Monday, June 26th
Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces, both at 14°
Tuesday, June 27th
Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Libra, both at 13°
Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces, both at 14°
Wednesday, June 28th
Mercury conjunct Mars at 15° of Cancer
Thursday, June 29th
Mercury in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn, both at 18°
Sunday, July 2nd
Mars in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn, both at 18°
Care is our greatest currency. When we invest in caring for ourselves, each other, and the world around us, the returns are invaluable. When we do not, the devaluation of life crashes our systems. It corrupts our options. The sorrow it creates causes a tsunami of devastation.
When a society chooses protections for some, while denying dignity for all, we have forsaken the soul of the world. We search high and low for answers to the riddle of being human and happy but the answer is always the simplest one: We want to feel connected. Loved. Known.
To dehumanize anyone, or to experience being dehumanized, is to inject the veins of humanity with the virus of division. The fluids that run through us are the same. We all originate from the same ocean, source waters, and womb. This is the message of Cancer Season.
As a water sign, Cancer focuses on connectivity. What is moist becomes permeable and able to join with another. This week’s astrology will highlight all that inhibits us from our ability to bond. It will point out the ways in which we need more emotional clarity. It will make obvious the emotional issues we need to get in touch with.
With Mercury and Mars forming a conjunction, words can become weapons. Delivering low-blows to the emotional body, Mercury and Mars in Cancer can help us to tease out the ways in which we tend to get emotionally manipulated. As Mars heats the waters that it shares with Mercury, this combination encourages us to outwardly express what has inwardly impacted us. A process that can often feel like momentary relief, until we understand the energetic aftermath that follows. Try to weigh in with those whose opinions you trust before you get swept away by the undertow of your own outburst.
As the conjunction loosens, both Mercury and Mars will oppose Pluto. Pluto is a planet that signals long-lasting changes through intense transformations. It will be asking us to take a deep sea dive to explore the shipwrecks of our past. Within the wreckage there are hidden treasures and unknown chambers filled with the information that we’ll need to steer us towards our true north.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
Aries & Aries Rising
It takes an incredible patience to raise ourselves. An extraordinary perseverance to try and parent what is still developing within us. An everlasting commitment to understanding the underbelly of our inner beast.
We are complicated creatures.
These next few weeks are filled with many an opportunity to get to know yourself on a deeper level. These next few weeks invite you to understand the nature of your earliest nurturing so that you can fill up on any nourishment you missed out on. These next few weeks poke, in sometimes not so pleasant ways, the wounds of your past. This prodding is not meant as a punishment but as a way to awaken something in you.
A buried sensitivity. A forgotten ability. A talent tucked underneath a fear.
When we get hurt, our natural reaction is to close an aspect of ourselves so that it is no longer vulnerable to harm. This week asks you what it would be like to reopen the places from which you may have withdrawn access. Do this with extreme care and respect for your process, while still understanding that some of the discomfort encountered is the growing pain appropriate for you in this moment.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
Those that we are closest to, those that get us through the day to day, those that fill our calendar with interesting events that make the drudgery of life worth wading through, are also those that we will work out our more difficult issues with.
We are never very far from the emotional antics we survived in the schoolyards of our youth. But once we are grown, we have the agency to develop new responses to old hurts. The magic is in our ability to conjure within ourselves the kind of personal integrity it takes to manage disappointments, disagreements and discoveries that we make in regards to the sometimes glaring disparity between our expectations and our realities.
This week is asking you to face and frame the content that comes up with friends, siblings and/or extended family. The facing is just as important as the framing. Knowing who we are dealing with is a part of the equation. Knowing what you can, in reality, expect from that person is another part. Knowing how you feel about the situation and how you want to handle it given all the information gathered is another.
This week challenges you to have the difficult conversations that will help to define another aspect of your self to yourself.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
This week highlights the tendency you have to let your well run dry. It points to the ways in which you might boil away your profits by over heating under stress or strain. It exposes how important it is to be incredibly clear about how you deal with your debts.
Shame, when left to fester inside us, tends to discredit our reputation with ourselves. This week the astrology is actively challenging you to work through the feelings and beliefs that get in the way of your ability to organize your resources. Honestly. Intelligently. Realistically but optimistically. Any course corrections that need to be made can be, but it takes effort to turn ships around. Let this week’s intensity inspire you to be more proactive when it comes to your resources. Ask for help from those that understand your situation and can lend assistance. Ask for support from those who really should be contributing more. Ask yourself if you are distributing what you have in ways that help you to feel more abundant or more resentful.
You are your greatest resource. Take care of yourself and what you’ve got to give.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
You might be feeling unusually angsty. Uncommonly fired up. Uncomfortably heated.
You might be feeling a new resolve to get your needs met. A refreshed sense of what is possible for you. A knowing that you need to be able to conquer your fears of being abandoned in order for you to experience self-respect.
You might be feeling the awakening of deep desires that you need to fulfill through partnership. An awakening that occurs when paired with someone that can match your strength. An awakening that follows the realization that you are in a union safe enough to hold your softness and challenge your defenses.
You are the master of defense. But your hard exterior is bound to be broken through by the piercing plays of this week’s astrology. Arrows fly from the outside in, and also the inside out. You aren’t blameless, guiltless or without your role in how things go down. There is a fine line between protecting ourselves from the hostility of the world around us and removing ourselves prematurely from the experiences that will encourage our growth. Make sure that you hang out with the pressure that is being applied long enough to get the benefits of it.
Leo & Leo Rising
This week’s astrology digs into the depths of the emotional baggage you forgot you had. Like the discovery of a suitcase you had no idea was in the garage, this week presents you with some unpacking to do. You might be tempted to leave it for another time but, if you do, the humidity of the season will create the perfect conditions for mold to take hold and even more mess to sort through later.
Since this luggage has within it information about the ways in which you can become your own worst enemy, it’s better to unbox it. Better to be familiar with it. Better to understand it. But do so with care.
Let yourself have sufficient time to unfold the contents. Let yourself adjust to the artifacts as you stumble upon them. Let yourself remember all that has healed in you as you review certain aspects of your past. Let yourself be strongly anchored in the present, remembering your resiliency, your adaptability and your ability to incorporate information about yourself in responsible and productive ways. We all have survival strategies that we might not be proud of, but understanding them with compassion can help us to find more suitable ways to cope.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
How you feel about your contributions to the group depends on your ability to show up as you are. You won’t be able to impress everyone if you do so, but you will be able to make your mark in ways that are unforgettable. Authentic. Undeniably true to you.
Why would you want to be known for anything less?
This week your honesty might have some people in their feelings, though. This week might turn a ripple into a wave between you and someone in your community. This week might have you reassessing what you want to be a part of and whom you might need to part with.
It’s a good time to observe what poisons the wells that water your groups and associations. It’s a good time to get familiar with appropriate filtration systems that can help to keep you and your folks healthy and hydrated. It’s a good time to understand which wells you should go to and which you should avoid.
Not every source needs to be one that you rely on, just like you don’t need to be the source for everybody’s anything. Being true to yourself will make what you need and where to go for it all the more obvious.
Libra & Libra Rising
A career well-executed is one that far exceeds our own experience of it. It is a well dug deep enough to tap into source water that won’t run dry. An ocean of plenty. A stream of consciousness-raising tenets.
A career is a mysterious relationship to cultivate. It speaks in languages that we must learn, has needs that we must figure out how to meet, and develops into its own being if we have raised it right.
A career is something we must learn to trust and as well as to shape.
Your career is currently going through growing pains that will bring it into its next form. What it needs from you will change from moment to moment. What it needs is for you to know the difference between forcing a situation and curating the right conditions for it to flourish. What it needs is for you to fight for some things while being able to let go of others.
Be honest about what you can do at the moment and what would push you into the deep end. If your best ideas can’t stay afloat then you need to work in ways that increase your buoyancy while helping you to stay anchored to your commitment to your career.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
What gets in the way of your ability to have faith in your process? What gets you off track? What gets you doubting your ability to find ways to cross the waters that run through your path?
This week will flood us all with feelings. Your emotions might overcome your ability to intellectually navigate through the choppy waters of the moment. You might need to sit down and experience the cleansing properties of a potent cry. A ritual bath. A skinny dip to wash away the residue that builds up when you are out on the open road of life.
We all need a moment to cleanse our minds so that we can separate our beliefs from the noxious fumes that the world around us emits. This week points to the ways in which you may have tricked yourself into thinking that you don’t have what it takes to make this voyage. This week encourages you to articulate the situations that you face, putting them into perspective, and cutting them down to size. Remember to break down what you can.
You don’t have to figure out the entire journey or how you’ll make it. You just have to understand how you relate to the struggles you encounter while on it.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
This is a week that reveals the intensity of being all in. Sometimes we have to risk what we’ve got in order to gain the confidence of the partners we want to collaborate with. We can’t keep everything to ourselves and expect the world to open up to us.
That said, sometimes we make the mistake of giving away what we really could have kept for ourselves. This week your job is to understand which position you are in.
If you’re taking the plunge, make sure that you won’t resent the payments expected once the bills wash ashore. Remember that you aren’t supposed to give everything you’ve got if that means that you’ll have nothing left for yourself. While we all know that you are capable of giving out a tremendous amount, you still need to replenish what you’ve spent.
As the week rolls out you’ll become increasingly aware of the balance that you need to offer yourself. You can’t stay connected to others if you let yourself dry out. What is left unwatered turns to dust and too easily blows away as soon as the winds pick up. Make sure that you stay hydrated, fueled and filled with the libations that keep you energetically lubricated.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
This might be a time when your partners are being put through it. It could be a time when your partners are putting you through it. It is more than likely a time when you are putting you both through it.
However the astrology manifests, it’s bound to bring up the relationship dynamics that most need to be dealt with. Whomever you are closest to will help you understand what that means for you.
Think of this as a moment of great cleansing, releasing and reclaiming your intentions for the unions that you are in. A time to realign yourself with your agreements. A time to reassess your commitments. A time to rehydrate the soil of your mutual situation.
Don’t let your crops dry out.
Let yourself feel. Let yourself stay with the feelings until you can name them. Then let yourself figure out if there is anything to do with them. Usually there isn’t. Usually all we need to do is understand what is going on and express that awareness to those we can confide in. However, so often we feel something and immediately stuff it down, missing out on the opportunity to explore the information that is visiting us. Because that is all feelings are, information necessary to us in the moment.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
This week the weight of the water you are collecting is demanding. Make sure that the goods you are transporting are worth the energy it takes for them to get from point A to point B. Don’t waist your precious energy trying to complete tasks that aren’t a priority.
Get your ducks in a row.
They’ll be hard to herd. They’ll swim off in various directions. They’ll cause, at the very least, some irritation. And more than likely some aggravation. But they’ll teach you about the process of being patient. We can’t always make our work do what we want it to, but we can get in its stream and try to understand its flow.
The tides of your work-life are changing. The tempo of the waves are transforming. The ways in which you need to approach the organizational aspects of your job are being re-organized, even if it feels a little overwhelming and a little hard to manage at the moment. Trust your instincts. Trust your intuition. Trust the fact that the situation has to be felt out as you do the work in front of you.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
This week’s astrology is a passionate plea. A forthright appeal. A demand from on high to answer the call of your creativity.
Use it as an outlet. A way to channel your frustrations. Fears. Feelings. A way to make contact with the parts of yourself that you might not fully understand, know well or have a relationship with yet. Creating anything is a way of re-creating ourselves. An attempt to catch a reflection of our potential. A way of trying to contextualize our pain. Our losses. Our loneliness.
This is a time for you to understand something new about the way in which you express yourself. Without judgement. Without condemnation. Without worrying about what it will look like to others. This is a time for you to understand what sets you apart. What draws others to you. What makes others thirsty for your libations. This is a time to help transform any shame you’ve harbored about the way in which you appear in human form so that you can more fully embrace the boundlessness of your spirit. Let it flow more freely. Washing out the sediment that weighs you down, muddying your true colors and misrepresenting your beauty.