Venus will be in Scorpio from October 23rd to November 15th
Venus in Scorpio trades charm for all things risqué
Venus enters Scorpio on October 23rd, trading the charm and roses of Libra season for a winning scowl. Traditionally speaking, Scorpio is Venus’ sign of detriment, which means its natural drives (to foster love and beauty) get muffled. It’s not that Venus in Scorpio isn’t loving or beautiful, but it refuses to play by the etiquette guide of Libra, the sign Venus has just passed through. Venus in Scorpio prefers risqué jokes and vampire aesthetic, thank you very much.
Soulmates Only
Surface level chit-chat doesn’t amuse with this placement. Venus in Scorpio wants you to tunnel to the deepest core of intimacy. How? By trusting that body-level desires are messages from the soul. To woo this Venus to your side, ask deeper questions. Take emotional risks. Uncover the intimacy that can only emerge when two mysteries collide. The type of relationships summoned through this witchery? Soulmates.
Your Venus in Scorpio horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you’d like to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or our website. Thank you for your support and for spreading this work around. We really appreciate it — and you.
The following horoscopes were written by Grace Mungovan.
Aries & Aries Rising
Venus in Scorpio is leading you into the grotto of your joint-ventures and shared resources. Anywhere secret feelings, frustrations, or power dynamics are brewing, Venus in Scorpio restores a “winner-shares-all” mentality that generates mutual trust and understanding.
Right now and for the next few weeks, you’re unlocking an uncanny ability to peel situations to their core. In your collaborations with others, you’re better able to intuit exactly what their intentions are and harmonize your goals.
Anywhere you’re trading assets with another — be they fiscal, artistic, or romantic collaborations — you’re finding avenues to meet them halfway. This style of connection creates something powerful: reciprocity.
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Taurus & Taurus Rising
Venus in Scorpio guides you toward tender shadowlands in your closest relationships.
Be they with romantic loves or besties, you’re navigating a labyrinth of intimacy to arrive at the most meaningful center. Whether that means initiating honest conversations about how your partnerships are actually doing, or sharing secrets to strengthen your bonds, your currency right now is depth.
If you’re on the lookout for real connection, hone in on your desires. Pay attention to what you crave on an instinctual level. The best love spell to find a soulmate? Initiating contact with your own soul.
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Gemini & Gemini Rising
Venus in Scorpio guides you to uncover your subconscious motivations in all things work-related. Whether that means having an honest dialogue with yourself about whether you’re actually fulfilled at your current job, or daring to be vulnerable with a coworker, you’re seeking substance in your daily toil.
A warning: if you start sensing covert power plays, secret schemes, and diabolical dealings at the office, pause and assess your perspective. Question whether you’ve really “caught onto something,” or if you’re just observing things cast in Scorpio mood lighting.
The brilliance you’re unearthing in the shadows? Honoring your true desires in everyday life. The best way to project-manage this process? Passionately.
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Cancer & Cancer Rising
As Venus enters Scorpio, untapped veins of inspiration wait for you beneath the surface of your feelings. How to find them? By silencing buzzy surface voices that distract you from the deeper currents.
Trust the subtle pull of desire, particularly around your self-expression. If you feel magnetized toward a new artistic medium, let the old transform. Encode your vulnerability in those song lyrics, or the morning pages you write for you and you alone.
Now and for the next few weeks, the muses want you to come out and play. Put your internal editor on hold and discover what comes to life when you let it all pour out in a creative way.
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Leo & Leo Rising
Venus in Scorpio takes you home to your roots. However you would describe your relationship to the land you dwell on, or to family, the planet of love helps soothe the frayed edges.
Going deep with a therapist, or your journal, can help you release what needs to go. Practice using “I feel…” statements to ground you in your heart and the needs of your emotional terrain. Being honest about what has to change clears your inner house. This work is about feeling at home in your life first and foremost.
Consider all the people before you who helped create your existence — and the miracle of that. No one comes into this world alone.
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Virgo & Virgo Rising
Deep discussions only — Venus in Scorpio isn’t amused by superficial chit-chat or drive-by gossip. It’s time to bear your heart.
Rather than dithering over the daily news or pleasantries, pursue the stories hiding beneath the stories. Share secret longings with pals. Turn any talk into “the talk.” If emotions start to well up, consider this part of your purification process. It’s better out than in.
Revealing the truth about what you’re feeling has a way of cleansing the atmosphere too, allowing true intimacy to emerge. Dare to be honest. These moments of shared intimacy are the keys to deepening your bonds.
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Libra & Libra Rising
Venus in Scorpio is here to heal any shadowy beliefs you entertain about security or self-worth. On a pragmatic level, Venus may actually bring more material blessings into your life over the next few weeks. But the real gift is your ability to release fears or shame about having enough.
Your ability to alchemize outdated perspectives around wealth (inner and outer) is supercharged for the next few weeks. Seek out the classes, rituals, or relationships that help create powerful shifts. Highlight a book that gives your self-esteem a motivational boost. Amp up your vision board with pictures that make your heart (and your wallet) feel full.
Abundance is your birthright, and it’s on its way.
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Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Incoming — total eclipse of the heart.
This Scorpio season, your deepest desires are rising to the surface. Telling the truth about what you want — from a certain style of coat to a certain structure of relationship — increases the chance that you’ll find it. Tune into the primal “yes” that exists beneath your surface “maybe’s.” That’s how you magnetize soulmates and strengthen the bonds you already have.
Whatever needs to be released to serve this alchemy will be triggered around October 25th in particular. Assist the process by making a habit of asking for what you really want — and permitting yourself to believe it’s on its way.
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Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Venus in Scorpio guides you to strip outer noise down and find the truth that hides in the quiet. Sometimes our inner saboteurs meddle with our creative potential, but deep rest and reflection liberates our gifts. Venus will help with that, making downtime — and indeed sleep — all the more pleasurable.
For the next few weeks, your solo hours are the most generative ones. Tend to your behind-the-scenes tasks, such as journaling, reading, or listening to music. If tender feelings arise — let them. Confide in a friend, a furred familiar, or in a letter you never send. Emotional release offers its own alchemy.
What’s on the other side of all that brooding? Healing.
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Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
Venus in Scorpio guides you to connect with the masses — but with the intensity you would bring to your greatest love.
RSVP “yes” only to the communities that nourish your soul. As well, assess any sneaky power dynamics creeping on your scene. Analyze where influence is being misused, or where you yourself are engaging in covert power plays. But resist forecasting drama where there is none.
Instead, channel the intensity of your focus into uncovering what unites the crews you gather with. Whether it’s a shared history, a political message, or activity, cut to the core of what connects. Bond over what really matters, and create relationships that last for the long-haul.
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Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Venus in Scorpio guides you deeper into the web of connections that form your career and calling. It’s time to get real about the people — be they mentors, muses, or coworkers — that can catapult you to the next level of your ambitions.
This is a moment to assess how comfortable you are shining as a leader. With Venus in this corner of your chart, you’re bound to get noticed over the next few weeks. Does that thought excite you or daunt you? What stories dwell at the root of those feelings? Fear of success is as human as fear of failure — but both fears need to be understood and questioned.
Now, and until November 15th, connect with folks who can help transform your dreams into reality. Introduce yourself to at least one person. Go into these interactions with the knowledge that your future collaborators aren’t simply “doing you a favor.” You also have so much to offer them.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
Venus in Scorpio helps transform your relationship to your spiritual teachers, out-of-the-box thinkers, and mentors. Wherever your perspective on life is pushed to expand, you’re being guided to deepen it as well.
Devotion to uncovering and honoring new truths is the name of the game. However you’re seeking to enrich your worldview — be it through a meditation practice or reading group or self-guided research — commit to showing up on the regular.
Seek out fresh connections as well. If you notice an intriguing person in the mystery aisle of your bookstore, start a conversation. Curiously, the deeper you go now, the lighter you’ll feel in your heart.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.