Monday, July 31st
Venus enters Cancer
Wednesday, August 2nd
Uranus stations retrograde at 28° of Aries
Friday, August 4th
Jupiter in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn
We all have ideals. Lofty goals. Dreams of peace and prosperity for all. Most of us want everyone to get along. Have a chance. Be happy and free.
But ideas aren’t enough for the world. The world is dirty. Dangerous. Devious. In order for our ideals to stand a chance of becoming our lived experience they have to be structurally sturdy enough to meet the challenges that are sure to come their way.
This week, Jupiter in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn. These two have been squaring each other off and on since November 2016, and this will be their 3rd and final square. Jupiter in Libra is all about abundance, harmony and inspiration. Pluto in Capricorn is all about structural power and the deep psychological processes, struggle and effort that long-lasting change requires. These two have been testing our dedication to the justice we say we want. Revealing the nature of the beast we must slay if we are ever to have a hope in hell of creating it. Clarifying our need to deepen our knowledge as well as expand it.
Jupiter is the thunder that lights up the sky. Pluto is the composting process of the earth. When these two meet we must balance the upper and lower realms of ourself, our life, and our world.
This isn’t the only important astrological event of the week. On Monday, Venus moves into the family-oriented sign of Cancer. Venus will be transiting the emotionally astute waters of Cancer from July 31st – August 25th. Venus in Cancer promotes long-lasting connections. Care for our unions. Food for our loves. It reminds us that we need to come to our relationships with something to give to them as well as the willingness to receive something from them. Venus in Cancer reminds us that healing takes connection – both to soothe the injury left by isolation, and to be challenged to grow in ways we wouldn’t on our own. Venus in Cancer reminds us that we can always rebuild family structures that are better suited to support us, if those that we are blood related to can’t.
Creating family is an ever-unfolding process.
On Wednesday, Uranus in Aries stations retrograde, causing many a disruption. Upheaval. Uprising. Uranus is asking us to review innovative ways to use our creative energy. Uranus in Aries can be the radical individual that doesn’t give a damn about anyone or anything save its own “freedom”. Even if that means the oppression of others. We can’t fall for the theatrical tricks of Leo season. The wild fires this astrology can set in motion need to be contained. Heat causes dryness, cracks, separation. Use Venus in Cancer to help you find the love and cohesion needed. Let it soak into you, creating bonds instead of only breaks. Let it soothe the sunburns, cool the system and remind us that there is no going forward unless the whole family comes with us.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
Aries & Aries Rising
We need channels for our anger. Energy. Excitement. We need channels for our ideas. Insights. Breakthroughs. We need channels for our irritability. Our itches. Our edginess. Otherwise the energy runs amok. Breaks things that we need. Sets fire to what keeps us covered. Deconstructs what deepens our relationship to life.
Don’t let the irritability or excitement of this moment dismantle what you need to have in place. Don’t let Uranus’s retrograde trick you into thinking you have to start from scratch. Don’t let yourself be derailed by drama.
But do what you need to refresh your system.
Give yourself the gift of getting things off your chest. Give yourself permission to remake your space. Give yourself a place to come home to.
As Venus enters Cancer this week, your home needs you just as much as you need it. Think of this as an important relationship to tend to over the coming weeks. Seek out sources of family. Folk that you feel related to. Those that relate to you. Foster versions of belonging that fit your needs. Remind yourself of the importance of cultivating family as an act of love and resistance.
With Jupiter’s 3rd and final square to Pluto taking place in your 7th house of committed partnerships, reflect on the efforts that you and your partners have made to make your relationship an affirmation for you both. Those that didn’t have the space to grow with you have most likely been uprooted from your life. Till your soil. Use the space as breathing room. Use the space to imagine new possibilities for partners to come.
*COURSE STARTS MONDAY: Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
Connect to what is close. Build bonds of loving kindness through your daily life. Be present to the moments that move you.
Pause when possible.
So that you can soak up the season. So that you can benefit from the medicine of the moment. So that you can take care of yourself in ways that you are usually too rushed to. Venus’s transit through Cancer is making you more permeable, more sensitive, more in touch with your daily needs. It wants to help you in all of your communications. It wants to help you smooth out the wrinkles in your calendar. It wants to help you find pleasure in the everyday.
This will be helpful as Uranus stations retrograde. As the planet of chaos rummages around in the back rooms of your 12th house, it is likely to uncover old memories, old feelings and old patterns of self-undoing. Uranus wants to help you liberate yourself from any unconscious shame that is hiding out. When held on to for too long, shame scams us. Robs us of our joy. Has us repeating old and painful cycles.
Bumping into folks from your past, returning to scenes or scenarios, or finding a forgotten love letter might help to jostle you awake to what you need to heal. And to the growth that has already occurred within you. Trust what is leaving. What is being shaken up. What is being set free. What paths are being cleared within you. Setting up for success is as important as welcoming it in once it gets here.
Jupiter’s last square to Pluto helps you to see the progress that you have made in regards to your work-life and your health. Cutting out what is toxic from your daily intake is imperative. Fill yourself up on inspiration but make sure that it includes in-depth explorations. Anything that emphasizes only light and love can’t have the depth and complexity that you need for optimal health or productivity. Deepen your relationship to your body. Deepen your relationship to those that help you get your jobs done. Deepen your respect for your labour and all it makes possible in your life.
*COURSE STARTS MONDAY: Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
Venus’s month-long transit through Cancer wants to teach you how to love your resources. Care for your unique kind of currency. Build a relationship to your talents. Venus wants to help you get into a financial flow. One that feels supportive. One that feels buoyant. One that feels like it can float your boat. Take advantage of this moment by learning how to be a better caretaker of your financial life.
Consider ways in which you are healing the wounds of unworthiness. The wounds that get in the way of asking for fair compensation for your efforts. Compensation is an exchange of energy. Equally important for the giver and receiver. It teaches us how to be generous, fair and honoring of what we have to trade.
Uranus’s station retrograde reveals social contracts that don’t necessarily sit well with you at this point in your life. It may ignite your impulse to buck a system. It may have you relaying messages that send shock waves through a friendship or group of folks. It might act like a lightening rod, illuminating the hopes and dreams you need to review. Helping you to redefine, in very important ways, the places that you need to be putting your energy into.
Jupiter’s last square to Pluto has you playing with the possibilities of what your creativity is capable of. You can’t create everything at once, however. Deepen your relationship to the most important creative projects on your plate. The ones that have been consistently calling your attention towards them this year. Being specific, going in-depth, and being on purpose will garner you the most thoroughly satisfying results when it comes to your creative projects.
*COURSE STARTS MONDAY: Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
Keep yourself covered in the prayers and well-wishes of your loved ones. Put them on each morning alongside your outfit for the day. Put them in the forefront of your mind alongside all that you have to get done. Put them at the center of your days as an altar to return to when needed. Let no amount of love sent your way go to waste. Let none be forgotten. Let none be distorted. Every bit is a protection that you can call in at any time. At all times. Many times throughout the day.
Venus moving through your sign for the next month wants to punctuate this message. It wants to help you to witness all the ways in which love comes to you. It wants you to remember the importance of letting others care for you. It wants you to experience the affirmation of having your needs witnessed.
Let your loves love you.
You might need some soothing as your career gets chaotic. This week’s Uranus station retrograde is bound to create some fireworks. Some unexpected opportunities. Some unpredictable creative energy. Some disruptive events that may momentarily derail you.
Use this energy by entertaining new options and avenues for your energy to professionally express itself. Review your career path thus far to see what changes have helped your overall growth. Keep true to your calling and your way of going about living into it. Shock them with your authenticity.
As the square between Jupiter and Pluto comes to a close, take note of the ways in which you have been able to heal your relationship to your past. We cannot change what has happened to us. We cannot make incapable family capable. We cannot waste our energy trying to get blood from a stone if we want to accomplish anything else in life. Lay down the disappointment of what wasn’t and pick up the beauty of what is currently in your life.
*COURSE STARTS MONDAY: Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.
Leo & Leo Rising
Venus’s month-long transit through your 12th house will help you to heal something from the inside out. Make peace with the parts of life that usually feel burdensome. Remind yourself that your entire life is an affirmation. Of all that you have struggled through. Of all that you have healed. Of all that you are working on healing.
Uranus’s station retrograde has you reviewing the journey you’ve been on thus far. And the journey up ahead. Some revisions to your long-term strategy need to be made in order for you to get to where you want to go. Be brutally honest about what you’ll need to get there so you can have the right supplies for the journey.
Jupiter’s square to Pluto reminds you of all the ways in which your schedule has grown. Exploded. Possibly overwhelmed your long-term goals. Help yourself by cutting out what you cannot do at the moment. Help yourself by refusing to overcommit. Help yourself by doing the things that will bring you joy in the midst of all the expansion. Remember that during eclipse season it’s important to slow down. Next week’s eclipse will focus heavily on relationship issues, so be mindful of what your partnerships need from you and what you need from them. Make sure that you are moving at a pace that places you within range of their messages so that you can receive the love and the love lessons that are sure to come your way.
*COURSE STARTS MONDAY: Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
Venus’s month-long transit through Cancer wants to help you experience some levity. It wants to help you experience more connectedness in your community. It wants to help you heal any fractures that may have separated you from the social spaces that you love to be in.
Eclipse season is no joke. Especially for you. Next Monday’s eclipse is punctuating the importance of being timely with your work projects and demands. It’s asking you to make a mighty effort. It’s asking you to let go of any expectations that you might have around what your efforts might bring you. It’s asking you to show up, do the work to the best of your ability and trust that you’ve done what you could at the moment.
Possibility comes to greet you when you do.
As Jupiter makes its last square to Pluto, it helps to remind you of the financial benefits that befall you when you are able to focus your creative energy. Not every avenue is for you. Not every work opportunity will be right for you. Not every situation is a good match for your talents at this time. Knowing which are is part of the magical brew that can bring about success. We can’t be all things to all people, but we can be the right combination of authentic and accessible to those that we most want to support, grow alongside and create future possibilities with and for.
*COURSE STARTS MONDAY: Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.
Libra & Libra Rising
This week Venus begins a month long transit through the part of your chart that speaks of your career and reputation. This transit is trying to connect you to the sources of nourishment that you need in order to get the job done. It’s trying to connect you to the people that want to support your situation. It’s trying to remind you of the healing power of being in alignment with your purpose, passion and creative energy.
Let your work in the world heal you. Let healing be your work in the world.
Uranus’s station retrograde reminds you of your need to reinvent an aspect of your most important relationships. Or your need to review the ways in which you are going about relating to others. Living in paradigms that tell us that we need certain kinds of relationships and that we need to want certain types of commitments can be incredibly wearing. Pay attention to the ways in which your relationships want to be released from stifling norms so that they can reveal the unique beauty that they behold. Work on building the kind of relationship structures that can hold expansive possibilities for all parties involved.
You are still expanding.
The extensive growth that you have undergone this year is cause for a pause. As Jupiter squares Pluto this month, it’s asking you to focus on a specific aspect of your growth. To deepen an aspect of your relationship with yourself. Be careful of feeling like you have to attend to every opportunity that comes your way. The only thing that you absolutely have to do, is you. Take a moment to get still enough to hear your own voice so that you can follow its instructions and advice.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Venus’s month long transit through Cancer helps you to connect with what matters most to you. Take trips to the temples that help you connect to gratitude. Seek out the sources of healing that help keep you in the right frame of mind. Make a date with yourself to map out next steps. Be in relationship with the strategies that break down your big goals into manageable tasks. Working on the big picture while thinking in increments can be incredibly empowering.
Seek out folks that expand your understanding of what it means to live well. Hang out with those that know how to care for and about life. Travel to those that remind you of the things that mean the most to you. Let your affections guide you. Move towards what you want more of. Feast on what fills you up without leaving you bloated, unanchored or without love.
As Uranus stations retrograde, it will ask you to review some things about your work and health. Refill your prescriptions. Rearrange your to-do lists so that the ranking is on par with your priorities. Refurbish the tools that you have at your disposal. Learn how to use what you have access to in new and inventive ways. It will save you resources and energy.
As Jupiter squares Pluto for the last time, it helps you to focus your energy on what is most important to your overall well-being. Refuel your tank. Remember to put in what you have given out. We can be of greater service to the world when our self care is balanced with our care for our community.
*COURSE STARTS MONDAY: Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Venus’s month-long transit speaks to an important time for your collaborations. It offers you healing opportunities. Through understanding the value of what you bring to the table. Through working with those that care about the relationship that they are in with you. Through joining forces with those that are the best fit for your resources.
This is an incredibly creative time for you. One that has you firing on all cylinders. Creatively. Energetically. Physically. As Uranus stations retrograde it wants you to review the ways in which you use the incredible force of creativity that is being channeled through you. Where does it get wasted? Where does it get too chaotic to be useful? Who has a problem with its power when you unleash it?
Your creativity is revolutionary. It is wanting to break free from tradition. Break the rules. Be rowdy. Meanwhile, Jupiter square Pluto is asking you who you need to be more diplomatic with, whether they deserve it or not. How do you balance the desire to shake up the status quo with the desire to maintain the connections you have been establishing?
Not every partnership is meant to last. Not every community can keep up with you. Not every balance can be held. Choose those partnerships, community endeavors and collaborations that feel capable of co-creating with you. Those that are sturdy enough to meet the challenges that are sure to show up in the process.
*COURSE STARTS MONDAY: Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
It’s too easy in this day and age to project every fear that we have onto others. Consuming someone’s online content is not the same as having a relationship with them. Reading in between the lines of our DM’s is no substitute for heart-to-heart connections. Making up stories about who others are based on the image they project is a disturbing side-effect of our virtual reality. In the flesh, things are always a lot more complicated.
Give the people in your life the chance to be human. Spend quality time with those you can be vulnerable with. Make dates and don’t let anything get in the way of them.
Venus’s month-long transit through Cancer is trying to convince you to be open to love in all its forms. Open to the pleasure that comes from in-person contact.
These connections can help you to feel more at ease with the inner changes that are occurring. Uranus’s retrograde is asking you to review your understanding of family, foundation and the firm yet inventive ground you have been cultivating. We can’t always be with the ones that brought us here but we can work to build a sense of belonging in our lives. To the truth. To what and who respects us. To what and who helps us open up to a greater awareness of where to root.
As Jupiter makes its last square to Pluto, you get to look back on a year of incredible career growth. Whether your business got a boost or your ideas and insights about future successes did, this moment is asking you to continue to refine your choices. What are the most important directions for your career to grow towards? Channel your energy there. Specifically. Purposefully. Decidedly.
*COURSE STARTS MONDAY: Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
With a lunar eclipse occurring in your sign on August 7th, this week might feel like an ever-increasing rise of the tide. Emotions build. Feelings swell. Situations come to a peak. Make sure that you are taking care of your physical needs. It’s harder to cope with our feelings when our systems aren’t able to function with finesse.
Venus’s transit through Cancer wants to help you to feel more connected to those that you work with. And for. Venus is encouraging you to take greater care in your work. Greater care in regards to the relationships that help you to get things done. Greater care in fostering the connections between your physical health and the health of your work life.
This transit might make you a little more sensitive while on the job, but it can also sensitize you to aspects of your work that need some extra love, nourishment and protection.
As Uranus stations retrograde early in the week, it unearths the parts of your daily schedule that are making things harder than they need to be. What part of your day is chaotic? What part of your schedule needs an overhaul? What messages are you having a hard time getting across? This might be a time where there are disruptions to your days and weeks. This might also be a time where there are disruptive conversations that you need to have. Sentiments expressed that you can’t sweep under the rug. Truths unearthed that change the dynamics of your relationships. Messages that amount to breakthroughs.
As Jupiter makes its last square to Pluto it reminds you of the larger picture of your life and how important it is to refine your plans, deepen your journey and make choices as to which paths forward are the most important at this juncture. It’s a moment to be grateful for the journey, but to also be deeply mindful of future prospects.
*COURSE STARTS MONDAY: Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
Venus’s swim through Cancer helps to soothe your senses. It reminds you of the importance of making time to experience the sweetness of life. The situations that help you to relax. Find joy. Venus wants to help you connect to all that fills you up and quieten what doesn’t.
Sometimes we just need to lower the volume so that the static recedes. So that we remember who we are. So that we recall the healing that has occurred over the larger arcs of our life. Next week’s eclipse is going to help you reflect on all the healing that you have done, Venus wants to help you do that through having a little fun.
Take her up on the offer.
Uranus’s station retrograde will help you to review the resources that you have at your disposal. It’s encouraging you to think about other ways to work with what you’ve got. To think about how you might reinvent the way you do your work. To think about how you might upgrade your assets so that you learn what they are capable of creating.
Jupiter’s final square to Pluto puts the finishing touches on your learning curve in regards to your collaborations. What have you learned about the boundaries necessary for growth? You are the kind of sign that leans towards giving everything away, but this transit has been asking you to deepen your understanding of what you have to give before you do. It has also been asking you to balance that by being able to receive from others. But deeply so. Notice what you do with what you receive. Do you let it in? Do you let it reach you? Do you let it land in your life somewhere. Work on this. Otherwise you’re in a constant state of trying to fill up a bottomless cup. Stop the leaks so you can balance your give and take with others.
*COURSE STARTS MONDAY: Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.