Your Uranus in Taurus horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you as the next year unfolds. Please feel free to review these horoscopes as much as you need to over this time. As always, take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
Change sets us out on a trajectory that we cannot come back from. We are rearranged with every shift. Reconfigured with every brake. Reformulated with every awakening.
While the gods of nature are unarguably ceaseless in their demonstration of life’s perpetual process, up close those deities can be devastating. Change that feels too far from comfort can be hard to hold with perspective for us humans. Change often reminds us of a loss. A pain. A disappointment.
We never forget what happened the first time something changed and it wasn’t good.
We were left. We were hurt. We were forced to endure something unthinkable. We are given only the circumstances we are in. No explanation, rationale, or definitive course of action to take. No management up on high to take our complaints to. No court of Divine Law to take our case to. We must grapple with our grievances. Seek justice when and where we can. Source love from the wells we come from or are stumbled upon.
On Tuesday, May 15th at 4:48 AM PT, the new moon will occur at 24° of Taurus. In and of itself, a new moon in Taurus is a time to focus on the abundance of nature. Planting seeds of sweetness in the soil of our lives.
This new moon is a little different, however.
A few hours after the new moon, Uranus, Goddess of Change and Creative Chaos, enters the bull’s sign. The last time that Uranus entered Taurus was 1934. With an orbit of 84 years, this is the first time many of us will live through this energy, especially as adults.
Uranus changes, innovates, invents, breaks, and awakens. The first planet to be discovered with a telescope, Uranus broke the 4th wall of our cosmic consciousness revealing an entirely new dimension. For thousands of years we thought our solar system ended with the hefty rings of Saturn’s boundary. Uranus broke that limited thinking in 1781, when it was discovered by William Herschel. Laying on the other side of Saturn, Uranus’s axis differs from all other planetary bodies. Rotating almost entirely on its side, it is no wonder Uranus is known for having an impact of unconventionality. Uranus brings breakthroughs, demonstrated by the fact that its very discovery changed our understanding of our solar system, and what might lie beyond it.
Uranus in Taurus is an odd mix. Taurus is the most stabilizing of earth signs. The most grounded. Stubborn. Fecund. Fertility is never in shortage with this sign. Its fields are famous for yielding crops of incredible sustenance. A planet’s transit through these lands will always speak to the ways in which we work with them. How we build. How we grow. How we sustain. How we value the earth and its resources. The bull has been connected to wealth, currency, stock and trade for thousands of years. When a planet rolls through this sign, it teaches us something important about how we are relating to these exchanges.
Uranus’s time in Taurus speaks to innovations, changes, breakdowns and (hopefully) breakthroughs in banking systems, social security nets, land ownership/occupations, and how we work with the resources of this glorious earth we are so fortunate to inhabit. Taurus wants secure sources of prosperity on reserve, but consistency is not Uranus’s game. Here, Uranus seeks to flip the script on the status quo, but we mustn’t mistake change for progress when it isn’t. We mustn’t mistake what is shocking for what is innovative, what is disruptive for what is revolutionary, what is extreme for what is just.
Some men may be trying to outdo each other with fancy trips to Mars, but let us not be distracted from our job here on earth. Let us be endlessly interested in finding ways to live on this changing planet, this beloved space rock that birthed us, with greater appreciation, cooperation, and curiosity for how to take care of it and ourselves.
Uranus’s Impact
Transits from Uranus often come in loud, leaving many cowering from its sheer volume and velocity. Uranus transits chip away at our calcified exteriors, grinding our defenses down to dust. Revealing our ego’s tricks and tired antics.
Along the path of change we must part with our small, sometimes petty, outlooks so that we might meet broader aspects of ourselves and our lives. New knowledge we didn’t know we possessed. New talents that were latent within. Uranus reveals deep reserves of energy to draw from. When recycled, the wreckage of our lives makes for incredibly potent fuel. In order to access it, however, we have to confront our apathy. Our stifled rage. Our bound up desires. Our fears of being a failure and a success.
These are mighty foes. Uranus can bring about harrowing events, but only in confronting the fears that they reveal can we take our power back.
Uranus Through The Ages
Uranus, like all planets in our solar system is always moving. When we speak about our personal astrology, or our astrological chart, we are talking about a snapshot of the sky that is taken at our birth. A snapshot that never changes, shifts, or alters.
Below I go through a series of transits from Uranus. That is to say, I am speaking about transiting Uranus, Uranus in the sky right now, in relationship with where Uranus was when you were born, your natal Uranus, the Uranus in your chart.
Transiting Uranus will make an aspect to our natal Uranus around the ages of 14, 21, 28, 42, 56, 64, 70, and 84. Each transit is completely unique in nature, but all have to do with a personal innovation, change, and awakening.
Uranus will also make aspects to the planets and points in your chart, but those are specific to you. The transits mentioned here are part of astrological life-cycles. We all go through them no matter the specifics of our chart. However if you have any planets or points between 28°-29° of Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, or any planets or points between 0°-2° of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius, you will be experiencing a major Uranus transit over the next year which will result in unexpected changes, innovations, upheavals, experimentations, and awakenings in the areas of your life that Uranus is impacting (see your horoscopes for more information or join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus where I go into great detail about Uranus in Taurus).
The following is a list of Uranus transits that folks will be going through from the spring of 2018 to the spring of 2019. However, you can use the general ages I mention to look back on your life, and possibly forward, to get a sense of how Uranus impacts certain parts of our lifecycle. I’ve noted the ages at which major Saturn cycles align with Uranus cycles. Later in life they still occur close together, but not at the same time. Saturn represents structure, tradition, limits, and boundaries. Uranus is untraditional, experimental, and boundary-breaking. Thus the times mentioned hold the tension of needing to address both aspects of self and life.
Those in their mid teens, between 13-15 years old, that were born with Uranus between 28° of Aquarius and 2° of Pisces are experiencing their opening Uranus sextile Uranus. This is the first major aspect that Uranus makes to itself. It is a transit that inspires our strange, helps us to make contact with our weird, and encourages our rebelliousness. As our bodies become their own hormonal experimentations, we are astrologically encouraged to go our own way, try new things, and envision who we might become given the right to freely express ourselves. It is, of course, an age filled to the brim with Uranus-themed revolts. We sneak out. We scheme about how to get the attention of a cute person. We seek attention through disruptive behavior. We are embodying the complexities of changing and having no idea what we will eventually become. This happens around the same time as our first Saturn opposition, a time when our issues, complaints and stand-offs with the authority figures in our lives become very pronounced.
Those around 20-22 that were born with Uranus between 28° of Capricorn and 2° of Aquarius are going through their Uranus square Uranus. At the time when teenage-hood spits us out, we are suddenly stumbling through some sort of beginning adulthood. Squares are linked to a crisis, a call from deep within to take action but, without much time in the saddle, understanding which action to take is hard to decipher. We must upset tradition. We must cause a scene. We must find our way through the rocky and unexpected beginnings of being on our own. This occurs at the same time as our closing Saturn square Saturn, the major aspect that precedes the Saturn return. Saturn is also creating a condition for further release of the childhood conditions we need to grapple with in order to move towards adulthood.
Those between 27-30, born with Uranus between 28° of Sagittarius and 2° of Capricorn, are in their Uranus Trine Uranus. This is a transit that occurs at the same time as our Saturn return. Uranus teaches us to break with the traditions that inhibit us as Saturn demands we face the realities of adulthood. Uranus trine Uranus makes it easier for us to move in our own direction, meaning, if we didn’t have that transit our Saturn return might be even harder.
Those between 42-44 with Uranus between 28° of Libra and 2° of Scorpio are working through their Uranus opposition. This is akin to a mid-life crisis. Shaken to the core, the Uranus opposition can derail us if we are on a life path that is anything but authentic. This transit is usually a kind of rude awakening. One that points directly to our core issues and patterns. One that breaks up the oldest of our issues and asks us to get free or get old without having truly lived. Around this time the second Saturn opposition occurs, detailing the lengths, successes, and pitfalls we’ve managed our way through since our Saturn return.
Those between 55-57 with Uranus between 28° of Leo and 2° of Virgo are going through their closing Uranus trine. I say closing because the planet has passed the point of its opposition, and much like a full moon shedding its light, the second Uranus trine of our lives give us more to work with. We might even say that much like the disseminating moon phase, the second Uranus trine is a time of sharing what it is we have learned about caring less and getting even more free with our lives, creativity and selves.
Those between 63-65 with Uranus between 28° of Cancer and 2° of Leo are going through their Uranus last quarter square. This is an aspect that causes friction, much like we felt when we were in our early 20’s, but this time much of our creative ambitions have been lived out and, if they haven’t, this transit will be that much more uncomfortable, calling us to break with what limits us and move confidently towards living out our life purpose.
Those between 69-71 with Uranus between 28° of Gemini and 2° of Cancer are going through their closing Uranus sextile Uranus. Much like the sextile that occurs in our early teen life, this transit reminds us, in a sweeter, more subtle way of the aspects of ourselves that are irrepressible. Let no ageism slow us down. We must keep rebelling, this time with more skill and deftness than we did as teenagers. These gifts should not be wasted and there is no longer eons of time left for us to put them to good use.
Those between 83-85 will be experiencing their Uranus return. Since Uranus is also the Goddess of No Fs Left to Give, folks experiencing this later in life transit are encouraged to abandon themselves to their unique nature. All eccentricities are magnified under this planet’s presence, and those that live well into the 8th decade of their life should feel free to express their own, fully and without restraint.
*For a detailed look at how Uranus in Taurus, the new moon in Taurus, and the astrology of the next lunar cycle will impact your sign, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus. This workshop includes a bonus sign-specific reading for Uranus in Taurus as well as a reading for the new moon in Taurus, new and full moon meditations, rituals, altar suggestions and astrologically auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Aries & Aries Rising
Uranus has spent the last 7 years in Aries. A 7-year itch of epic proportions, Uranus reinvented much about the ways in which you lived your life. Whether you have Aries sun, rising, or both, Uranus has been challenging the way that you view yourself. Changing the way that you understand your personal impact. Encouraging you to develop a more nuanced understanding of what to do with your energy.
Uranus has been working on you to become more authentic no matter the price. The result being that you are more likely less dependent on conventional securities than you were 7 years ago.
Your worth is not dependent on having achieved traditionally age-appropriate milestones. You have had a different destiny to carve out for yourself. You have had to traverse the unknown. Channel the unconventional. Cease to judge yourself on what didn’t get built and instead value what did get discovered.
Now it’s time to understand your assets in the same way. With Uranus entering Taurus and your 2nd house of money, assets, and energetic reserves, you are being introduced to a whole new aspect of your work. The astrology is asking you to reorient your thinking about what is possible in your financial life. It’s asking you to open up to new ways of working. New jobs. New investments. New possibilities for putting the talents you were born with to work.
Consider how you might be limiting your ability to cultivate finances by holding on too tightly to old ways of supporting yourself. What ideas about your financial or work life are outdated? Which are tied too tightly to older versions of yourself, your worth, or your talents? What resources do you need to free up? What talent needs to be reconfigured to work more effectively in the modern world?
Uranus will spend 6 months (May 15th – November 6th of 2018) in this area of your chart. It will then retrograde back into Aries for 5 months (November 6th 2018 – March 6th 2019), finishing up your personal revolution before it heads back into Taurus until 2026. For the next 10 months you will be asked to bridge the gap between your personal awakenings and your professional ones. This astrology is calling for a change in how you make your living and, as you do, it is reminding you that unless it feels like freedom, it isn’t really revolutionary.
*For a detailed look at how Uranus in Taurus, the new moon in Taurus, and the astrology of the next lunar cycle will impact your sign, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus. This workshop includes a bonus sign-specific reading for Uranus in Taurus as well as a reading for the new moon in Taurus, new and full moon meditations, rituals, altar suggestions and astrologically auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Taurus & Taurus Rising
Uranus has spent the last 7 years in the background of your chart. Revolutionizing the way you heal. Reminding you that treasures buried deep are often guarded by the deadliest of demons. You have had to explore not only the depths of your psyche, mining the core of your issues for keys to their dissolution, but you have had to develop the courage necessary to take on such a task.
Come May 15th, Uranus takes you on a new adventure. One more obvious and less obscure. One that demands you get open and honest with yourself and the world you come into contact with everyday.
This is no time to hide your strange. This is no time to deny your unconventional yearnings. This is no time to pretend that you fit into spaces that you obviously want to, need to and can break out of. Your sign is known for its stabilizing talents. It is known for its dedication. For its ability to sit through the worst movies, situations, and surroundings due to its original commitment to a thing.
You’re going to have to get good with leaving when it’s your time to.
You’re going to have to get used to not being able to solve a situation by the sheer force of your desire to. You’re going to have to get attuned to your cravings for the unusual, cravings that are leading you towards the breakthroughs you are bound for.
In your sign, Uranus will reveal to you the power of allowing your identity to be innovated. Updated. Understanding in greater depth what facades you have to create in order to survive, Uranus wonders what life would be like with less restriction on your self-expression.
Uranus will spend 6 months (May 15th – November 6th of 2018) in your sign. It will then retrograde back into Aries for 5 months (November 6th 2018 – March 6th 2019), finishing up the inner revolution it started 7 years ago. Once it heads back into Taurus, you’ll be working through your outer updates until 2026.
For the next 10 months you will be asked to bridge the gap between the healing that has occurred on the deepest of levels and the new ways in which you share yourself as a result. Welcome the personal revolution occurring. You’ve needed to keep a certain amount under wraps until now, but the time has come for an unveiling of your most luminous eccentricities, your most unconventional talents, and your most unruly desires.
*For a detailed look at how Uranus in Taurus, the new moon in Taurus, and the astrology of the next lunar cycle will impact your sign, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus. This workshop includes a bonus sign-specific reading for Uranus in Taurus as well as a reading for the new moon in Taurus, new and full moon meditations, rituals, altar suggestions and astrologically auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Gemini & Gemini Rising
Whether or not we feel a sense of belonging to the family that raised us, we all are charged with the task of finding families of friends. Groups of extended platonic relations. Gatherings that help us to get to the heart of what it is we most wish to create here on earth.
You are ending, but not quite through, a 7 year transit that has and is teaching you much about the ups and downs of being a part of, and apart from, community. Being insincere about our affinities for others is no use to us or our fellows. The last 7 years have most likely taught you a lot about how to navigate many changes regarding which groups you are attracted to and why. It’s OK to outgrow a group dynamic. It’s OK to be the odd one out. It has hopefully been a time where you’ve cultivated quality weirdos to bound and build with. Quantity is challenging when corralling unique humans, so don’t feel a way about having lost interest with larger group situations. It’s more important that you have sought out those that inspire your own uniqueness to come forward rather than staying with folks that don’t quite fit you out of fear of being alone.
Uranus is now moving into your 12th house of hidden life, and the creative energy that is held captive by your un-grieved ghosts. During Uranus’s transit through Taurus you will be asked to learn about new aspects of your healing. Uranus is encouraging you to become an expert at getting out of your own way. This transit is a master class on how you limit yourself through sneaky self-sabotage. How you feed old sorrows instead of encouraging your appetite for your current success. How you leak energy to the past instead of investing in your present.
This is a time of intense, evocative, and extreme internal liberation.
The thing to remember is that once made conscious, any unhelpful behavior begins to lose its power over us. Once made conscious, we regain an important energetic boon that our unconscious behavior was robbing us of. Once made conscious, unfulfilling unconscious behaviors reveal themselves to be far less of an interesting option than they were before.
Healing has a chance to happen naturally once we have shone the light of consciousness into the forgotten wounds of our inner world.
Uranus will spend 6 months (May 15th – November 6th of 2018) in your 12th house. It will then retrograde back into Aries for 5 months (November 6th 2018 – March 6th 2019), finishing up its work within your social spheres before it heads back into Taurus until 2026, helping you to breakthrough the psychic clutter that clouds your conscious awareness. For the next 10 months, you will be asked to bridge the gap between these two spheres of life reminding you that true liberation requires that we spend time on our personal healing so that we can show up for our collective evolution.
*For a detailed look at how Uranus in Taurus, the new moon in Taurus, and the astrology of the next lunar cycle will impact your sign, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus. This workshop includes a bonus sign-specific reading for Uranus in Taurus as well as a reading for the new moon in Taurus, new and full moon meditations, rituals, altar suggestions and astrologically auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Cancer & Cancer Rising
Over the past 7 years, Uranus has awoken you to the limitless nature of your creative ambitions. Whatever you have been able to reinvent in your professional life has helped to liberate you from any false notions of your capacity as a powerful contributor to your field. Whatever you have helped to innovate, invent, and bring forth to your profession will be remarked upon, and most likely referred back to, for the rest of your professional days. Whatever risks, wild cards, and revolts you have taken advantage of over the past 7 years should have helped you work through your fears of failure. Not that you didn’t experience any failures, but that you came to realize how important it is to move through feelings that come up each time you push past an unhelpful barrier. No longer do you need to feel like you are limited by your past. Whatever has scared you silly, while supplying you with eventual rewards, will keep gifting your professional projects for decades to come.
Now, as Uranus enters Taurus and your 11th house, it brings you important truths about your connections, and the communities, collaborations and collectives that you are a part of. Aligning yourself with the people that support and share your dreams for the future is life sustaining and changing at the moment. Uranus seeks to broaden our understanding of a certain aspect of our lives each time it changes signs. Part of what this revolutionary energy is helping you with now is taking people and their issues less personally. Uranus is encouraging you to detangle your old and inhibiting abandonment issues by helping you to be less dependent on having any specific reaction, response, or relationship with the groups that you belong to.
This is your time to appreciate your own company, validate your own experience, and enjoy the people that truly appreciate you regardless of your societal position.
Uranus’s transit through Taurus is also asking you to experience a new kind of intimacy, one that is available because you don’t need anything specific from anyone. One that is based on freedom. One that isn’t an idea of what someone should give you, but an experience of what is being offered to you. Uranus will help you chip away at the trust issues that trip you up and have historically inhibited you from freely enjoying the groups that you have affinities for.
May this crack the surface of what has kept you in isolation.
Uranus will spend 6 months (May 15th – November 6th of 2018) working on this area of your life. It will then retrograde back into Aries and your 10th house of career for 5 more months (November 6th 2018 – March 6th 2019), finishing up the professional innovations that are imperative to your success. Uranus will then be solidly in Taurus until 2026.
For the next 10 months you will be asked to bridge the gap between your career and your connections. Between your ability to roll with the changing nature of your profession and your need for innovative co-creations. It reveals to you just how intrinsically important it is for you to establish connections with the groups that support and want to see your long-term career goals come to fruition.
*For a detailed look at how Uranus in Taurus, the new moon in Taurus, and the astrology of the next lunar cycle will impact your sign, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus. This workshop includes a bonus sign-specific reading for Uranus in Taurus as well as a reading for the new moon in Taurus, new and full moon meditations, rituals, altar suggestions and astrologically auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Leo & Leo Rising
Having spent 7 years in your 9th house of teaching, learning, traveling, and experiencing all that life’s open roads have to offer, Uranus has asked you to let go of any rigid long-term plans.
Or expectations of how life is supposed to unfold.
Instead, what these past 7 years have encouraged you to do is enjoy the journey. To learn on the go. To teach from your most authentic self. To be more interested in honest experiences than getting anywhere that society deems important. What you began to study 7 years ago has most likely landed you in a whole different area of expertise. What you have been encouraged to get a graduate degree in is meaning, no matter the meandering or madcap journeys it has required you to take. What your soul has been angling for is awakening which can be all too disruptive to your worldly progress, but arguably more important than it, and ultimately a proponent of it, in the true sense of the word.
Now, with Uranus entering Taurus, you are asked to bring this kind of vision to your professional life and aspirations. You are being asked to do something that has never been done before. Something that is going to possibly change the shape of your professional landscape. The way you do work right now will change radically over the next 7 years. You have most likely began to implement many of these innovations, but from here on out they will have a power that they didn’t previously.
Uranus wants to encourage a radical remake of your work itself or your profession in general. Through you this energy is being expressed in the most public of ways. There is no way to do this without being disruptive. Without being a pain in the ass to the status quo. Without being a loud and unrelenting harbinger of the future for your field.
Some might feel threatened by your vision. Some might be resistant to your ideas. Some might not be ready for the future that you are channeling. You’ll have to push up against convention, but you still need to keep the best parts of what has traditionally worked for you. Try to balance the present with the future’s needs for all you serve.
Uranus will spend 6 months (May 15th – November 6th of 2018) in your 10th house of career before it retrogrades back into Aries for 5 months (November 6th 2018 – March 6th 2019), during which time it will finish up its 9th house journeys. It will then move back into Taurus, solidly sorting out 10th house career issues until 2026. Therefore, for the next 10 months you will be asked to bridge the gap between your beliefs and your career. Your innovative teaching style and your professional progress. Your spiritual calling and your worldly duties. If your career doesn’t stir your soul, it certainly won’t be something you can sustain.
*For a detailed look at how Uranus in Taurus, the new moon in Taurus, and the astrology of the next lunar cycle will impact your sign, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus. This workshop includes a bonus sign-specific reading for Uranus in Taurus as well as a reading for the new moon in Taurus, new and full moon meditations, rituals, altar suggestions and astrologically auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Virgo & Virgo Rising
After spending 7 years reinventing the ways in which you share your precious time, energy, and talents with others, Uranus in Aries most likely made you a pro at finding the most unconventional ways to work with others. Though not always the smoothest of transits, Uranus may have helped you to understand the importance of finding the right fit. Anything that wasn’t an authentic match in business adventures would have caused more disruption than it was worth. Here Uranus helped you to develop unique ways of working collaboratively, opening up possibilities of sharing, merging, and making something with others in ways totally unique to your situations.
During the past 7 years you may have also learned new ways of working through and with your grief. We have to meet the feelings that accompany loss without judgement or shame. With a deep appreciation for our unique situations and sorrows. This transit wanted to liberate you of any notion that you were healing on a timeline and asked you to simply respect your natural timing.
As Uranus ventures into Taurus and your 9th house it wants to liberate you from outdated ideas about your past, your present, and your future adventures. It infuses you with a curiosity for learning. It sweeps you up in a desire for new adventures. It sets you off on the most unconventional quests. Making plans right now might not be the most pragmatic use of your energy. What is useful to you is becoming more attuned to your intuition. As you learn to trust this way of knowing, and living, you’ll be strengthening your connection to the guides you most need to listen to.
Whatever new topics of interest are enticing you will lead you down unforeseen paths over the next 7 years. You’ll be given unexpected opportunities to teach, travel, and study under unconventional teachers, publish provocative, envelope-pushing pieces, and develop your creative ideas into forms you couldn’t have foreseen.
Follow the knowledge.
Uranus will spend 6 months (May 15th – November 6th of 2018) in your 9th house before retrograding back into Aries for 5 months (Uranus will be in Aries from November 6th 2018 – March 6th 2019). During this time it focuses on finishing up the lessons of sharing resources and collaborating creatively before it heads back into Taurus and your 9th house until 2026. Over the next 10 months, you will be asked to bridge the gap between your 8th and 9th house, your collaborative efforts and the new adventures you are setting out on. The key here is to understand how to get the most out of working with others so that you have the freedom to do what you need to on your own.
*For a detailed look at how Uranus in Taurus, the new moon in Taurus, and the astrology of the next lunar cycle will impact your sign, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus. This workshop includes a bonus sign-specific reading for Uranus in Taurus as well as a reading for the new moon in Taurus, new and full moon meditations, rituals, altar suggestions and astrologically auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Libra & Libra Rising
Over the past 7 years, Uranus has given you epic assignments to be worked out in your committed partnerships. The break ups, breakthroughs, (re)formations, revelations, and renovations that you and your soul-mates have experienced, together and apart, will serve you (both) for years to come. There should be little doubt left in you as to the importance of asking for what you need and being dedicated to developing the dynamics that you want.
If they are to succeed, relationships need elasticity. Room for give and take. Space to stretch and test. Encouragement to see how their original structure can keep its integrity while experimenting with what else it can hold. Though you are not completely finished with these revisions, there is a new arena of your relationships that needs revitalization.
Your collaborations are calling for your innovative inspirations.
Over the next 7 years you will work with others in ways you couldn’t have previously dreamt of. You’ll be put in situations entirely new to you because the technology, industry, or life circumstances that they require are only now beginning to collide with your current situations. You may have had glimpses into these new possibilities. You may have been experimenting with a new way of doing business. You may be experimenting with new ways of merging your resources with others.
What’s key is finding the most captivating collaborations possible.
As you do so you will most likely notice that the ways in which you share your energy are in need of a reassessment. Some of your personal traditions need to be updated. Some practices reinvented. Some patterns never again repeated if possible.
Learning to share only what you can, when you can, in the way that you can is a personal revolution. Doing this requires that you care, love and value yourself, even when you can’t give anything to anyone save yourself.
Save yourself.
You don’t have to do anyone else’s work when they are fully capable and responsible for doing it themselves. Likewise, don’t ask anyone to do your share when you are fully capable of picking up your own slack.
Uranus will spend 6 months (May 15th – November 6th of 2018) in Taurus and your 8th house of collaborations. It will then retrograde back into Aries and your 7th house of committed partnerships for 5 months (November 6th 2018 – March 6th 2019), finishing up the lessons that you have been learning here. Once Uranus heads back into Taurus in March of 2019, it will be there until 2026.
For the next 10 months you will be asked to bridge the gap between the people that you choose to commit to and the investments of your time, talent and energy that you make in all your collaborations. Every relationship is an exchange. Know the balance of your budgets so that you don’t overspend on those that aren’t on the market or underinvest in the gold within your reach.
*For a detailed look at how Uranus in Taurus, the new moon in Taurus, and the astrology of the next lunar cycle will impact your sign, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus. This workshop includes a bonus sign-specific reading for Uranus in Taurus as well as a reading for the new moon in Taurus, new and full moon meditations, rituals, altar suggestions and astrologically auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Having spent 7 years reworking your relationship to your duties, work-life and health regimes, Uranus has been helping you value the work that you have been taught to delegitimize. Uranus has asked you to understand your invisible labor and to honor the toll that it takes, so that you might understand what your exchanges entail. How they impact your health. How they effect your feeling of accomplishment. How acknowledging them can help you to experience a sense of pride in your work and well-being in your life.
Whatever attitude you have been able to revolutionize about yourself and the impact of your efforts on your work, will serve you for some time. Like lifetime. Whatever unhelpful attitude, habit, or pattern that you have been able to find freedom from is a major win in regards to your longterm success.
As Uranus moves into Taurus and your 7th house, it seeks to revolutionize the ways in which you partner with others. There is nothing ordinary about your needs at this time. Those that open your mind find a permanent place in your heart. Rebelling against the normal ways of working with others, you are in need of new ways to come into partnership. New agreements to experiment with. New necessities to provide for.
For those already in settled structures, your relationships undergo a process of initiation. Craving to engage in long-forgotten, or never previously expressed, aspects of self is an incredibly important part of the process of partnering.
Uranus brings to the surface aspects of yourself that need to be experienced through those that you are closest to. To some this will feel like you are changing. For others it will feel like your partners themselves are going through their own important shifts. Whatever the situation your relationships will need to become big enough for everyone’s eccentricities to bloom. Make space for strange. Welcome weird. This is no time to stay stuck in any kind of conformity for fear of what will happen if you were to break out of it.
Uranus will spend 6 months (May 15th – November 6th of 2018) in this area of your chart. This introduction will give you many insights into the complete transit, though it is only a taste of this temptress. In November, Uranus will retrograde back into Aries for 5 months (November 6th 2018 – March 6th 2019), completing its efforts to revolutionize your way of working. By March of 2019, it firmly roams through Taurus until 2026.
For the next 10 months, you are asked to bridge the gap between the revolutions your work-life has undergone and the one you’re experimenting with in your personal and professional partnerships. As you allow yourself the freedom to be yourself in one area of your life, it naturally makes room for you to be in the other.
*For a detailed look at how Uranus in Taurus, the new moon in Taurus, and the astrology of the next lunar cycle will impact your sign, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus. This workshop includes a bonus sign-specific reading for Uranus in Taurus as well as a reading for the new moon in Taurus, new and full moon meditations, rituals, altar suggestions and astrologically auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Uranus has spent the last 7 years awakening the creative chaos that lives within. Overripe master-pieces have most likely sprung from your mind fully formed like Athena from Zeus’s head. Though, not from nowhere, not without a Mother, these creative innovations were most likely brewing within you all along. Gestating. Waiting. Strategizing about when to catch you off guard so that you would give them your undivided attention.
Potent potions are like that.
The point of these experiences was to teach you how to allow your muses their rightful place in your life no matter how preposterous they might have appeared to your conscious mind at the time. Creative visions should never be judged on their accuracy. Just on the quality of their inspiration. The most resonant of which must have demanded all of you. May have taken everything and then some. Must have had you wondering aloud what on earth you were doing all this for.
Now you know.
Whatever you were able to let be unleashed creatively over the past 7 years will serve you for the rest of your days. Whatever you feel is still latent within you will have another chance of stealing your heart later this year when Uranus moves back into Aries for 5 months come late fall.
As Uranus ventures into Taurus mid-May it shocks your 6th house into attention. Here Uranus seeks to innovate and update your relationship to your work-life, projects, habits and issues with regards your health and healing. Big shifts occur on some or all these fronts over the next 7 years. You are asked to bring forth a new way of doing your work. Unforeseen opportunities come to you. Breaking with tradition, you are are asked to cut ties with what is outdated. Making room for something timely, you need to follow your impulses, strategically, but faithfully. Because of your experience, because of your passion, because of your unique relationship to your work, only you know what your work and your way of working need at the moment.
Uranus will spend 6 months (May 15th – November 6th of 2018) in Taurus and your 6th house of work and health. It will then retrograde back into Aries for 5 months (November 6th 2018 – March 6th 2019), finishing up your creative unveiling before it heads back into Taurus until 2026.
For the next 10 months, you will be asked to bridge the gap between your creative aspirations and your ability to re-create your work-life as a place of disciplined freedom. We must all attend to our duties in order to cultivate the inner authority necessary to break the rules as wisely and triumphantly as we can.
*For a detailed look at how Uranus in Taurus, the new moon in Taurus, and the astrology of the next lunar cycle will impact your sign, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus. This workshop includes a bonus sign-specific reading for Uranus in Taurus as well as a reading for the new moon in Taurus, new and full moon meditations, rituals, altar suggestions and astrologically auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
After 7 years of Uranus transiting your 4th house of home, family, foundations, and inherited, ancestral patterns, you have a much clearer understanding of why you are the way you are. Uranus is loud, unrelenting energy that usually results in break ups and breakthroughs. In the 4th house, Uranus disturbs our peace. Reformulates our home-life. Forces us to reevaluate what we are keeping ourselves tied to.
The past is to be made conscious, respected, and valued, but not necessarily repeated.
Your work over the past 7 years was to understand in greater depth the impact that your childhood has on your present life, the impact that your parent’s unprocessed pain has on your own, and the impact that your inner life has on your outer one. Uranus unearthed all that it needed to get you to understand the connection between what you came from and what you are consciously and unconsciously (re)creating. At times this may have been too destabilizing to appreciate. Too disruptive to do much with. Too loud to listen to.
Looking back, you might now be able to witness the importance of such drama. If it hadn’t happened would you have made the moves that you eventually had to? If you weren’t challenged by the instability would you have sought to learn so much about your own ability to find solid, inner ground?
As Uranus moves into Taurus and your 5th house of creative energy, projects, and potential, your next challenge is to find the freedom needed to fully self-express. Over the next 7 years, Uranus will challenge you to see yourself as a channel for creative ingenuity, experimentation, and innovation.
This will require that you become keen to all the ways in which you criticize your creations before they have a chance to make themselves manifest. Get to know the voice within you that doubts all that you are able to do. Dissect the messages. Deconstruct their impact on your process. Demand to know why these inner haters should have any power over the potent energy you possess.
Clear a path for creative energy to move through. Remove the blockages to what you want to create and it will gladly find its way to you.
Uranus will spend 6 months (May 15th – November 6th of 2018) in Taurus and your 5th house of creative energy and aspirations. It will then retrograde back into Aries and your 4th house of home and foundations from November 6th 2018 – March 6th 2019, finishing up its transit there before it re-enters Taurus, where it will stay until 2026.
For the next 10 months, you will be asked to bridge the gap between the childhood issues that you have been working through and the creative potential that you now need to explore. Whatever in your past made you doubt your talents, desires and dreams now needs to be made conscious so that you can find ways to be confidently imperfect in all of your current creative endeavors.
*For a detailed look at how Uranus in Taurus, the new moon in Taurus, and the astrology of the next lunar cycle will impact your sign, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus. This workshop includes a bonus sign-specific reading for Uranus in Taurus as well as a reading for the new moon in Taurus, new and full moon meditations, rituals, altar suggestions and astrologically auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Over the last 7 years, Uranus disrupted your days. Introduced you to the rituals that would eventually awaken a deeper connection to yourself. Moved your schedule around until it morphed into its current incarnation. Created a desire in you to get loud about issues that meant the most to you.
No longer is your silence a seeming protection against life’s harshness. You’ve voiced your truth and it can never go back into the cavern it came from. Out in the wide open spaces, the truth changes you.
Not to mention everyone else.
As Uranus begins to transit Taurus and your 4th house, it asks you to bring that kind of honesty home. Here, Uranus gets rowdy at the root. Turning over your foundations, reinventing your relationship to parents, family, and ancestry. Over the next 7 years, Uranus is bound to bring to consciousness the most entrenched of your family’s patterns. These inherited ways of being start to become unbearable for you, unmanageable, and obviously unnecessary to carry forward into the future.
You were undoubtedly brought to this point in your life to break up the patterns of your past. To make them more conscious. To separate them out and inspect them as you would any system you are a part of. At this moment you are the one in your family that is able to do this work. You are the one in your household that is unearthing the unconscious patterns that inhibit more honest ways of cohabiting. You are the one welcoming in a new way of relating.
Whatever issues Uranus helps you to become more aware of are ones that have had too much of a hold over you or your ancestry.
Too much needs to be expressed through you for you to be tied to anything that inhibits your authenticity, agency, or ability to discover your talents as they wish to be known. These kinds of excavations are intense. They cannot be completed all at once. They need to be recognized as the incremental, yet monumental, movements towards the experience and expression of your uniqueness.
Uranus will spend the next 6 months (May 15th – November 6th of 2018) introducing itself to your 4th house of home, family, and foundations. By late fall it will retrograde back into Aries, and your 3rd house of communication and daily ritual, where it will be until late winter 2019 (November 6th 2018 -March 6th 2019). By March it then heads back into Taurus and your 4th house where it will be until 2026.
For the next 10 months you are asked to cultivate your ability to communicate with thoughtful, compassionate, radical honesty in regards to the issues that lay within the foundations of your life. Those that have known you the longest may begin to find you unrecognizable but, as you become more authentically yourself, they’ll come to feel liberated to do the same for themselves.
*For a detailed look at how Uranus in Taurus, the new moon in Taurus, and the astrology of the next lunar cycle will impact your sign, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus. This workshop includes a bonus sign-specific reading for Uranus in Taurus as well as a reading for the new moon in Taurus, new and full moon meditations, rituals, altar suggestions and astrologically auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Pisces & Pisces Rising
After spending 7 years in your 2nd house of income, assets, livelihood, and resources, Uranus has taught you almost all it can about believing in the skills that you alone possess. Your most eccentric resources are likely to be your most resilient ones. Whatever is unique to you will always serve to sustain your life. Whatever you have been able to build out of what you have been given is greater than the sum of any account. The ways in which you have learned to make a living is nothing short of a testament to your trust in life.
Honor your talents by putting to use all you were taught about them over the past 7 years.
While work, income, and investments were most likely erratic, sporadic, or unconventionally curated over this time period, you most likely learned a thing or two about being able to trust the flow even when you can’t predict it. This kind of trust requires a keenness to tap into your intuition, a talent you’ll be cultivating as Uranus moves into Taurus and your 3rd house.
Here, Uranus wants to help you tap into alternative ways of communicating. Take note of whatever your gut says. Account for whatever your senses pick up. Recognize whatever you perceive from others as valuable information.
Every time we validate our intuition with recognition it grows stronger and more willing to work with us.
Over the next 7 years it will be important for you to find little, sustainable, daily rituals to help you stay attuned to yourself. As Uranus rolls through your 3rd house it will call for changes to your schedule. Daily activity may become highly erratic, spontaneous, and hard to plan out. Having a couple of key practices to fall back on can help to keep you grounded and centered in the eye of the storm. Though much of what Uranus will bring is exciting, it can at times be overwhelming to the system. Not only are the rhythms of your days shifting but so too are the tones and tempos of your communications and relationships.
You may find it less possible than ever to keep you thoughts to yourself. You may find it imperative to your mental health to speak your truth louder than you ever have before. You may find that the dynamics with your closest friends, siblings and relations are also having their own revolutions. As you change so too do your most important connections. This is a time when you may grow apart from some and closer to others. Those that don’t want to grow honestly with you won’t be able to travel alongside you for long.
Uranus will spend the next 6 months (May 15th – November 6th of 2018) in Taurus and your 3rd house of communications, daily rituals, and siblings. It will then retrograde back into Aries and your 2nd house of income, assets, and livelihood from November 6th 2018 – March 6th 2019, at which point it heads back into Taurus where it will be until 2026.
For the next 10 months, you will be asked to bridge the gap between the ways in which you uniquely support yourself and the ways in which you need to honestly express yourself. The more creatively you can do both, the more you and your work reap the benefits.
*For a detailed look at how Uranus in Taurus, the new moon in Taurus, and the astrology of the next lunar cycle will impact your sign, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus. This workshop includes a bonus sign-specific reading for Uranus in Taurus as well as a reading for the new moon in Taurus, new and full moon meditations, rituals, altar suggestions and astrologically auspicious times to work with.