Weekly Astro Pro Tips: The Sun sextiles Neptune on Wednesday signifying a moment of creative concocting or delicious daydreaming. Mercury enters one of its own signs, Gemini, on Thursday. Mercury functions supremely well in this sign. It’s fast, witty, well spoken and insatiably curious. The winged messenger will oppose Saturn on Saturday/Sunday. This aspect is […]
Read OnWeekly Astro Pro Tips This week we build with the new moon in Aries that occurred on Saturday, April 18th. From now until May 4th (the next full moon) we can focus on taking small, courageous, meaningful steps forward. If you want some guidance setting out with the energies of this new moon, plus […]
Read OnWeekly Astro Pro Tips Tuesday 14 April 2015 Moon enters Pisces This is a dreamy, creative, poetic moon that is shedding its light to be renewed on Saturda when it conjuncts the sun. Honor it by making an interpretive dance out of your dreams, a thesis out of your fantasies and a mockery out […]
Read OnWeekly Astro Pro Tips: A rocking week greets us as we emerge from the last edition of eclipses. There is a great amount of potential to seize this week. There is no rest for the wild at heart. Eclipses can be times of deep undoing. A psychic knot comes untangled. A lifelong mystery gets […]
Read OnHere we go. Round two. Batter up. Bases loaded. Blood moon. Pink Moon. Egg moon. Fish Moon. Full moon. Libra moon. This Saturday, April 4th will bring us a total lunar eclipse at 5:00 AM PST with the full moon peaking at 5:05 AM PST. Eclipse seasons, such as this, act as portals of rapid […]
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