Weekly Astro Pro Tips:
This week we get to feel the after effects of that stellar union of Venus and Mars in unison with the emerging light of the latest new moon. It was a powerful combination of combustable creative commotion that burst onto the scene when the two entered Aries this past weekend. Both Venus and Mars will rush towards Uranus in Aries and square Pluto in Capricorn between March 4th and 11th. This is rockier terrain to be sure … life changing effects to be had and bad habit breaking possibilities to be pondered.
Here is your weekly breakdown:
The sun squares Saturn on Monday, February 23rd (reality check, one, two, one, two)
Venus trines Saturn on Tuesday (make that honey your sweetheart-put some real moves on what or whom you love)
Mars trines Saturn on Thursday (formidable forces of accomplishment, kind of like when enemies join forces)
The sun conjuncts Neptune also on Thursday (dreamy dreams of floating free with mystical mermaids)
Mercury sextiles Uranus and opposes Jupiter on Sunday (wild ideas that will cost you more than you can afford so see if you can get creative on the costs).
Combustable is too soft a word for your current astrology. I hope that you are using it to move the mountains that have been in your way regarding your relationships to self, to romantic partners and to the ways in which you make money and share in the wealth of others.
Creative partnerships are paramount right now. That doesn’t mean that you need to do anything in particular with other humans, it just means that you would be well served to be actively engaging in the connective forces of creativity.
What are you in relationship with? What partnerships are long lasting and strong enough to hold your attention? What or whom have you stuck with through thick and thin, good and bad, youth and old age? We cannot base the value of our life on what we stuck with while it was fun only. We must also look at how we deal with the challenges that arise when we journey through time with someone or something.
Note your process with this. See what part of your life or relationships you are wanting to give up on especially if it pertains to your art and creativity. We can’t and shouldn’t stay in romantic affairs that turn toxic but we are missing the deeply insightful process of staying with ourselves through the thick and thin of our emotional life if we bail on our healing journeys too quickly. March is a little ruff and tumble for your clan but you’re well equipped with hooves and horns. Don’t underestimate your powers of persistence.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
Your ruling planet, Venus, has shifted from being exalted (held up on high and happy there) in Pisces to being in its detriment in Aries (hot under the collar and grumpy grandpa styles). While in the night sky Venus has shone exquisitely bright, second only to the moon, the Goddess of Love is now in the sign that makes her a tad ornery. The climate has suddenly become a little hotter than you’d like considering your normal need for steady temperatures.
You’re going to have to move on a couple of situations, or your going to feel like you should. The problem is that we are dealing with events that are subterranean in flavor. The fireworks that will be going off for everyone this spring are happening behind closed doors for your tribe.
So yes, this could be about a love affair kept secret (or so you think). And yes, this could be about discovering an inner connectivity to all life. And yes, this could be about dealing with any and all secrets that have held you back, held you hostage or that you have been afraid of holding yourself accountable to. You are definitely going to want to deal with feelings of grief and loss and the ways in which you do or do not like saying goodbyes. Grief and/or mourning might erupt spontaneously. Memories might start to flash in front of you like scenes on a movie screen but know that they are offering themselves up for reconciliation not just for the pleasure of haunting and harassing you (as they sometimes seem to).
Your key to healing is still to be found in the solace of good groups of friends and the fortune that you have there. Your healing may also come from understanding that you might have deluded yourself about a certain group, figurehead or ideal, so get real with all those you come into contact with.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
The thing about being a mutable sign, which you are, is that it’s easy to get away from yourself. It’s easy to float away on boats of inspiration and good conversation and then get hung up by a rapid mood swing.
To be a Gemini is to experience variability, uncertainty and instability. It is to be in a constant state of flux. It is to be in one place and then another and to barely be able to catch up with your own movement (hence the mood swings).
This year’s astrology tends to exacerbate some of those qualities while also holding you accountable to others in regards to them. You can’t get a way with much when it comes to your intimate affairs (but neither can the ones you are intimate with). You are undergoing a long standing transit that demands you take your needs seriously in partnerships, especially in lovie dovie ones.
This week highlights something in your career that you have been working towards, but it might be at odds or come at the expense of your relationships. There is a fundamental tension building in these areas of your life: what you have dreamed about creating with your life’s work and what you have to actually show for all of your heart’s hopes, fears and fumbles.
I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: your work can bring you a tremendous amount of healing right now and so can all of those that you work with. No matter what is going on (or not going on) with lovers and dates, keep going to the places that keep you strong and affirmed. Don’t try to unravel your work’s importance with too many questions. You don’t need to know why you are good at something or why it’s yours to do. You only need to do it to the best of your ability and you will feel more able to do it.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
It’s not easy to be seen. The bright light of day often exposes the parts of our self that we weren’t ready to have out there in the wide open spaces where all eyes can see us. The crab clan often feels too tender to be too far from the cool blanket of the ocean and too dried up if it strays from the depths of the seas for too long. Water tends to diffuse, dilute and make for a slippery getaway when one needs it.
Too bad for you.
This month’s astrology calls you out on the world stage and keeps you there for a hot second.
And I mean hot. Your one saving grace is that you currently have the bonus of being soothed by all the places both internal and external that you might voyage to. Trips tend to provide a much needed integration point. All that you have been learning and incorporating becomes a point of refuge for you. Know that you have time to grow. Know that you have the right to become all you dare to. Know that you were put here to do just that.
Know that you have the right to decide what you would most like to be known for and that the next 4-6 weeks are defining moments in your public life and, in many ways, form what you will be known for.
To ignore this opportunity would be a mistake. The creative possibilities for your career and public life are endless. But try not to focus on it too intently with too tight a grip or you might crush the potential. Instead hold it gently with great respect, knowing that it’s necessary not to take yourself too seriously. Have fun with it so no matter what goes down you can at least say that you enjoyed the ride.
Leo & Leo Rising
Scamper. Skeedaddle. Get in the saddle. There is a turbulent energy building in the area of your chart that is responsible for getting you out into the world. Turbulent is sometimes what we need in order to get our motors running. Besides, this kind of turbulence creates the necessary friction we need to have fun.
Go have some fun.
Don’t suppress your urge to merge with the great unknown and get ready to ride this wave like you don’t fear it. There may be some plans to put into place this week, some commitments to be made that will ensure your adventures become realities. Don’t be afraid to make sturdy steps towards what you want. Put a ring on the unknown and call it yours.
Do what you can to gain a broader perspective on life and then let go. No need to put a choke hold on mystery. Welcome the situations that naturally occur that give you the sense that anything is still possible, even after all these years. Open up to the influences that are wafting around you, teasing you out of your lair and taunting you to remember that you are more than you think you are.
Don’t repress your need to experience the more mystical, spiritual or inexplicable aspects of life. Acknowledging this as necessary helps to relieve the anxiety that becoming overly identified with the human form creates.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
Your astrology is simply begging you to fall for it. With trips and traps laid round you everywhere it would be understandable if you did. It would be admirable if you didn’t. It will be a feat just to get through this week without trying to make those in front of you into either saints or satans.
Of course neither is true.
We can trace most of our misunderstandings about ourselves and others back to childhood traumas. We can trace almost every pain and wound back to the conditions we grew up in and out of. We can trace most of what we feel inadequate about back to the impossible standards that were put upon us either by family, culture or harmful narratives that were wafting about our ears. We can and should trace the lines back to the origin stories. And then once we do we should see if we really want to give them power over us any longer. Some stories give us fuel. Other stories waste it.
You’re in an intense moment of healing the relationship patterning that was set in you long ago. While this week begins with painful and acute lessons about such weavings, the end of the week affords you an opportunity to bliss out with a babe, get caught in a net with a friendly merperson, or get totally taken for a romantic ride that could leave you stranded and out at sea. Take your life rafts and your flippers along and only go as far as your inner knowing tells you is comfortable. No need to sort through all the feelings now. You have time. Take it.
Libra & Libra Rising
Humans are hilarious. We spend countless hours, dollars and precious life moments trying to get as much love, attention and respect as we possibly can. Most of us do this by trying to be everything that we are not. We try to coerce people into thinking we have it together. We hide behind beauty and braun. We hide behind right and wrong.
But the joke is on us. All the time. There is nothing about us that we can actually hide from anyone. No matter how hard we try to we are constantly sending out signals that reveal our every motive, our every insecurity and our every fear. We psychically broadcast them all day long.
Better to just be straight up about what we feel.
Better to know our own needs, tendencies, pitfalls and preferences than to pretend that we don’t have them. Better to come clean, to be honest and to be straightforward. Otherwise we end up spending all of our energy trying to hide what the world already sees.
My suggestion to you this week is this: Pretend that everyone you come into contact with already knows your deal. Whatever you are working on creating and building with others will be built faster, stronger and more effectively if you do. There is an accelerated healing process that you are under right now and the majority of your learning comes through your connection to others. This week offers you an opportunity to build a sturdier base with others you are intimate with. Use honesty as your primary building tool. That way when things heat up a little later in the month no one can come back and say you didn’t warn them about who you truly are and what you really want.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
A component of the creative, romantic, mystical, pleasure-seeking and self-expressive energy that has been swirling around your chart as of late is still present. This week is still offering up a sweet surrender (especially around Thursday) but it’s now happening in unison with your ability to get your life in order.
And get it in order you must.
Unless you want to live in complete chaos. Unless you want to waste a chance to get a bargain on a boatload of basics that will keep you cool as a cucumber for years to come. Unless you want to miss out on the mystifying forces of healthy regimes and the benefits of serving all those annoying details that will eventually bring your dreams to life. Unless you want to succumb to forces that feel like bad luck (but may only be badly timed responses to getting yourself together). Unless you want to live in what feels like bad health but is really only the untold effects of stress from not tending to your day to day.
Unless you want all that, I’m here to tell you to get on board with all that you know you need to do, tend to and serve. Day in, day out.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Heal what you thought you had to let them break. Help out what you are trying make. Dedicate everyday to being a redo of their mistakes.
This week gives you a sweet release and much needed healing around your family identity, your position in your home or your current process of individuating from your history. It’s not that we want to or need to leave our past behind, but sometimes we need a moment apart from it just so we can get a handle on who we are and what we can become.
Don’t let your life, not even a day of it, be lived in vain or for anyone else. We can live with our ancestors in mind and in heart and we can all move forward in their names and in connection to the aspects of our lineage that feed us but if we forget to live out our own individual lives we can’t serve our ancestral one.
Our dreams are connected to the overall liberation of our family line. You are here to emancipate the potential of your people. You are here to create and to recreate your life free from shame, free from blame and free from unnecessary pain.
Even if there is conflict. Even if there is strife. Even if there are obstacles that the gods themselves don’t seem to be able to move, the job of moving your her/histories forward is yours. If you fall into the soup of family expectation, if you bow to what was set out for you and never question it, if you don’t answer the call to find your strength apart from and because of the ones who reared you, you’ll never know just what this life has in store for you. And right now there are creative, passionate and deeply purposeful presents awaiting your presence so show up as best you can and enjoy the moment at hand.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
Soothing speeches and healing hymns can help to calm the savage beasts that lay deep within.
Make moves to quiet your mind. Not to shut it up or to deny its ramblings (resisting our thoughts creates as much disturbance as buying into them) but to give yourself the images, sounds and surroundings that can naturally create an inner state of mental clarity.
That could be anything from running 5 miles to sitting in meditation for 5 minutes. Do what you can to help your mind find its way to connection and bliss.
This will help you deal more proactively with any situations that are threatening to rock your foundation and upset your status quo. This will help you to address your own needs so that you aren’t dependent on others to do so for you. This will help you to access your own inner knowing and to accept your responsibility in the situations that you find yourself in.
You have a significant opportunity to help reorganize your root systems this spring. Have better drainage systems in mind when doing so. Read up on how to best fertilize your soil. Think long term when you are planting new bulbs and bushes. How does your garden grow now and how would you like it to for years to come? You have both the creative energy available and the groundbreaking technology accessible to (re)establish yourself as you wish to be.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Independent thought is a wonderful thing to cultivate while at the same time being able to incorporate timeless and emerging wisdom. Your ability to invent, invigorate and assimilate your own evolving intellectual property is at an all time high right now so get your booty to the drawing board and take your sketches seriously. You’ll need to if you want to make use of the helpful astrology at your fingertips this week.
As you have already begun to make changes in your social roles (especially as they pertain to your profession) it’s important to remember to stand by your emerging ideas about your next incarnation. As you tell people about the next phase of your evolution it’s important to speak with conviction, passion and praise of your ideas or speak of them not at all.
This spring lends you the courage to say the things that must be said. This spring lends you the fortitude to withstand the backlash that may come. This spring lends you the chutzpah needed to move about your daily life as you need to and be open to connecting with those that are on your new routes. This spring gives you the foresight needed to take your ideas, your visions and your flashes of insight to the next level. This week is a great time to solidify an idea by committing to it on paper. Do so as you see fit and pay special attention to creative dreams about new ways to make some coin.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
Like only the wisest of mermaids knows, one has to go the way the water flows until there is an opportunity to turn the tides. This week starts out with a “follow the rules or perish” kinda vibe but quickly morphs into a week that will have you wanting to float off downstream.
The truth is that this week highlights a fundamental friction that is building in your chart. One whose effects can have you feeling caught between wanting to let go of everything that you have been tethered to and feeling reticent to throw away what you have built. The pressure to feel accomplished is matched only by the need to get to work on something that you would feel proud of accomplishing. The point is to strategically build your dream life while not getting too idealistic about what can actually get accomplished over the next three years.
Bearing witness to a dream, vision or fantasy that you have been nursing for the past few years is a good thing if you also put in the hard work that it takes to have it come to fruition. This takes the willingness to make tuff choices and hard decisions that effect what feels like (and is) your destiny.
You can run away, you can escape, you can negate your duties. For now. But, like loyal dogs, they will sit and wait for you growing increasingly more needy and fidgety. The dogs of purpose, dignity and responsibility are important hounds to care for. I wouldn’t let them get too hungry if I were you.