*Please note that I only write about the major aspects of the week
Monday, December 21st
Mercury in Capricorn sextile Chiron in Pisces
Sun enter Capricorn/Winter Solstice
This is no time for small talk. Conversations aim to get to the heart of the matter. A few days ago Mercury made a conjunction to Pluto and a square to Uranus unearthing some intense inner, and possibly public, dialogues. Mercury and Chiron will continue to go deep. Deep psychological healing, deep journeying, deep journaling. Do some.
Thursday 24 December 2015
Venus in Scorpio sextile Jupiter in Virgo
This is a great aspect to help us connect and rekindle good feelings for one another. Both planets are in their detriment so it’s not the strongest situation, but during the holiday season we can be grateful for every little bit of good tidings.
Friday 25 December 2015
Full Moon in Cancer at 3:12 AM PST
For a full post on the full moon, check back on Monday December 21st.
Mercury trine Jupiter
Another potentially helpful aspect that can keep us focused on what is possible, attainable and worthy of working towards.
Uranus stations direct
Uranus in action can make for a bumpy, twisty, turning holiday experience or it can help to create a tangible difference in this year’s celebrations. Go for whatever will help you get free. That might be going home, staying home, or developing a different relationship to “home”.
*I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 21st) and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know your rising sign, please read it. If you don’t, read your sun sign. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both. Take what works for you, leave the rest. There is no right way to do this, it’s all just a friendly suggestion. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
This Friday’s full moon calls you home. Go. Wherever home happens to be right now. Wherever you go make sure you take yourself with you. It’s easy to leave ourselves behind sometimes. It’s easy to forget what we need when set up by the things that pull us to and fro.
This full moon might bring you closer to understanding something about the nature of your relationship to the ones that brought you here. Parents. Family. Whether we are tethered to them or not, whether we are in communication or not, whether we know them or not, we are in relationship with them. The ghost of them. The reality of them. What they were. What they were not. What they wanted to be. What they want you to be. What you need to be for yourself. What you want to be for them.
Friday’s full moon wants to remind you that it’s OK to revise, review and reclaim your way of being in relationship to all of that. There is healing here. There are things you need to know, to remember, to remind yourself of. Mainly that you are not alone, not because anyone else is with you, but because you are with you.
Friday also brings with it a shift for you. A liberation. An awakening. A revelation. You are connected to and different from everyone else in your life. With a heavy emphasis on your career goals and achieving worldly recognition for all of the hard work you’ve put in, this week’s full moon might remind you of the reasons why you do what you do. It might also show you how different you are, how far you’ve come and how much you are still learning about what you are capable of creating.
*I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 21st) and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
Friday’s full moon wants to sit you down and have a talk. Heart to heart. Human to cosmos. Words to silence. Ugly cries might be a part of the conversation. Let them happen. They can lead the way to beauty. Sentiments that build familial feelings will most likely be part of the discussion. It’s a great time to interview relatives, gather family stories, think on the ones that you have yet to question and debunk the myths that you’ve lived by that do not support your growth.
Listen to what is being said around the dinner table, who is saying it and what their intention is. Notice when you don’t like the way something lands and see if you tend to say the same things in other ways. Notice what is said that builds trust. Notice the silences that strengthen emotional bonds. Notice what you say to yourself internally that helps you ease the emotional ebbs and flows of the holiday season.
There is a helpful combination that occurs this week that leads me to think there is some unfolding of your heart, some sweetness exchanged with others. It looks like there is an unfolding of another’s heart towards you too. There is an opening here. Whether it’s a new relationship, one you’ve been in for years or the ongoing development of your relationship with all of life, this week wants to gift you with the experience of being seen, witnessed and remembered through those you are closest to (and getting closer to).
The trick is to navigate the sometimes choppy emotional waters when you start to get close to another. What family stories about you, about love and about happiness get in the way of you being present with what is happening now? Pay attention to them so that you can make a conscious decision about how you would like to show up for all of your affairs of the heart.
*I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 21st) and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
Friday’s full moon highlights how you really feel about your talents, your gifts and your resources. There may be some kind of recognition rolling your way. There might be a fat check in a holiday card en route to your abode. There might be a gift of inspiration that will come to you to help future funds come in.
This week brings you some very practical magic. It involves your ability to envision your way to your version of success. It involves reading who will actually work with you in equal capacity and who you’ll have to carry across the finish line. It involves believing in your Big Dreams while stepping towards them with the most logical road map possible.
Go with what makes you feel the most at home. Go with what might allow you to work from home. Go with what encourages your talents and upholds your aptitudes. This could be a great week for your financial situation. Watch for conversations that encourage better business transactions.
This week’s cultural overtones might be more about over-indulging in holiday cheer than overdoing it at the office, but stay on the lookout for the ideas, inspirations and motivations that will help you to make the most of the upcoming year ahead.
*I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 21st) and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
This Friday’s full moon is all you. This full moon in Cancer bodes well for the stories that you wish to tell. It bodes well for being recognized for your efforts. It bodes well for the creative concoctions that only you can mix. It bodes well for you being seen.
Be as authentic as you can bear to be. It’s much more satisfying to be seen for who we really are than to being recognized for jumping through the hoops of expectation. The world needs your authenticity. The future needs it. Your relationships need it. You need it to thrive.
You’re in a process that is leading you towards relating in the realest ways possible. What have you not been able to hold your tongue about? What is still in discussion? What are you learning to communicate differently? What can you say to yourself and to others that’s the most truthful and the most forgiving? False sentiments can, for a time, buffer us against the brutality of life, but they can only serve us for so long. Your current astrological situation is asking you to be transparent, to be willing to be disliked and to be willing to like yourself a little more for your efforts of being honest.
*I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 21st) and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
This Friday’s full moon makes one thing apparent: it’s time to let loose a little or a lot. There might be a deepening desire to have cozy cuddles with the members of your clan that can cuddle you back. There might be a deep need to pull inward. There might be nothing more to do than to let yourself linger like the long shadows of winter.
There might also be a very real call to come at an old problem with a new frame of mind.
If you are getting out of town, just the moving itself can help to shake up old residue. If you are going on a trip, focus on the fun of airing yourself out. If you are staying put, take a day to visit an art gallery, museum or any other place that can transport you to other realms.
There is going to be plenty to work and rework in your business and with your projects in the coming weeks. Take this full moon as an invitation to release whatever you have been holding in 2015, even if it’s just about setting it down for a moment. Take Friday’s full moon to exit the everydayness, the mundaneness and the constants that don’t quit.
You’ll have more than enough to get back to once life commences again. You’ll have more than enough to schedule, reschedule and figure out how to schedule once this moment has past. Enjoy the pause and don’t be worried if there is more silence in it than you are used to.
*I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 21st) and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
This Friday’s full moon could have you sitting pretty with friends that feel like family or finding a way to become better friends with your actual family.
This full moon feels. It feels the need to connect. It feels the need to emote. If feels the need to tell its loved ones that it loves them. This full moon is in Cancer. In your chart, anything that moves through Cancer helps you to envision what a future utopia might be. In your chart, anything that moves through Cancer asks you who might have the same vision as you. In your chart, this full moon wants to show you all the right ways you have been building community and show you the potential for connections with friends that want to foster the kind of closeness you do.
None of us can do this life alone. Few of us can do the holidays on our own. Make plans to see the folks that nourish you most. Make an effort to tell your bffs how you feel about them. Make an effort to reach out to your community to celebrate them and all they have done this year. Make it a point to make the effort with all those that make your life the mostest. You’re on a steady diet of astro-miracle-gro that has the effect of making more of all the projects that you have on the go. Come January they’ll need a review or two, but for now think of how all you wish to accomplish couldn’t be done without the support of those that surround you as well as thinking of ways to make the most of collective efforts in the new year.
*I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 21st) and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
This Friday’s full moon pulls you out of the comforts of your internal life and has you somewhere more center stage. You might be asked to become a source of comfort and nourishment for others. You might be needed when it comes to helping folks feel comfortable. You might want to think of the ways in which you can feed the people that are around you.
This week might also be a moment of public recognition for you. There may be a way in which you are able to see the reflection of all you have worked so hard to accomplish. There may be a gift of appreciation that comes to you. There may be something that you are able to see for yourself about the work that you do in the world, how it helps, how it resists, how it persists through trying circumstances and sometimes-obscene obstacles.
There may also be something that you are working on behind the scenes that gets a financial boost. Keep it in your back pocket. Much will start to rock and roll back and forth come the New Year. We’ll all need as many plan Bs as possible. For now enjoy your moment of success and connection and take this opportunity to make strides towards being more mindful of your accomplishments so that you can actually enjoy them. There’s nothing more exhausting than never being able to appreciate what we have.
*I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 21st) and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
Friday’s full moon helps you to see your current situation in a new light. It wants to highlight beliefs that have been passed to you through generations of your families’ experiences. It might encourage you to appreciate the culture you come from while being able to look at it objectively. It aims to broaden your view. It wants you to move out into the world either by taking a trip or via a type of spiritual experience.
I suggest that you make it your business to ensure that you have rituals for this time of year that help you to feel connected to the context of the season. Winter pulls us in, but it does so to illuminate what we are and what we are capable of creating, healing and growing into. Introspection can be a protection against the nonsense we can so easily get lost in outside ourselves.
You have good reason to spend some of this week allowing yourself to go at your own pace, sorting yourself out as you need to. Seek friends out who feel the same as you. Seek friends out who can help you to remember your spiritual connection. Seek friends out that can act as a reminder of what is worth working for. Seek friends out who know down to their bones that the journey itself is the goal.
*I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 21st) and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Friday’s full moon highlights how you feel about the ways in which you are investing your emotional energy and resources with others. What are you building in partnership? Is it paying off? Is what you get out of it equal to what you put in?
It looks like it. It looks like Friday’s full moon signals a time of feeling supported by others. Friday’s full moon and the astrology that surrounds it helps you witness the unfolding of your life and the partnerships that help it along. Friday’s full moon can help you to distinguish which partnerships are nourishing and which are a little off. Psychic sell-by-dates need to be acknowledged and honored. This full moon can also help you untie a psychic knot or two when it comes to family inheritances. Don’t keep what’s gone bad.
The more that you trust this process that you are in, the more opportunities will open up for you.
The more you keep at what you are building, the more likely money is to flow your way this week. From the looks of it, you have a hankering for more than the hum-drum as it applies to your work and your way of showing up in the world. January promises a rocky ride or to and fro-ness so the more you focus on exacting the minor pieces of your plan the easier it will be to course correct if necessary.
With a growing appetite for details and getting many small tasks accomplished this shouldn’t be a problem. Allow yourself the satisfaction of these tiny triumphs; they will lead to great things down the road. Little steps are the only way for you to get a lot of ground covered. Little steps as well as a resolve to get to know your own self worth will get you further than any fast track in the coming months.
*I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 21st) and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
Happy Birthday Capricorn! This Friday’s full moon has you like, “Look I know it’s the holidays but that is no reason to forget to celebrate me!”
I agree.
Friday’s full moon pulls focus on your intimate relationships. Friday’s full moon brings your feelings about said relationships to the surface. Friday’s full moon feels all these feelings. And then some.
It’s pretty freakin’ cute to tell you the truth. It could have you (definitely wants you) experiencing the kind of emotional bonds that bring about a sense of rebirth. It has the power to help you experience the kind of romance that relaxes the mind and makes the body soften. It has the kind of sweetness that can make you supple, receptive and open to whomever you stand by, for and with in the world. It also has the power to parse those people out for you.
Relationships that have potential will definitely seem to shine brighter, helping any feelings of isolation be replaced with the possibility for a sincere reflection. It’s the kind of reflection that might rock you to your core though. It’s the kind of full moon that might have you moving or thinking of moving your home base. It’s the kind of full moon that can reveal your wishes for what could be in all of your closest relationships.
*I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 21st) and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
Friday’s full moon can help you feel accomplished at a job well done. Something that you have been working on is culminating this week, coming to a close, or getting the recognition that it deserves. Notice how that feels. Notice what it’s like to have your work received well. Notice what it’s like to have your efforts acknowledged.
The career boost doesn’t stop there however, there are other forces at work this week (even if most of us are not) that want to help you be seen or, at the very least, assisted. This assistance might come from an unknown source or might come from a source that you would least expect. Therefore remember to be open to all types of help and be willing at least to listen with curiosity to different forms of possible collaborations.
And if after everything is said and done you feel like you need to recede into the background for a moment please do so.
The month before our birthday is always a powerful one to use to get a little quieter. Before we are reborn it can be useful to pull the focus inward for a moment and take stock of what just went on and what is to come. Even though I see a lot of movement in your career in January, these next four weeks do help you do just that.
*I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 21st) and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
With Friday’s full moon in your 5th house of love and letting the good times roll and Jupiter conjoin the north node in your 7th house of intimate partnerships, your chart is lit up like a Yule tree looking for love.
What kind of connections are you hungry for?
With an emphasis on the plurality of the experience of connecting (Jupiter and the north node together can act like an appetite increaser), it might not feel all together good to be too limited to one type of relationship. While partnership agreements need to be made and honored without exception, there are as many kinds of ways to love and be loved in return as there are human beings.
Find love everywhere you go.
Find a way to love something about everyone you have the honor of being with this week. You might have to focus on the smallest detail about them, but you’ll notice that it widens your capacity to enjoy yourself no matter were you end up.
*I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 21st) and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.