These horoscopes for each sign are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
Tuesday, September 12th
Venus in Leo trine Saturn in Sagittarius, both at 21°
Wednesday, September 13th
Sun in Virgo square Saturn in Sagittarius, both at 21°
Friday, September 15th
Venus in Leo sextile Jupiter in Libra, both at 24°
Saturday, September 16th
Mercury conjunct Mars at 7° of Virgo
Sunday, September 17th
Venus in Leo trine Uranus in Aries, both at 27°
This week is a combination of glow up and grow up.
In part, it emphasizes the work that we must do. The work that comes from the drive deep within our soul. Work that is specific to us. Consequential in its effects. Crucial to our becoming.
As the sun, Mercury and Mars all travel through Virgo, the sign that aims for flawless and no less, they emphasize the importance of our efforts. The importance of developing our skills. The importance of being able to stay with what we are learning long enough to have it become a part of our toolkit.
After the intense activity, the upheavals and the dramatic events of the recent eclipses, Virgo season helps us to integrate, digest and make use of what occurred.
On Wednesday, the sun squares Saturn, asking us to do away with the structures that do not serve us. Virgo parses out the useful from the extraneous. Don’t be afraid to let the excess go. The sun’s square to Saturn is a difficult moment in the month, one that makes our burden momentarily heavier. One that might encourage us to put things down when they are too much to carry. One that says, yes there is work, but not all of it can get done in this moment. These transits teach patience and persistence.
Earth-sign specialties.
On Saturday, Mercury and Mars come together to form a conjunction in Virgo. Mars isn’t the sweetest influence on Mercury. It tends to communicate sentiments that can inflame hostile feelings. In Virgo, this is done by picking things apart. Being overly critical and exacting to the point of excruciating. Be careful not to tear to shreds what you’d rather have intact in the long run.
Woven in and around the hard work are very creatively inspired transits between Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus, all occurring as Venus crosses the north node and the August 21st eclipse point. Venus is the last planet (besides the moon) to cross over this point until the next round of eclipses occur. Occurring right before the next new moon, Venus wraps up the lunation cycle while crossing over the degree that has been so intensely activated for us. Here Venus encourages us to understand our relationships. It encourages us to think about how we are connecting to the world around us. It encourages us to use our creativity to do so in ingenious, inventive and inspired ways.
We are in most of the messes we are in because of disconnection; our disconnection from our impact on each other and the world. A good life is one that is connected to its surroundings through love. Sometimes to love means to hold another’s pain with them. Sometimes it means that we take to the streets in protest of all that is against love. Sometimes it means that we refuse to deny our part in the problems that stand in the way of love.
May this week inspire us to stay connected to ourselves, to the pain and to the love that we hold. To the beauty and the insecurity. To the light and the shadows. To the whole of us so that when we connect with one another we do so with as much authenticity, integrity and compassion as possible.
Creativity is wisdom. It’s intelligence. It’s an invaluable asset. Creativity grows stronger when we value it. Gets sturdier when we build with it. Grows more resilient as we believe in it. Your creativity has been demanding that you cultivate it. Work with it. Find new ways to solve old problems through it.
This week offers you creative insights galore. But this week also spells out to you the importance of what you do with them.
Creations can’t come to fruition with enthusiasm alone. They need effort. Skill development. Determination, persistence and patience. This week will tend to slow you down in order to teach you these lessons. Don’t be ruled by the frustration that can occur when facing obstacles. You’ll want to rush. Past the barriers. Past the discomfort. Past the process. But be careful you don’t rush past the depth that the lessons provide. These lessons are seeking to awaken your understanding of what your work is capable of. What your talent wants to be used to create. What wants to be manifested through you at the moment. Treat every moment spent working on these tasks as incredibly valuable. What is learned now has a tremendous impact on your ability to accomplish your dreams, little by little, one task at a time.
*The next new moon wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.
Labour with love, darlings. There is little point in doing it if you can’t put any heart into it. Especially when it comes to your creations. This week asks us all to make a great effort, for you that’s in regards to your creative projects. How you use your creative talent. How you channel your creative energy.
There are consequences to everything that we do, that’s why it’s so important to work on the things that are closest to our hearts. That way, when it’s time for the consequences to roll around, whatever they are, we are able to take them in stride. Take them and run with them. Take the information that the consequences give us and get back to the drawing board.
Same goes for your love relationships. This week reveals the kind of issues that get in the way of matters of the heart, but it also helps to provide solutions. When working through a difficult relationship pattern, go back to your origin stories. To the templates for relating that you were given as a wee-one. Doing so helps you to break through a paradigm that traps you into a certain way of relating. To yourself. To your creativity. To your loves. Doing so helps you to crack a code, liberate a conduit of creative energy, and reclaim a gift or an aspect of yourself. Take this week up on its offer and allow yourself the gift of doing something differently.
*The next new moon wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.
Sometimes it takes a spark of anger to get us to act. A little fury added to the mix to help us understand where we have been crossed. A little infusion of energy to help us understand that it is within our rights to take the actions we need to protect what we must.
For all the digging that Mercury retrograde made you do. For all the internal investigating that it had you prioritize. For all the days and all those weeks in which it had you reviewing your foundations, family relationships and home situations, the planets still aren’t entirely satisfied.
There’s something just under the surface that still needs to be uncovered. Witness. Recognized as truth. If a little aggravation helps you get there, so be it. Don’t sweat it. Just try not to unload it on an innocent bystander.
Once you get the message move with it.
Hand in hand with the intensity of the week are messages that bring great gifts, however. Encouragement. Affirmation. Opportunity. Your days are full of important connections and social interactions. Take the calls. Set up the meetings. Get to the gatherings that gather your energy and focus it towards all things you wish to grow in your life and in the world.
*The next new moon wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.
The part of your schedule that has gotten out of hand needs to be handled. Dealt with. Don’t let yourself be derailed. Each hour that you have is incredibly important. Each task completed should be celebrated. Each day spent doing what needs to be done is incredibly effective in regards to your long-term success.
And long-term pleasure.
The part of your day that brings you pleasure needs to be given attention. Praise. Importance. So that being productive can also be joyous. The parts of your work that connect you to yourself need to be encouraged. Given room to shine. Not only for your own enjoyment but also for the growth of your business.
Expansion is easiest when it involves a mixture of effort and ease. Effort spent getting something as perfect as possible. Ease in regards to it being the right fit for your talents.
The combination is a goldmine. This week wants to help you find it. Fill your pockets and your sense of purpose with it. Find enjoyment in all that you have accomplished and are accomplishing.
This week helps you understand how important boundaries are in your daily life, and how affirming it can be to work within them. Boundaries help us regenerate. Boundaries help us make manifest our dreams. Boundaries make all things possible within the material realm. The more you feel supported by the boundaries that you have, the more easy it will be to recognize all the ways in which they support and sustain your growth.
*The next new moon wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.
Because of all you were able to accomplish during the intensity of eclipse season, because of all that you worked hard at in regards to understanding yourself and your place in the world, you get bonus points this week.
And gold stars.
Put yourself out there. You are cosmically situated to be well received. Witnessed for your earnest work. Applauded for your raw potential. There are breakthroughs awaiting. Though mild in their effect, they are pleasantly helpful. Easily integrated. A joy to embrace.
Take up this week’s opportunity to put the more eccentric of your talents to good use. Have a good time doing so. Enjoy the natural expansion that is occurring in your life. Take pleasure in everything that is within your reach.
It will help the medicine go down.
Because this week also gives you a tough pill to swallow. It calls for your conscious awareness in regards to all matters of accounting. Numbers matter in this material realm. Make sure the ones in your safe add up. Pay attention to what is coming in and what is going out. Find balance in your check books and in your energy exchanges. In the deficits there are questions to answer. Be honest about what it is you are losing too much of so you can refill what is running dry.
*The next new moon wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.
You don’t have to get it right. You don’t have to do it perfectly. You don’t have to know all the answers.
But you have to try. You have to give it your all. Your best. Your brightest.
This week holds many tests. Situations that will help you to clarify your position. Situations that will clarify your position for you. Clarity is good, even if it comes through anger. Through struggle. Through effort. Take the kernels of truth that the week offers you and place them on your altar. Place them at the center. Place them in a place of importance. So that you don’t take your attention off of them. So that you aren’t tempted to brush them under the rug. So that you aren’t tempted to forget what you know.
Along with the challenges, the week brings you an inner calm. An inner knowing. A reminder that you are connected to all that is good. No matter what you struggle with. No matter what you need to take responsibility for. No matter what hard lessons life hands us, it can never diminish all the glory and the good that we are also attuned to. Remember both this week and you’ll have a lot more to bring to your problems, as well as your blessings.
*The next new moon wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.
No matter how hard we try, things pile up. It’s part of life’s rhythm. We gather. We sort. We let go of the excess. This week helps you to get clear on how important the release of the excess is.
No matter who we are, we get grumpy when the weight of our burdens becomes too excessive. We need time to lay them down. We need clarity around which ones are becoming too much of a burden. We need to feel like we have the right to name what is difficult.
Give yourself that kind of permission.
When in doubt rely on friends, colleagues and co-conspirators for insight. They will help you sort through the difficulties that you are facing. They will offer you the creative inspiration that you need to address an issue. There is encouragement and abundance to be received from those that you’re working alongside. Don’t miss out on the good fortune by being overly isolated.
Keep flushing out plans for the future with those that can help you connect to the resources that you need. Keep protecting all that still lives within the creative incubators of your mind. There is much magic to be made in groups and much work to be done in private. Balance time spent with both areas of your life.
*The next new moon wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.
This week brings you important insights into the nature of your work. It gives you permission to play. To experiment. To reinvent. This week wants to help you to explore your options. Explore your working partnerships. Explore your ability to work through old issues with a renewed faith in the process.
This week also brings important conversations with friends, community members and colleagues. Conversations that can be a little prickly. A little intense. A little loaded in their content.
Take time to unpack the meanings. Some things need time to be understood. Some emotional reactions need time to heal before they can be addressed. Sometimes it’s best to address things in the moment so they won’t fester.
Trust that you’ll know which you need to do when the time comes.
In general this is an incredibly powerful time for your community interactions. Take the good from what you have been gathering. Take advice from the lived experience of loved ones. Consider their take on what might be possible for you into consideration when it feels resonant. Often those that love us can see past the limitations we put on ourselves. Trust the insight that others have for you, when you can’t quite have it for yourself.
*The next new moon wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
This week makes clear the professional tasks that are yours to take up. The importance, the urgency, the impeccable effort that you are required to bring to them.
The planets aren’t interested in your readiness, however. They bring the work whether you have rested for it or not. Take care of yourself. Take extra love in your lunchbox. Take extra kisses in your coffee and tenderness in your tea.
This week helps you to define a part of your professional life. It encourages you to be as clear and concise as possible. It encourages you to be as committed to your long-term goals as you are to immediate solutions. It encourages you to state your opinions.
Make sure that when you do, you can back it up with action. Sincerity. Conviction.
Remember to work towards solutions for all instead of working towards getting your way. Remember that an obstacle isn’t a rejection, it’s just an opportunity to find a different solution. Remember that the key to this week is your ability to map out the next significant leg of your journey. This week is incredibly supportive in this regard so stay open to help, opportunities and encouragement that can make your dreams a reality.
*The next new moon wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.
This week pay special attention to the shape that your future plans are taking. Keep integrating the lessons of the last month into the plans that you are making for the rest of the year.
Use the tension and the setbacks of this week to see the importance of going for what you want and need. Struggle is an essential aspect of life, so we you may as well struggle towards something worth the effort. Something that is worth your energy. Something that is worth your precious time.
This week might make you pause. It might make you wonder if you are going the right way. It might make you reevaluate the routes that you are taking. These momentary questions are good for your journey. If a route is worth the effort, a few hesitations will only help to clarify that.
This week assistance and validation come through your collaborations. Something creatively charming, invigorating and growth-enhancing happens through your partnerships. The partnerships that value your efforts and know how to mutually invest time and talent with you bring good fortune. Take note of the hard work that you have put into this area of life over the past month and open up to receive its blessings.
*The next new moon wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.
Love lifts. Makes better. Makes brighter. Makes all the more worthwhile.
This week loves you up. It smoothes over what has felt fractured. It helps to make sense out of what has been difficult to understand. It creates some incredibly important opportunities for you to heal something that has been hurt.
Take time to let these lessons sink in.
They will help you to address the other work that is still underway. They will help you to address the conversations that you’ll have to have around shared resources, collaborative projects and what is fair in these areas of life.
Get clear on these issues. Pick apart what you need to. Let yourself know all the details so that you don’t distort your own truth. Be brutally honest with yourself so that when you are faced with having a conversation with someone else, you aren’t expecting them to witness anything for you and you come ready to solve the problem.
*The next new moon wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.
Having difficult conversations with those closest to you is always a little risky. It’s always a little dicey. It requires you to have faith in the process. Faith in your ability to speak from a place of sincerity. Faith in the ability of your partners to do the same. Faith in the strength and sturdiness of your relationship to be able to see you both through.
The relationships that can’t hold these struggles can’t hold the hearts that are in them.
Give your best efforts to the ones that are worthy of your efforts. The ones that are responsive to your honesty. The ones that honor your clarity and are willing to be redefined by the truth of the situation.
Relationships should change us but they should also be changed by us. This week take note of those that can do both.
Interwoven through these lessons are great triumphs and successes in your work life and your schedule. Choose the routines that bring you joy. Choose to give extra energy to the work projects that help you feel expansive. Choose to luxuriate in the parts of your work that help you feel creatively connected and supported.
*The next new moon wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.