Aries & Aries Rising As things clear between us I learn how to let go without giving up. I learn how to honor what is and honor what is not. I learn how to take responsibility without taking control. Sometimes the only wisdom that I have access to is letting go of my need to […]
Read OnThis week brings us to the heart of the matter as Mercury retrograde in Libra moves into a conjunction with the sun on Thursday, October 16th, signaling the deepest part of its journey. It’s the half way mark of the retrograde cycle and we are also in-between two eclipses. Potent times. Consumed by the […]
Read OnAries & Aries Rising No one wants you to be anyone but who you are and if they do they are not worth your efforts. There is always the choice to love those that don’t from afar, like afar-far. The only thing you need to do at this moment is love all of yourself. […]
Read OnWe are on our way to the first of two eclipses. The middle of this week is the mid-way mark to it as the moon makes its waxing square while in Capricorn from Tuesday-Thursday. There is no turning back now. Whatever personal mystery you have begun to unravel will continue its undoing, with or without […]
Read OnHere we go! The Autumnal Equinox is on Monday, September 22, 2014 at 7:29 PM PDT and the new moon in Libra occurs on Tuesday September 23, at 11:13 PM PDT. To find out more about what this might mean for you read this post, otherwise just be kind to yourselves and everyone else. Remember that […]
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