#AstroProTips This week starts off with a full moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday morning. Spend some of Monday night soaking up her swell. You can read all about this beauty’s significance here. On Friday Venus enters Leo. The fixed fire sign adds a warming glow to Venus’s get-up. Hearts ablaze and passions abound with […]
Read OnIt’s never useful to blame astrological events for our bad behavior. Hopefully astrology can help us to understand our behavior. Hopefully astrology can lend us a lens of compassion, understanding and clarity about why we do what we do when we do it. We are not victim to any aspect that will occur from […]
Read OnAstro cats, Warrior Queens, Kings of the Cosmos, Beautiful Babes and Unicorns of the Universe! I know you may be tired, weary and worn. I know that you may have been brought to the edge and have maybe even peered into the abyss. I know you want reprieve and restoration. But this is no […]
Read OnWeekly Astro Pro Tips: Monday 11 May 2015 Mars enters Gemini aka Them’s fightin’ words Mars, the aggressive, antagonistic martial artist enters the verbose vicissitudes of the mutable air sign, Gemini. Egging us onto make a mockery of civility, Mars in Gemini can lead us into many a verbal jousting match. Just make sure […]
Read OnWeekly Astro Pro-Tips Integrate. It’s one of the most important things that we can do on the days following a full moon. It’s hard to incorporate lessons when we are rushing through them. This past Sunday’s full moon deserves that kind of respect. Monday, May 4th Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow, meaning that in […]
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