You’ve got to pay the bills. You’ve got to find a bank balance. You’ve got to get your finances in a feel-good kind of place but you’ve also got to put your passion out there. You can’t keep it a secret, not if you’d like to add it to the ways in which you support yourself. It’s time to put yourself out there and deal with any conflict that might come when others see the growth that you have undergone.
They might have some feelings about it. You might too. But that’s all part of the process. When we get bigger we have a tendency to push up against how small other people might feel. When we get bigger we also have the capacity to inspire others to grow into their own potential. Sometimes we are resented for it. Sometimes we are appreciated for it. It matters not the reaction that you get. It only matters that you keep moving in the direction of it.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.