*Your full moon horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
August 26th
4:46 AM PT – Full Moon at 3° of Pisces
The full moon in Pisces can be used as a ritual bath. A rinsing off of the residue. A cleansing of the pallet from the massive meals that Eclipse Season offered up.
This is the first lunation that is clear of the shadows that the eclipses of July and August cast. The first full moon free from obstruction. The first lunation in a while that is supportive in its nature. Sextile both Saturn and Uranus, the full moon bridges good building skills with innovative initiatives.
Full of sensitivity and imagination, the full moon focuses on our healing. As the psychic waters of Pisces point us towards our intuitive understanding of what we need to mend our broken hearts, the sun in Virgo tells us exactly how to apply the salve. Our pain can be, at times, all consuming, but understanding its details can make all the difference.
Affirmations for this full moon:
I am in this pain, but not of it. I am experiencing this pain, but I am more than it. I am aware of this pain, and know that this iteration of it is temporary. This is a part of my story, a key to the chapters of my life, and there is still more to tell, more to come, and more to experience.
Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn, both at 18°
This aspect deepens the day’s messages as much gets unpacked in regards to relationship dynamics that push our buttons. Working through the power issues that plague us is a top priority.
When we feel disempowered in a dynamic it’s a cue to meditate on where and when we gave up our power, and where and how we can take it back.
Clarifying what needs to be purged from our relationship dynamics, and offering a transformative alternative to work with, Venus square Pluto can be a little harsh in its tactics, obsessive in its nature, and demanding in its ways. Go easy on yourself and others. Full moons magnify whatever is happening, making mountains out of molehills and examples out of our reactions to whatever is happening.
August 27th
Mars stations direct at 28° of Capricorn
As the full moon completes its bloom, Mars, planet of passion, aggression, activation, and motivation, stations direct. We are released from the warrior’s boot-camp, a training that we have been in over the past 2 months.
Now we must put our newly honed skills to use.
Mars’s retrograde and station direct pulls up our defenses, both appropriate and not, to witness. Examine. Understand. What we fight for, how we fight for it, and when to begin and end the battle, all become a little more clear after Mars moves forward again.
As Mars stations direct, over the course of the full moon, it emphasizes personal responsibility and working with the agency that we do have, however we can.
In Capricorn until September 10th, the warrior punctuates the importance of the efforts that you are making, especially in regards to the part of your chart that contains Capricorn (read horoscope for more details). With Saturn retrograde (also stationing direct over the next week and a half), and Pluto retrograde, all in Capricorn, there is an emphasis on recommitting to the most effective tools in our bag.
As Mars pivots, its pointed ways dig deep into our lives. Mars isn’t a comfortable place to rest; instead it activates our healing journey through requiring that we take the necessary action to remedy a situation. Over the next few days the pressure of this sharp edge will be relieved, but in the process we may squirm a little more than we’d like, and feel a little more raw than we want.
Mercury in Leo Square Jupiter in Scorpio, both at 16°
A fairly exuberant aspect, Mercury thinks big with Jupiter, bigger than it might be capable of handling, but the buoyancy is helpful as Mars stations direct in the heavy hitting sign of Capricorn.
September 3rd
Mercury in Leo sextile Venus in Libra, both at 25°
Mercury moves from one auspicious planet to the next. From Jupiter to Venus, Mercury gets supported, sweetened, and sustained by remembering to speak beauty into existence.
September 5th
Mercury enters Virgo
Until September 21st, Mercury is super-powered in the mutable earth sign it calls home. Here the Messenger focuses on what it can digest, assimilate, make use of and work with in the most practical of ways.
September 6th
Saturn stations direct at 2°
Sweet release isn’t usually associated with Saturn, but this is a huge step forward for the area of our charts that contain Capricorn. With Saturn charging uphill once again, Virgo Season becomes profoundly productive. For those of you born with Saturn in Capricorn, you’ll find that you can finally start to build upon the lessons that your Saturn return (began in December of 2017) has been keeping you in detention for. A little relief, though no less work, is on the horizon for us all.
September 7th
Mercury in Virgo trine Saturn in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus, all at 2°
As Mercury makes its way through Virgo, it connects the incredibly close, but not quite exact, Saturn/Uranus trine. As Mercury moves into the sweet spot between them, the three form a grand earth trine. With both Mercury and Saturn in their own sign, this is a high powered manifesting machine. Though quick, it’s still an aspect worth working with. Speak your dreams into being but, more importantly, put the work into bringing about what you believe in.
Sun in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces, both at 15°
A little less grounded, the opposition between the sun and Neptune is deceivingly derailing. Stay with the details as much as is needed, but definitely leave a little room for daydreaming. Fantasizing is as important an aspect of manifesting as working with the astrology that happens earlier today.
September 8th
Venus in Libra square Mars in Capricorn, both at 29°
Before both Venus and Mars shift signs they come into an uncomfortable angle with one another that will reverberate over the next couple of days. This aspect carries with it some caution. There may be a tear or two in the fabric of your partnerships. Take time to think about what it means to exaggerate that separation, or move towards a clearer understanding of what happened in the first place. Not all relationships are built to last, but how we part from them is just as important as how we entered and existed within them.
Horoscope for Aries & Aries Rising
The full moon in Pisces highlights the distance that you have travelled along the healing roads that you have tread. This full moon illuminates what you have been able to reclaim your energy from. It lifts up how you have mastered some of the hardest lessons you have had to learn recently. It makes a point of praising you for taking the time to process what hurts.
The full moon reminds you that it’s OK to feel old feelings. It’s OK to re-live a situation you thought you outgrew. It’s OK to lose sight of how far you have come and how fast.
That’s often part of the healing process.
To lose hope in the face of major triumphs is part of winning at life. To not know how to recognize the most important aspects of your journey, the keys to your success, or the pivotal moments of your trajectory, momentarily, is all part of the process.
It’s second nature to know what worldly validation looks like, but it takes time to recognize and appreciate the achievements made in your inner life.
Over the next two weeks you get to appreciate both.
While the full moon highlights the work you have done within, Mars and Saturn are busy redefining what it means to live out your purpose loud and clear. From August 27th – September 6th, Mars, and then Saturn, station direct. Both in Capricorn and your 10th house of career, these two pull the professional into prominent focus. With their change of direction, you get the chance to put your ambition, drive, and decisiveness back to work.
Over the past couple of months, as these two retraced their steps, you were asked to review your roles, responsibilities, and desired way of taking up space in the world. You may notice that after this trip your work is more streamlined. Sophisticated. Stripped down. You may notice that you are more aware of why you desire to do what you do. What tools you have to work with in order to do so. What energetic inspiration drives you.
Honor these keys to your success.
Keep coming back to them. Keep asking yourself if what you are doing has any energy behind it. If it excites your being. If it clarifies your reasons for advancing along the lines that you are. If it doesn’t lift your spirit in some major way, it’s not going to have the stamina to work in the long run.
Now 50% Off: I have a reading and ritual for your sign for Sunday’s full moon in Pisces, as well as a guided meditation and altar suggestions in Eclipse Season Part 2.
Horoscope for Taurus & Taurus Rising
Don’t let a day go by without making it clear to someone that you care for them. Building intimacy horizontally helps to break down any hierarchies the world has placed on romantic partnering. We need connection to and from as many earth angels as possible. Getting to the top of any game is lonely unless we are rising with a strong, fly, flock.
As the full moon unfolds over the last part of August and the first part of September, it helps you to remember and reconnect with the incredible wealth of your community. Whatever you feel like you need, they have. Whatever you have to give, they need. Whichever of your projects need a boost, an infusion of inspiration, or an audience to deliver to, they’ve got you. Get with them.
With great honesty.
Use this full moon to remember to be vulnerable with the people you are investing in. Let folks know when you need help. When you need a hug. When you need to process a pain, a memory, or a particular difficulty. Don’t rob them of getting to be there for you. Let others support you as much as you do them, and then some.
As Mars and then Saturn both station direct (August 27th and September 6th) in your 9th house of long-term plans, travels, learning, and personal and spiritual development, you get reminded of the power of ritual. Spiritually or psychologically healing containers are your way towards clarity at the moment. If you aren’t sure which path to take, take to working within the temples that help you connect to something larger than yourself. Ah-ha moments come when they feel like it, but preparing space for them often speeds up their arrival.
Now 50% Off: I have a reading and ritual for your sign for Sunday’s full moon in Pisces, as well as a guided meditation and altar suggestions in Eclipse Season Part 2.
Horoscope for Gemini & Gemini Rising
The professional projects that you have been working hard to accomplish, get a signal boost from August’s full moon.
It’s time to let your career goals shine.
Give them encouragement by building a space for them to exist. Give them a chance by taking the actions that demonstrate your unwavering faith in them. Give them hope by declaring their absolute inevitability.
At this stage in the game you have a clearer understanding of what is a professional imperative if you are to deliver upon your promises to yourself and everyone else.
A mature approach to what you are working on will never let you or your colleagues down.
Since the spring you’ve been made increasingly aware of how important it is, for both your personal and professional life, to process the feelings that are coming to consciousness for you. Anything that had to formerly be a secret, or was kept from you for whatever reason, is now coming to light. As it does you get to put more pieces of your own puzzle together. Incredible insights into the behaviors which have previously gotten in your own way reveal themselves. As you keep uncovering these hidden gems, you are also uncovering your agency to work consciously with them.
This is your key to experiencing more worldly success, but also more internal joy.
As Mars, and then Saturn, station direct over the end of August and beginning of September, you are reminded that how you collaborate is just as important as who you collaborate with. You’ve had a couple of months to review the potentials of your partnerships and it’s now obvious which are able to provide what you need and receive what you have to give.
Knowing your worth is everything in regards to this equation.
The more supported you feel, the more you’ll flourish. The more others are willing to work on their own part of the puzzle, the more you can have faith that your energy and efforts are getting put to good use. The more you are in partnerships with those that you can trust will do the work they need to, the more you’ll be inspired, encouraged, and reminded to do your own.
Now 50% Off: I have a reading and ritual for your sign for Sunday’s full moon in Pisces, as well as a guided meditation and altar suggestions in Eclipse Season Part 2.
Horoscope for Cancer & Cancer Rising
August’s full moon wants you to understand which streams to get in. Which schools to swim alongside. Which rivers will take you to the wide-open oceans of your dreams.
If you’re ready to swim with the big fish, you’ll need fantasies fantastic enough to float you. You’ll want to be as gentle with your ideas as you would be with those of a small child. Even the slightest bit of self-induced shame cuts your chances down to a size too small to fit your potential in.
This full moon wants you to take a moment to suspend your disbelief. What would you want if you let yourself want it? Where would you go if you let your imagination wander? What would you give voice to if you believed in your ideas? Because this full moon is perfect for publishing, getting known, being seen, and having your voice heard, make sure you are broadcasting what you want to spread far and wide with a greater belief in your ideas than a doubt about them.
As Mars, and then Saturn, station direct (27th of August and September 6th) in your 7th house of relationships, you get the chance to be incredibly specific about what you do and don’t need in your unions.
Most of us have to revisit the same truth a million times just to get a moment of clarity about it. Most of us need time to parse out what our part of a problem is. Most of us need to have experiences about what feels unsettling in order to understand what feels right for us.
Practice acknowledging when you are uncomfortable in your relationships. Practice acknowledging what feels good. Practice acknowledging when you are confused about what it is you feel.
Validating your needs, wants and boundaries in any relationship is a process, a journey, a constant uncovering. Something that takes a lifetime and then some, but something that will clarify your intentions for your relationships as well as your ability to show up for them.
Now 50% Off: I have a reading and ritual for your sign for Sunday’s full moon in Pisces, as well as a guided meditation and altar suggestions in Eclipse Season Part 2.
Horoscope for Leo & Leo Rising
August’s full moon rewards the collaborations in your life that have been worth the work and the wait. The investments that are starting to pay back dividends. The partnerships that bear fruit now, do so sweetly.
It’s your harvest season.
Pay attention to what is working. Which of your crops can, and do, produce in cycles that are sustainable? Take note of who you work well with. Who knows how to take the risks that might bring up your fear but that still fill you with excitement. Take care of those who want your success as much as their own.
Take note of those who don’t. Can’t. Won’t.
It’s healthy to lose interest in the partnerships that run your wells dry. It’s growth to no longer need validation from those that can’t give it. It’s a beautiful thing to get to direct your energy towards what you want and away from what you don’t.
As Mars, and then Saturn, station direct over the end of August and beginning of September, you get released from some of the issues that have been hard to digest at work, in your work, or in regards to who you are working with. You have a tremendous amount of determination at your disposal right now, but it is mixed with the need for a pause here and there. Make sure that you mark moments on your calendar for rest and rejuvenation. Some of your best work will be done far and away from the office, desk, and screen.
Now 50% Off: I have a reading and ritual for your sign for Sunday’s full moon in Pisces, as well as a guided meditation and altar suggestions in Eclipse Season Part 2.
Horoscope for Virgo & Virgo Rising
August’s full moon washes up on the shores of your sweetest unions. It blesses the people that you have committed to. It validates the partnerships that you feel most at home within.
What you have been building with another gives you access to deep wells to draw from. The more you are willing to excavate the issues that get in your way, the more you can go straight to the source of what sustains you.
Commitment to productive playfulness.
What you need right now is time to make something substantial out of your creative energy. Space for all that might manifest through you. A demonstrated respect for all that you have to offer a person, profession, or situation.
Honor the wisdom that you have spent your life cultivating. It’s so much easier to put it to use when you do.
As Mars, and then Saturn, spend the end of August and the beginning of September, stationing direct, your need to create something that can give you physical, tangible, practical satisfaction increases. Your need to continually hone your skills does so to, but now you get to with less self-criticism and more self-awareness. This kind of productivity is a turn-on so stay tuned into what inspires your muses of mastery.
Now 50% Off: I have a reading and ritual for your sign for Sunday’s full moon in Pisces, as well as a guided meditation and altar suggestions in Eclipse Season Part 2.
Horoscope for Libra & Libra Rising
August’s full moon celebrates the professional projects that you have completed. Accomplished. Made work with nothing but your own desire and determination to get it done.
You took a dream and made some part of it a reality. That kind of achievement deserves recognition. The rub of getting these tasks done has left behind a precious pearl of wisdom. Wear it as adornment that you have truly earned, with great appreciation for having had the opportunity to do so.
The more you do the work that is yours alone to do, the more opportunities open up for you. This is not about having everything as you need it at all times. It’s about having the foresight to know how to work your situation into something that will eventually be more conducive to your long-term hopes and dreams.
As Mars, and then Saturn, station direct in your 4th house of home, foundations, and family, you get to develop a deeper understanding of what refused to work for you in the past. These two want to help you to weed out what gets in the way of your ability to build a sanctuary of support for your body, mind, heart and hopes. The more you are able to sturdy yourself at your base, the more the rest of your world gets a chance to unfold. It takes time, seasons sometimes, for certain aspects of our lives to take root. Don’t cut off healthy growth just because it’s not as far reaching as you think it should be by now. Find ways to encourage all that you love to keep taking shape.
Now 50% Off: I have a reading and ritual for your sign for Sunday’s full moon in Pisces, as well as a guided meditation and altar suggestions in Eclipse Season Part 2.
Horoscope for Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
August’s full moon fills your creative projects with the juice they need to succeed. Whatever you have been busy building, infusing with your love and dedication, and pouring your energy into gets uplifted with this lunation.
This astrology reminds you how important it is to dream, envision, and allow yourself the space needed to explore what possibilities await your creative capacities. You deserve time to reflect on your accomplishments, celebrate your achievements, and appreciate both the effort and the ease with which these dreams have come into being.
As Mars and Saturn spend the last days of August and the first days of September stationing direct, you are reminded of the importance of reclaiming your days, hours, time, and mind. You don’t owe anyone anything that you do not have to give. You are not responsible for filling up the vessels of what others let run dry. You do not have to be a keeper of those that refuse to do any of their own maintenance. Save your energy for what is a top priority.
No is not only a holy word, but one that calls in the spirits of future fantasies fulfilled.
The more you learn to covet your time, the more you can pour it into the containers that can act as a sacred vessel for your work. It’s not about showing up for everyone that needs you whenever they do; it’s about organizing your energy through the constructs of time, so that you can develop what needs you to do so.
Now 50% Off: I have a reading and ritual for your sign for Sunday’s full moon in Pisces, as well as a guided meditation and altar suggestions in Eclipse Season Part 2.
Horoscope for Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
August’s full moon ushers in a moment of deep satisfaction. It illuminates what you have been able to secure at the base of your life. The foundations that you have been able to build lovingly, patiently, persistently, and unconventionally reveal themselves as solid.
Sink in.
Let these well-constructed containers, contain you. Hold you. So that you can heal whatever family dynamic you have been hurt, confused, or burdened by. A little distance goes a long way. A little time for self-reflection can bring a whole lot of clarity. Some moments spent in the places where you are most comfortable can reconfigure major misalignments.
We all need a home in which we can unpack our baggage.
We can’t heal anyone else’s trauma for them. We can’t unburden those we love from the weight that they carry alone. We can’t change the history that we come from, but we can create the present as we need it to be to the best of our ability. We can be as gentle with ourselves as we always wished others would be. We can be as loving with our lives as we would hope to be with anything else as precious and precarious.
As Mars and then Saturn spend the last days of August, and the first days of September, stationing direct, you get the opportunity to meditate deeply on the lessons you’ve learned around spending your energy, developing your assets, creating a sustainable livelihood, and making the money you most hope to make. What you’ve learned to confront, make use of, and maybe even master will prove to be invaluable as you move forward.
As the next 2 years unfold you’ll be taking these lessons and infusing them into your career. Any ability you are developing that helps you be the boss of yourself, makes you an uncommonly attractive asset to any company, organization, field, or industry. As you take on this responsibility, you’re in a position to give voice to a great many aspects of your work that go unnoticed and unheard. Over the next few weeks make an effort to speak on what you know with all the confidence that you have earned to do so.
Now 50% Off: I have a reading and ritual for your sign for Sunday’s full moon in Pisces, as well as a guided meditation and altar suggestions in Eclipse Season Part 2.
Horoscope for Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
August’s full moon brings you important messages to give and receive. It wants you to keep communications flowing. It wants you to keep the sweeter sentiments circulating through your friend groups. It wants you to keep telling your loved ones that they are indeed, loved.
The full moon always takes a couple of weeks to unfold, so over the course of the first part of September you’ll be noticing that your messages, teachings, essays, offerings, performances, posts, texts, and/or communications that are tailored towards a certain audience, get amplified. This is the time to put forth your best ideas. Your most innovative approaches. Your most motivational sentiments get witnessed and promoted.
Tell us the secrets to your success.
As Mars and Saturn spend the last days of August and the first days of September stationing direct in your sign, the pressure is acutely felt.
Then relieved.
Whatever you have been struggling to refine, rework, and reinstate about your boundaries, your abilities, and your way of juggling impossible tasks with incredible finesse, gets rewarded. The hardest aspects of learning these lessons is over. Now it’s time to integrate their meaning. These retrogrades have tried to help you refine your understanding of personal responsibility. They have stripped down the situations that were impeding your expansion, giving you the clearest directives possible.
Stay with what is concise.
Truth needs no embellishment. Your purpose is profound, but need not be overly complex. Keeping things as simple as possible will allow you to experience the deepest aspects of your calling and the most important yearnings to attune yourself to.
Now 50% Off: I have a reading and ritual for your sign for Sunday’s full moon in Pisces, as well as a guided meditation and altar suggestions in Eclipse Season Part 2.
Horoscope for Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
The full moon brings with it a boon, a bounty, and a bonus. This could impact your bank account, your roles at work, or your feelings about what it is you are doing. Whatever the tangible result, use it as an affirmation of your healing.
You are what you choose to develop.
Learning how to sit with what is uncomfortable is the only way to build the psychological awareness needed for great growth spurts. As the things that you have been working on behind the scenes get green-lit to go ahead, celebrate and keep your eye on the emotional material that gets stirred in the process.
What does it mean to get to live, even a teeny-tiny part, of your dream? What demons awaken to tell you that you cannot pass the threshold to success? What old doubts wriggle around in the dark corners of your life, barely noticeable but all too destructive in their wear and tear of your soul?
As Mars and then Saturn station direct (August 27th and September 6th), these issues get clarified. We have to know what plagues us in order to understand the remedy to remediate. You have done an incredible amount of work on these issues over the spring and summer of this year. It has been an unpacking of epic proportions, but now it’s time to take what you have been given and put it to work.
We are only able to use what we are able to integrate.
Every great creation is so because it touches all aspects of being human. The same is true of your life. The more you are able to explore all aspects of your being, the clearer you’ll be about who you are and what makes you feel fulfilled. If your life is going to be great it will be because you have lived it fully, widely, deeply, and with little resistance to what it is trying to teach you.
Now 50% Off: I have a reading and ritual for your sign for Sunday’s full moon in Pisces, as well as a guided meditation and altar suggestions in Eclipse Season Part 2.
Horoscope for Pisces & Pisces Rising
Growth requires that we learn to acknowledge, hold, and love ourselves through our healing process. Cultivating an inner observer, an aspect of self that bears witness to what we suffer through and succeed at, in equal measure, is necessary for a well-lived life.
And a well-loved one.
In order to not get lost in the stew of emotions you swim through daily, meditations of self-awareness are a life raft you can’t live without. They are the secret to calming anxiety, self-doubt, fear of failure and success.
You are worth watching. Keep an eye on yourself.
August’s full moon in Pisces is witnessing you, wanting to teach you how to do the same. Reminding you to do so often. Encouraging you to do so right now.
Practice extending the same kindness towards yourself that you would an old friend. Multiple times a day ask yourself, “How am I doing? What do I need? Am I hungry? Tired? In need of a hug? A high-five?”
The full moon sheds light on all you have accomplished, and all the feelings that come flooding in as a result. You might have unexpected experiences of your success. An unforeseen reaction from you or those that surround you. Whatever the circumstance, watch it unfold with great compassion for your journey.
As Mars and Saturn station direct over the last part of August and the first part of September, they point to the importance of your group projects and community partnerships. What you have decided to work on with others is beginning to move forward after a long period of review and reconstruction. This might mean that the shape of the group itself has changed, or the players have been rearranged. Trust what has been trimmed from the agenda or the meeting. Make your way forward with what is left, knowing full well you have exactly what you need.
Now 50% Off: I have a reading and ritual for your sign for Sunday’s full moon in Pisces, as well as a guided meditation and altar suggestions in Eclipse Season Part 2.