Weekly Astro Pro Tips: On Monday, February 9th, Venus the goddess of love and pleasure (still exalted in Pisces/energetically charged with great powers) will conjunct/merge energies with Chiron the wounded healer. These two can work together to flush out old wounds of addiction and denial by getting down to the pain around our original […]
Read OnWeekly Astro Pro Tips: February 2nd marks the cross-quarter day, Imbolc or Candlemas in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s a day that marks the moment that falls in between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. It’s a day that marks the ever growing return of the sun and the warmth to the earth. It’s a […]
Read OnTheme for the week: healing and feeling. Setting the tone on Tuesday, Venus will enter the creative, evasive, romantic and mystical waters of Pisces. Venus is exalted (protected by an angelic, golden light of luxurious love) here and desires nothing more than to take part in the making of a perfect love story. Venus […]
Read OnThe next two new moons will be in Aquarius. Venus is there now. The same with Mercury who’s about to station retrograde. All this action in the same sign gives the domain of your chart that contains Aquarius an urgent importance. It also gives the sign’s influences maximum strength. Aquarius is armed with the […]
Read OnMenu for the Week of January 12th Mercury conjunct Venus This is a super sweet concoction who’s flavors are sure to tempt you with romantic tidings and sweet nothings. It is served Aquarius-style though so don’t expect too grandiose a tone but if you like kinky kisses from wicked smarty-pants poets then this is […]
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