*Please note that I only write about the major aspects of the week
Monday, November 2nd
Mercury enters Scorpio
Mercury has spent, like, forever in Libra due to its recent retrograde rewind. Now that the trickster is moving into the depths of Scorpio to join the sun, we’ll have a chance to communicate about issues that lie beneath the surface. Mercury in Scorpio can be a natural psychologist, always wondering what motives lie beneath our behaviors. When you start looking for reasons, you start finding them.
Venus conjoins Mars in Virgo
This is the last of three conjunctions in 2015 that have happened between these two. They are a dynamic duo often referred to as a pair of cosmic lovers. I’m not sure about all that but I do know that a Venus/Mars conjunction can be the fertilization of sorts in the area of our chart that they collide in, this time its the house that contains Virgo. This part of our chart has been hella action abundant over the past 2 months so this last drop in the pan might not be about concocting a new brew, but it is the last significant movements here for a little while so make the most of it. Virgo is really only happy when working, figuring out, cleaning out, healing, preparing or ritualizing. This combination wants us to apply ourselves and assures us of the satisfaction that will ensue when we do.
Tuesday, November 3rd
Jupiter in Virgo opposes Chiron in Pisces
Our faith, our philosophies, our outlook on life needs to be able to contain the reality of how pain factors into our lives. Life is not all good and not everything that happens has a fairytale tidy ending. Sometimes life is painful and it is about more than our own little lives. Sometimes life’s lessons demand that we have a broader world view, less magical thinking and a more discerning way of dealing with life’s ups and downs.
Thursday, November 5th
Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn
The solar principal gets gifted with a little help from the lord of the underworld. This is a day to understand the power of our intentions. Whatever we shine our light on is given the gift of our glow. Uplift with the power that you have been given. Connect to sources of clean power to refuel. Give freely of your excess and use your privilege to amplify what you wish to lend your power source to.
Friday, November 6th
Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces
Deep thoughts mixed with far our fantasies. Today is a perfect free fall of fantastic ideas and inspired conversations, ones that want to probe deeper than what might happen on the daily.
Sunday, November 8th
Venus enters Libra
Venus comes home. Venus belongs in Libra (and Taurus) and when she is here, she is happy. Connections can become stronger, more dignified, more enjoyable and a source of great pleasure. Venus will be in Libra pressure free for a moment, so enjoy the pleasant start to the month. Soon enough she’ll be joined by Mars and up against Uranus and Pluto Again, enjoy the sweetness of the beginning of her homecoming.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know your rising sign, please read it. If you don’t, read your sun sign. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both. Take what works for you, leave the rest. There is no right way to do this, it’s all just a friendly suggestion. If you find inspiration here and you want to support us feel free to make a donation. If you want to share the work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support, we really appreciate it!
Whatever you have had to rework, whatever you have had to review, whatever you were trying to understand about a love relationship or business partnership in the last month or two will be given the opportunity to work itself out in the coming weeks.
Not everything can be as immediate as we’d like it to be. Fire signs (like you) want life to go at a rapid rate. But you can’t rush the mysterious process of relating. Sometimes getting together with others offers up so much gris for the mill that we need to take it bit by bit. As we digest one aspect of what a situation means to us, the rest of the situation changes We are effected and we affect every aspect of our lives with the consciousness we bring to it. Be the one in the dynamic that is willing to think deeply, to consider courageously and to be meticulously mindful about taking care of your health and well being so that you can show up for others and the projects that you want to get off the ground in ways that make you proud.
This week offers you a last (for the time being) little push to go in the direction of your heart. One last little ignition. One last little encouraging opportunity to begin, behold and be fighting for the love relationships that wow you or the creative pursuits that inspire you.
Or both.
This week encourages you to work at what you want. This week helps you to see and hear others more clearly. This week wonders out loud how you might learn to be a better listener, a better receiver and a better encourager of information from those you are intimate with. Notice how often you ask questions and follow those questions with your attention to the answers. Develop your capacity to come to your significant partnerships with the intention to heal yourself by opening up to what they have to say.
It’s not that others will tell you something that you have never heard, it’s that if you listen you will hear things in ways you never have before. And listening deeply to someone requires that we also listen and study our reactions to them with equal if not surpassing depth.
If there was some kind of love dynamic, some kind of creative chaotic cacophony that occurred in September around how to express yourself (especially in romantic affairs), the next week may provide you with some clarity. It’s kind of like you are returning to the scene with a newfound sense of well-being, better helping you to see what is still good about the situation and what you might be ready to let go of.
Keep working at creating a stable structure to come from. Keep beautifying your boudoir. Keep bettering your home environment or making steps to find a solution to your living situation. Routines are key at the moment. So is purging from your daily chores what really needs to be delegated to someone else. Clean up your schedule. Clean out your colon. Clean your cupboards. Provide yourself with good fuel to get through your day and let go of the tasks that take up your time leaving you too tired to get to the creative projects that need your energy. Clear up your schedule so that you have a little free time to receive the creative inspiration that is necessary for your next leg of the journey.
This week may provide you with some answers to a previously confusing situation regarding your home, your family, your parent or your partner that you share your life with. We all know that you aren’t that good without a place to hang your hat. We all know that connect to family – chosen and otherwise – is an important aspect to your spiritual, mental and emotional health. We all know that when you know where and when your next meal is being served you are far less moody and far more fabulous.
Get grounded.
The time is right for you to make your home an oasis of healing and connection. The time is also right for you to be hatching your big ideas and communicating them with those you might collaborate with. The time is right for you to look at your upcoming year and wonder what you might want to conspire creating with your life.
There is magic in the written word. Especially this week. Write down what you wish to create in a home. Write down the ideas you wish to develop and delve into. Write down the types of experiences you’d like to invite into your daily life. The more you consciously, verbally construct your hopes right now, the more likely they are to be made manifest.
While most of the energy for the next couple of weeks is related to getting grounded, working on your home, homes in general and family concerns, I am still rooting for you to make magic with the money you’ve got and can get your hands on. Make more with what you have. Keep creating portals and pathways for cash to flow in through working on the things that fill you with a sense of possibility and purpose.
We each have to reclaim our capacities from the machine. We each have to stand up to the demands that society places on our lives so that we can remember who we are and what we really wish to do with our lives. We all have to decide what to do with our precious energy, otherwise it’s decided for us and we become the living dead, relentlessly starving for real life.
Feed your dreams. Do what you know you are capable of doing. Then put some money on it and do what you need to make it real.
It’s your time to win. It’s your time to come in. It’s your time to claim your space like you haven’t before. Not to dominate but to demonstrate that you value the gifts that you have been given and that you have zero fucks to give if said gifts are celebrated in the commercials at half-time.
This is a full-time gig.
Becoming you is no joke. Taking up space in a conscious way takes a willingness to be a conscientious observer of your actions and reactions. And that’s a lot like work. But work worth your while. Work worth your time. Work that will make you proud to say your own name out loud. Work that makes you resonate with yourself. Work that allows you to become a transmitter of clutter-free messages, messages that resound with appreciation for yourself and for the beauty that surrounds you. You simply have less time for bullshit, less space for what you don’t want to embrace. Less of a capacity to go along with the old ways of doing things, especially when they weren’t helping the situation.
Choices that keep us complacent become life-threateningly boring and choices that get us in the game become irresistibly life-affirming for you now. Affirm yourself.
This week your ruling planet, Venus, reenters your sign for the first time in a year. This ups your desire. This ups your magnetism. This ups your ability to manifest your meal. Therefore its important to focus on what you wish to attract.
Choose wisely.
Don’t aim for the cheap seats. Don’t try to attract what will inevitably turn out to be just another band aid. Don’t be afraid to dig deeper, through past pain, through your fears, through your fumbles to discover what would make you truly happy.
So often we move with great urgency towards what will temporarily bring us some ease, which is fine, but after a short while we realize that too much of what won’t satiate us just reminds us of how hungry we actually are. You can be, act and buy pretty but it takes a deeper self-inquiry and self-study to come up with the ways in which we can create a life that is substantive.
There is also an increased ease in your 2nd house of money. Use this week to think about how you want to make it-or better yet consider the kind of positive effect on the world that you wish to have when you make the money that you do.
Hopefully the happy birthdays are just getting started and will continue to roll out for a long time to come. You see, Scorpio, this birthday bash actually boasts all kinds of boogie-woogie. This birthday has the promise of being a party. This birthday year has the ability to bring you what you need, especially through your friends, groups and social situations.
This week in particular works you up into a fever of fantastic strength. This week you can bow to the competition while blowing them away. This week gives you a strut in your stride.
Use it for good.
Use it to advance the best parts of your plan. Use it to ask those in the know which way to go. Use it to help you herd the folks that feel most intrinsic to your plan. Also, be a fan of your fans and a cheerleader to all the soccer moms who helped you score. This situation is about more than just success. It’s about being present to your power, being in your power and being fully aware of how you tend to use your power. Start from within and you’ll feel like you can win.
With a darling new moon in your sign on November 11th, you’re filled with the graces of all that you have gotten done, worked hard for and hustled to have. Like amazing personal boundaries and a breathtaking work ethic. It’s all going to start paying off now with greater ease and bigger bonuses.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
This week is still filled with the ability to turn up the heat, turn some heads and take some names. You are suited up and slinging all kinds of sass and sauce. I urge you to present your material, your work and to take your worth seriously when you are in front of the world. What you have is invaluable, especially if you have been working your buns off in order to perfect it. It’s far from done yet, but these early imaginings are all part of your long range success. You are meant to be in the game and to change it.
This month is the perfect time to do some deep psychic and emotional clearing. Not more playing nice or tip toeing around your issues. From the looks of it you have a lot of help, a lot of hope and a lot of good reasons to dig in the dirt to understand your foundational issues. Get familiar with them. Ignoring them doesn’t make them go away. Facing them head on helps you relegate them to right size.
It’s OK to retreat a certain amount to accomplish this. This week, and much of this month, might have you feeling like you need to vacillate between going all out social and pulling all the way inward. Embrace your moments of solitude. You’re getting to know a deeper level of yourself and sometimes that means that you’ll need to move through the walls that fear has built up over time. But remember, you have bucket loads of help on the way to not only encourage an incredible healing but to assist you in all your work that happens behind the scenes.
This week brings you a bevy of bolstering conversations. This week brings you friends that find you effortlessly charming. This week brings you the kind of energy that you need to get something going with those that can help you kickstart your campaign.
It’s time to put your philosophies to the test. It’s time to bring your beliefs to life in the working world. You have the beginnings of some helpful attention coming your way this week. You have the assistance of some recent, grounded teachings to guide you. You have the social life of someone who means business and is taken seriously.
People around you want to get in your game so open up to the luck they might bring. Make yourself available for the kinds of conversations that are game changers. There is something that you able to tap into right now, something that helps you be more open, be less suspicious and be more forgiving while still keeping your wits about you. This might be good for business but it also might be good for your heart. Both are way worth the risk.
Allow yourself to see your financial life as a game that requires you to become more transparent, more vulnerable and more open. Be careful of clamming up when it comes to making coinage. Be careful of getting too in your head when you are creating a business plan. Be careful of admonishing your gut feelings and intuitive leanings if they conflict with your rational reasoning.
Money, financing and balancing budgets take all kinds of talents. What you are building right now needs more from you than just cold hard cash. It also needs deeply felt desires. It also needs meaningful methods and connections to your core values. It also needs you to do deep investigations into the nature of your fear around success.
This week can set you up with some important meetings. This week can get you into some deliciously deep conversations. This week can open you up to the kind of support that will sweep you off your feet. Prepare by remembering that your entire being is needed for the success of what is to come. Leave your heart, your passion or your deeper purpose out and it can only go so far.
This is a passionate few weeks for you. Ignitions happen on both the personal and the transpersonal levels. Sparks might fly between the sheets but they are also likely to go off in between your ears.
Your mind is ablaze with possibilities you haven’t seen the likes of in the last few years. What used to seem like a difficult task to learn now opens up to you with ease. What used to seem like a far off place now unfolds in front of you like a path begging for your footsteps. It’s your turn to explore a pursuit through pleasure instead of through demanding duties.
Learn what your heart yearns to learn. Learn about your lovers. Make a date with knowledge. Make a point of preparing yourself for a new lesson in both love and learning. You still have extra wattage in your 7th house of intimate relationships. This energy creates the kind of connections that make your whole being begin to resonate with another. This astrology creates the kind of connections that make you want to write love songs or listen to them all day long. These planets (Venus and Mars) conspire to produce the kind of connections that leave you weak in the knees but the rest of your astrology tells me that you don’t also want to be weak in your thinking. Developing our connection to a philosophical system that helps us to hold the experiences that arise when we encounter a love smack down does far more good than the romance itself. It’s what we do with our experience of the experience that counts.