#AstroProTips Thursday, May 25th Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn, both at 19° 12:44 PM – New Moon at 4° of Gemini Sunday, May 28th Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces, both at 14° Mars in Gemini opposes Saturn in Sagittarius, both at 25° Life is equally inspiring as it is painful. […]
Read On#AstroProTips Monday, May 15th Mercury enters Taurus Thursday, May 18th Saturn in Sagittarius trines Uranus in Aries Friday, May 19th Venus in Aries opposes Jupiter in Libra Saturday, May 20th Sun enters Gemini Mercury’s re-entry into Taurus on Monday will help to ground some of the energy of a week filled with lightning and […]
Read On#AstroProTips Tuesday, May 9th Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn, both at 19° Mercury conjunct Uranus at 25° of Aries North node enters Leo/South node enters Aquarius Wednesday, May 10th 2:42 PM PT Full moon at 20° of Scorpio Thursday, May 11th Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces, both at 13° Mercury in […]
Read On#AstroProTips Wednesday, May 3rd Mercury stations direct at 24° of Aries Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces This Wednesday, Mercury stations direct. Reappearing as morning star, Mercury momentarily moves incredibly slowly as it appears to change direction. When a planet moves slowly it tends to drive home a point. Taking a deliberate, dramatic […]
Read On#AstroProTips Monday, April 24th Mercury (retrograde) in Aries trine Saturn in Sagittarius, both at 27° Wednesday, April 26th 5:16 AM – New moon at 6° Taurus Friday, April 28th Venus enters Aries Mercury (retrograde) conjunct Uranus at 25° of Aries The week is a mixture of fire and earth. Grounding and inspiration. Stabilizations and activations. […]
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